
Small donations to reach the Sky

Douluo Continent

Shrek Academy.

Present day. [Day 14 of the Exams for those that didn't understand.]

Fan Lin was cultivating in the boundless training area. A greenish soul ring with yellow and purplish stripes silently floated in front of him.

This was the soul ring that he gained when his combined his first three soul rings into one as the Old Man taught him.

With this new soul ring, all his spirit soul abilities were enhanced by 1.5 times, meaning faster cultivation speed. That's pretty much it as his Crystallokinesis doesn't get affected by his soul power and his Petrosapien physique not actually a soul skill to begin with.

If he could combine his fourth ring as well, then he might be able to create a self fusion soul skill that is ten times more powerful than his current strongest attack or he could just reap the passive benefits and get 3x the enhancements of his spirit abilities.

It's one of the two and solely depended on his comprehension, not Spirit Power but comprehension.

The next day. [Day 15]

Lecture Theater

It was the last day of the semester exams and everyone had already returned to the academy.

But Fan Lin wasn't here in the Lecture theater for that. He was there because he was called by his Lecturer.

"How's your health after the second infusion?"

The Lecturer started the conversation.

"I am good. Do you need something from me Sir?"

Fan Lin asked, he had been studying for nearly a year and he knew that the Lecturer wouldn't talk about anything else but teaching related stuff to them.

"Your performance was good. You will get your grading tomorrow with the rest of the students."

"As for why I called you, I got a few complaints from others that I wanted to discuss with you."

"An anonymous complaint said that you often sneak in tomatoes from outside the Shrek. Is it true?"

The Lecturer asked.

"It's not true."

Fan Lin replied.

"You see, the rules that we have set in the academy is to maintain discipline. Things often start at one small incident and then, slowly but surely it becomes bigger, a habit, an addiction."

"I am not blaming you but the Dining Hall has no records of you eating there or buying something from there. There are no other institutions except the Dining Hall that provides food and related items in the entirety of Shrek Academy as well."

"Next time buy your tomatoes from the Dining Hall, okay?"

"Okay." [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin said. Now that the Lecturer has already said that, he might have concrete proof of it as well.

Fan Lin indeed had been eating tomatoes but only once in a month or twice and it indeed was from outside the academy and he indeed broke a rule.

Now Fan Lin wanted to know who exactly reported him for something so measly. Who indeed.

"On that record, why haven't you eaten anything from the Dining Hall? Eating spiritual foods should be beneficial for your Martial Soul and it also increases your soul power, enhance your physique and some of them even make your soul power denser and increases spirit power. So why have you not eaten anything?"

"There's also no records of you eating anything outside the academy as well. We have checked your contribution points and financial reports and found no spending on anything related to spiritual foods at all. There's just tomatoes and oranges. Are you performing asceticism? Or is it the latest trend where you only stuff yourself with a single type of food?"

The Lecturer asked in a serious voice.

"My first spirit soul ability increases my digestion, it allows me a small increase in the cultivation speed but it had a demerit. The digestion is so fast that any food that I eat turns to soul power and nutrition."

"My body has a limit and normally it's full to the brim due to the fact that I don't have any soul skills to quickly waste my soul power and manually using it isn't fast enough."

"At that time, the excessive energy..."

"Wreaks havoc and destroys the body from the inside. So that's why." [Lecturer]

"Yeah." [Fan Lin]

"That means that you can't eat anything too nutritious or rich in soul power. Good critical thinking of your part that you avoided stuff like that sooner." [Lecturer]

"Okay. 2000 contribution points fine for illegally smuggling outside food into Shrek. Do it again and your inner court points will be deducted the next next."

"Onto the next complaint."

"...?" [Fan Lin]

The situation change caught Fan Lin for a second before amusement ensued.

'Inner court points, heh, I wonder how useful they would be when Shrek is destroyed.'

He sneered in his heart. He didn't care about the lose of contribution points as well since he did break the law and he did have the choice of buying it from the Dining Hall but he didn't and he didn't lack contribution points.

Fan Lin's whole attention was on the person who dared to report him for this because he had brought tomatoes just once in the past year.

Just once.

He normally ate once every 15 to 30 days and only finished his stash of tomatoes and oranges when he was preparing to leave for the semester exams.

These tomatoes and oranges were the reason for his energy gain and he only ate 25 kgs each.

"So, someone anonymously complained that you are intentionally killing him and his friends in the Spirit Ascension plane while ignoring everything else. The person blamed you for acting intentionally and even showed recording of you killing him and his group three times while ignoring the soul beasts around the area. The person said that he hasn't done anything to you in the past and what you are doing is inhumane causing him to form mental demons in his heart. He pleaded for justice for himself and his friends."

"So is it true that you have been intentionally killing a single person in the Spirit Ascension plane?"

"No. I have been killing impartially." [Fan Lin]

The Lecturer stared at him for a few seconds and replied.

"Ask the Spirit Pagoda for some clips of your platform visits and submit it to me by this week. What? You think just because our motto is raising monsters we will raise societal menace? That we will raise future menace with no care for life?"

"We at Shrek, promote healthy competition among the students, not teach them how to use their strength to bully the weak, but to always stay true to the just and fair. It's to use our strength for the benefit of the world, to protect the weak and frail."

"Playing with someone's mentality by using your strength is the same as destroying a future that could have achieved multiple things."

"Fighting, rivalries and battles are permitted, you can even defeat the entirety of the school but under a healthy mindset of improving yourself strength, not for personal, psychotic and sadistic reason. Understood."

The Lecturer once again gave a small lecture.

"I wasn't thinking about that. Why don't you just get my info from Spirit Pagoda like you did with the others?" [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin said while taking the Lecturer words to his heart. He personally was a believer of protecting weak(animals) and frail(animals) as well. But most of all, his drive to protect his forest far surpassed all his reasons.

"Shrek Academy is an independent organisation and we can't and we won't interfere with another organisation due to our non interference rule. Hence, I can't get private info from the other organisations like the Tang Sect or Spirit Pagoda using our name."

"Lastly, why were you even killing people impartially? Doesn't the soul beasts provide far more Spirit Energy than the people. Your first Spirit soul is still a hundred year old yellow Spirit Soul. You should focus more on improving it."

"And from your words, you seem to have done this quite a long time, just that would be enough to completely prove the statement of the victim. So give a personal and proper statement as to why were you killing impartially while ignoring the soul beasts? As stated by the complaint."

The Lecturer seriously commented.

Fan Lin looked at him while thinking of the lie he prepared for this situation.

"I kill humans because those are the enemies that I might face in the future. Unlike the past when we have the fear of beast tide, now we are free from it and humans are the only apex predator."

"There aren't enough soul beasts to form a beast tide to endanger me in any way while the rest are often locked up in spirit zoos or Spirit Pagoda."

"But the same couldn't be said about the humans, If I someday have some form of enmity with someone, he can easily summon the Mecha Brigade, or Wargod temple forces, the military or even the sky ships."

"The only thing that can threaten is soul masters in the current times are other humans, so I kill my way through them in the Spirit Ascension plane to get combat experience. I don't show partially and has been defeating everyone that I have ever found."

'How does mauling them with your second skill while casually walking provides you any combat experience kid?'

The Lecturer thought but didn't say anything.

"Hmm. That's a weird but a justifiable personal reason from you. Considering you, it's passable as well. Now just submit any proof of it from the Spirit Pagoda and refrain from doing so in the meantime till the matter settles."

The Lecturer suggested and continued.

"Now onto the next thing..." [Lecturer]

"There's more?"

Fan Lin asked him mid sentence.

"That's what I say going to say. So the third complaint is from a grade 3 senior who was demoted to a working students because of their mistake."

"They were provided the key to your dorm room and after seeing your room, has complained about the unhygienic, unsanitary conditions of the room that by their words: is worse than a pigsty."

"Of all the things, I didn't think you were a lazy person who didn't like to clean, you sure surprise your teacher sometimes, although I hope the surprises would have been more... better."

The Lecturer said to Fan Lin. Fan Lin stared at the Lecturer waiting for his next words.

"So why didn't you clean your room? The complaint was sent five months ago and through a resident of the working students dormitory, we have found that no attempts to clean were ever done till now. Even now, it's dirty. So much that you can't even properly see through the windows."

"Well I can sort of understand that you spent most of your time in meditation but then why did you join the working students dormitory?"

"That's for those that are financially unstable, broke a school rule but had important reasons to do so and a shameful punishment."

"You chose the working students dormitory yourself but you lack neither wealth nor have you ever done a single working students task from the Administration Hall."

"Your punishment is to clean your working students room since it was made to be shared with others, now you can say your excuse for not doing so."

The Lecturer said all this while not allowing Fan Lin to speak.

"I don't particularly stay in the working students dormitory."

"We know. We are asking why didn't you clean it? We just want to know your reason for being tardy? Laziness, too much work, a waste of time or just I don't wanna." [Lecturer]

"I didn't actually stay there and hence thought it didn't need cleaning. My body never gets dirty due to my Energy Physique."

[The name of the fake soul skill that he uses to cover Petrosapien physique.]

"Are you trying to flex? Just because you don't bath doesn't mean that you have to leave your room like that."

"I do bath everyday though."

"Then why don't you clean up your room."

"It's a waste of time, I don't live there, neither will someone else, like have you looked at it properly, it's rundown, shabby, filthy and has no proper beddings or furnishing."

Fan Lin said righteously as if he was wrong. He was a clean freak but since his body was always going to be clean after the Energy body and that he hadn't even spent more than a hour in his room throughout his stay in the Shrek, he literally felt like their was no reason to clean it.

[His wife would have broken his legs if he said it in front of her]

|He was too fearful of her so he wouldn't even think about it when in front of her.|


"They why did you join the working students dormitory, Student Fan?"

The Lecturer also righteously said.

If Fan Lin never planned to clean it, then why did he stay there.

"Because of the forest. This dorm was surrounded by the forest and that's why. There was no other reasons beside it. The forest calms me down."

Fan Lin said.

The Lecturer looked at him and then slowly spoke a moment after.

"Must be because of your Martial Soul then. Okay. Remember the punishments and submit the proof and clean your room by the week."

"At least upheld the reputation of strongest student in your grade. In two years, you will be a senior. Don't let the young children learn the wrong things from you."

"I am 11." [Fan Lin]

"Age doesn't determine seniority. Status does. See you tomorrow and I will regularly send someone to see if your dorm is clean or not every month."

"You are the strongest student in grade 1, we don't want others to get some misunderstanding or use you as an excuse to not clean up."

The Lecturer said and Fan Lin left the Lecture theater.

As he left, he saw another student come in like him and sit in front of the Lecturer who then began to ask him questions.

'So it's kind like students conference with the Lecturer where he is getting over the complaints that everyone got.'

'On that note, who complained against me and for stupid reasons like buying tomatoes and not cleaning my house.'

He put his thoughts aside and went to train in the boundless training area to cultivate. He just needed one more day to reach Rank 40.

One more day!


Some hours later that day.

The Lecturer was looking at the students that were doing their tasks while walking.

The headmaster of the outer court had given him the task to find out about some of the specific questions of his a week ago.

The questions were related to Fan Lin and Lecturer Long Xiu thought of various plans to get an answer but couldn't decide on one.

Finally when Fan Lin returned on the 13th day, being the last one to fulfill his task. The Lecturer thought of an idea when he looked at the list of all the students of the grade 1 that had returned.

He immediately went to gather the basic information of the rest of his students from the various institutions, associations and Shrek staff that had made contact with them and got a basic gist of their situation, penalties and their nature.

He then compiled a simple list and held the meeting where he confronted them with their offences that were 'reported' by anonymous sources.

Most of which were made up by him, except the penalties still stood and the students actually did those; ranging from sneaking up 18+ mags, food items, a whip and some candles to gossiping and spreading rumours behind someone's back, littering, not doing their homework on their own and many many more weird reportings that somehow or other did break some of the school rules.

Except the punishment wasn't that grave and a simple fine would have been enough of a punishment since contribution points were quite hard to earn for any of the students and would have likely left a deep impression on them.

But since the Lecturer had a job to do and he also wanted to release some of the anger that he got from his students behaviour, especially Fan Lin, he proceeded with the plan and took exorbitant fines while lecturing everyone gravely, making the students scared on their seats.

With this simple conference, he was the one to profit the most.

His students will behave well from now on.

He completed the task from the Headmaster of the outer court so he wouldn't have that much pressure from his boss.

He also understood some of the aspects of Fan Lin even though he lied most of his way.

Now Fan Lin knew that someone reported him and whatever actions he took could be used to analyse his nature and mindset.

Currently there was one inner court member and one security council member who were keeping a lookout on all his actions.

Since he never had any toilet breaks it any other events that may seem like an invasion of privacy to watch over, and that he didn't move that much, Fan Lin was currently the favourite target of the lookout group even though they have watched over him for less than a day.

Lecturer Long stopped in front of the house of the Headmaster.


He got a telepathic message from the Headmaster and entered the house.


"I know, I happened to pass by when you were conducting the student teacher conference and heard about it already."

'Happen to pass by?'

"Considering that kid, he might just be saying the truth but that's also problematic. We can't have 'a too much of a rational one' when it comes to human life. Those are easy and quite likely to turn their backs on the world once their ideals didn't match with what the rest of the majority wants."

The Headmaster said while pacing around the room in thought.

"We need to dig deeper into what his actual desires are on. Or we can use a honey trap to divert his mind to something else."


The Lecturer exclaimed loudly. The Headmaster seemed to have entirely different idea of nurturing talents.

"I think you misunderstood me Lecturer Long, I was trying to say that love changes even the most vicious of beasts into saints. I was just hoping that he may find his other half who may awaken sympathy and kindness into him."

The Headmaster, a little shocked by the sudden reprimand of his junior, answered.

"What I want, it may be me just forcing my desires onto him, is for him to have a fulfilling life. A so called genius is a fickle existence."

"If they take what they have for granted and become lazy, they are destroyed with the passage of time."

"If they lose something important, then they turn into maniacs and blame the world."

"When they achieve too much too fast, they stopped feeling the achievement anymore, becoming a machine of sort, slowly losing emotions and reasoning while persuing something that may make them feel alive."

"And lastly there are 17 more types but I won't say anything about that since it's a waste of time, what I want to say is that everyone's different but they are the same."

"That kid has close to none emotions for the humans but is still living among us, trying to fit in, trying to understand and most of all, trying to achieve something."

"He has a reason for it and it's not as small as mere interest or responsibility. It's more... how to say, it's something like a desire to achieve something that everyone sometimes have, regardless of the cost."

"You know the words "I will burn the whole world for you, baby❤️!" Or "I love food enough to slaughter all men!" kind of thoughts that many have at one point in their lives."

"The kid has just taken his desires a little too seriously and the most worrying thing, there is something that seems to be stopping him from crossing the last boundary over to the other side."

"That's what his eyes and face says when he read the books on just spirit beasts history. Every single time, his emotions rage and something seems to stop him from doing something in his rage."

"That something could be anything from principles, morality, memories, teachings, self-discipline, guilt, orders or even fear."

"You may question why I pay to much attention to him? Not just you but even the members of the inner court say the same thing but..."

"You don't understand, I have seen him far more closely than you all. I have seen him have close to nigh any emotions to the others around him, the same person then has emotion turmoils from a few pages of books about the soul beasts."

"That's not normal and yet he is perfectly normal. My observations are wrong though, he doesn't feel like a kid yet he possesses the innocent mindset of one."

"His actions have a meaning and so must his emotions. We don't know what it is and that concerns me."

"He concerns me. What if we are doing a mistake by providing him a place to thrive?"

"What if we expel him and that turned out to be a turning point of his life where he joins what we don't want?"

"On one side, I want to nurture him to the best of my limits, he is worthy of it and every bit of my wealth spent on him would not be a waste; But on the other side, his unknown nature terrifies me of a future where we became the reason for the birth of another being like the Infernal King Ha Luosa or that inner court degenerate."

"The inner court also sort of understand my concerns, not my reasoning though, just my concerns on giving an unknown student with a past that feels fabricated, a chance to get inside the deepest part of Shrek."

"But there is just a small problem, it could be all my over cautious thinking due to the past incidences and he might just be a little different from others, no one's the same."

"At that time, I am just destroying a really bright future due to my incompetence and fears."

"Just the thought of that pains me to no end. We know the world and sometimes a single persons actions could rival that of millions."

"Sorry to take your time. You can go."

The Headmaster said and sat down on his chair.

"No need Headmaster. I understand your worries."

The Lecturer hastily said. He bowed and left the house of the Headmaster, his thoughts unknown.


The next day.

The Lecture Theater of grade 1 was filled with the students. All them silently looked at the Lecturer with seriousness.

The semester exams has ended and many of them knew exactly how they did in the exams but some students were still hopeful.

"So here are your grades."

The Lecturer showcased their marks on a big projection screen behind the lecture podium and sat silently.

The students looked at him speechlessly for a moment before looking at their grades.

Soon the Lecture Theater was filled with many cheers and sobbings creating a weird environment.

Some students passed while their friends failed, some were crying despite passing because key members of their Mecha making groups had failed and now they had to find new members and had to waste time to develop cooperation and assistance between them.

"You can use your points to save your classmates. However, let me remind you that these points are the same ones that will determine whether you get into the inner court. Be careful of how many points you give away. They could be the difference between making into the inner court or not."

The Lecturer suddenly commented from the lecture podium.

His words caused a stir, hushed murmurs breaking out among the stronger of the students. They all yearned to enter the inner court, and giving away their points would hurt their chances of making it in.

The class was now silent, pin drop silent. No one was crying, no one was cheering, all of them became silent while avoiding the expectant eyes of the tear filled comrades of theirs.

They had been showing apathy and sadness for their friends who couldn't pass a moment ago since there wasn't anything they could do, now the situation has changed.

Their friends could be saved but the price determined their chances of entering the inner court.


Every student of Shrek wanted to go there. It was a symbol of status!

The facilities there were ten of times better than the outer court according to some rumours.

The Lecturer looked at the silent students while smiling internally. Even though the lecture theater was silent, the inner chaos that was happening in the minds of students was apparent.

"The results of the final exam are based on how many points you score. If everyone meets the minimum score, then everyone might be able to pass. But then the bar for next semester's exam would be raised by five percent more."

He said, his words adding fuel to the fire.

'Tough times require tough decisions.'

He thought as he looked at the faces of the students turn more and more hesitant as moments passed.

The friendship that they formed in the past year, was it worth a chance to miss out on the inner court, a place that could make them the stand above the rest of their peers?

Everyone who passed thought that question at one point.

"I... want to give up some of my points to my friend."

A kid said after sometime while pointing towards his friend.

'You don't need to point at me ducker! But thanks.'

The friend thought with tears in his eyes. The Lecturer glanced at him and nodded.

"Oh, I also want to give away the rest of my points to those that couldn't pass." [Fan Lin]

The whole grade 1 and even the Lecturer immediately turned their heads to the source of the voice. They all knew who it belonged to since they had gotten used to him saying things in the middle of announcements but they wanted to confirm if he was the one to say that.

"I want to donate the rest of my extra points to those who didn't pass. Just leave me with enough to pass the exams."

Fan Lin calmly repeated while ignoring the eyes that seemed to question: This selfish loner is going to donate his points?

"You sure, those are the POINTS that will determine your entry to the inner court, you do know the inner court, right?"

The Lecturer inquired Fan Lin. He could have believed when others said it but Fan Lin was a different case, just a day ago, the Headmaster had said that he had zero apathy for others. He himself observed that point as well.

Just because a person talked with others with a smile doesn't mean he meant goodwill.

Fan Lin was the student who always avoided group events like plague and gave up or quit in the starting most of the time. He was the same loner who spent most of his time in the boundless training area.

Now he was donating his points and acting like an altruistic, selfless, benevolent person.

'What does he want to do?'

The Lecturer thought and adjusted the score of Fan Lin and the other students.

The projection screen refreshed to show the updated results.

The students started to whisper in low voices.

"Teacher, I would like to donate 2 points as well."

Someone rose up once again.

"How much?" [Lecturer]

"Two points." [Student]

"Just don't." [Lecturer]

Then as if prepared before, 13 more voices got up and said the same thing.

""Teacher, we would like donate 2 points to the needy students as well!"

"..." [Lecturer]

'Showoffs' [lecturer]

"What about you guys? If that thing can give away his points, so can we. Are we lower than that?"

The first student valiantly said while pointing at Fan Lin. The whole class felt insulted by his words, no one wanted to be compared with Fan Lin.

Why would they? Except for being rich and having background, he has all the things that made a person unlikable.

He lacked tact, was always blunt, rude and looked at them like children in a nursery. (That's true.)

He also showed off his money whenever he could. (Did I?)

He never took any of the important events seriously and even then he was too strong. (That's true.)

It must be because he has been taking on costly spiritual items from birth. A glass flower. That's what the students thought of him.

Fan Lin felt a little insulted but ignored it as the ramblings of a children.

As if on cue, various students rose up and give away two points from their scores.

The 14 students who planned this had checked the final score of the class and found out that if everyone was to give 2 points, the sum added would be enough for the whole grade to pass.

It would also not be too much for the students to give in, but for that to happen, they needed a spark that would ignite the other students into giving.

The leader of the 14 students planned to use the pride and self-esteem of the students by arousing a sense of competition and zeal into them and using it to manipulate them into giving away some of their points.

Hence he planned and signal a student to announce that he wanted to give points for his friend while making a scene. The actual amount was left unsaid and the motive was to attract attention of the students.

Then he would stir their emotions, give some prep speech and ask them to give away a small portion of their points. That way, he would have firmly grasped his position in the hearts of other students and also gain the good will of the students that were going to fail.

Except Fan Lin's situation wasn't something he planned. Thankfully the leader of the 14 students calmed himself and his friends and used Fan Lin as the stepping stone and aroused the feelings of 'fondness' that his class had towards Fan Lin.

Because who liked Fan Lin except those money grubbing mecha group members who got paid by him.

The answer was quite in the middle.

So, with Fan Lin as the pivotal point of the argument, he mentally pressured his classmates to do the same actions as his group of 14 students while trying to uplift his status as a righteous and caring person.

They were all little kids full of enthusiasm and hot blooded youthfulness, quite easy to stir in a single direction till the time they have a sufficient motive.

Here the motive was to not be seen as lower than Fan Lin. So the students who didn't think properly at first gave their points without wasting time.

The rest of the smarter ones who understood his intentions and the change in the score, had no choice but to follow the others. Peer pressure was a terrifying thing, more so when they were all divided into groups and would need the help of all the surviving members in the next semester.

The Lecturer quietly looked the students and didn't say anything but kept adding and subtracting points to update the grade score. The projection screen was updated once every second.

After all the students had given up their measly scores, the whole grades total score reached the passing point and even surpassed a little due to the extravagant donation of a certain Lin.

"Hmm. You all passed. Congratulations."

The Lecturer flatly said. His voice devoid of happiness.

The students saw that and ignored him to talk and hug with each other while crying and laughing.

The Lecturer watched it all while keeping his poker face to the whole class.

He knew how proud he was of them, although he won't mind if some of them failed.

The whole class was in a cheerful mood except for one student.

Fan Lin glanced at the leader of the 14 students and remembered him to be one of the people that he killed in the final test of Shrek's entrance examinations.

He also remembered him as one of the few students who regularly tried to cause trouble for him everytime he wanted to quit a group event or stated his demands.

'Could it be him who reported me for the tomatoes?'

Fan Lin thought.

'I will see it later on.'

He turned to face the front and looked at the final score.

He particularly wasn't worried about losing a chance to enter the inner court because he knew that Shrek was going to be destroyed one day.

And if the perpetrators have even a bit of brains, then they would focus their attacks on the inner court of the Shrek.

The same inner court that was rumoured to house 70% of the Shrek's total strength.

The same inner court that was filled with the most genius students who were also termed as the future pillars of the Shrek.

The same inner court that was the resting place of the Seagod Pavillion leaders of the Shrek.

Also the same inner court that contained important stuff like training manuals, spiritual panaceas and many more.

Fan Lin knew all this as a mere student without any aid from his information broker.

So the people attacking would obviously know that as well. Since they know it, then they would attack it. When they attack it, everyone will die, that's their destiny.

That's what was written in the story. At least that's what the spoilers that he read stated.

Half an hour later.

"Now that the grading has ended. Your one month holidays will start two weeks later."

"In the next two weeks, classes will be self study and your attendance won't be necessary. You are free to cultivate or focus your all on your respective professions."

"If you have any questions related to your cultivation or studying, ask me about it anytime. Class is dismissed."

The Lecturer said and left the Lecture Theater.

Fan Lin and some of the other students also followed suit.

The majority of the students chose to stay though. They all had things they wanted to discuss with their friends and group mates.

"Thanks Class President, you saved us all."

The students who were saved from expelling thanked there benefactor and Class President, Yuanen Yehui.

"No need to mention that. We are all classmates."

Yuanen Yehui said towards the students, further cementing his position in the class.

He and the rest of the students then discussed about their plans in the next two weeks and decided to help each other or cultivate in silence.


Chapter 59.


God_Handcreators' thoughts