
Motivational life

Douluo Continent

Shrek City

The next day.

Fan Lin broke through Rank 30.

Apparently a thousand year old spirit soul can be used for three spirit rings.

He could have changed to a new one if he wanted to but he didn't because his body was still incapable of holding ten thousand year old spirit soul.

He chose to keep the Ice Blue Silver Grass crossbreed variant for his third ring and got the third soul skill which disappeared along with a message.

[Icicle storm changed to Petrosapien's Physique.

Petrosapien's physique:

Energy Manipulation : Deflection, redirection and absorbtion of energy. Active skill.

Enhanced body: Enhanced strength, enhanced durability, enhanced jumping, enhanced dexterity, enhanced acrobatics, heat resistance, (space survivability, body alterations and regeneration. Currently locked). Passive.

Immunity : Time immunity, Aging immunity, Decay immunity, Space immunity. Vaccum immunity. Locked.]

The first was about the soul skill.

[ Your friends are good and all. All of them somehow used their punishments into something that would benefit them. Especially that womanizer. They are well and you don't need to worry about it. It was something we have to do so don't blame us for it. Even If you do, nothing changes.

The net geek indirectly killed a few million when I said that he was here for killing. That's all. This is a recorded message so don't waste your breath on it.]

{ Soul rings were the medium to pass on the Petrosapien gift.}

He read the message as the usage of the soul skill came to his mind.



"Okay, Good then."

He calmly closed his eyes and started his cultivation without any rest.

His cultivation speed once again dropped by nearly half. The future looked bleak.

It was a precious holiday and starting tomorrow, the main curriculum of the Shrek would start.

At least that's what the Lecturer said and he never said anything unnecessary. Most of his opinions were conveyed through nods while his mouth only opened for teaching.


The next day.

"Before I start teaching today, I want to say two things. First, for the council representatives, count the number of people in your profession after class and have them register for the appropriate association. Of course, membership is not required. But they will receive preferential treatment if they join. All of you will also need the backing of the associations to progress in your profession, otherwise you'll have to pay for the costs out of pocket. Naturally, the price is in contribution points."

"Today is the first official day of class. The curriculum here will be nothing like what you're used to. For any questions about your martial souls or what cultivation path to take, you may ask me after class. Today, we will be going over the basics of mecha making."

The Lecturer said as he swiped his gaze towards the whole lecture theater.

After the students piped down, he began teaching about the Mecha crafting.

However, he didn't cover the basics of mecha making alone. He also discussed how makers worked with blacksmiths, designers, and mechanics. It was a comprehensive lecture.

The lecture ended quite early.

"Class council members, stay behind."

"Go to your respective associations and get their help with registering all of the people in your profession. Then discuss how to divide the class into groups with an even balance of each profession."

"Here are everyone's school registration forms. The profession and rank of each student is recorded. Their martial soul and soul power rank are listed as well. You will have to go over every single form and analyze the strengths of each student."

The Lecturer said to the Class Council members as the rest of the students trickled down through the entrance.

Fan Lin looked at them and left to train in the boundless training area.

'The next should be the class about the Battle Armor.'

The next day.

"This semester, you all have one assignment: create your own mechas."

The Lecturer switched the topic but not as Fan Lin had thought.

'So my future knowledge is useless now. Well everything has an end.'

"You must be able to use the mechas you make. As for how you make it, that's up to you. I have only covered the basics of mecha making up to this point, so you should go to the library to learn about things like what materials should be used."

"In order to make your mechas, you will need the help of everyone in your group. You must make your mechas by the end of the term. If any group has a single person without a completed mecha, the entire group will lose marks. A single member failing this assignment means the elimination of an entire group, and all of you will be made to withdraw from Shrek."

"Additionally, all of you can forget about completing the assignment half-heartedly. In the second half of the semester, you will be taught how to pilot ordinary mechas. Shrek Academy's curriculum aims to raise well-rounded students, so part of the final exam will be a class-wide mecha competition. The students that rank in the bottom ten for that competition will be expelled."

His proclamation sent chills down everyone's spines and increased the pressure they were under.

Even if everyone was strong individually, it was impossible to make a mecha without the help of their classmates. In other words, they had to rely on each other. Cooperation was indispensable for this assignment.

"The exam at the end of the semester also includes a group competition where each group will select their four strongest mecha pilots to compete as a team. The specific rules will be announced closer to the date of the competition." He paused to let this information sink in, then gravely said, "I will now give you half an hour to gather into your groups and discuss your plans. Be warned, you do not have as much time for this task as you think."

The students began to murmur and chatter with each other in a hurry and there was a reason for it as well.

Not everyone was a genius in secondary profession. In the class with more than 100 students, there were a total of 5 blacksmiths, 70 mecha Designer, some Craftsmen and mechanics.

And most of them were Rank 2, a rank below the required rank to participate in the creation of a lowest Mecha.

And now the whole class was clamouring among each other as they verbally fought to get students in their groups.

"I want to opt out of group making Sir."

A familiar voice once again came tearing apart the surroundings noises as the whole podium became silent while they looked at the perpetrator who said that.

"What's your reason?"

The Lecturer calmly asked.

"I am a Mecha Designer Apprentice (below rank 1) and I want to focus on my Battle Armor for now. Joining others might implicate my training for my Battle Armor."

Everyone silently listened to his words, wondering what nice excuse will be given by him.

His first part of the sentence felt humble and of guilt, like he wanted to drop out because of his inability, the second part though, it infuriated the whole class.

The Lecturer took out a tab and checked Fan Lin's info. His went eyes went towards his secondary profession rank and then his age.


'10 years old with a cultivation of Rank 26 Soul Grandmaster with the weak Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass. Interesting.'

The Lecturer glanced at Fan Lin and said.

"Battle Armor? With Apprentice rank?"

"Ah, here."

Fan Lin showed his Three Word Battle Armor hand piece to the whole world that was in the lecture theater. Actions speak louder than words and it would save a lot of his time explaining about useless things.

The whole class was mesmerized as the silverish blue armor enveloped Fan Lin's hand but they didn't know the significance of it.

They just thought that it was a Battle Armor. In their hearts, their respect for Fan Lin rose by a 100 points just for that.

Who didn't wanted to be a Battle Armor Master?

'So handsome.'

Some boys and girls even had inner monologues as they stared at his Armour piece.

'Three Word Battle Armor piece!'

But the Lecturer knew the value of the Armor. It was a Three Word Battle Armor piece made of soul refined alloys.

'Did I get a rich genius in my class? By why isn't he in inner court then?'

The Lecturer thought while saying.

"Did you get them done by professional Craftsmen?"

"Yes. I want to get the second piece by the end of the first semester. I don't have time."

Fan Lin resolutely said with his dead eyes.

"Hmm. I understand. But this doesn't relate to why you should be exempted from making a Mecha alone though."

"... You said you wanted out of the group. Okay then. You don't need to form a group but you aren't exempted from the test as well and you have to create not just the Mecha Design but a complete Mecha."


"You might have heard me when I said that the top four Mecha Pilots in the group have to participate in the test later on."

"Even if you are alone, you will need to participate in the competition with the Mecha or you will be expelled for not meeting the requirements."

The Lecturer paused while scanning the whole class. He was a Lecturer with experience.

"... Hence, you have to prepare a design for the Mecha and you can pay your classmates for completing it for you. I repeat, you can only pay and rely on your classmates to create the Mecha."

"You don't need to form a group, just make the design alone without any distractions from your classmates and pay them for their services. You understand."

"If you completed the Mecha before the time limit, Shrek Academy will pay the cost of your Battle Armor piece that you are planning on having, along with the appropriate holidays to recuperate from the creation process."

"Do you accept or will you be in a group?"

The Lecturer said. The whole class stared at Fan Lin waiting for his decision.

Fan Lin on the other hand was silent after the Lecturer started to spoke.

'I spent the rest of my money when I exchanged them into contribution points.'

'As for the Armour, I was planning to mega kill and loot the others as Shi Yun's list would have been ready by the end of the semester. That would have been enough to pay the craftsmen."

'But this lecturer's offer is good as well. I was planning on raising my secondary profession later anyway, I will just think of it as a practice and since I don't lack contribution points, I can easily pay the others to get my stuff done.'

'And I just need to create a design. It's a win win for me.'

"I accept."

Fan Lin said to the Lecturer.

"Good. All of you, what are you wasting time for? You still haven't formed your grouping or do all of you plan to do it alone?"

The Lecturer said to the other students. His words felt like thunder to them as they realised that they haven't formed their groups due to the commotion.

They class soon turned violent as the murmurings of the students resembled the sound of cicadas at night.

After the designated time had passed, the Lecturer began to teach about the Battle Armor creation and perquisites of secondary profession.

"Battle armors weren't like mechas. Mechas were made of several large parts that could be roughly put together, and as long as the inner circuit core was fine, it could be used. On the other hand, battle armors required meticulous craftsmanship since they had to work as an extension of the user."

"Not even one-word battle armor had room for error when it came to this. Battle armors were composed of numerous small parts, each with its own circuit core. Furthermore, each circuit core had to be compatible with the soul master using the battle armor. "

"As a result, the complexity of battle armor designs were much higher than those of mechas, which didn't even take the difficulty of making battle armor into account."

Fan Lin internally nodded his head as the statement, even though the only thing he provided was money to get his Battle Armor.

Shrek Academy's teaching methods were clearly different from what these students were used to. Here, independent studies were encouraged. Very little time, a few hours at most, was spent in class every day. Students could procrastinate and play around and no one would bother with them. However, if they didn't pass the exams at the end of the semester, they would be expelled, and no one wanted to be expelled from Shrek Academy.

So, their only option was to pour blood and sweat into their studies.

It was a long-established rule that the ten students that ranked at the bottom of the class would be expelled at the end of each semester. That was ten percent of the class. This danger pushed everyone, especially the weaker students, to work hard. For them, the possibility of expulsion was all too real.

The Lecturer ended the classes midday to let the students discuss about their groupings.

The students left for the Dining Hall though, leaving the Lecture podium devoid of students.

'Kids nowadays!'


Fan Lin left for the Boundless training area to cultivate as usual.

The whole grade 1 was searching for him to get his sponsorship in the form of contribution points. Everyone required contribution points, more so when they wanted to buy the best materials for their mechas.

Shrek's secondary profession associations also required contribution points. So did the other institutions.

The students tried their hardest but couldn't find Fan Lin and gave up.

Meanwhile grade 1 Lecturer went to the Outer Court Headmaster to discuss the matter of Fan Lin and his offer.

Their discussion went well as the Lecturer was able to get the permit and words of the Headmaster, only if Fan Lin succeeds in the Mecha creation till the designated period

That is 9 months later.

In nine months, Fan Lin had to be at least Rank 3 Mecha Designer, create the Mecha design, pay his classmates to create it and present it's functions to the teachers.

If he failed any of them, he would not be eligible for the price.

So Fan Lin should be focusing his all into Mecha Designing to raise it to Rank 3.

Yeah he should but what was Fan Lin doing?

"Why is he always practicing in the Boundless training area?"

"I can understand that he is using the prime of his cultivation life to cultivate and it is also the best time to do so with his Martial Soul but his secondary profession is the lowest in the whole class."

"It's a miracle that he got 3 points for his secondary profession."

The Lecturer mumbled to himself while checking Fan Lin's information.

He was right on the fact that Fan Lin's secondary profession attainment was the lowest among the whole grade 1 and he should currently be paying more attention to it.

A good secondary occupation can help to create the perfect unity Battle Armor.

A perfect unity Battle Armor has a 100% resonance with the Martial Soul and could enhance the strength of a Spirit Master by as much as 20 Ranks!

Fan Lin knew this. It was one of the most common and highly selling point of the Battle Armor.

And he indeed was going to fully focus on it until he got his second spirit soul skill.

His Crystallokinesis relied solely on his Spirit Power. It's control, range and even transformation of the crystals heavily required his Spirit Power control on it.

And to Fan Lin, this was his boon. His Crystallokinesis was the best way for him to practice his Spirit Power, which was the main requirement for the Mecha Designing.

Mecha Designing required two things, Comprehension and Spirit Power control.

So Fan Lin stopped his Mecha Designing to training his second spirit soul skill. This also led to the massacre of the Spirit Ascension platform.

But this once again changed when he got his third Soul skill, Petrosapien physique.

After the skill acquisition, he remembered that a certain message that flashed again in his eyes.

{Soul rings were the medium to pass on the Petrosapien gift.}

He had gotten three skill changes and all three skills were stronger than the other.

His Soul skills put him ahead by his classmates by an exponential margin. Hence he wants to raise his cultivation, get the next Soul skill and become an existence who can skip grades.

Yeah, he could skip grades if he was deemed far above his grade.

And secondly, his Spirit Power raised with his cultivation. He didn't know why but it did.

Every single time he raised his rank, his Spirit Power actually raised with it.

In the beginning, his Spirit Power wasn't even able to get a hundred year old spirit soul.

After his first soul ring, his Spirit Power easily surpassed the three digits.

His second soul ring, nearly tripled it and now that he has acquired his third soul ring, it had doubled again and stood at 1200.


In just less than an year, he got from 20+ to 1209!

Fan Lin now had a simple ambition. To raise his cultivation and Spirit power as much as he could and later when he had really high control of his Spirit Power, he will easily acquire the ranks.

Mecha Designing required two things, Comprehension and Spirit Power control.

Fan Lin had the comprehension, one of the reasons why he took the Mecha Designing to begin with.

His three points in the secondary profession test also came from the comprehension test where he had to point out the motive of the design and some of the circuits.

Too bad it only provided 3 points. Shrek valued practical experience more than 'theorisation'.

Mecha Designing was really similar to trap creation of his previous life and he was good at it. Theoretically.

Practically he was trash and that's why he opted to use his brain and chose a different approach.

He had some basic knowledge of the Mecha creation from the Lecturer and knew that he had to make a normal design first, then get the Blacksmith to hundred refine the materials he needed.

Then comes the Mecha Maker who will carve the design accordingly to him.

Then he, as the Mecha Designer will engrave the circuit design on all the pieces according to the usage and functions that he wanted.

Lastly, the Mechanic will fully assembled all of it.


So Fan Lin just needs to prepare a rough design and gave it to the Blacksmith and Mecha Maker first.

Their work would be required first and Fan Lin didn't have to do anything but wait for them to finish before do his engraving.

According to a rough estimation that he got after asking out the seniors, it would take around four months for them to finish with this.

Because they are also creating their own stuff as well as studying and the various test that will come their way.

According to the seniors, the first graders are free only till the next week.

Meaning Fan Lin had around 4 months at the least to raise his cultivation and then he will focus on his test.

According to his meticulous planning, he would be done with his test by 6 months.

His cultivation should reach Rank 40 as well.

He would have complete control over his Spirit Power and he will be able to skip his grade by the first semester.


Douluo Continent

Shrek Academy.

A week later.

"Two weeks have passed and you lot must have accustomed yourself to the academic schedule."

The Lecturer continued.

"Today we're having combat class. You'll be fighting together in your mecha making groups. You won't be sparring with each other, but with me. Group leaders, lead your groups out! We're leaving now."

He made for the door without a second glance.

The sparring arena sat on the south side of the school building's first floor. After passing through a wide corridor, the students found themselves in the large circular arena. It was over one hundred meters in diameter, with all sorts of machines lining the perimeter for recording battles, analyzing said battles, and acting as safeguards in case of accidents.

Unlike where they had fought it out for the class presidency, this was a genuine sparring arena!

While injuries inflicted in the virtual battlefield also made their way into reality, the danger of death did not loom above the students. They could not die in there and as such fought more aggressively, taking more risks than they would have had they been in the real world.

This was not the case here.

"Naturally, combat class consists of live combat. Today's focus is teamwork. As I've said previously, together with your groups, you will fight me. Apart from my battle armor, I will use my full power."

"Any group that defeats us will get full marks. Otherwise, your score will depend on your performance. Decide who you want to fight: me or Teacher Wu. We will also be judging your decision. You will have five minutes to discuss, then the battles will start with the class council group."

The Grade 1 was silently listening to him and looked at the class council members after five minutes of prep time.

They went to fight with the teacher with their shoulders high and chest sticking out.

Three minutes later, they were dragged from the fighting area by the other students who were free.


The whole grade 1 looked at their Soul Douluo teacher.

-You have the guts to say NEXT !!-

The second group went and got defeated, even with their highest numbers.

Less than half an hour later, Fan Lin's turn came.

The whole grade was silently looking at him while laying down from their injuries. They had a feeling that he was going to say something weird.

"I surrender."

-He did!!!-

"It's not a test but a class. I am teaching you to fight."

The Lecturer said while gesturing him to come forward.

Fan Lin went and froze the Lecturer with his Crystallokinesis.

It didn't matter if he was a Spirit Grandmaster, he was DAIMONDHEAD and processed the same strength as a normal Petrosapien. Crystallokinesis's strength didn't have any relation to his cultivation. It didn't even rely on his Soul power to begin with. The only thing is relied on was his spirit power.

DAIMONDHEAD's crystal were durable. Really durable.

The Lecturer looked at Fan Lin from inside the crystal cage.

Fan Lin looked at him. This continued on for 2 minutes before the Lecturer gave up.

Fan Lin unfroze him and returned to sit with the others.

One of the students asked the Lecturer on why didn't he try to do anything with the crystal cage.

"If I used full force to break free and if the cage broke, the debris could have injured all the people in the vicinity."

The Lecturer calmly replied and ended the class.

They all returned to the podium and discussed about the various things that they learnt and their mistakes.

The Lecturer even showed them footages of their fight while explaining how could they have fare better against a Soul Douluo.

"Just a warning student Lin, never release your guard down after capturing someone as the variability of soul skills and spiritual type attacks just need a single mistake from you to attack you."

"Also don't use this tactic near someone that you want to protect. Overall, full points."

'And interestingly he broke through Rank 30 Soul Elder.'

The Lecturer said to Fan Lin and ended the classes that day.

The students once again ran towards the Dining Hall to eat while some came to offer their services to Fan Lin.

He took all of their contacts and left for the Boundless training area.

Cultivation was a requirement of his and with how slow he was improving due to the halving of his cultivation speed after Rank 30, he didn't feel like he had any time to waste.

He continued his meditation for day and night, night and day, attended classes, skip various group events, drafted a simple Mecha design that he saw on the Rank 3 promotion bundle.

The Mecha Designers weren't a bunch of geniuses that can create new designs on their own, only a few of them could and being able to successfully use those designs made the person a successful Mecha Designer of that Rank.

For Fan Lin who had just taken and copy pasted some rank 3 designs that he found useful, it didn't matter if he did this, it would matter if he could perfectly use those designs later on.

But Fan Lin didn't worry. He had time on his side.

Just like that six months passed and Fan Lin wanted to punch his past self when he said that.

In the six months, ke kept facing similar problems.

His cultivation speed was slow and he was just rank 36 after training regularly for six months.

His classmates took their time and finished his requirements a week ago.

He rejected quite a lot of group events making the Lecturer and Grade 1 students always stare at him silently whenever they talked about something that required grouping.

He also rejected the Class Battle between Grade 1 and Grade 2, this time the Lecturer supported his decision as he found out that Fan Lin only had a single offensive soul skill aka Crystallokinesis.

His first one was Energy Body, a support type skill that raised his cultivation speed.

And third skill, Energy (Petrosapien) physique that passively enhanced his body.

His Petrosapien physique was also restoring the cellular damage that was done to his body.

The restoration was slow though. This was because he was part Petrosapien by now.

"Why don't I have my memories of medicine?"

And six months later, reality hit him hard.

He hadn't trained his Mecha Designing.

He focused his all into cultivation that he never even visited the Spirit Ascension plane to use his monthly free chances.

The gain was quite small for him.

And now his classmates has finished their work and he had to engrave the designs and pass it on to the Mecha mechanic to assemble it.

He hasn't started though.

The various small-small class activities in the past were turning in bigger more consuming tasks and he didn't want to lose his cultivation time.

Now he had a month to engrave the designs that he gave into the mecha so that the mechanic could finish it before the next month.

Which was also the submission date. 15 days later, the group fighting test was to be held.

And so Fan Lin took a hard decision to stop his cultivation until he finishes his Mecha Task.

There was just a tiny bit of problem. He only had a single set of mecha parts where he could engrave the designs on.

Meaning he had to succeed in one try and he had to succeed in one try in all of the parts that were in the mecha.

A single mistake and everything will end. He didn't have the time to ask his slow classmates to create another set.

In one try and he would have to be done.

Fan Lin hadn't even properly held the inscriber in his hands.

Heck he didn't even buy one before today.

So Fan Lin practiced on the various inscribing sheets for a few weeks and with his high Spirit Power and subpar Spirit Power control, he was able to finalize the rough on the edges design into the Mecha Design of a white rank Mecha and passed it onto the Mechanic a week before the deadline that he set for himself.

"It will be done in two weeks."

The mechanic classmate said and took half the advance.


Fan Lin gave an heartfelt thanks to the classmate and left for the Spirit Ascension platform to claim his one month's frustration and anger.

He was still a Rank 36 Soul Elder.

That day, he killed everyone till the advanced Spirit Ascension plane.

And due to the simple fact that green crystalline shards were seen by quite a lot of people, now every one knew that Fan Lin was the one who did that.

Fan Lin on the other hand, didn't care for all of that.

He was cultivating silently in the Boundless training area.

A single day of killing all the humans in the Spirit Ascension platform that he could find, just gave him a mere 72 years increase in his Pheonix Tailed Crest Serpent.

His second spirit souls age didn't increase though whereas his Green Ring became more surreal with the increase of his spirit power.

If I can increase the rank of my spirit soul. Would the Energy body skill evolve?

The answer was yeah.

But would I be able to.

A single entry per month and after killing literally all the humans, I only got 72 years worth of Spirit Energy.

An entry per month, 12 entries per year, 36 entries per this grade.

Nearly three thousand year worth of spirit energy.

Good then.

At least I know that the school won't end till the coming of the protagonist.

I need to make my soul power denser and higher by that time then.


Two weeks later, he got the final product, aka his Mecha.

He simply drove it like a gundam for some time and submitted it as his work.

After the students involved in the creation of the process attested that they were indeed paid by Fan Lin to make it and he indeed created the mecha design himself.

The Lecturer accepted the submission.

"You are going to drop off at the competition."

The Lecturer said with a smile. The students peered their ears to listen in on their conversation.

"I will."

Fan Lin said emotionlessly.

"I knew. Just know that individuality is a good factor but never let it become a burden to you."

"Just remember it."

The Lecturer dismissed the class.


A month later, the Mecha battle happened and this time, Fan Lin found it to be interesting.

It was a little inspiring to watch two metal soldier battle it out with the other.

The result of the small competition wasn't that shocking as the Class Council members won.

Quite easily at that.

Everyone one of the winning and runner ups were rewarded with contribution points. So did the groups behind them.

The Lecturer came to the podium everyday and taught about the various things.

Time once again sped up as the day of the semester exams came.

'A year has passed since my coming to Shrek... and it was a little disappointing."

Fan Lin thought as he looked at the Lecturer who looked at all the students with a smile.

Till this time, every Grade 1 student knew the meaning of that smile. They were going to be given a task again.

"The first semester's final exam you've all been looking forward to is almost here,"

The exam we've all been looking forward to? No way! No one looks forward to exams!

Apprehension gripped the hearts of many students. Ten students would be expelled this year, and they didn't know how many would be given the boot in this exam.

"Five people will be expelled according to the results of the exam. Work hard if you don't want to be one of those five."

"Now, here are the details of the exam. The exam will span fifteen days. In those fifteen days, you will go to Bright City. You must visit at least ten cities, including Bright City, and in every city you visit, you must defeat a soul master at least five soul power ranks above you. You may not receive any help with finding your opponents, defeating them, or travelling to Bright City. All of you will have to figure out how to do this on your own."

"This isn't a group task so a certain someone should not need to worry."

"Furthermore, your soul storage devices, communicators, and any other resources you possess will be confiscated before you head out. That includes money. You will all leave empty-handed. Remember, you will only have fifteen days. As long as you can complete the assigned tasks and return within fifteen days, you'll pass the exam. The number of points you earn will depend on the strength of the opponents you defeat."

" If you don't manage to accomplish the assigned tasks in those fifteen days, you will unconditionally fail the exam and have half your points deducted. Do not worry about how your points are being counted during the exam. The Academy will be dispatching teachers to shadow all of you."

"But don't expect them to help you under any circumstances." He paused, letting the words sink in. "Even if your life is in danger, they will not intervene. So act with caution during the exam. Don't pick a fight with someone you can't handle."

The exam was structured like this to be a comprehensive test of their abilities. Previous benefits of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation were all stripped away. Without a single penny, they had to visit ten cities, find and defeat opponents stronger than them, then make their way back.

Bright City was located on the western part of the continent while Shrek Academy sat right in the continent's heart. Even traveling via high-speed train would take three straight days of travel from Shrek City to Bright City. In other words, that was at least six days of travelling, not to mention the time they would have to spend in each city looking for opponents.

A grim silence descended upon the class following his announcement. Every student was deep in thought, planning just how they would tackle the exam.

And Fan Lin regretted focusing all his attention on cultivation.

"The exam would begin the morning of the next day."


Fan Lin.

Age 10.

Rank 39 Soul Elder.

Rank 2 Peak Mecha Designer.

Three word Battle Armor - One piece.

Spirit souls -

Pheonix Tailed Crest Serpent

Icy Blue Silver Grass variant

Working students dormitory member.