
OverWatch: What if

Life isn't easy. It beats you, throws you around, destroys everything, and takes everyone you love, only to test you. To see what path you would take. The path of anger or the path of acceptance? This is the story of a little boy that was beaten, and thrown around, with nothing or no one left to love him. And despite all of that, he moved forward to the light, watching the back of the man that showed him another path. PS: Right of photo and main story belongs to the right people. PS2: I keep seeing Overwatch animated shorts on Youtube and man I want to write something about it. Love the story. I can't promise to know all about the lore, so if there is any difference, think of it as an alternate version. PS3: (hehe, ps3) Anyway, this is just impulsive writing. So there is no schedule. I will post whenever I feel like.

Night132 · Video Games
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

"Catch," Oli spoke up while I was resting on her sofa with my back facing up. I had almost fallen asleep before she came from nowhere, throwing a scouter like thing from an anime. Though this one was blue. "What's this?" I asked her, looking at the object in my hand. "That should have the effect of ignoring your grenade's smoke or flash bangs." She answered with no care and even shrugging. "I know what it is, but I wanted a blue visor."

Looking at me like I was weird, "I know, to make you seem like your mentor or something. But I prefer this." She pointed at the scouter in my hand. "It's either take it or leave it. You leave it, you're responsible for finding someone to accept all your favors next time." She reminded me with a shrug again, flupping, plopping, whatever the word is, she dropped herself on the sofa opposite of mine.

Letting out a sigh, "Fine, but what about the other things?" I asked, only for her to point at the scouter in my hands again. "That thing you requested comes with that. It takes in your eye, confirming your identity. It is wirelessly connected to your rifle. So, just aim and shoot where you want it to drop." She answered, while on her phone, going through something and then chuckling to herself.

"Speaking of the rifle, I reprogramed it so it fires more smoothly and has less of a recoil. Also another feature like S: 76's but yours will be linked to your grenades. And for your grenades, you made them well. So, nothing could be added. Though I did something anyway." She continued with a shrug. Interested, "What did you add?" I asked, pushing myself carefully from her sofa and instead sitting.

She showed a video of me throwing my fifth phone in rage at a wall from a perspective that I didn't know. Her evil chuckle was back on, while I covered my face with my hands, recitating, 'Patience... Don't kill her. Patience, Vik...'

"You'll find more about it when test it on the field. Hint, fire the new feature of the gun after you've thrown your smoke grenade." She added with a smirk and a wink. "Yeah... I don't want it anymore." I spoke, making her frown. "You do know I've worked hard on them right?"

"Which is exactly my problem. I know you. Either you'll have my organs, or something will happen when I test it. Either way, I am saying nope to both of them." I rejected, making her facepalm. "You do know that your flight is tomorrow right?! If you don't, news flash, you're about to go and fight null sector invasion!" She dramatically waved her hand and in sarcasm.

"Yeah... I still don't trust you. You're being wayy to good to me for these few days." I replied, crosing my arms over my chest and inspecting her. Now frowning at me, "What, I can't be good is what you are saying? Just because I'm with Talon and you're with Overwatch now?" Now, if someone said this to you, what would your answer be? Would you feel bad about that person? Or would you doubt youself?

Now, let me answer you. Someone like Oli, for her, information is currency. She won't do anything that won't benefit her. I've know her for almost 4 years now, even more than the old man. She was the person that recruited me in Talon afterall. So, I had enough time to learn about her and even after that, we stayed in contact and whenever I needed help, she would be there for me. And in exchange, I would do some favors for her, like going after some corporate being trafficking people, or some corupted governement officiels or ceos.

If we ignored our usual thing, like trying to kill each other with guns or us fighting some corupted people, the closest thing I could say was that we were like siblings. Of course, this conclusion came after I saw Alejandra and Carlos going at each other. I really hate her, she annoys me to death. I have smashed, thrown, drowned, chewed and spit off phones because she would send me embarrasing things that I had done in my life over and over again, not before editing them by the way to make them more embarrasing. And after our usual fights, she would throw another one at me and the cycle repeats itself.

So when she says something like trust in her, Talon, and Overwatch. She's cooking something poisonous like her theme color. "First, yes, you're up to something. Second, I'm not Overwatch." I replied. "But you will be." She answered back. "Nope, the sole reason I am going to Paris is because the old man asked me to. And aunt Mercy will be there as well, so I need her to heal my back."

After our intense silence, I dropped my shoulders, giving up on trying to not take it, I mean, the features were already added, would be a waste to degrade it..."It better be not something embarrasing!" I told her, basically out of options. What could I do, go barehanded agaisnt robots that had automatic guns and explosions?

She let out some chuckle, which told me everything I needed to know. It's going to be something embarrasing. And it's going on her clips folder of me... I just know it. Letting me regret my existance for a bit, she finally spoke up, "You never really answered the question," She reminded, her teasing tone was now gone.

"What question?"

"The answer that you figured out."

"Ah, because I couldnt with you asking stupid questions." I shot back, making her giggle in remembrance of it. "Fine, I won't do it again,"

That's the biggest lie if I've ever seen one. Without going into details or anything like I embarassingly tried yesterday, "To protect peace, You need strenght."

After my answer, the whole room was quiet, you could practically hear something from across the warehouse quiet. After almost 5 seconds, Oli frowned, looking at me, "What, that's it?"

"What do you mean, that's it?" I asked back.

"I mean, That's it? Power to protect peace?" She shot back, disbelief on her face.

"Yeah, it's pretty self explanatory to me?" I answered her, my frown matching hers. "No, it isnt," She shot back, making me frown deeper. "At least Talon's mentality has some explanation. It goes, with ha-" "Hard times, hard men are created. I know it." I cut her.

"So? Where's yours? What peace are you talking about? What strenght are you talking about?" At those questions, I pondered about it bit before answering her.

"The peace where a mother doesnt have to worry when she sends her daughter to go buy flour in the evening. The kind of peace where grown adults don't have to steal from a little, defenseless kid. The kind of peace where siblings can bicker all they want, without worry of whether tomorrow, there will be some gang shotting near them or not." I told her the things off the top of my list, remembering the first few days and nights at Ale's house.

"The kind of peace where kids don't have to become adults at young age. The kind of peace where kids don't have to kill for survival. The kind of peace where kids can be allowed to be kids." I continued, looking her dead in the eye. "The kind of peace where Talon and Overwatch don't have to exist."

"And the strenght I am talking about is where I can protect all the things I currently have. I want to have the strenght to protect aunty, Alejandra, Carlos, the old man, aunt Mercy, and even you." I told her, seeing her eyes go wide at me mentionning her, a person that worked for an organization that wanted the opposite of that. "I want the strenght that my opponents will know they have a better chance of killing me through me instead of those closest to me. Because they will fear what'll happen if they go through them or you."


[BOOOM!!] An explosion went off on the distance, while I was trying to evacuate some civiliance that were still stuck in the chaos. "Hide in the building, on my signal!" I shouted at the group of people behind me, covering behind a bus. Hearing my order, they nodded and prepared themselves. Turning back towards the wave of robots coming in, I took one of the grenades from my grenade belt that was on my hip, pressing the button on top of it three times and then threw it.

"COVER YOUR EYES!" I shouted at at least 20 people, some robots or omnics, whatever the hell you call it, same thing, amongst them, who obeyed. [PHAAM!] Hearing that, "Now! GO! GO! GO!" Without any delay, the people behind the bus ran towards one of the condos that was the closest to us, the sound of fire and robots stopping just for a second. I knew that the civiliance needed more than a second, so I took out another grenade, pressing the button once and then throwing it.

Immediately, a smoke cover stopped their advance, buying more time for the people. Closing my left eye, I tapped the scouter on my ear once, activating it and started shooting through the smoke at the robots. Pulse bullets or whatever you call them was rained down on the null section robots, hitting their head, bodies, arms.

The combination of the smoke grenade and flashbang made them stop shooting for about 5 more seconds in confusion, before calculating from where I was firing and then they all focused on me. I knew that the cover I was using would only be a matter of time before it went past it's limits, and that was approaching fast. So, I stopped my attack and ran away.

I found myself behind another cover and readied myself to take out some more rust buckets,


Another explosion went off in the distance. Instead of ignoring it, I send a quick glance towards the explosion, before turning back and started shooting every two seconds and then covering myself.

Though I heard some kind of jet noise in the area, I ignored it for now since my situation didn't let me analyse those kinds of things. And if the old man was in my head, he would tell me to find time to do it so that I wouldn't get caught off guard.

Though I made sure my back's condition didn't worsen, with me running around, fighting like this, I knew it worsened off. My skin might've even peeled off or something, hell my bandage should be sticking to it and just thinking about the hustle later on, I shivered a little. But the adrenaline of the war was numbing the pain that I was feeling for the full week, which felt like forever. I was grateful for this war, helping me numb the pain but also clear my mind from the fog as well.

For a while, that's what I did. Changing covers, if I found any people or civ robots near me, I would cover for them until they went to safety. I wanted to save the grenades on my belt. And fortunately, I had also stuffed some in my pockets like they were candy. Bringing out two from my jacket, I pressed the button twice on top of them and threw at the robots.



Two explosion went off a couple of meters away from me. For a split second, the attacks stopped so I took that opportunity to counter attack, my shots piercing through the robots like butter. For the body shots, it took me a couple of tries to know where to hit them. In the middle of their chest, twice, and they're down. And a headshot also brings them down. But headshots are hard, I need more practice for that. I'm not the old man. But the body shots are simple enough.

Ignoring the round of explosion from some loud giant footsteps, I focused on my situation. The military or police must've switched position closer to me if those loud footsteps are getting here. Which means I need to take care of all these, go there, and test out my trump card.

I just needed to spray on the closest one and after a few tries, they get down. Of course, my pulse rifle also needs to cooldown after the 70th shot or something instead of the original 20th. I really need to thank Oli for that.

Changing cover again, the car that I was using a second ago went off like fire work. 'Where are they?!' I thought to myself, annoyed by the gorilla and his team. Again, the attacking stopped, so coming out of the cover behind a bus, I started spray and pray. The ones that were close to me turned their attention back to me, but the other ones, the ones that were faraway stopped shooting at me and started heading somewhere else like robots, eh!, they are robots. I chuckled to that thought.

I ignored the loud thuds going on in the distance, knowing full well what they were. An upgrated version of the small ones is what it is. And there were at least a couple of them wrecking havoc. But the huge robot's main priority was to attack places that could defend themselves. Like the police headquaters or the military. Those places were already evacuated and it was pure battlefield between humans, omnics, and robots.


'What the fuck is that sound?!' I thought to myself, while shooting at the robots in front of me. Seeing them ready to fire back, I went back to the cover. The sound was like that of a huge freaking laser. And immediately,









Multiple ground shaking explosions went off from the direction the laser sound came off. With a frown, I took the grenade in my left pant pocket, I pressed twice, and threw in the middle of the enemy. The shock wave of the explosion stopped the attacking robots for a moment, a moment that wasn't wasted on me. Coming out of the cover, the 30 robots had turned to 23 because of the grenade, and the others, I started shooting at their body, or more like spraying as if my rifle was some kind of machine gun.

After that, some other explosions happened, but they werent as severe as the once that I just experienced.

The 23 turned to 12 really quick, and with my rifle needing to cooldown, I tried to go back behind my cover. The key word, I tried because two honks of a van distracted me.


Turning towards the honks, I saw an armored van coming straight at me from behind. 'What the actual fuck? Since when can they drive cars?!' I thought to myself, ready to blast the black van thinking it was the enemy. But surprising me, it changed it's direction and went at the robots, smashing and crashing in to the closest ones, before it drifted!

THE FREAKING VAN DRIFTED! Do you know how cool that is! A FREAKING VAN DRIFTED AND DESTROYED THE ROBOTS WITH THE DRIFT. Normally, it would be the other way around, the van should get destroyed. But nope, IT DESTROYED THE ROBOTS WITH A DRIFT!!!

Now, that's the best entrance move I've ever seen. But it didn't stop. It started come back at me, while I was still cautious. The back of the van were then opened by some huge, white haired guy in a suit of armor, "GET ON MY FRIEND!" He suggested and without question, I went in.

What? I didn't had parents to tell me about stranger danger! If I see a van drift like that and take care of my enemies, I'll hop inside any day of the week. "Thank you," I told the old man, only for him to chuckle. "I like you, fighting with glory!" The huge guy shouted at the top of his lungs, laughing and patting my shoulder. Before I could introduce myself, "We're getting there. Get ready!" A woman shouted from the driver's seat, making me curious about her identity.

"ROGER THAT!" The wayy too enthusiastic man answered back, equiping his helmet from the seat next to him. And then taking his hammer, "Let's introduce ourselves after this!" He spoke, and before I could reply, the van was being covered by the robots and the driver, a female driver, did another drift and was now driving in reverse.

'Ok, I'm liking the driver every second of this ride,' I thought inwardly. We crashing into some objects, such as car, but the heavy armored van didn't budge at all, instead it destroyed it. "GET READY!" The same voice shouted from the front. Without another word, the huge man let out a chuckle and jumped out of the car, compeltely destroying the roof of the heavy armored car.

'Okay... Who the fuck are they?!' I thought inwardly. The heavy armored van that robots had trouble ripping apart, destroyed a car and split it in half, was ripped apart by some old guy in armor just by jumping while screaming something. And like the old man, the driver also exited from the car by smashing the door with her kick or punch or something, because I just saw the door fly into a robot's head and crush it.

Crazy and scary.

I thought the old man was crazy and scary, but these guys are on a whole different level. Like, what the fuck?!

But following their example, I kicked the backdoor of the van open and joined the fight. No rest time for the wicked or something along those lines. Other than the armor old guy with the hammer and a very pretty brunette next to him, who had a mace as her weapon, who I'm gonna assume was the driver, there was a freaking gorilla that I had seen on the screen, staring wide eyed at the duo and then in confusion at me.

With my gun cooldowned, I aimed at the animal. My action brought the attention of the monkey and the duo that gave me a lift. Without any delay, I fired. The bullets travelling towards the monkey and the orange skinny tight yoga pants wearing woman. Caught by surprise, they couldn't move but my shots ignored them and headed straight towards the 5 robots that was across the street, coming from another street, ready to shot at the people.

"Hello, party people!" I greeted everyone with a smirk, before taking the flank, firing at anything that moved, which was most of the robots. Seeing a police officer and an omnic next to a girl on the ground, I took out the other grenade from my pant's pocket and threw at the robots that were advancing on them.

Instead of the smoke being released when it was on the ground, the smoke covered the sky right on top of the robots and then them. Loading my gun like the old man would do his, I shot a beam that took at least half of the usual charge, letting me with 35 shots before it would need to cool down.