
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Batman Beats Doomsday

Batman assumes the classic Superman pose, flying into the sky! This made the officers and soldiers look at each other with shock.

"Can anyone tell me why Batman can fly?"

Lex Luther and Deathstroke, who were watching the battle from a distance, felt that things were not quite right now, and hurried to catch up.

Bruce Wayne felt the power rushing in his body and finally felt the feeling of flying like Superman. Since he got the Saiyan bloodline, he felt like he had begun to grow in reverse.

He has passed middle age, and his body functions are increasing at a speed like a bullet train every day. This is a feeling that Bruce Wayne has never experienced.

Every morning when he opens his eyes, he knows that he is much stronger today than he was yesterday.

Saiyan bloodline is indeed the golden reward given by the quiz game, and the improvement it brings is too great. Two days ago, he felt that he had gone through another qualitative change, so he had this kind of flying ability like Superman!

"Now I just want to find an opponent to fight!"

"This is not quite right... Is it because the Saiyan bloodline has also brought about a change in my ideology?"

Bruce Wayne watched Doomsday jump to a high tower, and his eyes revealed a frenzied fighting spirit. At this moment, he has put his reason behind and just wants to have a painful battle!


After Batman pulled into the distance, he flew directly and kicked in the face of Doomsday!

The size difference between the two sides is very obvious. In front of the behemoth, Bruce Wayne is like a dwarf.

But when he kick, he produced a harsh sonic boom!

There was a big depression in the doomsday's face, and then it flew out directly, it collided with a suspension bridge and fell into the river and splashed with a large amount of water.

It's hard to imagine that such a small body as a human, has such a huge power burst!

This made the onlookers feel unbelievable. Lex Luther stared at Batman suspended in the night and muttered to himself: "I was fooled. Is Batman pretending to be Superman?"

In their expectation, it's just ordinary people's Batman encountering Doomsday.

After the quiz game ended, Batman's popularity dropped significantly.

After all, compared with the Flash who saves the world, the self-sacrificing Superman, the heroic Wonder Woman, and the domineering Aquaman, Batman looks ordinary and even a little out of place.

So when doomsday came to reality, people didn't expect Batman to stand up but were praying for Superman to appear or for other members of the Justice League to take action.

No one thought that Batman could contend with doomsday in hard power!

"I'm not mistaken? Is this still Batman? Why can Batman fly in the sky like Superman?"

"Bats can fly, so Batman can also fly. Isn't that reasonable?"

"I just want to know, why the quiz gams exposed Doomsday but still allow this mon. ter to appear? Is the official doing nothing, this is stupid!"

The battlefield moved from the suburbs to the city, and the noise was not small. Few people could sleep at this moment, and they all began to evacuate.

In the god's fight, mortals suffer, and the video exposed by the quiz game can also be seen clearly.

Even if Superman finally defeated Doomsday and died with this monster, the aftermath of their battle caused great damage to the entire city. don't know how many innocent ordinary people have died?

Under the attention of everyone, the river exploded, doomsday roared and jumped out, and launched a charge toward Batman in the sky, trying to tear this tiny ant to pieces directly!

However, just as he was about to hit Batman, the ants in front of him suddenly disappeared.

and appear in front of him and punch so hard that Doomsday lost his footing and smash into the ground. Before he could get up, Batman appeared beside him quietly, raising his foot with a blow to the face, he was thrown into the river again.

Although Bruce Wayne was full of fighting spirit at this moment, he did not completely lose his mind. He learned the lessons from Superman and the Doomsday battle and deliberately controlled the angle to limit the aftermath of the battle as much as possible.

At the same time, he flew toward the remote suburbs, and Doomsday jumped out of the river was attracted by hatred, and pursued Batman.

The two sides fought head-on-head in the chase. It was obvious that Batman's strength and speed were not weaker than Doomsday. The only thing missing was that he did not have a Superman body of steel and could not handle several beatings.

But Batman can teleport, and he can always move away one second before the monster attacks him. This is the ability from space gem!

With space gem coupled with the powerful fighting power conferred by the Saiyan bloodline, Bruce Wayne is almost invincible in existence, anyway, he can teleport and escape if he can't be beaten to doomsday.

Batman teleports continuously in the night, and at the same time launches rounds of attacks on Doomsday. This monster roared again and again, but he could only furiously roar.

Until now, it has not been able to touch Batman's cloak.

Although it can be seen that Doomsday can't touch Batman, Batman can't kill this monster either.

Lex Luther's mentality collapsed, "Why? Isn't he just an ordinary person? Why can he beat doomsday!?"

The Deathstroke also felt bad, "This is not the Batman I remember... Frankly speaking, he is more difficult than Superman!"

The ability to teleport is a big BUG. Even if Doomsday is strong, he won't be able to touch Batman, let alone kill Batman.

"Haha... it's okay, the Doomsday will continue to evolve, and Batman is not an opponent!" Lex Luthor could only comfort himself in this way.

His mentality exploded. First, he was betrayed by the Joker, and now by Batman. If Superman can resist Doomsday, it is acceptable, but on what basis can Batman do it?

In the video exposed in the quiz game, doomsday made the three giants of the Justice League embarrassed, and in the end, he even killed Superman killed.

But now only Batman alone can beat this monster around.

Author: "*cought* guys my shower is broken but I need a shower badly so I thought why not you guys shower me with your power stones" (°_°) «Gentalman smile»

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