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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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46 Chs

Chapter 5 Messy Eating At The Dining Hall

"We apologize for what you saw our daughter doing." King Albert said as they went back to the meeting room. "We just hired a governess for her today."

"Don't be." King Nicolas of Gentaya chuckled. "That was actually quite impressive. She took down a proud knight."

"Shall we continue our discussion?" Asked King Albert as they all sat down.

"As were saying, we think our daughter Claudia is perfect for the prince." Queen Miranda said causing a slight frown to appear on the face of prince Ashton.

"That might be true, but in the end it is left for prince Ashton to decide." King Nicolas said patting the prince's shoulder.

"How about you stay for dinner. It should be ready in a few minutes."


Two maids walked into the bedroom of the fourth princess were they saw Lei lying down like a star fish. They immediately lowered their heads.

"My princess, the king said to prepare you for dinner."

"Finally! I thought we wouldn't eat anything this night." Lei said as she stood up. "Let's go."

"But my princess you need to change first."

"Again? Fine. But please make it quick cause I am starving."

Lei walked into the dining hall with the two maids that helped her dress up. Her blue silk gown swept the floor and her ink black hair which was tied up in a bun was adorned with several silver accessories which complimented her green eyes.

The double doors of the dining hall was opened and everyone looked up at her while she sat down beside the third princess Elizabeth at the left.

Beside Elizabeth was the second princess Claudia who was sitting beside queen Miranda.

One the right was where king Nicolas sat beside king Albert who was sitted at the head chair and beside him was his son prince Ashton and the royal advisor of Gentaya who goes by the name Clinton and was about the same age as the prince.

The table was filled with different varieties of food ranging from traditional to modern and Lei could swear to God above that she had never seen this much food in her life much less eating it.

Looking at the foods on the table, she totally forgot that there were people in the hall with her and decided to put a mountain of food on her plate which she ate like it was about to run away.

After satiating her hunger she drank a glass of water and let out a loud burp before cleaning her mouth with the napkin on the table.

She looked up to see everyone staring at her. Her sisters looked at her in disgust and her parents in surprise.

The king and royal advisor looked like they were about to burst out in laughter while the prince had a look of amusement on his face. She realized what she did.

"I'm super duper sorry for my manner but I was so damn hungry." Lei looked at the table which still had enough food remaining before looking back at them. "But if you've lost your appetite, I can still go for a second round."

King Nicolas and Clinton let out a loud laugh. "Your daughter is really charming. I like her already." King Nicolas said looking at Lei as an akward smile appeared on her face which was as read as a tomato.

Not wanting to embarrass herself any further, she stood up and practically ran out of the dining hall.

Hope you are enjoying the book so far. And for those who think I update my books too slow, I want you to understand that the time difference is much.

Hope you understand.

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