
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Wanda Caught in a Conspiracy

Peter, having been tripped up by the previous question, was somewhat worried about this new one. Could it also be a trap?

"Should...not be, right?" Wanda wrinkled her nose, "It's my first time encountering a multiple-choice question. In most cases, the quiz games offer single-choice questions."

"Alright, then let's choose D!"

Meanwhile, Erik thought for a moment and also believed that the correct answer should be found between C and D, except he didn't have the information clue that Wanda had, so he leaned more towards choosing C. After the countdown for answering started, he hit the answer button, successfully taking the lead this time too and making his choice.

[Team B answered incorrectly. Player Erik Lehnsherr and Player Logan Howlett both lose 4 points!]

[Congratulations to Team A for answering correctly. Player Wanda Maximoff and Player Peter Parker each gain 1 point]

After getting two questions wrong in a row, Logan couldn't help but give him a look, and Erik shrugged his shoulders: "I'm not omniscient, I can only analyze the answer based on the clues provided in the video, but clearly, both questions were beyond my expectations."

His gaze then sharpened: "But, I'll get serious from now on."

Even if he was still somewhat sceptical about this odd game, Erik's competitive spirit was strong. He felt that the reason for answering the two questions incorrectly was due to his carelessness and lack of seriousness.

After three consecutive questions, the screen finally began to play a video. In the video, Wanda woke up from the bed in her bedroom, with daylight outside. Last night, to save her husband, she had unleashed her powers, expanding the illusion of Westview further. But this outbreak also left Wanda feeling very tired, wanting to rest some more.

However, her two kids rushed over, saying their game controller had gone crazy. While playing, the controller kept flashing and changing between products from different eras, greatly affecting their performance.

Not just the controllers, Wanda noticed that the TV cabinet, sofa, and some other furniture in the house were also continuously changing. One moment they were of a modern style from the twenty-first century, and the next, they turned into antiques from the last century's seventies and eighties.

Even though Wanda used her powers to revert these changes, it didn't solve the problem. In the blink of an eye, these things would change again, clearly showing that Wanda's powers were somewhat out of control.

The problem wasn't just with these things. Last night, to save Vision, she had made significant changes to the entire illusion of Westview, causing many children in the town to disappear, along with her brother Pietro.

When the two kids asked about their uncle's whereabouts, Wanda seriously told them that the man wasn't their uncle. Faced with more questions from the two children, Wanda became even more baffled. She didn't understand what was going on with her brother, who had died and then returned, familiar yet strange.

With these developments, the pressure on Wanda grew increasingly unbearable. At this point, her neighbour Agnes came over, noticing Wanda's poor spirits and suggesting that the kids could play at her place, possibly thinking that Wanda was overwhelmed by the two mischievous children.

Of course, viewers now knew that this seemingly ordinary neighbour, Agnes, was actually a deeply hidden mastermind, but the video's Wanda was completely unaware of this. Indeed, she was a bit overwhelmed by the two children and immediately agreed, allowing Agnes to take the kids away.

Alone, Wanda felt slightly relieved, but she still noticed the problem of the illusion going out of control becoming more severe. At this moment, looking at the camera, she asked with a puzzled look, "Why is everything collapsing, why can't I control these?"

The audience was stunned for a moment, feeling as if the video's Wanda was communicating with them directly. Even more surprisingly, a voice suddenly emerged from the video, "Do you think this is what you deserve?"

"What's happening?" Wanda in the video appeared very astonished, "Why are you talking?"

The audience outside the screen was also amazed. If this future video of Wanda was indeed part of a movie or TV show, then Wanda, as a character in the drama, seemed to have broken the fourth wall, directly interacting with the viewers outside.

Bruce said with a grave expression, "Wanda's powers are beginning to spiral out of control, and the mastermind behind this should be about to step forward. Perhaps this is exactly what they wanted to see!"

Stephen Strange was more focused on Agnes, "Did you notice the badge hanging on Agnes's clothes? That badge looks familiar to me... I feel like I've seen it somewhere before, let me think."

Tony, curious, asked, "How's Vision doing? He was saved by Wanda but hasn't returned home. What happened in between?"

The video on the screen quickly provided an answer; Vision woke up from the lawn, surrounded by a circus, whereas just before last night's expansion of the illusion, this place was a forward base set up by the Sword. The agents of the Sword had all become circus members, not only changing their attire but also their thoughts and consciousness completely. Daisy was among them.

He still remembered what happened last night, so he recognized Daisy at first glance, as she was the only one in the Sword base willing to lend a hand when he was on the verge of collapse last night.

Vision took action to awaken Daisy's consciousness, and the two temporarily teamed up to drive away in a circus performance car, hurrying home. Along the way, he also fully learned about his past life memories from Daisy, including his love story with Wanda.

However, their car always encountered obstacles and had to stop after not driving for long. Vision suspected that Wanda was intentionally blocking him, and during this period, like Wanda, Vision seemed to have broken the fourth wall and started interacting with the audience outside the video.

Finally, unable to bear the slow speed of the car, he simply flew away, while at the same time, outside Westview town, the Sword was also making final preparations. Tyler Hayward, despite continuous failures, became more determined, deciding to launch a total attack on Wanda in the illusion soon.

Obviously, he was hiding a secret weapon, and on Monica's side, she also got her hands on the Sword's top-secret information, roughly guessing Tyler Hayward's conspiracy plan. This ambitious director of the Sword Bureau planned to revive the deceased Vision, no, to create a war machine devoid of self-thought.

But with their level of scientific research, they obviously couldn't achieve this, so they deliberately lured Wanda, wanting to use Wanda's hand to 'revive' Vision!

Poor Wanda had actually been kept in the dark all along!