
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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355 Chs

12. Arrival at Foosha Village

After several days of sailing, we finally arrived at Garp's hometown, Foosha Village.

After Atlas's last battle with Bogard, he gained a deeper understanding of the real powerhouse, so he trained harder every day. Even during the daily sparring with Garp, Atlas didn't yell. It made Garp feel a little bored.

"Hey, Atlas kid, do you want to go down and take a look, hahahaha," Garp said to Atlas, who was thinking about how to find an excuse to slip away.

"Ah? Yes, of course!" Atlas nodded quickly. Garp had really given him a pillow when he felt sleepy. Seeing how considerate Garp was, he forgave him for beating him up before.

In fact, Atlas wanted to go to Foosha Village mainly to see if he could have a chance to see Ace. After all, he was the man who saw off the Pirate King in person.

Then, he stopped by the tavern in Foosha Village to see the proprietress Makino. The woman who was said to have taken down the [Red-haired] Shanks. She was also suspected of giving birth to a child for him.

'Ahem, let me make it clear first of all that it was just a casual thing to see the proprietress, and I definitely didn't go there especially'.

Foosha Village is an inconspicuous small village in the Kingdom of Goa, but two big figures have already appeared in this inconspicuous small village. Who would have known that the famous Marine hero and the notorious most vicious criminal revolutionary, Dragon, also came from here. What is even more shocking is that the relationship between these two people is father and son.

Foosha Village is in a remote area of ​​the Kingdom of Goa, basically isolated from the lively urban area. Lying between the two is the huge Mt.Colubo. Due to the care of the Marine hero Garp and the remote location, the people in this village live a very happy life. The place is quiet and peaceful, except for a group of bandits who are always wandering around nearby. Of course, they are talking about Higuma and his group.

Atlas, who was looking forward to it, jumped off the boat, asked a local villager about the location of Makino's tavern, and headed straight for his destination.

Makino's Tavern is located in the center of Foosha Village.

It was time for lunch. When Atlas arrived, there were only a few people sitting in the tavern. Ordinary villagers naturally did not have the conditions to come to taverns and other places to spend money every day, but because of Makino's excellent cooking and wine-making skills, and the reasonable prices, basically every day some villagers come here to have a meal to quench their hangover.

"Welcome, little Marine," Makino saw Atlas walking in and looking at the tavern curiously, so she smiled softly and said hello.

Makino is now in her early teens, with shiny green hair and a face full of collagen. She looks very gentle and pure when she smiles, although she is not as intellectual as the Onee-san she will be ten years later. The feeling is also unique.

"This little Marine guy came here with Grandpa Garp, right?" Makino didn't speak when she saw Atlas and just looked at her from time to time. This made her a little embarrassed, but she still asked politely.

"Huh? Yes, my name is Canos Atlas," Atlas also realized how impolite his behavior was and immediately replied loudly.

"Oh~ So Marine, what do you need?" Makino didn't care about Atlas's rude behavior just now, and asked Atlas about his needs.

"Give me a rum bar." Although he has just turned fourteen, it is not a problem for him to digest a little wine with his physical fitness. Moreover, before disembarking, Bogard also gave him some money for him to spend. Although it is not much, buying some wine is still a problem enough.

On the other side, Garp and Atlas got off the boat in one step, then went to the village chief's house to say hello, and then went straight to Mt.Colubo. With his strong physique, Garp managed to reach the lair of the bandit Dadan family in a short time.

"Hey! The kid is well taken care of," Garp said happily as he watched the lively Ace crawling around on the ground.

"Ga-rp-!" Dadan, who was teasing Ace, was so frightened that his eyes nearly popped out when he heard this sudden voice. After all, the person she was most afraid of was Garp.

"When are you going to pick up this kid? I feel very annoyed when I see him. We are bandits, not babysitters!" Dadan quickly calmed down the doting expression he had just teased Ace with, and carefully questioned Garp.

"Yeah yeah..." The younger brother on the side also echoed.


"Do you want me to take you to jail?" Garp frowned and used his usual tactics to threaten Dadan.

"Woooooooo..." The Dadan family immediately surrendered when they heard they were about to be taken away, but they still couldn't help feeling aggrieved by Garp's threat. They silently ran to the side and hugged each other, crying loudly.

Little Ace on the side didn't know what was going on. He just looked at Garp with curious eyes. He didn't know if he recognized him. After all, when Garp first adopted him, he was just a baby who couldn't speak.

"Come on, little Ace, call me grandpa. I am your grandpa." Garp's heart melted when he saw Ace's cute look. He picked up little Ace who was sitting on the ground and started to rub the stubble on Ace's face. How could little Ace be so happy with his little hands? He pushed Garp away as hard as he could, but Garp didn't care, instead he kept grinning stupidly.

I don't know what Roger would think if he were around. His son is actually called Grandpa Garp. Isn't this a clear attempt to take advantage of Roger?

Here Garp is enjoying the family life of his grandfather and grandson, but Atlas, who is drinking in the pub and watching the landlady, is in trouble.

With a "bang," the small door of the tavern was kicked open violently. After seeing the person clearly, the noisy tavern instantly became quiet, like a misfired flintlock gun.

This movement immediately alerted Atlas, who was sitting in the corner, and he was speechless. Even if he drinks, he will run into trouble.

When Atlas looked up, he thought, yo! Isn't this the Bandit King Higuma who angrily smashed the Four Emperors and stepped on the future Pirate King? How could he meet him by such a coincidence? Although Higuma is not very old now, he looks old and as vulgar as he was more than ten years later.

After Higuma entered the tavern, he glanced around, and finally fixed his eyes on Atlas, who was wearing a Marine uniform. He immediately had the idea of playing tricks on him. After all, Atlas looked young and probably didn't have much strength.

Thinking of it, he curled his lips and said to Atlas: "Hey! Marine brat over there, I have taken a liking to your position. If you know better now, get out of here for me."

Atlas heard this and ignored him.

"Marine, are you deaf? Can't you hear me talking to you?"

Seeing that Atlas didn't give him any face, Higuma couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face.

But Makino couldn't stand it anymore. Although she was a little afraid of Higuma , Atlas was a customer in her store and he had to ensure the safety of his customers, so she wanted to step forward and stop Higuma .

However, Atlas was not as good-tempered as Shanks. He stood up and crossed Makino to confront Higuma . His momentum almost turned into substance and pressed against Higuma ...

In an instant, Higuma felt a need to urinate between his legs, and cold sweat poured out on his forehead. He felt as if he was being stared at by some ferocious beast, and he suddenly no longer cared about face and face, and was surprised in front of everyone in the tavern. The eyes and the puzzled looks fell as the younger brothers also fled...

"Eh!?" Seeing Higuma retreating so easily, Makino was a little surprised, but she was relieved when she thought that Atlas had followed Garp, and soon the tavern returned to its previous liveliness.

The arrival of Bandit King Higuma is just an episode in Atlas's journey to Foosha Village...

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