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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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46 Chs

Chapter 3 I Challenge You To A Duel [1/2]

Madame Adelia stood up with her bag held in her hand.

"Tomorrow we shall put down what you have learned in writing. Have a nice evening princess." Adelia bowed slightly and left the room.

After a while, Lei decided to explore the palace and as she was doing so, she found herself in a large courtyard where two knights were sparring with a serious look on their face.

"Can I spar with one of you?" The knights looked at the direction of the voice only to see the fourth princess looking at them with an expectant gaze.

"My princess, what are you doing here?" Asked one of the knights bowing down.

"Please, you should go inside before you get cold." Said the other knight doing the same thing as the first one.

"The cold doesn't bother me. I just wanna have a sword fight with one of you." Lei said with a smile on her face.

"But my princess, it is too dangerous for you."

"Dangerous my ass."

( A/N: Please do not mind our FL's use of language. She wasn't born as royalty :-) )

The eyes of the knights flew wide at the unfiltered words of the princess. Didn't she have a governess?

"Now don't tell me you are too scared to take me on?" Lei challenged staring directly at the first knight who bowed to her. She quickly approached him causing him to look up at her.

"What's your name?" She asked

"The name's Jameson." The knight responded to her question

"Alright Jameson, I challenge you to a duel."

The knight was beyond shocked. What was she saying?!

"My prin..."

"There's no room for objections. You will do as I have said or else you would lose your job and sent to the dungeon for disobedience." Lei threatened boldly but within her she was hoping and begging for him to accept.

"Alrighty my princess. I accept." The knight said drawing his sword.

"Great! Don't hold back." She said as she took the sword from the other knight.


A lot of you might be wondering why she is not afraid. It is simply because she came from a family of previous knights and was taught swordsmanship by her now deceased father.


Check out my Instagram page: @ red_dragon_4595