
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs


When Bruce thought of letting the Hulk to test the upper limit of Saiyan bloodline, he also made second-hand preparations.

If he can directly rely on his strength to defeat the Hulk, of course it is best, if not, it will come in handy.

Under the dual stimulation of the special anesthetic and electric shock device, Dr. Banner finally found his sanity. He rolled aside, gradually shrinking in size and returning to his normal character.

But his body is still twitching constantly.

Bruce got up with his hands on the ground, took out the handcuffs with the bat logo from behind and handcuffed Dr. Banner.

"You know, if it wasn't for me to take the medicine, you would definitely be beaten to death by him!" Dr. Banner coughed weakly.

"Perhaps." Bruce shrugged. "But if it were me, no one would be killed."

Hulk was subdued, and the mission was successfully completed.

After the negotiations between Tony and General Rose were over, he arranged a private jet to pick up Bruce and the Hulk and rushed to the secret hideout of director fury.

Since the last video exposed the existence of the Hydra spy in S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury has not returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Building.

The high-level agents in elevator are all hydra spies.who know how much the S.H.I.E.L.D. Building was infiltrated?

As an experienced spy agent, Nick Fury also prepared many safe houses.

he was hiding in a remote apartment building right now.

When Bruce and Tony brought Dr. Banner, who was restricted in movement, to the door, they saw Thor holding a bag of potato chips and watching TV on the sofa, and kept shouting.

"Wow, it seems that our Thor has come out of the blow."

Tony pushed Banner and slammed at Thor: "He is the Hulk who smashed you like a ragdoll, how about it? Are you interested in another fight? Wash the shame?"

"Is he the Hulk?" Thor stood up suddenly, and then accidentally knocked his head on the wall ornaments, grinning in pain.

"No, I am Banner!" Dr. Banner shook his head.

Nick Fury frowned, "Dr. Banner is also a member of the Avengers!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Dr. Banner felt baffled, "What Avengers?"

"Don't tell me, you didn't watch yesterday's live broadcast?"

Tony thought he was acting stupid, and pointed to Thor, who was staring at him, and said, "You have become a popular character now, and many people call you the modern Hercules Because you defeated a god, oh no, you should have bullied a god... I have to say, you are much stronger than Hercules at this point! "

Thor finally couldn't help but jumped out, glaring at Dr. Banner, "I want to fight you! Bet on the glory of the warrior!"

"Don't do this, it's unfair." Bruce shook his head, "I'm afraid he can kill you with one punch, Thor."

They all know that Thor, the current Thor, is just a mortal body. Before he got the hammer, he was just an ordinary person with a slightly stronger strength.

Dr. Banner still looked at Thor blankly, "I still don't understand what you said..."

"Dr. Banner is indeed unaware. He has been hiding from the pursuit of General Rose." Nick Fury relieved him. "After seeing the powerful power of the Hulk in the video, General Rose speeded up the capture plan!"

Then, he personally untied Dr. Banner's handcuffs and looked at him with one-eye, "Dr. Banner, we need your help!"

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters is completely unreliable now. The only thing the director fury can trust now is the Avengers that was just created.

"What?" Dr. Banner smirked, "What is the difference between you and General Rose, they all want the uncontrolled power in me."

Nick Fury thought that if Romanoff was asked to recruit him, it would have done twice the result with half the effort, but it was a pity that both Natasha and Agent Coulson were sent by him to find Captain America.

"Hey, you promised to help me find the hammer!" Thor also expressed his dissatisfaction at this time. He felt that by retrieving the hammer and restoring the power of Thor, he would be able to wash away the shame.

He didn't want to go back to Asgard before he couldn't get down on the Hulk. It was too shameful!

As long as he think about the video of himself being beaten up, and it also has been seen by


Thor can't help but feel uncomfortable.

"Is your hammer so important?" Tony curled his lips and asked nick fury. "Is there any news about the Winter Soldier?"

Nick Fury wiped his face with both hands, and shook his head helplessly: "Don't worry, there are many things, but we have to solve them one by one!"

According to his plan, because he would take Dr. Banner first, and then go to help Thor get the hammer, he can directly enhance the strength of the Avengers and accumulate hidden cards for the follow-up fight with Hydra .

Tony obviously doesn't agree with this. If Jarvis hadn't found valuable information for a long time, he could not wait to find the Winter Soldier to avenge his father.

After a lot of noise, Nick Fury tried his best to speak and finally persuading them all temporarily, and decided to help Thor get the hammer first.


The next day, New Mexico.

Mjölnir landed near a small town, and the landing point had been controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, who thoughtfully built a big house for the hammer.

Nick Fury, surrounded by members of the Avengers, entered this temporarily built research institute without a hassle.

The staff member who rushed up to them , "What's the matter with the woman outside?"

When they came, a woman outside the institute was making noises, saying that all her research materials had been taken away.

"Director, that's just a little trouble." The S.H.I.E.L.D. agent shrugged his shoulders, with a perfunctory tone and attitude.

Nick stared at him with one-eyed eyes for a while. is he a Hydra spy?

"Very good!" He remembered the face of the senior agent, and then pushed him away.

all of them came to the hammer, Thor muttered to himself: "My hammer, my hammer..."

Thor was accompanied by others to pick up the hammer, but he couldn't pick it up. Even if he tried his best, his favorite hammer didn't move.

sat on the ground as if lost his soul.

He just tried again, but still failed to pick up the hammer.

Thor had been hit hard, and now his mood was extremely low.

Nick Fury secretly took advantage of the opportunity and convinced Thor to join the Avengers

"Let me try it." Bruce got interested and walked forward.

"Hehe...Do you know what this is?" Thor squinted at him, "Mjölnir! Only i can hold it!"