
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Batman's Unfair Play

Thanos held Gamora hostage, sensing that the Time Stone was with Doctor Strange. He demanded the Stone's surrender.

Doctor Strange wisely didn't hand it over. However, Thanos had a surprise up his sleeve. He created an illusion with the Reality Stone, setting a trap. This situation became dangerous.

Facing Thanos, who now possessed both the Power and Reality Stones, Doctor Strange didn't immediately attack. Instead, he stalled for time and signalled Star-Lord and the others not to act rashly.

"Thanos, listen," Doctor Strange began, "I admit there's some truth to your idea of universal balance. But why must innocent lives be sacrificed to maintain it? Why not think about unlimited resources?"

This statement made Thanos pause. Gathering all six Infinity Stones and then having unlimited resources? It seemed like an intriguing alternative. However, after years of ruthless killings, Thanos had formed his obsession.

He looked at Stephen Strange and said, "You're naive, Earthling. Resource scarcity leads to imbalance, suffering, and ultimately destruction. But unlimited resources would also create problems! People would lose their drive to progress, and life would regress into its most basic form. To maintain universal balance, my way is the most suitable! But you, though somewhat naive, are better than some fools. Would you join me in this great endeavour?"

This proposition left Stephen Strange astonished. He had only casually spoken to buy time, and now Thanos was trying to recruit him? It was absurd.

Thinking quickly, Strange continued to stall, "No, you're too extreme in your thinking. With unlimited resources, civilizations could advance further."

As he spoke, he kept an eye on the ongoing battle outside. Superman and Captain Marvel were slowly approaching their ship despite the overwhelming forces against them.

Both possessed the ability to singlehandedly take on massive spaceships and were nearly indestructible. To Thanos, these two unexpected players were no laughing matter. He had been shaken when they had saved the Asgardian refugee ship earlier.

Despite realizing that Doctor Strange was trying to delay him, Thanos, who still had two Infinity Stones in his grasp, didn't seem concerned about these newcomers.

Confident that nothing in the universe could stop him, Thanos interrupted Doctor Strange, "Enough, Earthling. You don't need to waste more words. You face a simple choice: submission or annihilation."

He tightened his grip on Gamora's hand, causing her pain. Star-Lord, Drax, and Mantis couldn't stand by and shouted in anger, but Doctor Strange gestured for them to hold back.

Doctor Strange was convinced that Thanos wouldn't kill Gamora. She was not only his adoptive daughter but also a key to acquiring the Soul Stone. Regardless of the situation, Thanos wouldn't harm her.

Gamora herself said, "Don't worry about me. Let him kill me!"

"Gamora..." Peter Quill's eyes were red, he pointed both guns at Thanos, and vowed: "I won't let anyone hurt you!"

Doctor Strange then gestured to them, "Do you want the Time Stone? Look here!"

He reached into the void and conjured the green Time Stone. It immediately drew Thanos's attention.

At this moment, a portal suddenly materialized behind him, followed by a figure who swiftly dashed forward, landing a powerful punch to the back of Thanos' head.


A muffled noise resonated, and a visible shockwave rippled out from the impact, resembling an oncoming hurricane. Peter Quill and the others instinctively squinted and reached out their hands to steady themselves.

The unexpected turn of events caught Thanos off guard. He had not anticipated the sheer force behind the punch, causing him to be forcefully propelled and flattened against the wall.

Electricity crackled, and even Star-Lord's ship trembled as if it might be pierced through.


Star-Lord rushed to Gamora's side, holding her in his arms. He saw a black cape fluttering nearby.

"Bruce, you came just in time."

Stephen Strange shook his head and sighed: "If it were any later, I wouldn't know what to talk about with Thanos."

The man who suddenly appeared and punched Thanos away was none other than Batman!

When they fell into Thanos' trap, Superman notified Bruce Wayne immediately, and Batman immediately activated a backup plan.

He instructed Superman, Captain Marvel, and Doctor Strange to search for the Reality Stone. Batman had the Space Stone from a previous encounter, allowing him to reach any location instantly.

"Clark, you and Carol destroy Thanos's ship and prepare to retreat!" Bruce Wayne ordered, acknowledging Doctor Strange and his team while managing the situation through their communication channel.