
One Piece : The Blood Emperor

The world thats full of danger and twist! 'Who is this guy? Marine for fun?' 'Whitebeard is fighting again to be the strongest man in the world with a skinny man who turned into absolute unit at noon!' 'I have a neighbor who loves rapping out of tune saying he has eight tails, where's the tail though?' Join Luke as he travels the world of One Piece as one of the Straw Hat Crew!

ParziVee · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 043

A/N : I'll refrain those exaggerated sound effects. The stronger the effect, the many exclamation marks I add.


Ulquiorra frowned as he blocked the attack with his sword.



His expression changed as if a huge mountain was pressing down on him. He never expected his enemy to welcome him with such a devastating attack.

Luke's attack caused the whole island to tremble hard and thunderstorms wreaking chaos everywhere.

Ulquiorra already bent his knees a little. With no other choice, he forcefully redirected the attack outside the Island causing a massive explosion that produced heavy rain.

Luke easily noticed his enemy didn't use Armament Haki to deflect his attack. It was a good thing in his opinion. Possessing Haki is a must to conquer everything in this world. If Ulquiorra and his kind learned such concepts, then it's game over to the world. These people are monsters among monsters even in their story.

Ulquiorra narrowed his eyes as he saw his arm sleeve got ripped. He then glanced at Luke and said,

"I'm curious. With your might, you should be dominating the new world with bunch of powerful crew. Instead, you chose to be a vice captain with newbie pirates.

"I'm also curious about you targeting our captain. So if you don't answer my question, then please pay attention to our battle." Luke coated his fists with Color of Arms. His mastery over Color of Arms evolved after his battle with Big mom. His strength is now four times stronger from absorbing few sea kings soul and farming at Shiki's place.

His current normal form is the representation of Big Mom's full might with Homies. He wondered if Ulquiorra can actually pose a threat to him.

Ulquiorra stayed silent as he only raised his sword. This is his usual stance as if he's waiting for his enemy to initiate the battle.

Luke activated the Blood Domain.

He wanted the battle to end as quick as possible so he can help with Luffy and others. He didn't dally anymore as he dashed forward and issued a punch.

Ulquiorra raised his sword when blood tendrils engulfed his body.

"Too complacent." Luke sneered and he clenched his fist hard.

Galaxy Divide!



Ulquiorra's sword cracked. The opponent attacked him twice and he already reached his limit. He was surprised as few people in the world could pose a threat on him.

Luke felt something as he retreated to a fair distance.

'This is soul suppression? No. This is power up. He's transforming.'

He commented as he felt the heaviness in the atmosphere. He was surprised that this kind of power already matched his peak transformation.

From what he recalled, the guy has a second transformation. If that's the case, he will be in a dire situation.

"Resurección : Murciélago."

Ulquiorra calmly uttered as he instantly transformed into a different entity.

He had a large pair of black bat wings on his back, his hair grows longer and wilder, and a weird skull that centers atop his head, with two large horns extending outward to the sides towards the front. The lines on his face become black, broader, and more triangular, and his fingernails lengthen.

His attire becomes more form fitting and closed at the top, becoming more like a white robe towards the bottom.

Ulquiorra pointed a finger at Luke,



A huge green energy beam approaching Luke in an instant.

Luke's expression changed as he countered the energy beam using his Special Gun Homie with a full ammo.


The explosion formed a massive crater that covered almost half of the five kilometer wide island.

Ulquiorra narrowed his eyes at Luke's golden gun. It actually halted his upgraded energy beam.

Luke pointed his weapon at Ulquiorra as he divided a full ammo into five shots. Although a bit weaker, it was enough to threaten a Warlord like Doflamingo.

Ulquiorra formed a green javelin made out of energy as he easily slashed all air bullets Luke fired.

Luke felt like he's wasting his ammo as the enemy was just too powerful. Even if he fired a full ammo, the enemy can easily dodge it. He needed a clear shot.

Ulquiorra instantly appeared at Luke's side as he slashed the golden gun.


The Special Gun Homie of Luke was cut in half.

Ulquiorra wasn't finished with his assault as he slashed at Luke.


The attack successfully hit Luke as it caused a huge explosion that rocked the whole island. Even the Blood Domain cracked and exploded into pieces.

Luke was in the middle of the crater while on defensive stance. His clothes shredded from the explosion. He grimaced and didn't expect Ulquiorra's energy javelin would detonate after it hit him. Fortunately, he's not injured due to his tough Armament Haki that covered all over his body.

Ulquiorra's eyes flickered as he created another energy javelin and he instantly appeared before Luke.

Luke just rebuilt his Special Gun Homie when he felt danger once again as he coated his body with Armament Haki.

BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!!

Luke became helpless of his enemy's godly speed. He felt like he was on a minefield full of nuclear bombs. His enemy is just too powerful for him. Every time he escaped, massive explosion ensued.

Clenching his teeth, Luke had no choice but to transform.

Blood Wings!


Ulquiorra paused his attacks as he saw Luke suddenly encased by blood.

"So his power does have something to do with blood. It is strange though. There should be no blood type Devil Fruit in the arsenal. This must be a new one." Ulquiorra muttered in a low voice as he anticipated Luke's transformation.

A span of one hundred meters life-like blood wings grew on Luke's back.

Ulquiorra felt his blood reacting fiercely with Luke's transformation. This kind of blood suppression surprised him. Such transformation actually posed a threat to his current form.

Blood Storm!

Luke waved his hand and twenty raging Blood Storms decimated the whole island making the place became chaotic.

Ulquiorra's hand was caught on one of the Blood Storms as his skin got disintegrated in and instant, following muscles and soon his bones.

Luke saw his attack was effective as he spammed a dozen more Blood Storms.


The original chaotic island got even more chaotic as if it wanted to erase the island of it's existence. Even the sea kings nearby felt the terror from that island as they swam far away just not to get caught by those terrifying Blood Storms.

"Resurección : Segunda Etapa."

"Cero Oscuras."

BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!!

Luke saw a massive dark beam of energy coming at him, destroying the Blood storms in it's path.

He dodged to the side, but one of his wings got destroyed in that attack.

Ulquiorra appeared standing on the remaining land of the island. His injured body parts already healed without any scars left.

While he retains his black wings, his long white coat is gone, revealing his slender white torso, a hole appeared on his bare chest and a tattoo like liquid that flowed down to his body.

His waist becomes covered in something similar to black fur, which also covers his arms and legs.

He acquired a large fur-edged tail. His fingers grow claw-like extensions, and his feet resembled talons.

The irises of his eyes turn yellow, and the sclera become green. The tear-like marks under his eyes increased in size and turn black. Ulquiorra's mask is completely gone. He has two large bat-like ears.

Luke steeled his face as he regenerate his wings. He clearly knew this will be a one-sided fight for the enemy. However, he still have a few ways to defeat his enemy, of course with a price.

He raised his hand and a white gooey ball appeared. A few seconds later and the ball continued to glow as if it will become a lightbulb soon.

Ulquiorra just watched as if he already knew the outcome of this battle.

"Lanza del Relámpago."

A new upgraded javelin formed in his hand as he aimed at Luke.

Meanwhile, Luke ate the gooey ball that's already like a lightbulb. He sighed in dismay as he braced himself,

"Burning freaking 10 years of lifespan."


Luke's expression changed greatly. Then, the green javelin appeared before his body.

ZOOM!! RUMBLE!!!! BOOM!!!!!!

Luke was hit squarely and explosion ensued that's enough to decimate an Island over and over again.