
Prince of Sentinels

Do you like magic? Yes? Do you like advanced technology? Yes? Do you like fascinating and unique worlds? Yes? Do you possibly like steampunk? Not sure? Well, then give it a try. Set in a steampunk world, our lovely main character transmigrated into a body named Silas von Sterling. Encountering challenge after challenge, he struggles to adjust to this new world, while also trying to figure out what exactly his previous body had been up to before dying. Illegal drugs? Illegal tech? Illegal connections? Getting kicked and banned from one of the most prestigious academies in the country? So, hey, give my book a shot and I promise my world will captivate you! Extra Tags - Steampunk, Unique System, Aether, Magic, Magic Evolution, Quests, Mystical Creatures, Mystery, Intruiging World, Science and Sorcery, Transcendence, Innovation, World-Building, Enchanted Academies, Character Development The cover is not mine. if you are the artist and would like it taken down, plz dm me

stickbUg · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Illegal Fight Club

Magicians, sometimes known as Steamcasters are skilled individuals in this world who have mastered the intricate art of Mechamagic, a unique fusion of steam technology and traditional spellcasting. These practitioners harness the power of steam and steam-enhanced glyphs, which are etched into their bodies, to perform various magical feats. 

These steam-controlling Magicians come from a variety of backgrounds and classes, each specializing in a specific aspect of Mechamagic, such as elemental manipulation, construct creation, temporal authority, communication, healing, disruption, alchemy, and the environment. They may wear specialized attire that often reflects their chosen field, and their clothing may incorporate symbols, motifs, and designs related to their particular specialization. 

Steamcasters are highly skilled and trained in the use of steam-casting gauntlets or other steam-conducting devices, enabling them to manipulate and direct the flow of steam to create their magical effects. 

When you think of gauntlets, you think of these big clunky weapons that are used to smash and pound, but these are more fit to the hand. Think of them more as gloves with a bit of amber chunk

These adept individuals are highly sought after for their unique abilities, and they play a crucial role in this world's society and culture. Whether it's in combat, construction, healing, communication, or a multitude of other applications, Steamcasters are central figures in the steampunk-inspired world, where the fusion of steam technology and magic has created a realm of endless possibilities and wonder.


Although, some of these wonders aren't so grand. 






Ding! Ding! Ding!

A bell rang, singing off the end of the round, allowing both contestants to back into their opposing corners of the caged octagon. Their coaches sprayed some water in their systems, whether that be their mouths or the literal technology cut into their flesh. 

Ding! Ding! Ding!

It had only been half a minute, but the crowd was thirsty for even more blood, so the bell for the second round had been tolled. The two were completly exhausted, bloodied, bruised, cut, burned, but they still pushed through, letting out a short holler to hype themselves up. 

"The one on the right is somebody we call an Aquanot. The one on the left is an Infernician. A good match due to their opposing qualities," Glover explained while Silas behind him looked up into the cage with roaming pupils. Glover slightly chuckled at this sight. "Boy, you wanna fight?" 

"Huh? Oh, no I'm good…" Silas immediately brushed him off before now really paying attention. The second round had just begun .

The Aquanot channeled steam through the watery glyphs etched within her steam-casting gauntlets. The intricate aqueduct-like system within her gauntlets allowed her to manipulate the state of steam, transforming it into water or ice. 

So, with precise control, she condensed steam into a frigid torrent that burst forth from her gauntlets. The water flowed with a shimmering brilliance, surrounding her in a protective barrier. It was an intricately woven defense against the Infernician's fiery attacks.

The Infernician, on the other hand, used the brass vents integrated into his steam-casting gauntlets to superheat steam with fire-themed glyphs. With a flick of his wrist, he channeled the scorching steam into a fiery sphere, which he deftly manipulated with the vents to create a blazing dance of flames. In a calculated move, he sent a searing fireball hurling toward the Aquanot. It was a display of precision and control, seeking to disrupt her water-based defense.

The Aquanot, her attire adorned with watery symbols and hues, showed remarkable agility as she deftly manipulated her water barrier. She guided the cascading water to collide with the incoming fireball, causing a dramatic hiss and sizzle as the two elements clashed. Steam hissed and enveloped the arena.

Meanwhile, the Infernician adjusted his steam vents to produce a scalding, smokescreen-like effect. The billowing steam cloud concealed his movements as he closed the distance between them. And with an impressive acrobatic maneuver, he unleashed a series of fire-wrought punches, aiming to pierce through the Aquanot's defense.

The Aquanot responded with finesse, evoking the water within her barrier to weave a liquid wall that thwarted the Infernician's fiery onslaught. In a breathtaking display of control, she created ice spikes within her barrier and sent them spiraling toward her opponent, their sharp edges instantly closing in from all directions. 

The Infernician was quick to respond. He employed his fire vents to create a searing, protective wall of flames. The ice spikes met the wall and melted into harmless water droplets, the steam further obscuring the arena.

With the mechanized arena still shrouded in steam and mist, the Aquanot and the Infernician transitioned from their mesmerizing elemental display to a fierce hand-to-hand martial arts battle. It was an all-out clash of steam, water, and fire, each Steamcaster utilizing their unique abilities to gain the upper hand.

The Infernician, with fiery determination, lunged forward with a scorching kick, aiming to land a searing blow on the Aquanot. But she was no less skilled. The Aquanot evoked her water-enhanced agility and fluidly dodged the attack, retaliating with a fluid motion of her own.

Her leg spun around in a high, graceful kick, carrying with it a spiraling current of icy water. The kick struck the Infernician's chest with force, and the cold ice left a numbing, frostbitten mark where it made contact. His attire bore the signs of the freeze burn, ice crystals forming on his boiler suit.


The Infernician staggered back, briefly disoriented, but he quickly regained his composure. Steam hissed as he infused his gauntlets with blazing power. He unleashed a barrage of flaming punches, each strike leaving a scorching, blistering mark on the Aquanot's water-imbued attire. And with each attack revisiting most of the same areas, even her skin began to feel the searing effect. 


In response, the Aquanot expertly employed her water manipulation skills to deflect the fiery strikes before rushing and applying some cool icy cold water on approximately most of her burns. Her body then moved with almost ethereal grace, flowing like water itself as she slipped through the gaps in the Infernician's offensive onslaught.

With a calculated move, the Aquanot performed a series of precise punches and kicks, delivering blows that harnessed the power of water and ice. Each hit left behind a brutal cut, bruises, and frosty burns, reminiscent of a fierce storm's wrath. The Infernician bore the wounds with determination, his attire bearing the scorch marks and ice shards.

Both were breathing heavily, sweat dripping from every cell of their body. Not only was the fight seriously intense, but the heat was beginning to stir up their sweat glands, relaxing them to their max. 




Ding! Ding! Ding!

Both had been saved by the bell, their opponent being the bloodthirsty crowd. They were all disappointed by the bell, but couldn't say much else as they were bound to stay for the next round. That's just how desperate for excitement they were. 

'So many different people. So many different accents. This place must be popular across the globe.' Silas thought to himself, only for Glover to step in, seemingly reading his mind. 

"You must be thinking about all these people. We're quite well known across the globe… well, within the underworld at least. Rich, poor, no matter the man or woman, they come here for excitement that they can't get anywhere else."

"How have you not been arrested then?" 

"We got ways… oh, also, ask your implant thing about Aquanots and Infernicians. I don't feel like explaining it, but it isn't just some magic." 

"Does this implant thing have a name?" The boy asked before rolling up his sleeve. 

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Body Modification: System Connector II]

[Brand: Gov Gadgets]

[Main Source of Energy: Amber Aether]

[Description: The System Connector, an ingenious creation that marries the intricate aesthetics of steampunk with the boundless knowledge of a restricted database. This device, seamlessly integrated your arm, serves as a direct link to a hidden repository of information. Its brass and cogwork components are visible through a transparent panel, harmoniously functioning like the gears of a complex timepiece. Powered by steam and clockwork mechanisms, the System Connector offers immediate access to a wealth of restricted data, ensuring that the user remains well-informed and equipped to navigate the intricate mysteries of this extraordinary world. Whether deciphering arcane secrets or embarking on extraordinary quests, the System Connector embodies the seamless fusion of technology and knowledge, unlocking a realm of limitless possibilities.]


"Why is some information restricted…?" Silas asked, Glover's face suddenly contorting into a grimace. "Or is that something you don't want to ask?" 

"For future reference, don't mention the government around places like this. The fiends around us are too drugged out of their minds on adrenaline to hear us, but for future reference, ask that when we're in a more private place. Got it?" 

Silas simply nodded. 

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"BOSS!" A man shouted from across the crowd, his voice echoing through and out of Glover's own System Connector implanted into his right palm. It had been cut out perfectly through the man's black glove, allowing easy access to whatever he needed.

"What? Somethin' wrong?" 

"The escorts! They're here!" 

"Tch… *sigh*... kid, stay here. I'm gonna take care of some business. Actually…" Glover looked around, before calling over what seemed to be a massive bouncer with gargantuan, bulging muscles. "Miller, watch him. I don't want him leaving just yet." 

"Yes sir," The man replied in what could've been the deepest voice recorded in history. It had so much bass that I felt my heart literally shake through the resonating sound waves of the banging beats erupting from the ceiling. 

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