
14 days

"Right so how do we do this then?" Kara said sat on her desk chair with her feet crossed over on the desk. She watched her girlfriend who was looking out over the balcony.

" Well let's not do it right away, we should give it time, see if it blows over, then if it doesn't we'll tell people." Lena stated as she continued to watch out over the people and building of National City.

"So how long would you say is long enough for it to blow over?" Kara asked fielding with a rubix cube she had.

"Uuumm." Lena gave it a quick thought." Let's say 14 days, if it hasn't passed then we'll do something about it." She turned around to look at Kara who was very focussed on the toy she was fiddling with.

" Ok then. Ok one more question, that might actually lead to more questions but you know questions have questions so-" Kara started to ramble on for a bit like she always does which made Lena very curious. She was curious because she had absolutely no idea how this conversation ended up with Kara arguing with herself.

" Kara!" Lena snapped. The blonde immediately went quiet." Just ask the question."

" Oh yes, sorry, uh. So do we keep it a full secret until then, even if people get suspicious?" Kara put the colourful object back down.

" Yes, of course. If I have to do this then so do you missy."

" Fine. But what if someone like, geez I don't know, Miss. Grant gets suspicious. She's the head of a media empire for Rao's sake. I was her assistant for 3 years and in that time let me tell you, I learnt that woman got what she wanted, even if she had to rip it out of them." The kyptonian took her legs off the table and back on the floor, gently twisting her chair from left to right.

Lena walked in from the balcony over to the desk and leant against it. " Sometimes Kara I think you need to not separate your two halves as much. Think about how you interact with Cat as supergirl; confident and in control. All you have to do is take some of that, put it in Kara Danvers and bingo you can lie to Miss. Grant. I mean you have been doing it for the past 5 years."

Kara smiled at her girlfriends words of wisdom. " You are so smart, and brilliant, and beautiful and amazing and just...wow." She gazed at Lena, taking in the wise words.

" Look, all I'm saying is, be confident in yourself Kara Danvers," she said as she stepped over towards her girlfriend." Because when you are, you can achieve anything." She was suddenly pulled onto Kara's lap where the blonde wrapped her hands around her girlfriends waist. Lena rested her arms round Kara's shoulders to jeep her balance.

" Sometimes I wonder what I would do without you." Kara said gazing into Lena's eyes. Lena rested her head on Kara's.

" I wonder the same thing about you."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the handle started to twist side to side, someone was obviously trying to get in. " Kiera, Kiera? Are you in there?" Miss Grant shouted from outside.Lena instantly sprang off of Kara.

" Yes, Miss. Grant I am in here." Kara said panicking in her chair.

" So open the damn door then. I did not pay millions of dollars for this building to be locked out of a room!" She demanded.

Kara and lena were silently panicking together. They were frantically making hand gestures trying to figure out what to do.

Lena decided to sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk to seem like it was buisness she was there for, Kara then walked over to the door. She paused before undoing the lock and opening the door.

Cat strode in and stopped about 3 steps in. " Ahh, Miss. Luthor, I thought I'd find you here."

" Um, Miss. Grant, how did know she was here?" Kara asked whilst pushing up her glasses.

Cat just sighed." Well you see Kiera I just used my great investigator skills to figure it out."

" Really?" Kara said totally oblivious to her boss's sarcasm.

Cat rolled her eyes." No. Someone told me she were here."

" Oh."

Lena crossed her legs and twisted in her seat to face the older woman. " Do you want something Cat?" She said the name a bit harshly. "Or did you just come in here to get sarcastic with your employee."

"I came here for answers." Miss. Grant stated. She walked around the two women and sat at Kara's desk in Kara's seat. Kara didnt argue though."But for God sakes open those blinds before I get them ripped out."

Kara quickly scuttled over to the widow and open the blinds to let some natural light in.

" Right back to buisness." Cat shuffled up to the edge of the chair and rested her forearms on the desk." Who, what when, where, why and how? I want details, everything you can tell me, tell me."

Lena moved her hands to her crossed knees and gracefully placed one on top of the other. " I can't tell you anything Cat, and that's final." She said emphasising the 't' in Cat.

Instead of getting annoyed Cat just got more curious." Is there a reason you can't tell me anything?"

"I, I mean we, as in me and the other woman, feel as if it would be better to not talk to the press about this." Lena thought this would be enough to get Cat to go away but oh boy was she wrong.

" So you are confirming it was a woman." Cat asked.

Lena just rolled her eyes at the woman." Well if you couldn't figure that out than I'd be a bit concerned."

Miss. Grant let's one of her iconic hums before changing her question. "What about a why then? How about let's start with why you are here in this office."

Lena's face suddenly sank. "Mhhmm, well, I uhh. We were talking about, uhm-."

" I was just interviewing Miss. Luthor here about the progress of the work being done at L-corp at the moment." Kara attempted  to save them both but  knew it was a long shot as Miss. Grant could detect any BS that comes her way.

Miss Grant leant back in the chair, putting her fingers together. " Really? So you wouldn't mind just telling me about it, would you Kiera?"

" Umm well,." She pushed her glasses back up her nose." She was just explaining how they've been using new tech to further enhance their alien detection devices." She held her breath waiting for her bosses response.

" Hhhmmm. Well, make sure you arrange that interview for me Kiera." Miss Grant said as she got up and walked towards the door but stopped before opening it. She turned around to face Lena." Oh and Miss. Luthor."

" Hm." Lena chimed curiously.

" Please try not to seduce my employee." She exclaimed before walking out and shutting the door behind her.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence.  Finally, Lena decided to say something. " Well, it's a bit too late for that.". Kara let out a small slightly embarrassed chuckle.