
We have a problem

Kara was sat in her office worrying about the who whole situation that was going on. This office is way better than her old desk outside Miss Grants office and definitely better than the first office she was given when she first got promoted, it actually had windows. They were the whole size of the two walls facing out towards the buildings and streets of National City. There was a balcony leading out from both walls as Kara had a corner office. The room wasn't big or small but it was just the right size for kara. It was probably about 4 metres by 4 metres.

There were two tv's in the corner of the room both showing live news reports but lets be honest, Kara has definitely used them to watch a movie or a tv show. Her desk was just in front of one of the glass walls facing the wall that had a small closet in case she needed to make a quick clothes change. And then finally there was a couch next to the closet.

She was just sat at her desk in disbelief watching the news wishing this all could end. She then had a sudden thought.

"Oh shoot, Lena must be going mental right now."She pulled out her phone and called Lena instantly. She waited for probably about 10 seconds before Lena picked up."Oh thank Roa you picked up." Kara exhaled.

"Kara, honey, I'm having a bit of a problem here so this isn't really a good time." Lena said a little bit panicked.

"Is the 'problem' by any chance a picture."

"Oh god, you've seen it too." Lena said even more worried now.

"I'm pretty sure the whole of National City has seen it ." Kara exclaimed.

"Ok I'll tell you what, I'll come see you at your office and we can talk about it." Lena more stated then asked.

"Lena no-" Kara realised Lena had hung up." Oh rao."

About 20 minutes later the billionaire businesswoman walked into the Catco building. The desk people didn't even check her I.D they just let her through. She goes to the elevator and stands there confidently whilst everyone else just looks at her both confused and surprised. I mean it's not like they've never seen her at Catco before, she's gone to Kara a few times before, but of course today was different. She was the headline.

She arrived at the floor Kara was on and very professionally walked down the corridors of floor 26 trying not to make eye contact with ANYONE.She arrived at Kara's office so knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A tired Kara asked.

"It's me." Lena replied. Kara got up from her desk and unlocked the door letting Lena in. When she entered she was met with a bit of darkness at first but then her eyes adapted to all the artificial lighting Kara had put on.(She'd closed the blinds for privacy.)  She locked the door behind her which made Lena quite puzzled.

"You never lock the door." She exclaimed.

"Yeah I know." Kara turned around to face Lena revealing the look of someone who was currently going through a meltdown." My powers are harder to control when I'm not even in control of my emotions."

Lena just kinda slowly nodded whilst noticing the crushed phone." That would explain that then." She put her handbag down and hung her coat up.Kara's eyes suddenly widened."Oh Roa, I'm being such an idiot, I forgot that you must be going through hell right now."

"No no, I'm fine." She stated shaking her head.

"Really?" Kara questioned." Because I'm really not fine." Kara was pacing.

"I've experienced a lot more than people finding out I'm gay." She said watching Kara whilst leaning against the desk. "And hey maybe we could actually get some good out of it."

"Like what?" Kara asked coming to a stop and folding her arms.

"I don't know yet, but surely there's something."

"Uggghhh why is everything so annoying."  Kara groaned flopping herself onto the couch. " It's like this universe doesn't want me to have a nice, normal life."

"Well where's the fun in that." Lena made her way towards Kara. I'd rather have an exciting one than an average one." She sat down next to her partner.

The blonde cutie curled up into a ball next to Lena, wrapping her arms around her and resting her head on the CEO's shoulder."Sorry Lena. It's just I'm used to being targeted by press as Supergirl but Kara is not, and they don't even know it's me yet."

Lena rubbed up and down Kara's arm." I know you have a habit of blaming everything on yourself and dragging yourself down, but that's why I'm here. I'm here to tell you that everything is going to be Ok, I promise."

"Really?" Kara looked up at her girlfriend.

"I promised, didn't I?" Lena gave Kara a quick kiss on the lips before the reporter  moved her head from the Raven's shoulder to her lap.

"Can you stay with me for a bit." Kara said as Lena stroked her head.

" Always."