
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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The Justice League's first action was a bit anticlimactic, but it was still rewarding.

"It seems that the Joker is going out to make trouble again... the situation is a bit complicated, let's go back and talk about it."

The group returned to Wayne Manor first. They had to deal with a lot of things. The top priority was to prevent the mother box from any accident and the arrival of Steppenwolf.

But before that, it is the family affairs of the Justice League members that have to be resolved.

Just as Bruce Wayne wants the housekeeper to take a vacation in another world, Clark Kent also wants his mother and girlfriend to take refuge.

"Fortunately, there is a dimensional door. you just rely on a door." Tony Stark spread his hands, "Moreover, our world is also facing a population explosion, and it can't accommodate another 7 billion humans"

Steve Rogers said: "We should also go back. S.H.I.E.L.D. is still clearing the remnants of Hydra and needs our help."

Bruce nodded: "Thank you very much for your help, as I said before, we can keep watch and help each other."

"I hope there will never be that day." Tony shrugged. "For now, the trouble you have here is much greater than ours."

Both of their worlds are also facing the crisis of alien invasion, but Marvel has already solved the leader of the Chitauri army not long ago, and it is temporarily safe.

On the Batman and Superman side, the alien enemies' deals are stronger.

Steve also said that if there is a need in the future, they are willing to come and help. After all, it is not a waste of time. The rescue mission this time is almost like a trip. It is very easy to get a lot of points.

The Dimensional Door opened, and the Avengers and the Clark Kent family all went to the Marvel World.

Bruce suggested that Clark temporarily send his family to another world, just as Peter Parker placed his uncle and aunt, at least to escape the crisis.

If it were not for the butler's firm attitude, Bruce also hoped that Alfred would follow.

Lois and Martha are very wise. They have just experienced a shocking kidnapping, and they know that they have become the weakness of Superman, so for the good of everyone, they chose to cooperate.

Clark wants to accompany them to find a place to live in Marvel World and come back in a few days. Anyway, there is a dimensional door and a team channel. If they encounter a problem that is difficult to solve, they can directly notify him to come back.

"Well, I have to go to Paradise Island, too."

After sending away the Avengers, Diana also leaves. She has to go back and help the tribe to deploy the line of defense against the mother box. It will probably take a while to come back.

Bruce Wayne suggested that the mother boxes of the three races should be managed uniformly, but Diana refused.

The Amazons have kept the mother box for so many years. Of course, they believe that the mother box is the safest in their hands. Even if the future is exposed by the quiz game.

now that they see the future, they also feel that they can take targeted defensive measures and will not repeat the tragic situation in the video.

Diana said: "Seriously, Bruce, you should find the mother box of your humans and Atlantis first, and then send it to Paradise Island. This is the safest way."

Bruce was silent, he didn't even see a mother box now.

Flash made a suggestion, "Why don't we send the mother box to the world of Iron Man? Maybe it can be sent to Peter. Only Bruce can open the dimensional door, even if only one is sent, then Steppenwolf absolutely Can't make up the three mother boxes!"

Diana nodded, "This is a good way, but believe me, Paradise Island can protect the mother box, you can consider sending the other two mother boxes to another world."

After speaking, she did not delay and left directly back to Paradise Island.

Bruce Wayne and the Flash split up and went to find the missing Victor. For the time being, the mother box kept by Atlantis was not considered. The other mother box kept by humans is likely to be on Victor's body.

Bruce got the news that the mother box was originally in the official laboratory and was lost some time ago, obviously related to Victor.

But after two days there was no clue, and the metropolis was in chaos again. Because Superman was temporarily out on vacation, a criminal gang came into the city, very arrogant, and also focused on the wreck of the Kryptonian spacecraft.

Bruce knew the value of the wreck of the Krypton spacecraft, so he rushed to the metropolis, and the task of finding Victor was handed over to Barry.

According to clues, Batman found the research institute where the Krypton spacecraft is located. After the video of the quiz game exposed many shots of the Krypton spacecraft, the official realized the value of the spacecraft's wreckage, strengthened the protection, and also shifted the research location.

But it seems that it's still being spotted by criminals with malicious intent.

With the help of the darkness, Bruce Wayne hid in a tall building and quietly looked in the direction of the institute. He keenly felt that the situation was not quite right.

A series of clues, seems like bait, deliberately luring him here.

"Who is luring me? Joker, or Lex Luther?"

The safer approach is to leave temporarily and then notify Clark to come back, but Bruce did not do so.

No matter who the person behind the scenes is, he is likely to have caught Superman's time when he's not in the metropolis. The institute is like a trap. Bruce decided not to startle the snake and go in and investigate.

Even if something went wrong, he could open the Dimensional door at any time and summon Superman to help.

What's more, he is no longer what he used to be!

At the same time, inside the wreckage of the Krypton spacecraft, Lex Luther looked at the ugly sarcoma in the pool, with a triumphant smile on his face: "Joker, do you know that humans always do this, even if they see it? In the future, they will not learn any lessons!"

The sarcoma in the pool was stirring like a heart, and the monster bred in it was about to emerge.

The Joker licked his lips, "Interesting, Superman is not there, who can fight this monster? Can Batman fight it?"

"Haha, if he dares to come here, he will be dead!"

Luther made a gesture and turned and walked out.

He has already seen from the video that Doomsday is an uncontrolled monster. Now that the preparations have been completed, naturally, he will not stay here, lest the monsters come out and kill him first.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt weak and fell to the ground without standing still.

Joker walk forward and squatted in front of him with a grin, with a nervous smile on his face: "There will only be one Batman in the world, just like there is only one Joker. Luther, you have created an amazing monster, and you will become that monster's first prey, enjoy it."

author :" feww~~, damn it that was hard but finally I am free thank for giving me–*cough* *cought* kidnappers your precious power stones now I am free hhhhhhhh."

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