
One Piece: Hashirama

patreon.com/Athome790 ____________________________ In the relentless waters of the Grand Line, where strength dictates the law and blood stains the waves, a legendary being emerges: Senju Hashirama, the Ninja God of Wano. A reincarnated soul with the might of Naruto's First Hokage, Hashirama has conquered Wano in the blink of an eye, challenging the established order and attracting the fury of those who rule the seas. His ambition burns like an inextinguishable flame, and his strength surpasses the limits of imagination. In this world where only the strongest survive, Hashirama rises as a titan, determined to conquer everything in his path. Will this Ninja God dominate the cruel and ruthless sea of One Piece? Or will he succumb to the claws of those who cling to power at any cost? ________ Note: The cover in not mine all right reserved to the original creator, if you are a creator and want me to remove this art then plz feel free to comment or try to reach out to me. English is not my first language, written to add more words to my vocabulary and earn some money. If you want to support my writing, join my patreon: Athome790 patreon.com/Athome790

theusual · Others
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33 Chs


They had underestimated Hashirama. His power was colossal, and now they had lost one of their strongest men. The situation had become even more difficult than they had anticipated.

However, despite the difficulties and the losses suffered, they were not willing to give up. Xebec, with a firm look in his eyes, shouted, "What's done is done. We have suffered losses, but we cannot afford to be careless now. We must keep fighting!"

"Understood, Captain!" responded Silver Axe, John, and Ochoku, who were also fighting against the giant wooden fists. Despite the threat of Hashirama, they remained vigilant and protected against any sneaky attacks.

The other combatants also became more cautious. The lesson learned from Garp was clear: being caught by Hashirama's ninjutsu meant being taken out of combat.


At the top of the Buddha's head, Hashirama observed the scene with an impassive look. Everything was going as planned. The sealing technique he had used was extremely powerful, capable of immobilizing even the strongest opponents.

In the Naruto series, Hashirama had demonstrated his effectiveness by using these red torii to imprison the Ten Tails and suppress its chakra. Even Obito, the Ten Tails' Jinchūriki, and Madara in Edo Tensei state had been victims of this powerful ninjutsu.

Therefore, Hashirama had no doubt that the technique would also be effective against Garp and the other pirates.

"Hmph... this is just the beginning," Hashirama murmured with an amused look. An explosion of chakra emanated from his body. His hands moved at incredible speed, forming complex seals with impeccable precision.

"Mokuton: Mokuryū no Jutsu!" (Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique)

"Mokuton: Mokujin no Jutsu!" (Wood Release: Wood Human Technique)

"Mokuton: Moku Bunshin no Jutsu!" (Wood Release: Wood Clone Technique)

Hashirama's chakra expanded across the battlefield, permeating the air with a palpable energy.

Suddenly, twelve giant Wooden Golems, 80 meters tall, rose from the ground, their imposing bodies casting shadows over the combatants.

Twelve giant wooden dragons roared at the sky, their wooden scales creaking with power as they prepared to attack.

And finally, twelve wooden clones, perfect duplicates of Hashirama, positioned themselves beside him, ready to follow his orders.

The presence of this colossal army was oppressive. Xebec, Roger, Kong, and the other combatants watched with astonishment and fear as the wooden creatures positioned themselves on the battlefield.

"Damn! Damn!" exclaimed Silver Axe, his voice full of panic. "He speaks of no honor! This Hashirama isn't trying to defeat us; he wants to annihilate us!"

"Wood Golem, Wood Dragon, Wood Clone! Is his endurance infinite?! He's summoned so many ninjutsu at once!" shouted John, his face pale with terror.

"It's over," murmured Ochoku, his voice trembling. "Once they attack... we are lost."

A deathly silence took over God Valley. Everyone present, from the most seasoned pirates to the most hardened marines, watched with horrified eyes the scene unfolding before them.

The magnitude of Hashirama's power was evident. The wooden creatures exuded a palpable energy that oppressed the combatants' chests, sowing doubt and discouragement among them.

The battle turned into a unilateral massacre. The first to fall were Silver Axe, John, and Ochoku, pirates of great strength but unable to withstand the fury of the Buddha's forty giant wooden fists.

In a matter of seconds, a Wooden Golem, a Wooden Dragon, and a Wooden Clone pounced on each of them, trapping them mercilessly.

The same fate awaited Shiki, Newgate, Roger, Rayleigh, Gaban, Zephyr, Sengoku, and Kong. Despite their bravery and experience, they could not withstand the pressure of the Wooden Dragon and the red torii that Hashirama invoked with deadly precision.

Only Xebec, the Supreme Lord of the Sea, managed to resist for more than two minutes before being defeated.

Even he, however, was no match for the combined power of the Wooden Golem, the Wooden Dragon, the Wooden Clone, and the Buddha's giant wooden fists.

With a final devastating move, Hashirama trapped Xebec as if he were the Nine Tails and sealed him within four black torii.

With the fall of Xebec, the battle came to an end. The most fearsome powers of the sea had been defeated and sealed by Hashirama.


Time: Depending on how much support this fanfic receives, the updates will be.

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