
Prince of Sentinels

Do you like magic? Yes? Do you like advanced technology? Yes? Do you like fascinating and unique worlds? Yes? Do you possibly like steampunk? Not sure? Well, then give it a try. Set in a steampunk world, our lovely main character transmigrated into a body named Silas von Sterling. Encountering challenge after challenge, he struggles to adjust to this new world, while also trying to figure out what exactly his previous body had been up to before dying. Illegal drugs? Illegal tech? Illegal connections? Getting kicked and banned from one of the most prestigious academies in the country? So, hey, give my book a shot and I promise my world will captivate you! Extra Tags - Steampunk, Unique System, Aether, Magic, Magic Evolution, Quests, Mystical Creatures, Mystery, Intruiging World, Science and Sorcery, Transcendence, Innovation, World-Building, Enchanted Academies, Character Development The cover is not mine. if you are the artist and would like it taken down, plz dm me

stickbUg · Fantasy
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106 Chs

World of Steam and Cogs

"Is… Is he dead?" 

In the dimly lit interior of the steampunk circus tent, a young boy dressed in a peculiar article of clothing began to stir. He slowly pushed himself up from the cold, metal floor, his eyes flickering with confusion while using his hand to shield himself from the harsh bright light above. 

The rhythmic clanking and hissing of hidden machinery created an eerie backdrop, while the soft glow of gas lamps painted a surreal ambiance. He was at the center of a beaming spotlight while the people in what looked to be a crowd had been dimmed by the illumination centered on him.

Some in the audience wore elegant Victorian attire adorned with brass goggles and pocket watches. Their attire featured corsets, waistcoats, and top hats with gears and cogs, reflecting a refined, yet adventurous style.

A group of onlookers sported leather aprons, tool belts, and fingerless gloves. They were clearly inventors and tinkerers, carrying small gear-filled bags and contraptions as accessories, showcasing their mechanical prowess.

Several attendees donned attire inspired by aviators. They wore leather pilot jackets and aviator caps, with wings pinned to their lapels. These individuals seemed ready to take to the skies in fantastic airships at a moment's notice.

A group of individuals sported vibrant waistcoats, dresses, and gowns made from rich, brocade fabrics. Their attire was a celebration of color and pattern, with intricate embroidered designs and elegant cravats.

A few in the audience resembled ringmasters or showmen, dressed in flamboyant, waist-length coats and carrying ornate canes. They exuded an air of authority and showmanship… that somehow seemed to be directed right onto the confused boy. 

The boy wore a mismatched clown costume, adorned with bright, worn-out colors and patched fabric. His oversized shoes had cogs and gears attached to their tips, giving him an unintentionally mechanical gait. His face was painted with a traditional white base, and he had a painted red nose that matched the ridiculousness of the bowtie around his neck. Vibrant, unruly hair stuck out from underneath a top hat, which was adorned with spinning gears that softly clicked as they turned.

As the boy blinked in the soft, flickering light, he glanced around the tent. He noticed the intricate clockwork contraptions and bizarre miniature steampunk attractions that surrounded him: an undersized mechanical carousel, a swirling brass Ferris wheel no taller than a lampost, and a clinking puny rollercoaster that appeared to be powered by steam. 

Suddenly, a throbbing pain felt as if it had crushed his forehead back into his skull, leaving him to topple over. He somehow managed to support himself with the help of the nearby rollercoaster track, but he had to quickly retrieve his hand before the passing rollercoaster cart snatched one of his fingers off of his leather-gloved hand. 


"NEXT! GET HIM OUT OF HERE BEFORE I HAVE TO PAY FOR HIS HOSPITAL BILL!" One of the men resembling a ringmaster shouted at the top of his lungs. His snarled expression sent a message out to somebody. Nobody knew who, but it was clear there was a recipient as the boy was soon teleported outside, his belongings left scattered across the stonebrick street. 

Slowly, he lifted his head, finding himself in the heart of a bustling and extraordinary steampunk city. Towering buildings adorned with intricate clockwork gears and mechanical embellishments stretched high into the sky. Steam-powered airships glided gracefully above, while vibrant banners fluttered in the winds, their symbols intertwined with enigmatic glyphs and riddles.

The streets bustled with a diverse array of people, each person's attire a testament to the city's steampunk aesthetic. The boy watched in awe as airships passed overhead, trailing long banners that carried cryptic messages written in ornate, cursive scripts. Massive rotating gears turned on the city's walls, their rhythmic clanks and whirrs providing a constant, mesmerizing symphony.

Lampposts along the stone brick streets radiated a warm, amber glow, casting intricate shadows on the ground. Automatons and clockwork contraptions moved about, performing various tasks, from sweeping the streets to delivering messages.

The boy's senses were overwhelmed by the enchanting sights and sounds of the city. He felt like he had been transported to a realm where puzzles and mysteries were a way of life. The air was filled with the scent of steam and machinery, a constant reminder of the city's industrial heart. In the distance, he noticed the silhouette of a grand clock tower that pierced the sky, its immense face adorned with ever-turning, intricate dials and cogs.

"What the… where am I?" 

Out of the blue, his forearm, encased in the mismatched and colorful fabric of his costume, began to undergo a transformation. With a series of intricate, rhythmic clicks and clanks, the fabric parted and retracted, revealing a hidden secret beneath.

As the boy watched in amazement, his forearm opened up to unveil a steampunk marvel of machinery and clockwork. Gleaming brass plates and cogs interlocked in an elegant and mesmerizing arrangement. Tubes and pipes snaked around the mechanism, carrying mysterious gasses and liquids that glowed with ethereal light. A network of fine, delicate gears spun, their motion producing a soft, harmonious hum that resonated in the air.

In the center of this contraption, an ornate glass chamber held a swirling vortex of shimmering amber aether—a mysterious substance that powered the device. The aether swirled and pulsed with an otherworldly energy, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow across the boy's face.

As the steampunk contraption unfolded, it emitted a soft release of steam, announcing its readiness. Holographic panels manifested from the device, floating in front of the boy. Each panel was a work of art, adorned with steampunk aesthetics, featuring intricate engravings, clockwork motifs, and a soft, ethereal glow.

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Location: Paradoxia, The Riddleweaver Kingdom]

[City: Paradoxia Prime]

[Description: Paradoxia Prime is a city where reality bends and shifts. The streets seem to lead in endless loops, and buildings challenge conventional architecture with their strange Escheresque designs. Optical illusions and multidimensional puzzles are common throughout the city, with academies dedicated to the study of paradoxes and enigmas. The central square features a grand clockwork maze that changes its layout daily, a symbol of Paradoxia's unique perspective on the world.]

He was left utterly stunned at this foreign and eerie sight that really-


The boy's face heated up and he turned as bright as a tomato. A passing car adorned with gears and cogs, puffing steam pipes, and a driver as angry as a bubbling volcano honked at the top of its horn. It blared through the streets, drawing attention from the hundreds of passersby who took note of the boy's ridiculous appearance. 

But the reason why all of this was happening? Well, half of his body was sprawled out across the street while all of his stuff had been scattered about. He was lucky the driver cared enough to give him a honk of courtesy instead of just running him and his belongings over. 

"Ah, my bad." 

"Come on! I have to get to work! Out of the way!" 

Without even looking back, he dashed into the crowd of passersby, the flow of the street swiftly washing him away. Unbeknownst to him, the very sidewalks beneath his feet began to move in an intricate and coordinated fashion. Each stone slab seemed to shift individually, transporting the boy through the ever-changing and enigmatic cityscape. It was as though the very ground he walked on was alive, guiding him on an extraordinary journey.

As he continued along this animated path, he noticed a massive, grand building looming ahead. The structure was an architectural masterpiece, a magnificent blend of steampunk aesthetics and ornate designs. Enormous clock faces adorned its facade, their intricate hands whirling in a mesmerizing dance, guiding him toward the entrance.

Outside the entrance, several other young people, all dressed in a mixture of steampunk attire, were bustling in and out of the building. Some of them wore goggles and leather jackets, while others had top hats adorned with spinning gears and elaborate dresses featuring clockwork embellishments.

The boy's path led him to the entrance of this grand building, and as he stepped inside, the gears and mechanisms on his arm implant continued to harmonize with the enchanting city. Displays of another holographic panel described his current location and another panel described something else… a reminder of some sort. 

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Location: The Center of Paradoxia Prime]

[School: The Academy of Paradoxia]

[Description: The Academy of Paradoxia, a mysterious institution at the heart of the realm, is a sanctuary where mages from all walks of life gather to explore the ever-shifting boundaries of magic, embracing the very principles of paradox and wonder that define the realm itself. Its whimsical architecture, ethereal libraries, and diverse student body reflect the essence of this enigmatic place, where the impossible becomes a daily pursuit and the improbable is a fundamental principle of learning.]



[Meeting With School Board: 2 Minutes & 51 Seconds]


These numbers slowly counted down, each tick a beeping annoyance in his ear. He looked around to see if anybody could hear the same, but it seemed it was just his own delusional brain? Well, no. This countdown had been reserved for his own lack of awareness which only brought more stress and controversy within his mind about what to do. 

"What am I doing?" He sighed. "I just want to go home…" 

He came to the obvious realization that there was no point in thinking any further. He might as well do this meeting. So soon he stepped into the revolving door, getting pushed around by a few others before feeling his entire stomach churn and his head spin before the entire contraption spit him out onto the waxed brass floor. 

His outfit was ridiculous and in this society where prim and proper actions were upheld, he drew tons of attention. Once again his ears and face took a bright red tone. He wasn't used to so many eyes on him, but as he took a look around at his surroundings… all the worries seemingly faded away. 

The high-ceilinged lobby was adorned with intricately designed brass railings and mechanical chandeliers that hung from the ceiling, their cogs and gears spinning in a mesmerizing ballet of motion. The walls were covered in richly patterned wallpaper that combined the elegance of the Victorian era with the complexity of steampunk aesthetics. To top off the ambiance, radiant gas lamps cast a warm, amber glow that bathed the space in a soft and inviting glare.

A gleaming mahogany reception desk stood at the center of the room, attended to by a receptionist dressed in a tailored, steampunk-inspired ensemble. The receptionist, with brass-framed goggles perched atop their head, had an air of welcoming sophistication. They greeted the young boy with a polite smile, their attire adorned with pocket watches and intricate gears.

Behind the reception desk, a series of brass-framed windows displayed holographic displays of enigmatic clockwork patterns and cityscapes, offering a glimpse into the harmonious and mechanical heart of the city.

The lobby bustled with activity as people of similar ages to the boy but with entirely different backgrounds moved about. Some were dressed in formal steampunk attire, while others sported workman's outfits adorned with tools and gadgets. In one corner, a group of youngsters gathered, conversing animatedly about their latest discoveries in the city.

The atmosphere in this grand building was one of shared fascination as if everyone who entered was connected by a common appreciation for the intricate beauty of the steampunk world. It was a place where knowledge and innovation converged, and where the mysteries of the city waited to be unraveled by those who dared to explore.

[Accessing Restricted Database…]

[Location: Paradoxia Secondary Realm: Realm of Innovation and Secrecy]

[Building: Main Entrance and Office]

[Description: The grand building, with its breathtaking interior and welcoming receptionist, serves as the entryway to an entirely separate realm—an extraordinary place known as The Academy of Paradoxia. This institution is a revered center of knowledge, innovation, and adventure within the city. It offers a sanctuary for those who seek to understand the intricate mechanics of the world and unlock the mysteries of the past and the limitless potential of the future. As the main building's grand doors open, students and scholars of all ages pass through to embark on a journey that leads them to uncharted realms of learning and exploration. The Academy's purpose is to nurture the inquisitive minds of its inhabitants, encouraging them to push the boundaries of imagination and innovation, while unearthing the secrets of this magical wonderland.]

Tchk… Tchk… Tchk… 

Suddenly, the ground beneath the boy began to move once more, leading him down a grand hallway of gears and cogs illuminated by amber glows. And with a sudden turn towards a wall, he braced himself for impact. 

But then nothing. When he opened his eyes he witnessed a brand new room. Just to make sure he wasn't dreaming after being knocked out, he swiveled his head around. The wall had opened with various brass pipes and circuits, puffing hot steam, and was now sealing behind him. 

"Silas von Sterling!" A bassy voice bellowed throughout the new room. The boy instantly snatched his head back around, meeting eyes with five old—but not decrepit—looking wise elders. And only one of these elders, an old man at the very center, called out to him, his dry lips cracking open with each rageful word. "You are hereby removed from the Academy of Paradoxia!" 

"... What?" 

I have tons of ideas for this story, and it's mostly just a test for some physical novels I publish (don't try and look up this pseudonym, I use a different one online). Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story, following the MC: Silas! And yes, he is the guy on the cover of this novel

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