
One Piece : The Blood Emperor

The world thats full of danger and twist! 'Who is this guy? Marine for fun?' 'Whitebeard is fighting again to be the strongest man in the world with a skinny man who turned into absolute unit at noon!' 'I have a neighbor who loves rapping out of tune saying he has eight tails, where's the tail though?' Join Luke as he travels the world of One Piece as one of the Straw Hat Crew!

ParziVee · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 044

A/N : I'll refrain using those exaggerated sound effects. The stronger the effect, the many exclamation marks I add.


Ulquiorra didn't relax his guard since he felt a continuous pulsing of energy in the middle of explosion.

He frowned and threw another javelin again.


"That hurts, you jerk!"

Luke evaded the javelin. His Blood Wings were gone. However, his power was growing every passing second. He was almost naked from the previous explosion but he didn't mind.

Although he was full of bruises, he wasn't severely injured. There are some noticeable changes about him too. His size and height grew from 6 foot 1 to 8 foot tall man.

His whole body also covered by blood that looks like burning. It indeed looked like crimson red flame that engulfed his body.

His physical strength multiplied into staggering 10 times the original. He might even be able to break Kaido's bone with such raw strength.

Ulquiorra narrowed his eyes as he flashed before Luke. Carrying his newly created javelin, he slashed.


Luke evaded the slash that split the ocean. His eyes flashed as he held Ulquiorra's arm and his another hand slashed the latter's body.

Ulquiorra wanted to dodge, however his expression changed. His body refused to move as if Luke perfectly controlled his body.


His body was cut in half. Then, his rapid regeneration kicked in. In an instant, his body reconnected as if nothing happened. However, he still can't move since his enemy is holding his arm. He was surprised that such powerful blood control existed.

Luke sneered and he still didn't let go of Ulquiorra. If he let go, his only chance of winning will be lost. He's now starting to shred tears of blood by consuming so much lifespan on using skills. But he didn't mind as long as he can eradicate this monster in front of him.


Ulquiorra's body started to disintegrate as if he experienced a Blood Storm that's destroying his body within. He was alarmed.

Luke used Ulquiorra's own blood to be the catalyst of his Blood Storm. No matter how hard his enemy is, he will definitely perish by this kind of move.

Ulquiorra managed to sever his arm that was held by Luke as he wanted to distance himself. However, before he could escape, he was encased by energy bubble.

Luke created the most durable energy bubble or Force Field as the name of the skill at the cost of a large portion of his life span. It is to ensure that he can contain this monster in front of him.

Ulquiorra smashed the energy bubble with his javelin only to be caught by the explosion inside. He almost perished by his own attack but he was saved again by his powerful healing.

Blood Storm!


Ulquiorra was engulfed by a powerful Blood Storm as it tries to reduce him into atoms. However, his rapid regeneration was so tenacious that the Blood Storm can't pose too much damage to him.

Luke gritted through his bloodied teeth as he summoned his ultimate technique. The sky turned red and Blood Storms were wreaking havoc in the sea.


Ulquiorra was unaware that an island size phoenix made by blood was fast approaching from above him. He was too occupied on healing his body at the moment. By the time he noticed the phoenix, it was too late.

Blood Phoenix!

Luke cancelled the energy bubble as the Blood Phoenix slammed into Ulquiorra's head.



Minutes later...

At Little Garden...

The smoke screen already lifted since Usopp had nothing left in his bag after throwing more than a dozen during the fight.

Grimmjow was still clashing with the Strawhats. However, his speed reduced dramatically.

Meanwhile, Zoro and Johnny are back in action, but their fighting capability reduced considerably.

Luffy was already down because of the backlash of using 4th Gear. Added by Grimmjow's brutal counter attacks, he was paralyzed on the ground.

Nami was so frenzy with her attacks. Although she barely hit the enemy, she still persisted.

She had a realization. If only her attacks don't hurt those people she wanted to protect, she could probably go all out that's enough to destroy the Island.


Zoro and Johnny carefully avoided the enemy's fatal attacks. Both men attacked in synchronization that made Grimmjow fully occupied and weary.

Grimmjow gritted his teeth while he gripped Johnny's sword as he prepared to counter. He, a real predator was actually cornered by his prey. Just thinking about it made him enraged.

Johnny saw this and he immediately let go of his sword. If he got hit again, he will be crippled for life.

Grimmjow sneered as he already predicted Johnny's cautious retreat as he flashed an air blade.


"AGH!" Johnny's left arm and leg were cut cleanly, making his blood splattered on the floor.

"Bastard!" Zoro totally lost it and he performed a three-sword style.

"Santoryu! Tiger Hunt!"


Grimmjow grimaced at the wounds on his chest. He glared at Zoro as he slashed another air blades.

Zoro's expression changed greatly seeing the air blades were dangerously closing on him. He crossed his swords and he blocked the attack.


Two of Zoro's sword, Kitetsu III and Yubashiri were destroyed while he got flung a few meters away in a sorry state.

Zoro's hands were bloodied and trembling as he saw his broken swords in disbelief.

Grimmjow was still dodging those Thunder Strikes when he paused as he saw someone approaching him. He grumbled,

"Oh. It's you, Ulquiorra. Took you long enough to finish that man."

Zoro also stared at Ulquiorra in disbelief. If the other guy was here, that means Luke was dead.

Ulquiorra simply nodded his head as he walked towards Grimmjow. He glanced at the Strawhats calmly.

"I'm about to finish here-"

Grimmjow paused when he saw the tip of a pitch black sword piercing his neck.


Ulquiorra just had a grim expression as he forcefully twisted the sword before backing away cautiously.

"UGHH!" Although puzzled, Grimmjow knew it will be his end if he stay in this place. He prepared to dash away. However, a pebble hit one of his foot, causing a loss control over his body.

"Thunder Egg! : Triple Lightning Pillars!"

Nami threw three blue looking eggs atop Grimmjow.

BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!!

Massive earthquake rocked the whole island as Grimmjow was in the middle of the epicenter. The Lightning Pillar mercilessly destroying his body that lasted for a minute.

Not only that, Nami spammed hundreds of Thunder Strikes in that span of time.


Grimmjow's charred body dropped. He never imagined he would be defeated by these lowly beings one day.

Nami heaved a sigh of relief and she dropped on her knees as she was mentally exhausted.

Meanwhile, Ulquiorra suddenly changed his appearance into Yosaku much to the surprise of Zoro. Yosaku revealed his Devil Fruit power to be able to copy a target's appearance perfectly as he copied Ulquiorra.

Usopp also dropped from exhaustion. He was also mentally exhausted while in a pressure of taking down a powerful foe. He also had the realization like Nami. If only his bullets were coated by Haki, it won't be hard while dealing the enemy.

Both Nami and Usopp already knew Yosaku has the ability to change his appearance earlier and they saw the light on how to defeat the enemy.

Yosaku ignored Zoro as he dashed towards Johnny which two of his limbs were separated from his body.

Blood gushed from Yosaku's mouth as he gritted his teeth in rage. Still, he composed himself as he picked up the unconscious Luffy, Johnny and his severed limbs back to the ship for Liz to heal.

Nami and Zoro didn't mind the selfish act of Yosaku as they understood the situation.


Vivi was anxiously waiting on Going Merry when a shadow appeared before her. Her eyes widened in shock.

"L-Luke! Are you alright!? Liz! Quick, heal Luke!"

Luke kneeled on the floor as his face was haggard and bloody. His clothes are in tatters as he only have boxers left intact in him.

Liz quickly healed Luke. Minutes later and his condition was still the same. Her healing didn't work which made her panicked.

"W-What's wrong?" Vivi asked worriedly.

"Don't bother. Your heal don't work on me..." Luke waved his hand.

"This..!" Liz didn't know what to do.

"Liz! I need your help!" Yosaku came running while carrying Luffy and Johnny.

Luke saw that Johnny had his limbs cut off. He approached the latter and controlled his severed limbs. He knew Liz don't have the capability of connecting limbs together so he immediately went to work to save Johnny.

He then gave life to the bones and veins before he commanded them to reconnect each other.

Yosaku was surprised of Luke's presence, but he was too occupied of Johnny's dire condition as he stared at Luke's action.

"Bandage his limbs now. I just reconnected them so let Liz heal him." Luke waved his hand as he stood up. He then stared at the unconscious Luffy.

"What happened to the enemy?" He asked Yosaku.

"He's dead." Yosaku seriously replied.

Luke was a bit surprised. He initially wanted to help the team here to deal with Grimmjow. However, he underestimated the Strawhat's teamwork.

Yosaku proceeded to narrate the whole situation.

Luke heaved a sigh when no one in the crew was dead. He then turned to the people of Going Merry.

"Mr. 9, Ms. Monday and Igaram, go fetch everyone. Also, take those Baroque Work agents."

"I'll help too." Vivi was ready to move with Karoo as they entered the forest.

Luke saw that everyone was busy, he went to his favorite chair to rest.

Billy immediately accompanied Luke. He knew the latter looked feeble. He stared at him with concern.


Luke smiled at Billy who expressed his worries. He rubbed it's head, "I'm fine, buddy."

Billy laid it's head on Luke's lap obediently.

Luke sighed as he muttered, "Back to zero huh.. What a tragedy."


A/N : Cadis Etrama Di Raizel has a questionable speed. According to Noblesse manhua, his traveling speed is close to speed of light while his combat speed is a bit faster than lightning speed.