
One Piece: Hashirama

patreon.com/Athome790 ____________________________ In the relentless waters of the Grand Line, where strength dictates the law and blood stains the waves, a legendary being emerges: Senju Hashirama, the Ninja God of Wano. A reincarnated soul with the might of Naruto's First Hokage, Hashirama has conquered Wano in the blink of an eye, challenging the established order and attracting the fury of those who rule the seas. His ambition burns like an inextinguishable flame, and his strength surpasses the limits of imagination. In this world where only the strongest survive, Hashirama rises as a titan, determined to conquer everything in his path. Will this Ninja God dominate the cruel and ruthless sea of One Piece? Or will he succumb to the claws of those who cling to power at any cost? ________ Note: The cover in not mine all right reserved to the original creator, if you are a creator and want me to remove this art then plz feel free to comment or try to reach out to me. English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. If you want to support my writing, join my patreon: Athome790 patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Others
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38 Chs

Total Fire

Roger, with a penetrating gaze, observed the imposing statue of Buddha that loomed before them. Beside him, Rayleigh, with a deep sigh, expressed his concern: "This giant statue seems to be a more formidable opponent than we imagined."

Gaban, his face contorted with frustration, intervened: "More difficult than what? Hashirama has launched an all-out attack, believing we can't even take down an arm of this colossus."

Roger, maintaining his composure, replied, "Don't get upset, Gaban. We outnumber him. The longer the battle drags on, the more exhausted he will become."

Reflecting for a moment, he added, "Hashirama is consuming an enormous amount of energy to control the statue, using both Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki. In the long run, this will take its toll on him. As long as we endure, victory will be ours."

Kong, nodding in agreement, offered another perspective: "Besides what Roger mentioned, Hashirama has enveloped the entire statue with his Haki, which accelerates his weariness. Over time, the statue will become too heavy for him, revealing its weak points."

Sengoku, still transformed into his Buddha form despite being on the ground, gritted his teeth with determination and exclaimed, "Let's not give him any respite! With our endurance, we can fight for days. At some point, Hashirama will show signs of fatigue. If we can't defeat him in three days, we'll form groups of six and take turns attacking relentlessly!"

"Excellent idea!" exclaimed Roger.

"Continue the attack!" ordered Sengoku.

Without further words, they all launched themselves back into the battle, aware that they faced a war of attrition. The giant Buddha statue was colossal and powerful, but they had the numerical advantage and the conviction that no one could withstand their combined assault.

Despite their might, they did not underestimate Hashirama. They knew it would take titanic efforts to defeat him, but they were willing to fight to the end.

"As expected from you all..."

Hashirama, unfazed by his opponents' fierce attack, showed no trace of emotion on his face. However, internally, the battle was taking a titanic toll on him.

The natural energy, Armament Haki, and Conqueror's Haki he consumed each moment were colossal. Additionally, he had to maintain constant attention on his enemies' movements.

The Sage Mode helped him bear the burden, as the natural energy was not his own. Thanks to his exceptional physique and the abundance of natural energy in the world, he could endure for now. However, Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki were energies of a different nature, and his reserves were not infinite.

"I must end this quickly!" Hashirama thought with determination.

A bloody smile spread across his lips as he observed his opponents. "I will show no mercy to any of you," he murmured to himself.

With a thunderous shout and a resounding clap, Hashirama unleashed a new wave of power. The aura surrounding him intensified, bathing him in a green light.

The black marks around his eyes and forehead turned a dazzling red.

Suddenly, the Thousand-Armed Buddha, the colossal statue that Hashirama controlled, rose hundreds of meters into the sky. By this height, it had far surpassed the height of Marine Headquarters.

From a distance, the imposing figure of the Buddha stood like an invincible colossus. The thousands of hands sprouting from its back moved forward like hissing snakes, making the air vibrate and causing the entire island of God Valley to tremble under its might.

"Can he keep increasing his strength?" those present wondered with a mix of fear and admiration.

"It's evident! Hashirama is using his last resort to finish us off in one blow. If we withstand this, we can defeat him!" exclaimed a marine with renewed hope.

"Attack! Attack quickly! This is just a last flash of light!" shouted a pirate, drenched in adrenaline and determination.

Despite the terror inspired by the colossal statue, many of the pirates and marines present clung to the hope of victory. They had fought bravely and were not willing to surrender now.

With a coordinated plan, they divided into thirteen groups and launched a simultaneous attack against the giant statue dominating the center of the island. Their goal was to exhaust Hashirama and force him to reveal his weak points.

Hashirama, unfazed by the attack of the "ants," continued with his plan undeterred.

The scene was a repetition of the previous battle, but on a much larger scale.


Time: Depending on how much support this fanfic receives, the updates will be.

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