
Sell my body, get my piece and rank up

Douluo Continent

Shrek City.

In the early morning of the following day, all of the first grade students were gathered in Spirit Ice Plaza to prepare for their departure.

Any student who could make it into Shrek Academy undoubtedly possessed a soul storage device. The first thing the teachers did when they arrived was collect all of them. Apart from the clothes on their backs, the students were left with nothing.

The students of the first grade were divided by gender for the body searches.

The girls had a seperate box for them while the boys were checked in the open space.

'Yeah, only girls have dignity.'

Fan Lin thought as his body was thoroughly searched.

Most of the students had nothing to hide, but a few tried their luck at smuggling things out. However, one teacher's martial soul was his eyes, and with his soul skills, he could see through every kind of deception the students tried.

A cold gust of air blew in through the gates. Although none of them truly felt cold, a few still shivered from the wind chill.

"That search was so thorough!" a student exclaimed as they shuffled through the gates.

Soon they all dispersed.

Fan Lin looked at the Shrek Academy behind him.

"Just how low am I going to fall?"

He muttered as he took a deep breath and shouted.

"TOUCH A THREE WORD BATTLE ARMOR PIECE FOR 100 Federal Credits! (previously Federation coins)"

His voice resounded throughout the area in front of Shrek Academy. Everyone looked at the direction of voice but no one came.

'Did it not work? It was even embarrassing to do.'

Just when he thought that, hundreds of pairs of eyes fixed on him. They, the students and the people of the Shrek City, slowly began to move towards him.

In just a few moments, Fan Lin was surrounded by dozens of students from all sides. They were his seniors in Shrek.

The civilians were also looking at this sight from afar while slowly scooting over.

"Is it true?"

"Do you really have it? You look quite young? A first grader?"


"... Blah blah blah."

At that moment, Fan Lin realised of the mistake that he made. If he had a choice, he would have taken it back.

'I should have just sweeped the park or something'

As the voices continue to grow more and more erratic, Fan Lin released his soul power as three rings of different colours rose from his feet.

His second skill activated and he screamed again.

"Silence. Form a line, get your money ready and no more than 10 seconds each!"

'In times of need, what kind of things do I have to do.'

'Causing genocide and earning through that is far easier.'

The surroundings quiet down after a 30 foot sharp crystal hung above their head.

Everyone around him gulped down their saliva as they took a step backward.

Fan Lin also released his Three Word Battle Armor hand piece and activated his first soul skill to limit the backlash.

The surrounding students began to whisper among each other with baited breaths as they saw his hand piece.

"It's real!"

Some students exclaimed.

"Of course it is. Now make a line and come at a time. Get your money ready. Only cash and just 10 seconds. Okay."

He said as a chair and table was formed by his green crystals. He sat on the chair and welcomed the first customer.

The thirty foot green crystal still hung above their heads.

All the people looked at this spectacle and now they were interested in the rude mouth little kid who had a weird green soul ring as well.

The first customer came and sat on the green chair opposite Fan Lin. Fan Lin gestured towards the table as a crystal box was constructed on it.

The students understood his intentions and put the cash into the box.


Fan Lin gave his arm to the man.

The young man looked at the Three Word Battle Armor piece, touched it, stroked it and time was over.

"Times up."

Someone behind the first customer said to him.

"You can line up again and get another ten seconds."

Fan Lin said and pointed towards the line that was no less than 100 people. The student immediately ran towards the end of the line.

'Now that's craze.'

Fan Lin thought as the next person sat.

Three hours later.

Fan Lin had stopped his small 'business' and left the area in the eyes of the people who still haven't gotten their turn.

In the past three hours, he arm was stroked, touched, felt, shook, taken picture of, taken a selfie with his arm and some boy even got a headpat.

He delivered the happiness of his arm to more than 300 people and got up to leave as both his Spirit Power and Soul power was on its last run. Even with the aid of his highly efficient first soul skill.

"Fortunately I ate fifteen plates of food in the morning or I would have died from the energy exhaustion. Even with the aid of my first soul skill"

Fan Lin mumbled as he slowly rode towards the Soul train station in Shrek City.

He had planned about this the last night and this was the most embarrassing yet the least time taking one out of all his ideas that didn't involve anything illegal.

He couldn't use his Secondary Profession to earn any money because Shrek City was filled with Mecha Designers. It was too saturated and him landing a job would take quite a while.

So he planned on selling his body. It was cheap, efficient and effective. He got up early in the morning, ate a lot of vegetables and fruits and used his soul skill to temporarily halt the implosion.

When the students were allowed to leave, Fan Lin was already near implosion and didn't have much time. It was also the reason for his impatient actions as he gathered the whole crowd in front of the Shrek Academy where he was bound to get a lot of attention.

He actual plan was to do this near the Soul train station and to leave immediately after gathering enough money but as luck wasn't on his side, the checking took to much of his time and he has to immediately deplete his soul power to stop himself from becoming a bloody nightmare for the students... and a test subject of the top brass.

And adding to his misfortunes, he currently didn't have a single soul skill that used his soul power.

His first soul skill increased his soul power.

His second skill had nothing to do with soul power.

His third skill was a passive and didn't require any type of energy, not even physical.

That leaves his Three Word Battle Armor piece. Which accordingly should have dried him up the moment he summoned it but the passive optimization of his first soul skill, his upgraded energy reserves and the passive Petrosapien physique also extended the time limit of the Three Word Battle Armor.

But it didn't represent his battle time because if Fan Lin was to actually use his Battle armour for battle, he will be dried up in less than 2 seconds, even with all the energy optimizations of his soul skills.

Hence in a split second thought, he chose a less dangerous path and showcased himself in front of the school.

"Just a month more and I would have been Rank 40."

Fan Lin whispered while getting out of his cab as he had reached his destination.

He went towards the staff and got a ticket for the Skyorder City, fortunately for him, the next train going to his destination will arrive in two hours.

"And that's why I did that."

Fan Lin found a place to sit and began to restore his soul power while waiting for the train.

"Everything is hard when you do it the right way."

Two hours later.

Fan Lin took the train to the Skyorder City and meditated in the meantime.

As for why he planned to go to the Skyorder City. The readers who had read the previous chapters must have guessed it already but we still need to explain.

He was going there to get another piece of Three Word Battle Armor from the previous Craftsman who made his first piece.

When he heard about the test requirements needed him to reach Bright City and the fact that the Skyorder City also happened to be in the way of his destination to the Bright City, he contacted the Craftsmen who made his battle armor and they cut his call after knowing it's him.

After fifteen tries and telling them about his third soul skill did they calm down to listen to him and reluctantly agreed when he said that Shrek would pay for his battle armor this time and that he had gotten their approval (lies) to have another piece.

The Craftsmen finally reeled into the power of money and connections.

So Fan Lin set an appointment after agreeing to a condition of theirs. They would first check Fan Lin's physique themselves and only after that would they proceed any further.

If his physique is even a little bit weaker than what was required, they wouldn't even allow him to enter their workplace.

Now he was on his way to get the second piece because he wanted to save his holidays for the massacre, not on helplessly lying down on the bed, recuperating from the after effects of his Battle Armor infusion. His regenerative factor still wasn't in its prime.

But all this was a failsafe if his Petrosapien physique failed.

"I have already checked my body and due to the Petrosapien physique, my durability is that of Diamondhead(Petrosapien). It should be enough to easily rein in the Battle Armor."

That's what he thought and planned for as well.

If he could, he wanted to get another piece as well but he was tight on money till the massacre and hence had to be content with a single piece for now.

Unlike in the Blue Silver Grass, the Fan Lin in OR wasn't filthy rich due to all the spending that he did, be it on men, herbs and plants, bribery and knowledge.

So this version of Fan Lin wasn't that rich.

[8 hours later]

Fan Lin took a cab from the soul train station to the Skyorder City's Spirit Pagoda.

[3 more hours later]

He finally arrived at the venue point at 11 pm in the night.

The Craftsmen were waiting for him at the previous cafe while talking to each other.

"Look who's here!"

The old man said in sarcasm while pointing at the clock on the cafe. Fan Lin ignored him and released his soul power.

Three rings rose from his feet, one yellow, one green and one purple.

"Here, check my physique and start as soon as you can, I only have a week to spend."

He emotionlessly remarked.

"The gall of this kid!"

The Old man checked his physique while mumbling to himself. It was evident how eager he was to do his job.

"The lads right."

The Old man said with disappointment and looked at the middle aged man at the centre.

"We have started the job, we have to finish it anyway."

He said. The other two people beside him nodded their heads at his statement.

"Let's start with your requirements for the next piece then."

He said as the others got serious.

They spent the whole night while trying to find the right idea design, alternatives and contacting the various other association for stuff that they didn't have.

They finally finished the rough draft in the morning.

"All the raw materials will arrive in two days, if we were to work like the previous time, it should be done under three more days. That's a total of five days, works for you."

The middle aged man said to Fan.


Fan Lin calmly replied and looked at the final draft on the table.

It was another arm piece and all three of its soul circuits focused on two aspects: Soul Power Amplification.

He had wanted to have Spirit Power amplification but the middle aged man and the designer suggested this and for a simple reason as well. As they further create his Battle Armor, they could create some soul circuits with soul skill amplification and when it was combined with soul power amplifiers, the soul skills would directly advance by one realm.

Meaning that if he had a ten year old soul skill, it would advance into hundred year old soul skill whenever he doned his battle armor.

His Martial Soul will require it in the future.

The Old man had checked his first soul skill and adviced Fan Lin to raise it to Ten thousand year old mark at all costs because according to the upgrade of his first soul skill and his third soul skill.

There was a really high chance that he might be able to obtain a passive Soul power absorption ability as a symphony of soul rings.

He even taught Fan Lin the method to fuse his soul rings together to enhance its strength. It was also this that made the Old man suggest that idea because, according to him, his first three Soul skills were closely connected and had no resistance among each other.

So much that it actually felt like a single entity, like a certain famous lightning dragon type martial soul.

Fan Lin really wanted to say that it was a single entity but didn't.

And with that, the suggestion for Soul power amplification was made. As for Spirit power, Fan Lin currently didn't require it, as said by them, no him.

"When you planned to create a four word Battle Armor, use dual type soul circuits to have the Spirit Power Amplification that you want. Currently, it will just be a mental hurdle for you. You will understand that later when reach Rank 50 with your Martial Soul."

The words of one of the background duo.

"Soul circuits can be changed later on anyways. If you really regret it that much, just change it."

Said by another of the background duo.

"Hmm." [Fan Lin.

Two days later.

The same process was repeated.

The Blacksmith (one of the background duo) started the Spirit refining of the alloys according to the design draft and Fan continuously poured his blood into the metal to complete the process.

They get the required 96% harmony rate Spirit alloy after thirteen times. Then it was Soul refined and just like the previous times, it was done in a single turn.

"Your body has a weird affinity towards metals, that's all I can say."

The Blacksmiths commented as Fan Lin ate some beans to replenish his blood.

The Middle aged man then carved the soul refined metal into the various pieces that were required for the armour piece in the final draft and passed the next step to the Old man who engraved the custom made soul circuits on it.

Finally, the middle aged man and the Background Duo, assembled the Battle Armor gauntlet and transferred it to Fan Lin.

This process didn't met with any resistance from Fan Lin's physique.

"It's not that your body had become enhanced physically but it's more like a... like a, I don't know, this doesn't make much sense but your body has evolved as a vessel of some kind."

"Just know that it's good for you now and your lifespan is around 40 years."

The Middle aged man said after some thinking.

"I have already contacted the academy and gave your contacts to them. Tell them the cost and they will pay you. If you didn't get properly paid, just tell me about it the next time I come. I will pay you guys then."

Fan Lin gave a small bow to them and left to find a Rank 44 Soul Ancestor to defeat. He still was in the midst of his semester exams.

The four of them looked at his leaving figure and sighed.

"Kids nowadays are becoming terrifying, aren't they?"

"Yeah, they are. I have seen Soul Douluo's who didn't have a proper Two word Battle Armor and then there are kids with Three Word Battle Armor in their twenties."

"But what do you guys think this kid wants to do? He doesn't seem like the person who would don a three word Battle Armor to show off."

"Whatever he wants to do, I just hope he doesn't turn evil. The way he is, he would be a big menace to the society and we would be likely held responsible for it as well."

"No one knows the future lads, pipe down and think about the next time he comes."

"You remember the procedure right? Tell no one, we saw nothing and forget everything that happened this past week. We were just having a small meet to remember our youth days."

"Yeah Senior."

"Yeah yeah lad."


Skyorder City Soul train station.

Fan Lin used some of the remaining money that he got from selling his body and custom made a signboard with the words: Defeat me and get 10 million Federal credits.

Participants: Above Soul Ancestors and under Soul Emperor. [Rank 40- Rank 60]

He put the sign near the Skyorder City Soul station and once again screamed his lungs out.





His voice reverberated throughout the whole platform as eyes turned towards his direction.

To normal people, a hundred thousand Federal credit was enough to last years.

While to Spirit Masters, it was just enough to buy a high grade hundred year old, yellow Spirit Soul.

Or some spiritual panacea under the thousand year rank.

That's it.

The surrounding Spirit Masters began to pay attention to the signboard and it's owner.

If they fought against Fan Lin and won, it's free money.

No one hated free money. Everyone knew that it was easier to spend and hard to earn.

Hence, in just a few minutes, a crowd gathered around his signboard while analysing gazes scanned his tiny little body.

"Okay, then I will check the waters for you all. Don't mind me if I take the prize with me though."

A woman came out of the crowd and approached Fan Lin with four soul rings rising from her body.

"I am a rank 48 Power type Soul Ancestor kiddo. You still want to go."

The surrounding crowd looked at the first participant and backed down to create space for fight with various thoughts in their hearts.

Fan Lin came forward to face her while three soul rings surrounded him, he gestured at her starting the showdown.

The woman immediately dashed towards him but dodged when a sudden green shard shot up from the ground just in front of her.

Fan Lin used his second skill and a single green crystal shot towards the sky from the ground turning into a 30 foot small mountain in the air, suspended above the heads of all the people present.

"Fan Lin, Rank 39 Control type Soul Elder, would you still like to continue?"

The people present looked at the small mountain above their heads and then at the kid who said those words.

-Too devious! This kid was too devious!-

The woman thought the same. The green crystalline rock was suspended above them and even if she somehow took out the kid before he could react, the rock would fall on her.

She was a Power type Soul Master and speed wasn't her fort and even if she somehow defeated the kid and got out of the range of the small mountain.

The mountain would most likely fall on the kid and he would die. It was moral dilemma.

She wouldn't get the money as well, because the kid will be dead, who would pay her.

And moving the kid out of the mountains range might just allow him to create another one.

So she chose the rational path and admitted defeat.

"I gave up. Here 100 Federal credits."

She handed the money to Fan Lin and become one with the crowd.

"Anyone else wants to try?"

Fan Lin looked at them and apathetically said.

The whole crowd was silently looking at the kid. They couldn't understand how did he even thought that someone would fall for his words after seeing the spectacle.

They all looked at each other and dispersed as if losing interest.

They didn't want to fight a kid who can throw a small mountain sized rock at them. They were not that stupid.

Fan Lin waited for a while and dispersed the crystal while taking his sign to the soul station.

"Won't use this strategy the next time."

He thought as he took the train to the next city to repeat the same thing again and again till he reached his goal.

As for where would he fork out the 10 million if he lose. Well he would not lose to anyone under the Soul Emperor Rank.

At least not to the normal and orthodox Soul Master.

"And I don't have 10 Million Federal credits to begin with. I will just run."

He smiled while dragging his signboard making some little children cry out in fear.

One week later.


Fan was on his return train to Shrek Academy after fulfilling his task of defeating 10 people in 15 different cities on his path to Bright City and back. His signboard was beside him.

With his signboard strategy, he easily got the 10 fights that he wanted but that's not all, he was also fined and detained for two days by the Federation officials for fighting in public places, creating public tension and disrupting peace near the Soul train station in more than 5 major cities.

"All in all, it was good."

Fan Lin whispered as he looked at the Spirit Pagoda Headquarters tower from the soul train.

He met his requirements, got ten fights, visited fifteen cities, toured the Sun-Moon Federation, found out various places he could exploit, lots of people he could manipulate and the sheer chaos that he could cause.

"Is... it the right thing?"


Fan Lin ignored the announcement and left the station for the academy.

After checking his authenticity, the guards let him enter the academy and he went to get his storage soul guide from his Lecturer.

The Lecturer silently looked at him as he left with his storage device.

It was empty.

Fan Lin had given them an empty storage device.

Fan Lin returned to his shabby dusty working dorm that hasn't been cleaned and sighed.

"Forget it."

He left to meditate deep in the forest near his dorm.

"One more week and I would be rank 40, if I don't change my spirit soul, then I will get a thousand year old purple soul skill."

"My body is fully capable of handling a ten thousand year old spirit soul though."

"I don't have an exact idea of how much my body can bear? What if I can contain a hundred thousand year old spirit soul?"

"The passive Petrosapien physique should give me DAIMONDHEAD's physique as it implies. I don't have an estimation of his physique though. The enhanced durability doesn't explain anything."

"And that's not all, how the heck would I get the hundred thousand year old spirit soul to begin with, I don't think money would even be accepted. I don't even have money at me now."

"The only way to get one would be to become a slave(member) of Spirit Pagoda, or Tang Sect or Shrek(?)."

"My freedom or a really powerful soul skill..."

"My freedom it is."

Fan Lin whispered as if he was really given a hundred thousand year old spirit soul.

He chuckled at his thinking and calmed his mind into numbness. He began his meditation with a free mind.

"Whatever happens, I will decide that a week later. Fortunately getting a ten thousand year old spirit soul is easy with the contribution points that I possess. Sometimes, I really undermine Shrek just because they couldn't reach the mental threshold that I had of them."

"Doesn't matter. Shrek Academy it is then."

"Now just how do I check the limits of my body in term of my spirit soul absorption limit? I am an expert in poisons, not Spirit Masters."

"Hmmm. Absorbing more than the body could handle could lead to the body being blown away...."

"Well, I am something of an explosion victim myself."

Fan Lin silently cultivated as new ideas formed in his mind.

"I am becoming crazier as time passes. My stupid teen self was really detestable."

"Yeah 😼."

"It is the right thing to do."


Shrek Academy.

[The following events happen when Fan Lin got his second piece of Battle Armor, aka the 6th day of his exams.]

[And for those that didn't get the timing, it took him 6 days to get his battle armor and then a week more to complete his exams and return to Shrek. A total of 13 days.]

[Now read the chapter in peace.]

Outer Court Headmaster's house.

The Headmaster looked at the bill that was sent by the craftsmen who created Fan Lin's second Battle Armor piece and then at the Lecturer of the grade 1 who presented the bill to him.

"He got his second piece in the middle of the exams."

The Lecturer politely said.

"That I can see. I don't think any other student would even think of using their exams as a chance to do their chores and then there's him who even did it."

The Headmaster continued solemnly as the bill was more than he thought.

"I recommended him for the inner court but they rejected it by saying that..."

"He is a Soul Elder with just a single useful soul ability. The other two aren't beneficial to anyone except him and... "

His tone became serious.

"I can't deny that statement. His first soul skill increases his digestion. His third soul skill is an passive body buff called Energy physique. According to the Elders, with his Martial Soul, he won't be able to achieve more than Soul Saint [Rank 70]. I thought so too."

"His Martial Soul doesn't show any kind of evolution, it's just a Blue Silver Grass. The only reason why his cultivation is faster than others is due to his first soul skill but even that would be meaningless when his cultivation speed will be nearly halve 4 times more till the Rank 70..."

"But his first skill increases his cultivation, his third skill makes his monstrous physical abilities to a new he..."

The Lecturer spoke out in defence of Fan Lin but stopped midway when the Headmaster raised his hand, a gesture that he hadn't finished speaking his mind.

"Let me finish my words. You see, I have been observing that student for nearly a year after you mentioned his three word Battle Armor feat and through my observation, I have concluded a few things."

"He doesn't like to associate with others but wouldn't shy away when he needs help."

"He doesn't like to stand out. He also doesn't pay that much attention to his surroundings."

"He trained everyday for reasons unknown but he has a resolute goal on his mind. He often visits the library to check the history section of the academy."

"He still hasn't eaten anything from the Dining Hall but regularly visits it to ask about various things from his seniors."

"He currently has more than a million contribution points, most of which were transferred to him on the first day."

"He hasn't cleaned his working students dormitory till now. His reason for joining the working students is still unknown as never did he take a single task throughout his time. Considering his contribution points, he didn't need to."

"He likes tomatoes and you can see him munch on it pretty often."

"These are the normal aspects, now the weird ones."

The Headmaster began listing the various things that nearly made him a stalker of little kids.

"He properly eats once every 15 to 20 days. I have never seen him take toilet breaks of any kinds and I don't think he does. His body is always clean."

"He doesn't sweat, doesn't drink water. I have never seen him drink anything at all. He had only slept twice in the past year(which he didn't need to as generally the students cultivated at that time. Cultivation was actually more beneficial than sleep) and his body is somehow perfectly clean even if doesn't bath."

"90 percent of the books that he read in the library were about the history of soul beasts. Every time he read about them, his gaze became complex and his face showed emotions."

"He hasn't killed a single soul beast in the Spirit Ascension plane. Also mutters things in an unknown language and never showed any hesitation in killing, humans in particular. Although all of it was in a virtual platform."

"Headmaster, I don't understand what you mean by that."

The Lecturer couldn't help but ask out loud as the actions of the Headmaster seemed a little too invasive of privacy.

"His physique, a boon of his third Soul skill, I only told the inner court that it enhanced him physically."

"Do you know why I didn't say his complete data?"

"Because as I observed him more and more, I realised one simple fact. He didn't like humans."

"He is a once in a century genius, has a mentality that is ruthless and childish, has money but his origins show him as an orphan but then he is acquainted with the Earthrock Alliance president."

"I felt something wrong yet he was a human, a perfect student with introverted behaviour, yet something didn't fit."

"He concerns me. You see, I wouldn't have mind if he had a weak cultivation base or speed, that fact that his is able to contain a Three Word Battle Armor is enough to reward him with a panacea to evolve his Martial Soul in the Blue Silver Grass King or Blue Silver Emperor."

"I could do that personally as well, much less the resources of Shrek but..."

"I don't want to create a being to be the next Infernal King Ha Luosa. His unknown nature and his outlook towards the humans, feels a bit concerning."

"I know that I actually don't know what's on his mind, he can be a good person at heart but I don't want to raise something that would turn out to be a terrorist or something even worse."

"So I shared my views to the inner court elders and they have decided to dismiss me if I dared to do this observation on other kids again."

"Huh?" [Lecturer Long]

"As for Fan Lin, they decided to let him continue his studies in the Outer Court for now while keeping a lookout at his behaviour. The past incident really had made them cautious of any weird introverted genius."

"I agree on that as well. He had been doing fine till now on its own, he can do so in the future as well plus he is just 11 years old now. He still has a long time ahead of him."

"We have a long time ahead of us. We will slowly nurture him after checking his actual self."

"This is what we thought two days ago in the Seagod Pavillion meeting."

"And now this! My thoughts are wavering now! Just imagine the heights he could reach if he is given the resources from the inner court!"

"... For now, you tell me about his major breakthroughs since I am not allowed to monitor him, or anyone... for now."

The Headmaster said while paying the bill. The Lecturer just nodded his head in silence.

"Also ask him why he doesn't eat anything from the Dining Hall. If something isn't to his liking, he can just pay a little more to eat what he wants. The chefs take custom orders as well."

"Ask him why he doesn't clean his working students dormitory room as well? And tell him to not hide his things under his bed since it isn't that safe, is he a little kid or what? Wait, don't tell him that part."

"Also, can you ask him why does he only kill humans and not beasts in the Spirit Ascension Plane? Doesn't he want to upgrade his spirit souls? With his unique soul skill, he could upgrade his Spirit Souls to ten thousand year old Black Spirit Souls in just a day."

"His Spirit Power also hits the mark for a ten thousand year old spirit soul. Ask him about it, I really want to know?"

The Headmaster listed the things he wanted to the Lecturer to find out.

The Lecturer nodded his head and left the place. It wasn't the first time that he faced the antics of the Headmaster.


So I wanted to clarify a little as it feels like I couldn't properly convey what I wanted to say to you in the last chapter.

When I say focus on a single book, I meant one of the books in the Blue Silver Grass series.

There are currently five books being written, two of which are Blue Silver Energy Grass and Original.

So I wanted to ask if I should just focus on a single novel and finish it first.

This way, I can provide daily updates and we will be finished with the book by the end of March, the next month.

Or should I continue doing all.

That would mean, 3 to 5 chapters of a single in 5 to 15 days. Even months.

If you choose single then which book?

Original - Blue Silver Grass.

Blue Silver Energy Grass.

Re-write [20 chapters]

Your Predator.

The Blue Silver Grass continuation. [The continuation of the Blue Silver Grass but not completely, it's hard to say because it's a spoiler.]

Choose one of them.

My vote is single book- Original Blue Silver Grass for now.

What about yours?


This is an extra chapter for the voting results.

The voting has concluded.

Here are the results.

Five votes to : Focus on a single work.





Winter Meteor

Thanks for your support till now, even with my update rate.