
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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358 Chs

11. Garp And The Iron Fist Of Love

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

This was the third day Atlas boarded the Garp ship, and he started his daily exercise program on the second day.

First, there were four unshakable hours of physical training, and then sword practice began.

He also practiced Observation Haki by incorporating half an hour of meditation after all tasks were completed.

"Hey, hey, Atlas kid, come here and let me give you some advice, hahahahaha!"

Garp on the side seemed a little bored, stroking his nostrils while calling Atlas over.

Atlas was also a little excited when he heard this. As a Marine hero, Garp was the man who forced Roger, the Pirate King, into desperate situations many times.

It can be said to be the ceiling combat power in the pirate world! If we can get his guidance, the benefits to Atlas will undoubtedly be huge.

But as soon as he walked in front of Garp, Atlas felt an indescribable sense of oppression.

It's not just physical pressure, but also mental pressure, but Atlas is not so easily defeated.

There was a look of determination in his eyes.

The strongest man in the world would not fall in front of such a thing!

Garp saw a flash of appreciation in his eyes when Atlas withstood his momentum so easily.

He immediately returned to his careless look and patted Atlas's shoulder hard several times, almost knocking him down.

"Hahaha, you're a good kid. I just took a look at your training. You pay more attention to physical training. There is no problem in the general direction. Physical fitness is your strong foundation."

Looking at Garp's thick arms, Atlas strongly agreed.

"Let me be your opponent and feel the iron fist of love!"

Garp didn't say much. He was not as good as Zephyr in teaching students. He advocated teaching in battle, so he directly threw his iron fists into Atlas's face without waiting for Atlas to object.

Atlas was startled, his pupils instantly turned red, and the observation haki was turned on!


"Ah! It hurts so much!"

Even with his Observation Haki, he still couldn't avoid Garp's fist.

But what puzzled Atlas was that even though Garp did not use the Armament Haki, Atlas still felt a penetrating pain.

"Hahahaha, this is a fist filled with my love!"

Garp knew that Atlas would be confused like this, so he explained.

Before Atlas could fully comprehend these words, Garp's fist struck again.


"Don't slap me in the face! Vice Admiral Garp."


"Be gentle, be gentle!"


"Old man Garp, wait for me!"


Medical room...

Atlas sat on a chair with his head covered with bruises. A medical soldier next to him carefully applied medicine to him and then bandaged him.

"Just laugh if you want to, don't hold it in."

Atlas turned to Bogard who was holding back a smile and said.

"No...hahaha...I didn't mean to laugh...hahaha."

Atlas was helpless.

The sun slowly rose from the sea level, and dark shadows flashed from time to time under the calm sea. Atlas, aboard the huge dog-headed warship, had just finished its morning training and was enjoying his breakfast comfortably.

"Yo! Kid, you recovered so quickly."

Garp was also a little surprised. Although he didn't use his haki yesterday, he attached his will to his fist.

There will be no internal injuries, but flesh injuries are inevitable. I didn't expect to fully recover in one night.

Atlas didn't explain, although he suspected that Garp was just bored and just wanted to beat him up.

But after yesterday's severe beating, he also felt that his body had grown slightly. At the same time, he was also quite interested in what Garp called the 'iron fist of love.'

"Come on, continue yesterday's training, please, Vice Admiral Garp!"

Atlas said calmly, like a prisoner about to be taken to the execution ground, with a look of determination.



"Bang bang bang!"

Another plain and boring day of beatings.

——Three days later——

"Old man Garp, we...um...where are we going?"

Atlas asked confused as he munched on the donut. As for why it's not senbei.

According to Garp, of course, you have to eat the delicious food first.

He had already eaten the senbei, and then he dragged Atlas into a donut-eating competition with him. Atlas, with a "revenge" mentality, decided to eat all the donuts from Garp.

"Well...I'm going back to Windmill Village for a vacation! I'll take a look at my grandson by the way!"

Garp replied casually.

"Eh!? Vice Admiral Garp has a grandson?"

Atlas was a little surprised. Logically speaking, Luffy shouldn't have been born yet. What kind of grandson did Garp think he was?

"Oh! That's my adopted grandson."

It seems that it is Ace. In the anime, it seems that Ace was also born this year. He is probably only a few months old now. It is really arrogant to leave him to be raised by bandits at such a young age!

"Wow! There are a thousand, I win! Hahahaha."

Suddenly, Garp yelled, and then... snored?!

Atlas was also speechless. Although we didn't sleep for two days and two nights, you had to fall asleep so quickly. No wonder Morgan would be stabbed later.

Atlas stood up and stretched, then moved on the spot, turned to look at Bogard aside, and said sheepishly:

"Mr. Bogard, could you please give me some advice? I want to see the gap between me and the truly strong."

"No problem, let's go a little further away so we don't disturb Vice Admiral Garp."

Bogard also agreed generously. After all, he was very optimistic about Atlas, a junior Marine.

As they spoke, the two of them drew their sabers, and Atlas' eyes gradually became serious.

He knew that he was definitely no match for Bogard. Observation Haki could only see and hear, and his swordsmanship had not yet reached the level of cutting steel, and he had not yet learned the six moves.

But a truly strong man must have a heart that is not afraid of powerful enemies! Being timid is not his style!

Ittoryu Iai!

Atlas struck first, trying to preempt the attack.

But Bogard easily blocked his sword move with a casual slash and said with a relaxed expression: "The move is good, the foundation is very solid, but the strength is a bit lacking."

As he spoke, the corner of his mouth curled up, and his leg muscles suddenly swelled.


Bogard's figure disappeared from Atlas' sight in an instant. Atlas quickly held the sword in both hands, a red light flashed in his eyes, Observation Haki Lock!


Atlas, who was using his full power to see and hear, could barely see Bogard's movements clearly, and then the two swords met. However, even though Atlas held the swords in both hands, he was still completely defeated in power and flew out directly, hitting the ship. 


The gap is too big! Atlas was defeated after only a few moves, but he was not depressed because of this, and instead became more motivated to become stronger.

"Huh?...What's wrong?"

It seemed that the noise of Atlas hitting the side of the ship was a bit loud, which directly woke up Garp who was still snoring, and then he saw Atlas sitting on the ground in embarrassment...

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