
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 3: Meeting the Don Quixote Family

[A few hours later]

Law woke up to the door creaking slowly and saw a young girl entering the house. He got confused and asked," Lami, what were you doing outside?"

"I just went to get a bunch of information and "found" some supplies laying around. Law looked at her suspiciously and said," Lami what do you mean by "found", why were you out there alone?"

Lami gave a mischievous grin which made Law start to feel goosebumps," What is up that weird smile?" he couldn't help but ask."I met some interesting people "Lami replied with a tone that suggested that there is still more to the story.

Law gave all the attention to Lami and asked," Who did you meet?" Lami once again traumatizes Law with the suspense and says, "Pirates!!" Law's eyes widened in surprise Lami added," But not just any pirates, the Don Quixote Family,"

Law was shocked and couldn't help but ask, "Don Quixote Family? The once's under Doflamingo?" Law was in disbelief. "Who the hell is this Doflamingo guy? Lami was now curious about this Doflamingo that everyone is talking about.

Law then started explaining, "Doflamingo is a powerful pirate who's been causing trouble in the North Blue for years. He's known for his brutal tactics and is feared by many pirates, civilians, and marine officers alike."

"So pretty much his insane and dangerous, this should be interesting" Lami replied with an excited expression, which made Law worry about his little sister. Law quickly asked," What did they want from you Lami?"

Lami's expression got serious and replied, "They made us an offer, Law they want us to join their crew." Law's eyes widened in shock yet again and he couldn't believe what he has heard."Join their crew, why?"

Lami took a deep breath and said," They are currently recruiting and they accept children who show potential." Law was still in disbelief and replied, "Lami joining a pirate crew is dangerous but we currently have no other options."Lami nodded and showed signs of moving forward," Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that they also offered us protection and a place to stay."

Law felt guilty seeing his little sister making tough decisions while he couldn't tell her of the harsh reality of their situation.'Should I tell Lami about our medical records and that we don't have enough time to live? Maybe by joining those pirates they will help find a cure,' Law thought to himself with a heavy heart.

But he knew it would only cause Lami unnecessary stress and worry so he decided to not share that horrible news with her right now. Instead, Law put on a brave front and said, "Alright then, we'll join the Don Quixote Family,"

" Abou..t that, we still have to pass the tryout to become members," Lami added. Law nodded and asked, "When is the tryout?" Lami answered," Anytime we are ready, they just need to confirm our decision to join." Law took a deep breath and looked at his sister and said, "Alright when are we going?"

" I was thinking tomorrow around midday after we have found presentable clothes to wear," Lami replied, with determination and excitement. Law couldn't help but smile at his little sister's optimism.

Lami and Law searched around the abandoned house to find clothes that are not worn out or full of blood stains. After they had found suitable clothes, they decided to get some rest for the night.


The next day the sun was shining as the siblings made their way to the Don Quixote Family hideout. Law couldn't shake off the nervousness but he had to keep a calm facade for Lami's sake or so he thought.

[Don Quixote hideout]

In a room with a big table several members of the Don Quixote Family were seated around a table, they had just finished eating lunch. In the center of this table sat a man with a sly grin on his face, he has golden blond hair and was dressed flashy in a pink robe that resembles a flamingo this man was none other than Don Quixote Doflamingo.

"Doffy, yesterday me and Pink met a very interesting brat", said Diamante catching Doflamingo's attention. Doflamingo leaned forward with interest.

"Mhm, what do you mean by interesting? asked Doflamingo intrigued."They are survivors of the White City massacre and they want to join our crew," Diamante explained.

Doflamingo raised an eyebrow and said," Truly interesting I wonder how they escaped I thought the enemy soldiers killed everyone."This news caught the attention of the other members who were available at that moment in the room.

" So did they show any particular skills or talents?" asked Trebol, a high-ranking executive of the Don Quixote family.

" That little girl showed some impressive combat moves and I think she has an innate talent for Kenbushoku Haki(Observation Haki)," Diamante replied with a smirk. Doflamingo's interest was piqued even further at the mention of Haki, especially for someone so young.

"Eheheheheheheheheh *Doflamingo's laugh* sounds like we got some unpolished diamonds," Doflamingo said with a grin." Well then I don't see them around, don't tell me they ran off like the previous ones."

"No the girl had to discuss matters with the other brat, they should come by for tryouts if they decide to join us," Diamante assured.

"Well putting that aside, "Corazon" I hope that you remember that you have to go and collect protection money from one of the factions under me" Doflamingo redirected the conversation to another matter.

The man identified as Corazon had a similar appearance to Doflamingo one could even think they are related with golden blond hair, and the same type of robe but black and he had a tattoo below his eye and one across his mouth. The man only nodded to acknowledge the task given to him.

Doflamingo sat back in his chair with a satisfied look on his face, pleased with the potential of recruits and the continued success of his operations. After a few minutes had passed the meeting of the Don Quixote Family ended and every member went to do their assigned tasks.

As they left, Doflamingo couldn't help but think of the future where he dominates the New World.

[Back to Lami and Law]

As the siblings kept moving forward , Law couldn't help but ask,"Do you think they will really accept us in their crew?" Lami replied confidently," Of course they will, who do think I am?"

Law nodded while also having his doubts, but he trusted the judgement of his sister.Little did he know that joining the Don Quixote will unleash a series of events that will forever change their lives and fate.

After some time, the siblings were getting closer to the Don Quixote base. They soon caught site of two kids that were sitting around a tall building." Well I think that's the base but lets ask those kids'" Lami pointed out to Law.

Law nodded and they approached the kids, who looked up at them curiously.'"Excuse us do you two know if that building is the Don Quixote Family base?" Lami asked with a smile.

The kids looked at each other and started laughing," Why would you kids be looking for our base?" Law lost all patience and glared at the kids before saying, "We're not kids and we came here to join the Don Quixote Family."

"There's no way you guys can join our family, you are just a bunch of kids," one of the kids scoffed. Lami after analysing the situation, stepped, " So are you two part of the family?"

The kids puffed their chest with pride,"Of we are! We're the youngest members of the Don Quixote family, Baby 5 and Buffalo."

"Ah so you are Baby 5 and Buffalo," Lami smiled," So that tall guy and the well dressed gentlemen were serious about accepting kids in their ranks."

"Wait you guys met Diamante and Pink?" Baby 5 asked in surprise. "Wait are you guys the ones they were talking about?" Buffalo added.

" Yeah those two told me to come for the tryouts to join the family," Lami explained to them. As soon as they heard the word "tryouts" , Baby 5 and Buffalo widened the eyes in shock and excitement.

Baby 5 ran towards the building, as she made it inside she started shouting," Guess what! There are kids who want to join the family, they say that they met Diamante and Pink!"

"ehehehe..*Doflamingo's laugh* it seems your brats chose not to run away afterall Diamante, lets see what they are made of invite them inside," replied Doflamingo with a grin.

" I'll go get them myself," said Pink as he walked out to fetch the siblings. All the members of the Don Quixote that were present were interested in seeing these siblings.

" Lami-chan nice to meet you again so you came for tryouts I'm guessing this is your brother La-" Before Pink could finish his sentence ,he gazed upon the sight of Law and his eyes widen in shock. ' What the hell is up with this kid, his eyes are ready to burn everything to ash,' Pink thought to himself.

" Nice to see you again Pink, and yes this is brother Law," Lami introduced Law to Pink. "Please do forgive my brother for his intense glare, he can be intimidating at times," Lami chucked as she tried to ease the tension.

Pink nodded but he couldn't take his eyes off Law. 'This kid definitely got his personality screwed during that massacre,' Pink thought to himself. Meanwhile some members of the family were waiting inside the building.

After pink let the siblings inside he pointed towards the only person who was seated while also giving off an intimidating presence and said, "That the young master Doflamingo-sama."

'What's up with that guy does he really think such a weak pressure can intimidate ME the former Empress of the Ice Realm this is a joke right,' Lami thought to herself with a smirk on her face which surprised the members of the Don Quixote who were watching.

All the members of the Don Quixote had the same thought in their minds, ' That girl can withstand Doflamingo intimidating presence without a flinch, who the hell is she?' The present members were shocked and impressed by Lami's composure.

" Nice to meet you all my name is Lami and this is my brother Law." Lami introduced herself and Law to the rest of the family.' Ho this girl can still keep her composure in my presence , interesting Doflamingo thought to himself.

Doflamingo observed the siblings with interest,"So you are the little brat who caught the attention of my man, I'm truly curious to see what you are capable off." Law remained silent and Lami responded," Thanks for having us so what kind of test do we have to go through to prove ourselves?"

"I'm glad you asked Lami, I was told you are quite skilled in combat." Doflamingo answered with a wicked smile.Law was confused in this moment,' When did Lami ever have combat skills?' he thought to himself.

The tension in the room kept escalating as Doflamingo continued speaking,"I'll like to see some of your combat skills in action." As Doflamingo finished speaking Diamante currently was carrying several weapons and placed all of them in front of Law and Lami.

Law looked at the weapons and thought, 'I have never even held a sword in my life, is this really going to be ok?' Lami on the hand started picking up the weapons one by one checking the quality and weights with a relaxed expression on her face, surprising the Don Quixote members and Law yet again.

As Lami picked the weapons with ease, Doflamingo let out a grin and said," I see you are quite experienced in handling weapons." Lami smile and replied," I've had some training in the past, but I believe action speaks louder than words don't you think so?"

' Training in the past? What the hell is Lami talking about? Could it be that I neglected her to the point that I didn't know what she was doing all this time? Law silently wondered, feeling a bit guilty knowing that Lami was doing such dangerous activities if he was not around.

Doflamingo nodded in agreement with Lami and gestured at Diamante to have a spar with Lami. Lami nodded and picked up a staff, ready to show her skills.' The katanas are too heavy for this weakened body, but I can handle this staff with ease,' Lami thought as she took a defensive stance.

Meanwhile Law couldn't help but be impressed by Lami's readiness to fight, he simply kept silent and watched so did the others in the room. The tension was palpable as they wait for an opening in this spar.

' I may be more skilled and experienced in combat but currently I have no chance on winning due to the power gap between me and Diamante,' Lami thought to herself and she continued to circle around her opponent.

Despite the odds Lami was quick and nimble, dodging Diamante's attack with ease and countering with a strike of her own unfortunately, it was easily blocked. Lami quickly retreated after that exchange.

'My body is truly weak I have to catch him by surprise,' Lami thought as she analysed her movements, and Diamante's strength. But despite her physical weaknesses, Lami remained determined to showcase some of her amazing skills and show her worth.

Lami gathered her energy and charged towards Diamante with all her speed and used a faint to distract him while she managed to jump towards his face while sending a powerful strike towards his jaws which connected with a satisfying sound.

Diamante was caught off-guard by Lami's strike and fumed," You weren't supposed to use dirty tricks like that!" Lami smiled confidently and replied," In a real fight there are no rules," Lami decided add salt to the wound,"Oh yeah I forgot to ask why do you have a such BIG sword are you compensating for something".

The tension in the room grew thicker as Lami's words hit Diamante where it hurts."I'll kill you right now you fuck*ng brat," Diamante roared as he charged towards Lami.

Diamante lost his cool and started attacking thoughtlessly , which allowed Lami to swiftly dodge his attack and land a few successful ones on his body. Everyone available in the room looked on in amazement as Lami is holding her against someone stronger then her.

Law watched in awe at the skills displayed, but he couldn't help but feel worried for Lami's safety as she is up against a powerful person. Despite her physical limitation, Lami's skills are proving to be unmatched.

As the fight continued, Lami's confident kept growing and she now landed blow after blow on Diamante who was easily provoked by her.

"Heaven n Earth wise sword style: Illusionary barrage," Lami shouted as she decided to end the spar with a bang and gathered all her Qi energy and mixed it with her sword intent,creating five mirage duplicates of her and attacked Diamante from all sides.

Diamante was shocked at such skill and couldn't not keep up with all the illusions. Lami emerged from the confusing barrage and landed a clean strike which sent Diamante crashing to the ground.

The room was filled with silent as everyone was shocked at Lami's combat skills.Lami panted as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hoi Hoi what the hell was that?!" Doflamingo finally lost his cool and asked.

Lami grinned and replies," That was a mere display of my martial arts skills".' I can't believe that worked without Mana, I guess this world is not that different from my former one,' Lami thought to herself with a smile.

Law stepped up and addressed," When did you learn such crazy skills?" Lami looked at Law and replied," Don't stress about it Law I can teach you if you wan-".

Before Lami could finish she collapsed to the floor.
