
A Mostly Sleepless Night (Rayla x Reader)


(Y/N) walked through the beautiful, moonlit forest looking for her friend. 'Rayla, Rayla! You out here?' (Y/N) whisper yelled.

There was no reply as (Y/N) peaked behind the different exotic plants that Xadia seemed to be teeming with.

Three nights in a row. Three nights in a row Rayla had vanished from her room and disappeared somewhere into the night. (Y/N) of course had noticed this and had finally decided to look for her mysterious friend.

'C'mon Rayla I know you're out here somewhere' (Y/N) mumbled to herself.

She walked around for a few more minutes before hearing a slight noise from somewhere above her. (Y/N) looked up at the thick canopy of trees before spotting her friend crouched down gazing at the village bellow. Using her blades (Y/N) climbed the  large tree and approached the other elf.

'For an assassin in training you move incredibly loud. I could here you from a mile away' Rayla speaks up, interrupting the silence.

'I would hope you could hear me, I was calling your name' (Y/N) responded, taking a seat beside the other girl. 'So' (Y/N) started. 'You gonna tell me what's been bothering you?'

'I'm not supposed to tell anyone' Rayla stated.

'What?' (Y/N) asked, a little offended.

'I want to tell ya but the elders told me  to keep it a secret.

'Since when have we ever followed their dumb rules?' (Y/N) asked, elbowing Rayla playfully.

'Since it's this important of a rule' she sighed.

'Are you seriously not going to tell me?' (Y/N) said barely above a whisper, hurt evident in her voice.

The expression on (Y/N)'s face broke Rayla's heart and gave her enough of a push to tell her best friend what she had promised Runnan she wouldn't.

'It's about a potential mission'


'A dangerous one'


'Runnan is gathering a group to go to Katolis'


'Kill the king and the prince'

'Damm, no wonder you've been distant. That's a lot to take in'

'Yeah...' Rayla sighed before resting her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder. 'I haven't been getting much sleep, every time I fall asleep I dream about the mission going wrong or me screwing up somehow'

(Y/N) looked down at Rayla and could clearly see the rings under her eyes that only come from lack of sleep. (Y/N)'s heart ached at the sight of her friend being so not herself.

'It's going to be ok Rayla' (Y/N) starts, wrapping her arm around the tired girl. 'Of everyone our age you're the most ready for a mission and you're gonna be amazing no matter what'

'Thanks (Y/N), that means a lot' Rayla mumbles, snuggling into (Y/N)'s side more. 'I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a little bit'

'You sure you don't wanna go back to the village first? Sleeping in a tree isn't exactly comfortable'

'Yeah I'm sure, just wake me up in a bit'

'Alright, get some rest Rayla'

'Mhm. Love You (Y/N)'

Those words made (Y/N) tense up slightly as she stares down at the practically sleeping girl.

'I- I love you too' she mumbles into her hair but the other elf was already asleep and didn't register the words. (Y/N) sighed before leaning back against the tree trunk, dozing off into a sleep of her own.
