
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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353 Chs

13. Little Ace And Kidnapping

The warm sun in the early morning was a little shy, half-hidden in the clouds, casting rays of golden sunshine onto the Foosha Village, where smoke curled up. The village, basking in the sunlight, was quiet and peaceful, resembling a paradise untouched by the world's dust.

Atlas had been frequenting Makino's tavern these days, and the previous incident of scaring off the bandit Higuma had earned him favor from Makino. She even quietly discounted his consumption. This was true and saved Atlas a significant amount of money.

However, such days grew too monotonous for Atlas. Not one to tolerate boredom, he decided to head to Mt. Colubo to "encounter" Garp and Ace, and perhaps consider kidnapping Ace to join the Marines in the future.

With that thought, he simply acted on it, lifting up his two long legs and walking towards the direction of Mt. Colubo.

——A few hours later——

Atlas looked helplessly at the tiger that roared at him in warning. If he remembered correctly, this big guy should be the future king of Mt. Colubo and the one who had fed the three brothers. What a pain.

"Go, go, don't block my way," Atlas waved his hand impatiently, regardless of whether the guy understood or not. He raised his legs to walk past it. The growls became deeper, the hair on its body stood up like an electric shock.

Atlas didn't care. It would be better if the tiger let him walk over; otherwise, he wouldn't mind tasting tiger meat.

King Colubo seemed to sense Atlas's thoughts and let out low roars from time to time but had no intention of attacking.

After Atlas bypassed the tiger, he turned on Observation Haki to avoid various obstacles and clinging creatures, making the journey much smoother.

Although Atlas didn't know where Dadan's House was, he would be right to go to the center.

After going around in circles for several hours, Atlas finally caught sight of Garp.

"Hey, Mr. Garp, it was a hassle finding you. By the way, when are we leaving?" Atlas approached and saw a child with short black hair, single eyelids, and big eyes – Ace.

At this time, Ace was still tugging on Garp's short beard and laughing loudly, calling "Grandpa" vaguely in his mouth, and Garp was looking at little Ace with a doting look on his face.

After a few days of getting along, the grandfather and grandson went from strangers at the beginning to now enjoying themselves.

Ace is not a shy guy to begin with. After all, he is of the bloodline of the Pirate King, so he quickly became familiar with Garp.

"Hahahahaha, Atlas kid, how did you find this place? This is my grandson, Ace." Garp lifted little Ace above his head and proudly showed off to Atlas.

Ace also opened his confused eyes and looked at Atlas curiously.

"Hi! Ace, call me Uncle Canos, come on, be good!" Atlas said with a mischievous smile, 'This means Roger and Whitebeard and I are of the same generation.'

In the future, Luffy will have to call him uncle when he sees him, hehehe... Tears flowed out of the corner of his eyes as he thought about it.

Ace seemed to sense Atlas's ill intentions, so he turned around and got into Garp's arms, not wanting to pay attention to Atlas' teasing.

Atlas didn't care and continued teasing Ace until Ace looked like he was about to cry.

"By the way, old man, when are we leaving?" Atlas asked the previous question again.

"In a few days, I'll drop you off when I pass by Logue town." Garp seemed to have thought of Colonel Randall's request and answered casually.

In the next few days, Atlas would either tease Ace or go to Mt. Colubo to perform a ceremony to satisfy his stomach. Anyway, there are a lot of people who handle the food. At most, he would give them the furs and teeth of these animals as a reward.

Happy time always passes quickly, and it's finally time to leave Foosha Village.

Villagers of all sizes in Foosha Village spontaneously came to the dock to bid farewell to Garp.

After all, whether they admit it or not, Foosha Village can always be so peaceful and peaceful thanks to Garp's care.

After a while, after counting the materials and personnel on the ship, the ship slowly left the shore, and the villagers gradually turned into irregular black spots until they disappeared completely...

Sailing on the sea is always boring and monotonous, so Garp started to pick up Atlas' guidance again.

Atlas tore off his Marine uniform, exposing his muscular upper body. His sharply angular physique with almost no fat shone in the sunlight. Opposite him was Garp, who was wearing a gray and white suit.

"Hahahaha, kid, what I taught you before was the power of will. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. Now I'll tell you how to perfectly exert your own power." Garp laughed loudly.

Although this technique sounds mundane, its practicality is terrifying.

For example, Atlas's power value is now one hundred, but the force of his punches is only seventy or even lower, and thirty of his power has escaped.

And what Garp wants to teach him is to use a strength value of 100 to deal 120 damage!

"Come on, Vice Admiral Garp!" Atlas also understood the pros and cons, so he showed no timidity at all.

Garp was one of the absolute strong men in the old era, and he fought countless battles with his iron fist.

Most pirates would give up just hearing his name, not to mention that he is still at his peak now. His combat experience and combat skills are naturally worthy of Atlas' serious study.

The other soldiers on the warship were also attracted by the battle between the two. One was that the battle between the two could also teach them something. Getting stronger in this cruel sea was precious. The other was that it can also add a little fun to boring sea voyages.


A stream of swords and water falling! Atlas swung his sword and slashed at Garp from top to bottom, and a layer of black substance suddenly appeared on Garp's hand, Armament Haki!

One thing that must be explained here is that people who have not awakened Haki cannot see Armament Haki, and Atlas's Observation Haki can naturally "see" the Armament Haki.

Boom! The two collided, with Garp motionless, but Atlas took several steps back before reluctantly stopping. The verdict was immediately pronounced!

"Come again!" Atlas is not discouraged either.

Continue to bully the body and stab straight through.

Ittoryu-Tori no toge! Garp was also unprepared. The middle door was wide open, but a dark patch of darkness appeared on his chest under his clothes, partial armament ! The right fist was swung up directly and hit Atlas's head.

Atlas was startled, drew his sword to block, and narrowly blocked the punch.


The fight between the two men lasted for more than an hour, and finally ended with Atlas falling to the ground with his head covered in weight.

However, Atlas relied on his powerful talent to absorb all the combat experience, and such battles would appear from time to time in the next few days.

So much so that it allowed other soldiers to talk more after dinner, adding a little more fun to the boring voyage.

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