
One Piece: Hashirama

patreon.com/Athome790 ____________________________ In the relentless waters of the Grand Line, where strength dictates the law and blood stains the waves, a legendary being emerges: Senju Hashirama, the Ninja God of Wano. A reincarnated soul with the might of Naruto's First Hokage, Hashirama has conquered Wano in the blink of an eye, challenging the established order and attracting the fury of those who rule the seas. His ambition burns like an inextinguishable flame, and his strength surpasses the limits of imagination. In this world where only the strongest survive, Hashirama rises as a titan, determined to conquer everything in his path. Will this Ninja God dominate the cruel and ruthless sea of One Piece? Or will he succumb to the claws of those who cling to power at any cost? ________ Note: The cover in not mine all right reserved to the original creator, if you are a creator and want me to remove this art then plz feel free to comment or try to reach out to me. English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. If you want to support my writing, join my patreon: Athome790 patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Others
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35 Chs

Senpō: Myōjinmon

Boom! Boom! Boom!

An explosion of epic proportions shook God Valley Island to its core. Rocks crumbled, trees were uprooted, and the ground split under the titanic force of the impact.

The gigantic wooden fists of the Thousand-Handed Buddha clashed furiously against the combined attacks of Xebec, Shiki, Newgate, and others. The shockwave from each blow made the earth tremble and churned the sea into a whirlwind of raging waves.

"Damn it!" roared Xebec, stumbling back from the impact. Hashirama's strength was colossal, even for a monster like him.

"It's incredible!" exclaimed Newgate, his eyes wide with astonishment. He had never seen such destructive power in a single individual.

"We must hold on!" shouted Roger, brandishing his sword with determination. He knew that if they fell to Hashirama, everything would be over.

Far from the island.

"It's terrifying," murmured Kaido, a gleam of fascination in his eyes. "One man against thirteen of the most powerful pirates and marines on the sea, and he still has the upper hand. Hashirama is a monster."

Linlin nodded, her lips curved in a smile. "It's admirable," she said. "His strength is unmatched. If news of this battle spreads across the world, the sea will undoubtedly enter the era of Hashirama."

"Hmph... I've never used Fūinjutsu, now I'll give you a new level of knowledge!" Hashirama, with an enigmatic smile, directed his gaze towards Garp. "Let's start with you."

Garp, who was fighting ferociously against the giant wooden fists, felt a strange sensation in his Haki. His pupils suddenly dilated at the premonition of something terrible.

Suddenly, a hundred giant wooden fists accelerated their attack, raining down on Garp like an unrelenting storm. With titanic strength, Garp swung his fists, managing to break more than sixty of these wooden projectiles. However, a giant fist, taking advantage of a moment of distraction, struck him squarely in the chest.

Despite his Haki coating his body, the impact of the wooden fist, imbued with Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki, was brutal. Garp's chest caved in, and his body flew, crashing into a mountain with a deafening crash.

Inside the mountain, Garp rubbed his chest, feeling his internal organs churning. The pain was intense, and he couldn't help but grimace in suffering. He hadn't expected this attack from the giant wooden fist to be so devastating, feeling as if Hashirama had concentrated all his strength into it.

"No matter, I must keep fighting," thought Garp, clenching his fist with determination as he prepared to return to battle.

But just as Garp was about to emerge from the mountain, a deafening roar resonated from the ground. A giant wooden dragon emerged from the earth, its claws extended, ready to capture him. Garp, with no time to react, was pressed against the rock by the powerful force of the dragon.

"Let me go...!"

With an outburst of rage, Garp released an intimidating aura, trying to break free from the dragon's claws.

"Senpō: Myōjinmon!" (Sage Art: Gate of the Great God)

As Garp struggled to break free, Hashirama, standing on the head of the Buddha, clasped his hands and performed a sealing technique.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With a piercing sound, three gigantic torii fell from the sky, piercing the mountain and positioning themselves over Garp from different angles.

"What's happening?" Garp wondered, increasingly confused. First a wooden dragon, now three red torii imprisoning him against the ground. His fury grew with every second.

Full of rage, Garp tried to coat his body with Haki but was horrified to find he couldn't. Even his physical strength was being suppressed.

"What?" exclaimed Garp, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. His heart panicked. He had never experienced anything like this before.

The red torii not only nullified his Haki but also restricted his physical strength. Did this mean he was trapped?

Garp tried to push the torii with all his might, but only managed to move them slightly. His Armament Haki wasn't enough to overcome the power of the seal.

"Garp, what's wrong?" shouted Sengoku, fighting against eighty giant wooden fists with his shockwaves. "Don't just stand there, hurry up and fight!"

"I..." stammered Garp, feeling a wave of helplessness. "I can't move my body. This red torii seals my Haki and my physical strength. Be careful!"

"What?" exclaimed Kong, frantically swinging his fists. "Are you saying this simple red torii can seal your Haki?"

"Is it another ninjutsu?" exclaimed Xebec, along with the other pirates.

The news spread like wildfire among the combatants. The joy they felt at seeing Garp distract Hashirama turned into worry and fear.

Did the Senju intend to defeat them one by one using this ninjutsu?


Time: Depending on how much support this fanfic receives, the updates will be.

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