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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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46 Chs

Chapter 4 Meeting Prince Ashton Remington [2/2]

Lei took a defensive stance with a relaxed look on her face.

"I'm ready now, are you?" Lei asked raising her sword as Jameson nodded. Lei went for the first attack which Jameson avoided easily.

The other knight who was just standing there with a stunned look regained his senses after hearing the clashing sounds of the swords. He ran directly to the meeting room where the king and queen of Auxataria was having a discussion with the King and crown prince of Gentaya.

"Your majestys! The princess is having a duel with Knight Jameson."

"What! Which one?" The queen asked quickly making her way to the courtyard with the king following closely behind her.

"It's princess Everleigh."

"Everleigh what do you think you are doing?!" Queen Miranda asked the moment they got to the courtyard while king Albert had a frown on his face.

Lei gave the knight a powerful kick causing him to lose balance as his sword flew out of his hand and he landed on the floor. Lei caught the sword in her hand, pointing hers at the Knight's neck.

"Surrender knight Jameson."

"I surrender." The knight gave in, but he was beyond impressed by her skills.

"Who taught you these skills?" Jameson asked standing up and taking his sword back.

Lei giggled. "It's a secret."

She turned when she heard someone clapping. She saw it was someone old standing next to a prince who was probably more handsome than the Greek gods themselves.

She found herself staring at him and his cold blue eyes stared back at her. 'So handsome.' She thought to herself but their moment or probably just hers was interrupted by her mother at least she guessed that was who the queen was.

"Everleigh, to your room. Right now!"

Lei bowed slightly and left the courtyard taking one last glance at the prince who was looking back at her.