
OverWatch: What if

Life isn't easy. It beats you, throws you around, destroys everything, and takes everyone you love, only to test you. To see what path you would take. The path of anger or the path of acceptance? This is the story of a little boy that was beaten, and thrown around, with nothing or no one left to love him. And despite all of that, he moved forward to the light, watching the back of the man that showed him another path. PS: Right of photo and main story belongs to the right people. PS2: I keep seeing Overwatch animated shorts on Youtube and man I want to write something about it. Love the story. I can't promise to know all about the lore, so if there is any difference, think of it as an alternate version. PS3: (hehe, ps3) Anyway, this is just impulsive writing. So there is no schedule. I will post whenever I feel like.

Night132 · Video Games
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

"Do you really have to go?!" The little Carlos spoke, his lips pouting while he was trying his hardest to toughen through the tears. Gently croushing to his position, I patted his head, "Yep, I do, big guy. The world doesn't save itself you know." Okay, that was the most cringiest thing I've said with straight face.

But it seemed to work on the little guy. Carlos straighten his back and wiped the tears that were treathing to spill out of his eyes. He looked at me as if I was the most strongest guy on earth and started to mimick my usual posture, by puffing his chest and trying to flex his abs, ready for combat or something. Chuckling at him, "Good, your mom and sister needs you to be their protecter. You can't show weakness." I told him, trying to impart a lesson that I should have gotten at his age.

And he answered me like a soldier does to his commander, "Yes, sir!" Giving him a nod in return, "Now that's a big guy. Good." I told him and gently got up again, trying to show by example. He knew about my back's condition and though he couldn't fantom how much it hurt with every movement, he was smart enough to know that the smile and laughs I showed them during my stay was a front to hide and push away the grimace.

And he wasn't the only one, Alejandra knew and their mom knew. But for my dignity, their mom probably told them to not ask questions regarding it and take it easy on me. Which I was grateful for her. Turning to Alejandra, I smiled at her and patted her head like her brother as well. Though she looked away with a blush.

"Take care of your mother and brother for me will you?" I asked of her, knowing full well she would. And confirming my thoughts, she nodded, glancing at me for a second and then averting her eyes. "Good girl,"

Turning to the oldest woman, I lowered my head a bit as a sign of respect, "Thank you for taking care of me for so long,"

"I should be saying that for taking care of my kids, Viktor." She replied with a soft smile and a hint of concern. "But are you sure you have to go? Why not ask your that doctor to come to you?" And there was the show of concern with no ulterior motive. Something that I hadn't fully had a grasp of yet.

Shaking my head, "She's... busy? But I promise I will be taking it easy." I replied, making her sigh in worry. Seeing that, I was now... uncomfortable. With leaving, not her. I mean, seeing Alejandra's red eyes filled with disappointment and Carlos trying to not cry, and if that wasn't enough, the infamous motherly care and concern from their mom, I don't know if I should catogorize this as weakness or strenght?

Though I only stayed with these people for a week, it was enough time for me to feel a new sense of warmth and learn about things that I never knew. It felt like I was discovering new colors in life or finding new flavor of food. Turns out, my new favorite food is spicy tacos from Ale's mom's. I tried finding a tacos that was close to her level, but found none. Though they had their own unique taste, but whatever the secret ingredient that Ale's mom was using, I would honestly and seriously kill for it. Just point at a someone, or robot, I won't differentiate.

So weakness or strenght... I truly didn't know. I didn't have this trouble with the old man or aunt Mercy because they could kick the world's ass without problem. But these people... They couldn't. Instead, they would be buried under the earth and no one would take notice. And thinking about it... I was frightened by it.

"Viktor?" I heard my name being called. Coming out of my daze, I stared at the brown eyed woman in front of me. "Are you okay?" She asked, for the millionth time or something. And as if I was reassured by it, "Yes, ma'am. I'll come visit you guys after?" I asked uncertainly. Though I loved spending time with them, I didn't wanted to impose on them. I was expecting to see some kind of hesitation on their parts, maybe not the kids since they didn't knew about the full dark side of it yet, but from their mom. I was expecting her to show some hesitation or delay.

But as soon as I had finished speaking, the woman's eyes brightened up like her kids, "If you didn't, we would be really disappointed at you," Hearing her, my eyes widened in disbelief for a second, before I chuckled. "Yes, aunty." I replied instantly, surprising myself and making her and her kids grow questioned expression.

"Ah, it's... Um, I... How do I say this...?" I muttered in embarrassement for the first time in front of the family, making their brows go up in disbelief at seeing this new reaction. "It's a terme of endearment I use for people that are close to me... You don't have to mind it, ma'am." I spoke, trying my best to get my facial expression back in control.

"Hey! Don't switch it. Now that I know that, don't ever call me ma'am." She spoke, gently hitting me on my shoulder, making sure that her hit wouldn't hurt me too much. "Yes ma-" Seeing her instently glare at me, "aunty. Yes, aunty."

Satisfied with herself, "Good, now come here, chico." She ordered, opening her arms for a hug and expecting me to give it to her. But chico? Really?! I am no little boy! "Um, can't you call me-" I spoke, but instantly got rejected by her, "Fine, chico it is..." I gave in to her hug.

And then it hit me. It felt like the warmest blanket on the whole world was envelopping my whole body, washing away everything and anything. I litteraly almost fell asleep while standing up in her hug and was brought out of it when the hug ended after a few seconds. I... was unhappy with that because I wanted more. But asking for it would be too weird so I moved on.

Though it seemed like the kids wanted to share hugs as well. Crouching in front of Alejandra, the little girl carefully made sure that her arms werent on my back, but instead behind my neck. And contrairy to her mom, she held it for a bit longer, making me also enjoy this new feeling. Though it wasn't the same as aunty, the feeling of concern and that she was probably going to miss me was convayed with her actions.

Patting her back, "I'm not going to some war and die you know." I told her, ignoring her silent cries and hiccups. And I wasn't going to some war and die, that was true. Because I really intended to come back here, stay with them for some more before, kicking out the gangs and painting a terrifying picture of me in this town so that no one would be bold enough to mess here. And then, I would go find the old man and get my revenge.

Patting her back a couple of time, "I'll be back as soon as I can and healed. Okay?" I told her, and she gave me a weak nod while pushing her face deeper into my hug. I comforted her a bit more and when she broke the hug, she ran away from the entrance of the house and to her room. Shaking my head, I turned towards the remaining person.

"Come here, big guy. Just for today, after this, soldier on, deal?" I asked him, opening my arms. Without hesitation, "De-Deal!" The boy shouted, running into my hug and tightening his hold. Contrary to his mom or sister, he was a bit rekless, which lead to his hands touching the burns on my back. If it was a couple of days ago, I would probably show the same face as the first time Carlos touched my back, but since aunty had always taken care of it, and it was bandaged right now, I only tighten my jaw and calmly patted his back, "You remember my training?" I asked him, and then sensed a nod.

Realizing that I was waiting for him to continue, "Run on the beach for an hour. 100 pushups and situps a day." He answered, making me nod. "And if it gets too easy?"

"Do it with the waves." He answered back. "Good, and remember. If someone harrasses your sister?" "I tell her to run and punch their nuts." Ignoring a chuckle from aunty, I patted his back, "Good, big guy."

Once he broke his hug, I stood back up and gave the duo another nod, "See you in a bit," I told and exited the house, which was the most hardest thing I have done in a while. With every step I took that lead closer to the doors, my steps felt like heavier, as if gravity was getting more intense. And when I did pass the door, the world felt foreign and cold.

Without turning back, I could sense the warmth that was behind me. It would be so easy to just... Turn around, forget about Paris and my healing, forget about finding the old man and just wrap myself up in that warm blanket. Away from all this cold and foregn things.

But I still continued, my douflebag holding some clothes and my weapons. I think it was a mistake to accompany Alejandra to her house. But it was a mistake that I don't regret. Because this just proved that there are other reasons for getting stronger other than survival with no care of who or what.

Before this week, I had some impulses and confusion. I could just backstack the old man and just walk straight to Talon and tell them that I was back. Tell them that I was ready to wage war just because I saw and read the bullshit stuff about omnic this or that. I thought while marching towards the warehouses in a shady part of the town.

There are more important things in life. Instead of preaching about some justice to some freaking rusty junks, why don't you preach about saving kids that lost everyone and everything BECAUSE of those freaking bucket heads. Worry about beings that give birth rather than some rusty shit.

Talon's war could eliminate this problem for a short while and maybe even forever. People would care too much for their own life and how to survive to care about some object that could be replicated in some factory.

But there was just one big problem. Talon would create more people like... me. Orphans. Kids that would lose everything and everyone and then be forced to never know about life.

I was lucky to meet the old man, no doubt. I was lucky he accepted me after so long, I am happy that I met aunt Mercy, and I am extremely gratefuly to meet Alejandra and then her mom and Carlos. But there are people like me that have no one, and probably will never know those things...

Talon's philosophy and mentality is to wage war to make humanity stronger. It was something that I had agreed prior to meeting the old man, because I was consumed by the desire of strenght and wanted to improve my life.

But now, I didn't agree at all. Talon was half the answer. But the old man, aunt Mercy, aunty, Alejandra, and Carlos was the other half. Which is why I was standing in front of the enemy's door. Or friend. Depends when you meet her.

I didn't even need to knock on the warehouse's door before it was opened and stood in front of me was a woman, in her 30s, with black hair, some patch of purple hair here or there, her skin darker than mine. An expression of smirk on her face, "You came sooner than I expected," She spoke, turning her back and going away, leaving the door open, inviting me. To which, I accepted.

"Don't humble yourself," I replied, looking here and there while following her. "Your right, I knew you were coming," She returned, I could practically hear her grin even when I was following her back. Reaching the common area, I found myself in a place filled with screens here and there, all displays showing some news or some articles.

"And you probably know why I'm here than?" I asked just to be sure, while staring at a specific screen about some corporate thing going on. "Yep, to help you track your mentor." At that I shook my head, denying it. "Though that would help, I need something else," I answered, making her turn in a brief moment of surprise from the monitor that she was staring at to me.

"Oh, do tell." She encouraged, her purple eyes scanning my whole body and when it fell on my bag, she smirked, as if she knew what was inside them. Without even letting me start, "And I expect it involves the thing in that bag?"

Raising my eyebrow, "It has my clothes," I told her with a blank face and with confident. "I mean the other thing." She spoke, slowly walking up to me. "The other thing is porn." I answered without any hesitation. See, while I... Like? This woman, I also hate her. It's a love hate kind of thing between us. We fight, we take a break and go eat something, while peacefully talk about our life, and then come back to fight on some other stupid thing.

And her know it all attitude always ticked me off. She would ask a question, and then answer it herself. So, of course, this was one of those moments that I wanted to punch her face. "Do you take me for a stupid?" She asked me with a frown. "Oh, yes. Without any doubt."

Now, normally, here we would fight. Fist fight, guns, rifles, grenades, whatever that was available. And I was ready for it to happen. But surprisingly, she closed her eyes, and let out a sigh filled with anger and then turned her back to me, going to her expensive purple gaming chair or something and falling down on it.

For a while, we stared at each other, before she opened her mouth. "I heard about your back." She told me, making me sigh and drop the douflebag. "If you want I could-" I stopped her, raising my hand at her. "Oli, thanks, but no."

"Figured..." She spoke, looking at my figure and then turning to her desk, typing some stuff on her freaking expensive computer. "What are you doing?" I asked with a frown, looking at the numbers going up or something. I didn't want for her to call some freaking mad scientist or healer from Talon, but seeing nothing like that on any monitors, I let go. But she didn't answer my question. Shaking my head with a sigh, I went to grab another one of her chairs and sat down on it. My back not touching anything but my clothes on it.

"Did you finally figure and sort out your thing?" Oli asked, her tone more serious but gentle this time. Though her back was faced at me, I nodded before answering. "Talon isn't the way." Hearing my answer, she let out a disappointed sigh. Though I wasn't sure for who it meant.

After a couple minutes of silence between us, she threw a phone to me, which I caught easily. "It has the address of your flight to Paris in a couple of days." Turning her chair back to me, "But I wanna hear it. You're answer." She told me, now facing me again.

Letting out a relaxed smile, "You probably already know about what I've been doing for the past week, no?" I asked back, to which she nodded with a smirk, the usual Olivia coming back. "Did you know that hugs could be soooo comfortable?" I asked her seriously, making her raise an eyebrow questionably at me, and then a smirk. "Didn't know you liked em old."

"No, I am serious, it's nothing like that!" I rejected whatever that was going on in her mind. The usual banter starting. "Oh, come on, no need to be embarrased," She said, her smirk only growing with each second. "Oli! Like I said, it's nothing like that!" I spoke again with a frustrated frown. "Ok, ok, fine." She raised her hand, a mock surrender.

"Tell me how it felt then," that sentence with her teasing tone was bothering me a lot. "YO- GAHH!!!" My brain shortcircuited, giving up on trying to explain. Because that would only increase my embarrasement and then she would secretly clip this and send it to me to the new phone whenever she would get bored.

I lost my first phone like that because I was too frustrated at her for doing that and smashed it on a wall, and the second phone was because I threw it out of a moving vehicle. The third was because I used it to smash a guy's head. In a nutshell, I had probably destroyed about 24 phones just because of the woman in front of me. Which I bet she has a clip of it saved somewhere in the folder as a secret weapon agaisnt me.

"I so hate you," I muttered with a glare, only for her to start giggling evilly.