
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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The Final Question

The situation on the battlefield was ever-changing, from the unity of the Avengers against the alien forces of Thanos to the subsequent struggle among themselves for the Infinity Gauntlet.

It was extremely tense, and people couldn't even blink their eyes.

Especially when Thanos obtained the Infinity Gauntlet, the atmosphere reached its peak of tension.

Whether it was the ordinary viewers, the characters like Thanos from the videos, or even powerful beings like Doctor Strange, Odin, and others, they were all completely focused on this moment.

As they watched Thanos in the video about to Snap his fingers again, it seemed like the Avengers' efforts might be in vain.

With a loud bang, Carol Danvers arrived just in time!

Captain Marvel didn't disappoint; she rushed in, grabbing Thanos's right hand wearing the gauntlet, prying open his fingers. Her strength was such that it almost broke Thanos's fingers!

Thanos realized that brute force wasn't working too well, so he resorted to a familiar move, a headbutt.

Previously, he had used this move to send Thor flying. Keep in mind that Thor is a god, yet he couldn't withstand Thanos's headbutt. This demonstrated how powerful it was.

With a loud "thud"!

It was certainly a loud impact, but Carol Danvers remained expressionless, not moving her head an inch. Thanos's headbutt seemed to hit an impenetrable mountain.

His expression showed astonishment.

Captain Marvel seized this opportunity to counter with pure strength, slowly bending Thanos's arm. If it weren't for the protection of the Infinity Gauntlet, she might have been able to snap his fingers off!

And just at that moment, the video ended.

Scott Lang couldn't help but curse, "Shit, it's always like this, can't it let us finish watching? I was so nervous I couldn't even breathe. Can Captain Marvel defeat Thanos?"

Natasha Romanoff sighed, "She's truly superhuman. If Nick had called her for help earlier, maybe we wouldn't have gone through all this trouble."

Steve Rogers pondered, "Don't be too optimistic. Do you remember Tony and Strange's conversation earlier? Strange has seen over a million possible futures, and there's only one where we win against Thanos!"

Scott Lang nodded, "That madman is indeed formidable, but I believe we can defeat him in the future!"

"Of course," Steve Rogers said, "From this video, we can see that Thanos and his army are not invincible. Our first battle with him was due to a lack of necessary information."

Natasha Romanoff mused, "The most crucial factor is still the Infinity Stones. If Thanos gets hold of them, it will be hard to stop him."

At this moment, the screen also displayed the score. After this series of questions, Team B, led by Captain America, Black Widow, and Ant-Man, was leading with 20 points.

Team A, with Iron Man, Thor, and Nebula, had 18 points and was in second place.

The gap between the two teams was small. While Team A initially struggled due to a lack of unity, resulting in many wrong answers, they caught up later, and it was a neck-and-neck situation.

Tony Stark raised an eyebrow, "Steve's team is in the lead, but it's okay. We're only 2 points behind. We just need to answer the next question correctly to win!"

Thor rubbed his hands, "Since joining this game, I haven't won much. Can I finally experience the taste of the mysterious reward this time?"

Tony Stark glanced at him and nodded, "Winning the game is simple, just follow my lead and don't mess up!"

Then he turned to Nebula and asked, " Nebula, were you with Thanos before entering here?"

"No, I was pursuing Gamora."Nebula had gradually begun to trust them, thanks to the future videos showing her resisting Thanos. Thus, she didn't hide anything and shared what had transpired during this period. Although she wasn't currently with Thanos, she had contingency plans in place.

If it weren't for the quiz game's unexpected selection of her as a player, she might not have been free and could have faced retribution from Thanos. After all, the future videos from the quiz game had already revealed her rebellion as an inevitable outcome.

Upon hearing this, Tony Stark said, "You need to win this game even more. Winning means you can achieve your freedom!"

Nebula nodded, "I understand."

Tony Stark was satisfied, thinking that guiding these two strong-willed individuals to victory in the game would be a significant accomplishment.

At that moment, the player rankings on the display slowly disappeared, and a solemn, resounding voice echoed in every player's ears.

[The final question of this round is about to begin. All players, prepare]

Hearing this, both Team A, led by Iron Man, and Team B, led by Steve Rogers, readied themselves.

[Among the following options, who was the third person who snapped his fingers?]

[A: Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers

B: Thanos

C: Thor Odinson

D: Iron Man/Tony Stark.]

Thor hesitated and scratched his head, "Well, Tony, what do you think"

He had initially wanted to say the answer was 'C,' referring to himself. However, after recalling previous setbacks, he decided to choose more carefully. Tony Stark furrowed his brow, gazed at the display, and after a moment of contemplation, said, "Let me think..."

On the other side, Team B was also discussing.

Scott Lang spoke first, "Uh, I think we can first rule out option B because we all believe we'll win that final battle against Thanos, right?"

Natasha Romanoff nodded, "Of course, you're right. Among the remaining three options... it's not easy to choose."

Steve Rogers contemplated, "The Infinity Gauntlet has a strong side effect, so the person who can Snap while wearing the gauntlet must have exceptional physical qualities. When Doctor Banner snapped it, he fainted from the pain... So, I think we can also rule out Tony, especially because he can't rely on his suit's assistance to handle the Infinity Stones' power."

It was well known that without the Iron Man suit, Tony Stark was just an ordinary human. It was clear that he wouldn't be able to withstand the pressure of the Infinity Stones.

Scott Lang and Natasha Romanoff agreed with Captain America's reasoning.