
Prince of Sentinels

Do you like magic? Yes? Do you like advanced technology? Yes? Do you like fascinating and unique worlds? Yes? Do you possibly like steampunk? Not sure? Well, then give it a try. Set in a steampunk world, our lovely main character transmigrated into a body named Silas von Sterling. Encountering challenge after challenge, he struggles to adjust to this new world, while also trying to figure out what exactly his previous body had been up to before dying. Illegal drugs? Illegal tech? Illegal connections? Getting kicked and banned from one of the most prestigious academies in the country? So, hey, give my book a shot and I promise my world will captivate you! Extra Tags - Steampunk, Unique System, Aether, Magic, Magic Evolution, Quests, Mystical Creatures, Mystery, Intruiging World, Science and Sorcery, Transcendence, Innovation, World-Building, Enchanted Academies, Character Development The cover is not mine. if you are the artist and would like it taken down, plz dm me

stickbUg · Fantasy
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106 Chs

End of The Match

In this captivating world, magic takes on a unique form known as Mechamagic, more commonly referred to as Steam. This enchanting system combines the mechanical marvels of steampunk aesthetics with the boundless energy of amber aether. It offers a mesmerizing blend of machinery and mysticism, where individuals called Steamcasters wield their skills through steam, gears, and magical glyphs.

Magic in this realm is channeled through a diverse set of paths, each representing a distinct branch of mystical knowledge and abilities. Whether it's controlling water, manipulating fire, crafting clockwork creations, or peering into the past and future, Steamcasters navigate these paths to unlock their magical potential.

What sets this magical system apart is the notion of evolution. As Steamcasters progress along their chosen paths, they have the potential to transcend and ascend to even greater heights of magical mastery. This means that, with dedication, profound experiences, and the right conditions, they can reach new levels of magical expertise, unveiling the secrets of Mechamagic and transforming themselves into formidable practitioners.


As the third round commenced in front of Silas, he learned more about these paths of magic, under the surveillance of the large bouncer.

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Mage Path: Aquanot]

[Runestone Required: Water Glyph]

[Main Source of Energy: Organic Magic]

[Description: Hydromancers, more commonly known as Aquanots, are practitioners of the arcane art rooted in water, manipulating steam through glyphs to craft a range of spells. Their abilities encompass summoning torrents, shaping ice constructs, controlling liquid, and even conjuring water-based entities. Adorned in cool, aquatic hues and attire inspired by underwater currents, Hydromancers master the precise control of steam's water properties, utilizing specialized pipes and water tanks integrated into their steam-casting gauntlets to direct steam into water-based glyph arrays. This process condenses steam into water or ice, culminating in potent aquatic spells that find focus through water-filled crystals and ice prisms, enhancing their mastery over this element.]


[Mage Path: Infernician]

[Runestone Required: Fire Glyph]

[Main Source of Energy: Organic Magic]

[Description: Pyronetics, more commonly known as Infernicians, are masters of fire-based Mechamagic, harnessing steam through glyphs to conjure flames, fireballs, and fiery defenses. Their attire reflects their affinity for warm, fiery colors, mirroring the flickering flames they command. These sorcerers superheat steam through fire-themed glyph arrays, igniting an intense blaze. Brass vents enable precise control over fire spells, including flamethrowers and fireballs. Pyronetics' steam-casting gauntlets, equipped with adjustable fire vents, provide fine-tuned control over flame intensity, while fire crystals amplify and prolong their fiery incantations.]


"Glyphs…? What are these?" 

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Data Restricted]


"Huh? That information is restricted? Then why is it so common in these descriptions?" Silas scratched his head. Feeling the heavy eyes of his surveyor land on his scalp, he turned towards him and spat out the same question. "What about you? Got any idea what a glyph is?" 

The man arrogantly shrugged as if paying no mind to the boy's curiosity. 

'Whatever, he doesn't seem to have much brain anyways…' Silas cursed within his mind. 

As Glover walked back from the entrance, a harsh scowl crossing his face, the club around him exuded an aura of mystique and sophistication, making it a hidden gem within the bustling city. 

Eclipse Noir, a common nightclub reserved for more higher-end guests. As you approach the entrance, the soft murmur of laughter and the distant thump of music beckon you inside. All the while a discreet sign, bathed in dim, pulsating neon lights, announces the club's name: "Eclipse Noir."

Once you step through the velvet ropes and past the imposing bouncers, the atmosphere envelops you in an ambiance of old-world charm and modern allure. The interior is a blend of ornate, vintage décor and cutting-edge technology. Deep mahogany walls are adorned with shimmering art deco mirrors, and plush leather banquettes offer a comfortable place to lounge. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm, amber glow over the room, creating a soft contrast to the digital art projections that dance across the ceiling.

The music, a fusion of jazz, electronica, and ambient beats, emanates from a state-of-the-art sound system, ensuring that the rhythms pulse through every corner of the club. A DJ booth, perched high above the crowd, is bathed in multicolored LEDs, and a skilled DJ orchestrates a mesmerizing blend of tracks, setting the mood for the night.

The bar, a stunning centerpiece, is a mesmerizing fusion of antique aesthetics and modern mixology. Bartenders clad in classic black vests and bowties craft exquisite cocktails that range from timeless classics to innovative concoctions. The spirits glisten under the soft, ever-changing lights, casting an enchanting allure.

As Glover approaches the ornate mahogany bar, he nods to the bartender, who recognizes him instantly, and she subtly gestures to a discreet corner where a host awaits. 

"Everythin' went gold?" The host, dressed in a sleek black suit, asked politely. He then led Glover to an unassuming painting near the back of the club.

"Of course." 

"Sonny seemed pretty shaken when he alerted us. Were they spec ops or something?" 

"Nah, they were just being a bit too… how do I put it… arrogant?" 

"Did they not take the bribe or something?" The host asked with a bit of concern before flicking his wrist. A hidden latch was revealed and the bookshelf swung open to reveal a dimly lit corridor beyond.

"They got a new escort with them." 

"One of them young and eager ones?" 

"Yep… but after showin' the jewels, his eyes practically glowed gold." 

Glover followed the host through the secret passage, leaving the pulsating music and vibrant atmosphere of the club behind. The corridor was narrow, lit only by the soft glow of concealed sconces. It winds its way through the depths of the building, the air growing progressively cooler as they descend.

Eventually, they arrive at a heavy, unmarked door. The host knocks twice, and a sliding peephole opens from the other side. A pair of sharp eyes, scrutinizing and cautious, meets Glover's gaze. After a few seconds, the door swings open, revealing the interior of the clandestine fight club.

Inside, the atmosphere is a stark contrast to the elegance and glamour of the nightclub. The room is dimly lit, illuminated by a few harsh spotlights suspended above a makeshift fighting ring. The audience consists of a mix of serious spectators and participants, all with an air of anticipation. The air was thick with tension, and the sounds of vein-bursting screams were just the cherry on top. 

As Glover enters, he's greeted by the raw energy of the fight club. The fighters, their bodies glistening with sweat, engage in brutal bouts, their skills on full display. The cheers of the crowd and the clanging of fists and feet against flesh and canvas fill the room. 

"He didn't do anything stupid, did he?" Glover asked the bouncer, the two dapping each other up before the large man took his exit. 

Silas didn't even realize Glover was back as he was too absorbed in the fight, watching the amount of steampunk technology being used, grow even further. Legs emitted powerful blasts of flame and icy mists, propelling them through the arena with incredible speed. Muscular backs generated explosions of momentum, and tentacles of water lashed out like serpentine whips, slashing and nipping at their opponent. This was a truly captivating fight and the people around were living proof. 

The Aquanot, with her watery aura, launched a rapid series of kicks towards her opponent's midsection. Each kick sent out watery arcs, catching the Infernician off guard. He swiftly brought up his arms to block the attacks, creating a shimmering barrier of heat to counter the icy onslaught.

As the fighters danced around each other, the Infernician saw an opening. With a swift twist, he delivered a powerful spinning kick that sent a fiery wave crashing towards the Aquanot. She leaped back, narrowly avoiding the searing heat, and retaliated with a graceful series of flips and acrobatic moves. With each flip, she released bursts of icy mist, creating a chilling haze that obscured her movements.

The Infernician realized that he needed to change his tactics. With a focused breath, he summoned a fiery ball into his hand and launched it towards the Aquanot. She reacted swiftly, forming a watery shield to intercept the fiery projectile. As the fire and water clashed, steam billowed out, obscuring the fighters from the audience's view.

In the midst of the steam, the Aquanot and Infernician continued their relentless assault. Their martial arts skills were honed to perfection, and each punch and kick they delivered was infused with their respective elemental powers. The Infernician's fiery punches left scorch marks on the ground, while the Aquanot's kicks sent icy tendrils snaking towards her opponent.

The crowd roared in approval as the fighters displayed their incredible agility and resilience. The arena became a battleground of ice and fire, and their magic-infused attacks created explosions of frost and flames that illuminated the arena in dazzling displays. The audience was captivated by the intense battle, unable to tear their eyes away from the spectacle before them.

The Aquanot and Infernician continued to exchange blows, their bodies glistening with sweat as they pushed the boundaries of their abilities. It was a test of endurance and skill, and both fighters were determined to emerge victorious. The fight raged on, with each passing moment intensifying the elemental showdown.

The Infernician unleashed a torrent of flames, creating a fiery vortex that threatened to engulf the Aquanot. She responded by summoning a surge of frigid water, forming a protective barrier of ice to shield herself. The clash between the opposing elements created a mesmerizing display of steam, which billowed out in all directions.

The audience watched in rapt attention as the steam gradually dissipated, revealing the Aquanot and Infernician locked in a fierce grapple. Their bodies were slick with a combination of sweat and condensation from the steam, and their faces were etched with determination.

With a sudden burst of strength, the Aquanot executed a graceful kick, sending the Infernician tumbling backward. She didn't waste a moment and followed up with a powerful roundhouse kick that landed squarely on her opponent's chest. He staggered, but before he could regain his footing, the Aquanot lunged forward and delivered a rapid succession of punches and kicks.

The Infernician struggled to defend himself against the relentless assault, but the Aquanot's martial arts skills were unmatched. She finished her combination with a devastating spinning kick, and the Infernician was sent sprawling across the arena, his body leaving a trail of steam in its wake.

Somehow, the Infernician just barely got up, throwing out a desperate and tired punch. And in a moment of synchronized ferocity, the Aquanot's watery strike met the Infernician's blazing punch, creating an explosion of steam and energy that temporarily blinded the spectators. The deafening roar of the crowd was suddenly silenced as a thick mist enveloped the arena.

When the steam finally dissipated, a somber hush fell over the crowd as they gazed upon a scene of devastation. The two fighters were both incapacitated, lying on the ground with injuries that left them unable to continue the fight. The audience was stunned, unable to believe what they had just witnessed.

The Aquanot lay on her back, her arms severed from her body, her face contorted in pain. She had sacrificed her limbs in a desperate attempt to protect herself from the overwhelming fire unleashed by her opponent. Beside her, the Infernician writhed in agony, a menacing spear of ice piercing through his neck. His fiery attacks had cost him dearly.

Medical personnel rushed into the arena, tending to the wounded fighters with urgency. The audience watched in a mix of shock and awe as the medical teams worked tirelessly to stabilize the fighters and provide immediate care. It was a chilling reminder of the dangers that came with such fierce battles, where the line between victory and defeat could be razor-thin.

Glover, expecting the boy to throw up looked down with a smirk, only to see the boy just ever so slightly griamacing. His hand was over his mouth, attempting to hold himself back from puking, but that was still impressive. 

"Seems you've got a bit of guts…" 


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