
Prince of Sentinels

Do you like magic? Yes? Do you like advanced technology? Yes? Do you like fascinating and unique worlds? Yes? Do you possibly like steampunk? Not sure? Well, then give it a try. Set in a steampunk world, our lovely main character transmigrated into a body named Silas von Sterling. Encountering challenge after challenge, he struggles to adjust to this new world, while also trying to figure out what exactly his previous body had been up to before dying. Illegal drugs? Illegal tech? Illegal connections? Getting kicked and banned from one of the most prestigious academies in the country? So, hey, give my book a shot and I promise my world will captivate you! Extra Tags - Steampunk, Unique System, Aether, Magic, Magic Evolution, Quests, Mystical Creatures, Mystery, Intruiging World, Science and Sorcery, Transcendence, Innovation, World-Building, Enchanted Academies, Character Development The cover is not mine. if you are the artist and would like it taken down, plz dm me

stickbUg · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Brass-Adorned Body

In the heart of The Academy of Paradoxia, a large hall stretched out, its walls adorned with intricate steampunk decorations, brass fixtures, and ornate clockwork engravings. A sweeping, red-carpeted aisle led toward a large, circular platform at the room's center. On this platform, five grand, high-backed chairs of varying elevations were arranged in a semicircle, each chair representing the esteemed status of its occupant.

Seated in these magnificent chairs were five individuals, old and wise, their years of knowledge and experience evident in the depth of their eyes and the wisdom etched upon their faces. The arrangement of their chairs created a visual hierarchy, signifying their importance within The Academy.

At the highest point, the central chair was occupied by a venerable figure, their chair elevated to a regal height. Draped in a flowing steampunk robe adorned with gears and symbols, this person exuded an air of authority and sagacity. Their name and status were known throughout the Academy, and they were recognized as the Dean of Paradoxia, the foremost authority on the steampunk world and its mysteries.

To the right of the Dean, the next chair, although slightly lower, was still elevated, and the person seated there was the Headmaster of Experiments and Invention. This scholar was renowned for pushing the boundaries of innovation, their chair signifying their expertise in pioneering steampunk technologies and exploring uncharted frontiers.

In the middle of the trio of chairs, one figure held the title of Master of History and Chronicles. Their chair, though not as high as the Headmaster's, was still elevated, representing their role as the repository of knowledge and the keeper of the city's rich history.

To the left of the Dean, another chair was assigned to the Master of Enigma and Riddles. This individual, although positioned lower in elevation, was respected for their expertise in unraveling the cryptic puzzles that often presented themselves in the city, their chair symbolizing their mastery of enigmatic mysteries.

Finally, the last chair was the Seat of Innovation, the lowest in elevation but still held with great reverence. Here sat a visionary known as the Artificer of Tomorrow, who was responsible for fostering the creative spirit of the Academy's younger students. Their chair, though lower, was a place of great importance, for it was from here that the city's future inventors and dreamers were inspired.

The grand hall exuded an air of wisdom and innovation, with each of the wise figures in their unique chairs embodying a specific aspect of the steampunk world's enigmatic charm and limitless potential. Together, they were the guiding lights of The Academy of Paradoxia, nurturing the curious minds and creativity of those who sought to explore and unravel the intricate wonders of their extraordinary realm.

And here was a single boy, who had no manners. No money. No family. No talent in magic. In fact, he didn't even know who these people were. All he knew was that they were important by the way they were presented… but that was pretty much it. 

"You are hereby removed from the Academy of Paradoxia!" 

"... What?" 


The floor opened up beneath the boy, cracking into an abyssal space. He plummeted through the expansive vacant area of stars and darkness, screaming his lungs out with eyes glued shut. His limbs flailed in the endless drop, while a searing pain ruptured his thoughts and severed any kind of idea of what was happening. 


Something broke his fall. He cracked open his eyelids and took a swift analyzing look around. It was a room. A dorm room of some sort, and by putting the obvious pieces together, this was clearly his. 

It was a charming space that reflected his previous personality and the unique steampunk-inspired world he inhabits. It's small but cozy, with an air of organized chaos that mirrors his insatiable curiosity and boundless creativity. The room is adorned with rich, deep-toned wallpaper featuring intricate steampunk motifs that transport him into a world of gears and cogs. An antique, gleaming brass bed frame with a canopy provides a regal centerpiece, complete with curtains made from colorful mismatched fabrics.

On one side of the room, a cluttered wooden desk is covered in open books, sketches, and a diverse array of mechanical parts and tools. A vintage typewriter sits atop the desk, the keys a testament to countless hours of thought and innovation. Steampunk gadgets and curiosities fill the shelves, showcasing the boy's passion for exploration and discovery.

A cozy reading nook with plush, worn armchairs is nestled near a steampunk-inspired window, adorned with ornate brass fittings and heavy amber curtains. The window offers a view of an endless starry void outside, adding to the room's magical ambiance. The unique wallpaper is lined with maps, sketches, and posters of enigmatic clockwork machinery, serving as a visual reminder of the boy's dreams and aspirations.

Every corner of the room tells a story, and the jumble of artifacts and tools is a testament to his quest for understanding the mysteries of this enchanting steampunk world. It's a space that may appear messy to some, but to what the boy used to be, it's a sanctuary of exploration, imagination, and boundless possibilities.

"Sorry man… I got no clue what you were doing here…" The boy gave himself a small pat on the back before passing by a tall leaning mirror. He took a good hard look at himself and with a nervous chatter, finally admitted that, "This isn't my body." 

His salmon-toned eyes exude a warm and curious gleam, reflecting what used to be his boundless enthusiasm for the enigmatic world around him. His eyes are framed by delicate smudges of orange eyeshadow, adding a touch of whimsy to his gaze.

A mane of medium-length, dirty orange hair spills across his forehead and cascades down the back of his neck, resembling the fiery glow of a mesmerizing sunset. The tousled locks suggest a boy in the midst of delightful adventures or more plausibly a string of hard work, with strands of hair occasionally brushing against his cheeks.

A whimsical light pigment of red lipstick adorns his lips, bringing a rosy charm to his otherwise white, makeup-caked face. The makeup gives him an air of playfulness and intrigue as if he's stepped out of a fantastic carnival into an even more fantastical world.

And thus completing his eccentric ensemble, two dangling earrings swing as he descends into a crouch, shaped like a bouquet of intricate cogs. He'd never seen them before, but for some reason, he had a feeling that they were something special, important, significant to the previous user's body. 

"A bit too… pretty? Also, this body is so skinny that somebody larger than me could straight up wrap their hand around my wrist twice," The boy lightly chuckled upon rolling up his baggy sleeves. 

Clearly, he had been malnourished. And severely. Yet, the boy struggled to figure out why he didn't feel an ounce of tiredness or even a second of hunger at that. Was there maybe some contraption within his body that kept him pumping with energy? I mean, this world was full of strange contraptions and body modifications, so there must be something else going on beneath this baggy jester suit of his-

"What the fuck…" The boy went short of breath upon removing the top part of his costume and letting it sit on his skinny waist. 

At the center of the young boy's chest, visible through a glass panel that gracefully curves with the contours of his body, lies an intricate contraption that serves as the life force of his unique existence. This remarkable apparatus, rather than a conventional human heart, is an embodiment of the steampunk world's ingenuity. Its appearance is a mesmerizing blend of mechanical precision and artistic elegance.

Within the glass panel, one can observe an array of delicate brass gears and cogs, each meticulously interlocked, their movement synchronized like a symphony of perpetual motion. A network of glistening copper pipes winds its way through the contraption, transporting a pulsating, amber-hued aether—an otherworldly, luminous substance that courses through the intricate machinery, energizing it with a warm, ethereal glow.

The amber aether, harnessed and refined from the mysterious energies of the steampunk realm, pulses with a life force of its own, serving as the boy's source of vitality. It courses through the metallic veins of the contraption, driving the mechanical heart's rhythmic movements. The glass panel allows the boy to witness the mesmerizing dance of gears, cogs, and the radiant amber aether, giving him a profound connection to the extraordinary world that sustains him.

"What… is this?" 

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Body Modification: Steam Powered Heart Model III]

[Brand: Steamy Punks]

[Main Source of Energy: Amber Aether]

[Description: The Steam Powered Heart, a remarkable creation that seamlessly combines the elegance of steampunk aesthetics with the innovative power of amber aether. This intricate contraption, visible through a glass panel that follows the contours of the user's body, serves as an extraordinary life force. Powered by the amber aether, this device provides a constant source of vitality, ensuring the user's well-being in the extraordinary world of steampunk wonder. The gears and cogs within the Steam Powered Heart work in perfect harmony, their rhythmic movements maintained by the amber aether, offering a mesmerizing dance that is both functional and captivating. Whether navigating the intricate mysteries of this realm or embarking on extraordinary adventures, the Steam Powered Heart represents the embodiment of limitless possibilities and the harmonious fusion of machinery and life itself.]


[Error Detected]

[Foregin substance detected within heart chamber]

[Substance has been deemed harmful]

[Due to the Stock Protocol of your Piece, the foreign substance will be swiftly ejected]


As the tension built, the fragile glass panel, which had been a window into the boy's mechanical heart, shattered with a resonating tinkling sound. A brilliant burst of radiant, amber-hued aether burst forth, spewing from his chest cavity in a spectacular display.

As it spilled onto the floor, the amber aether transformed from a gaseous form to a gelatinous consistency, creating a mesmerizing pool of luminous substance that stubbornly refused to be absorbed into anything. Its radiant glow bathed the room in an otherworldly light, casting intricate shadows and highlights that danced on the surrounding surfaces. The gelatinous aether appeared to pulsate with a rhythmic vitality as if it had taken on a life of its own, defying conventional laws of matter and energy.

"What is this stuff?" The boy bent down to make sure that there was no pain. In fact, he felt completely fine. Not entirely brand new, but there was nothing wrong with him. 

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Data Restricted] 

Upon bending all the way down to inspect the gelatinous liquid, his nose caught a whiff of a sour yet sweet scent. His head kicked back instantly, and a rush of endorphins flooded his mind. The sensation he received was akin to snorting a line of cocaine, but triple the output. 


[Illegal Substance has been Detected by Authorities]

[Please turn yourself in swiftly]

[Authorities are on their way]

[Please do not resist]

"POLICE!" A haughty voice screamed from outside the dorm room. It was soon followed by a chorus of heavy stomps that resonated like a booming chamber of bass singers. The cocking of guns and winding of machinery infiltrated every quarter of a second between each step, creating a threatening tapestry of danger that pulled the boy back together. 

"Dammit…" He groaned, gripping his face as his mind felt as if it was being pulled in all directions. 


A police officer busts down the door, clad in a distinctive uniform that marries Victorian charm with advanced gadgetry. The officer embodies the fusion of tradition and innovation that defines the realm.

The officer's uniform consists of a dark, polished leather overcoat adorned with ornate brass buttons and belts, exuding a sense of authority. A high-collared shirt, complete with a bowtie, peeks from beneath the overcoat, emphasizing an air of formality. A pair of well-worn, brass-adorned leather boots click and clank against the cobbled streets as they go about their duties.

Perched upon the officer's head is a finely crafted leather hat, embellished with gears and goggles that serve both practical and aesthetic purposes. The goggles can be flipped down to protect against gunpowder and boiling-hot steam in the bustling city.

A utility belt, replete with an assortment of steampunk gadgets and tools, provides the officer with the means to uphold the law. Among these instruments, a specially designed clockwork sidearm is holstered, ready for any unforeseen challenges. They wield a mechanical baton with finesse, and a network of gears is visible beneath the sleeve of their coat, hinting at the integrated steampunk enhancements beneath the surface.


Tup Tup Tup Tup Tup 

It was an instinctive move. He utterly ignored the orders and rushed towards the window sill. Opening the window was one of the last thoughts running through his mind, so before he could even get to that, he had already jumped through the glass and plummeted down into the- 


Instantly, the scenery switched, revealing the bustling city of Paradoxia Prime once again. But this time, he was plummeting from one of the top floors of an eighty-story building. 

The sun illuminated his growing expression of terror. And with a desperate attempt to flap his feeble non-existent wings, well… he fell. Really, really fast. 

Was trying to keep this chapter short, but had to much to say.

Also the descriptions within the system I tried to make them sound like they were being advertised by a company. Thought it would be interesting

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