
Okita Souji in DxD

Alright random guy begins at the fight were the og DxD Souji lost his life. He will be in a peerage. No it is not slavery. Yes it is yuri. Also this is fan art I found, if you want me to take it down just ask. All rights belong to their original owners.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 9

Okita PoV


It was hot. My hands had blisters, and my sweat had started to cover my eyes. And yet I couldn't stop.


Shiro-San had promised that I would get a new sword as long as I helped out. So here I am minimal clothing smacking an iron ingot as hard as I could.


"It's not even." Shiro said as he was observing me. "You need to place your strikes to where it will be even."

I raised my hammer up and brought it down as hard as I could.


I had no clue as to what I was doing but if it meant I got a new sword I would be willing to do it for a while longer.



2 Hours Later

Laying down my hammer I brought my arm up to my brow to wipe off the sweat that had congealed. My clothes were sticking to me like a second pair of skin.

Finally, I couldn't hold back my curiosity and just had to ask.

"What and why am I doing this?" I asked.

Shiro spared me a look before grabbing a hammer of his own and setting it next to the furnace. He reached into the furnace with tongs and pulled out another ingot of iron and set it on his anvil.

"Okita. What kind of sword do you want? Do you want it to be big? Small?" He questioned.

"Something like my--" I started before he interrupted me.

"How long do you want the blade to be? What type of metal? How about the color? Or the balance? Maybe you want a specific hilt or color? Or maybe even a custom sheath?" He started to rapid fire questions.

My brow wrinkled up at what I believed he was getting at.

"If you are against making me a sword you don't have to force yourself." I stated.

He gave out a hearty laugh.

"I could happily make you a great sword." He said as he started to strike the metal on his own anvil.


"Hell, I could make you an 'Amazing' sword. But it wouldn't be 'Perfect'."


"The perfect sword for each swordsman is different"


"No blacksmith will ever truly 'Know' what the perfect sword is for each individual either. That is something only you know."


"Are you telling me that I am going to be making my own sword" I questioned with a skeptical look.


"I don't even know the first thing about smithing!" I stated.

"I am well aware." He glanced at the piece of mismatched metal on my anvil and gave me a smirk.


I looked away in embarrassment.

"Luckily you don't need to. I happened to come across a special, metal that will fix that problem." Finally, he seemed to be finished hammering his ingot and started to give me his full attention.

"The 'Yume Kinzoku'." He stated with full confidence. Before he saw my confused face and let out a sigh.

"Yume Kinzoku, also referred to as Dorimometaru roughly translates to 'Dream Metal' meaning that as long as you have a clear image, it will follow your will and mold itself into your dream sword." As he was talking my eyes were sparkling so much you could almost see stars. (A/N: Google translate don't fail me now!)

"However, you need to be capable of at least guiding it." He picked up his ingot and waved it at me.

"At the very least you need to be able to do this." Looking closely at it his once simple piece of iron had been hammered out to be near perfect.

Even on both sides, perfectly symmetrical, and no impurities to be seen.

"As such you will be training with me for the next six weeks!" He stated with a wicked smile.

I gave a wry smile... Six weeks! Of smacking metal with a hammer! No thank you. There are more swords in the sea...or something like that.

"Ummmm. I dont think I have time for that." I said giving him a fake smile as I head towards the exit.

"My king will probably be needing me for something sooo-"I started to say before a blue flash appeared and a piece of paper landed in my face. I quickly glanced at it.


Hiya~ It's the magical girl Levia★Tan! Sirzeches and I will be pretty busy looking for the whereabouts of Anton so feel free to have fun for the next couple of months!~

- Serafall


I quickly crumbled it up and started to give an excuse. Before I saw a similar piece of paper in Shiro's hands and the most devilish smile on his face.

"Even better!" He stated.

"W-Wait! I have nowhere to stay!" I exclaimed.

"We have a guest's room. Don't worry!" He gave me a thumbs up.

"SERAFALL" My yell could be heard throughout Urakyoto.


Serafall PoV

"Achooo!" I suddenly had a rather sudden sneeze.

"Are you alright?" Looking to my left was none other than the crimson Satan himself.

"I'm fine Sirzeches. My Queen must be thanking me for her time off!" I said happily.

"I for some reason doubt that." Sirzeches said with a wry smile.

"Pufufu~ Somebody is jealous~" I got close and started to poke him in the side.

Sirzeches looked at me and shook his head.

"I was hoping to reincarnate a good swordsman like Okita, however, Grayfia would kill me if I did."

I couldn't help but laugh at his statement.

"That's true! There were no signs that he wanted to be a female. It kinda came from out of the blue" Thinking back on it he was really manly in his fight.

"But still she has you on a leash huh?"

"Ah. Yeah...She won't even so much as look at another woman much less reincarnate them." He stated with a smile.

"And besides you seem to be enjoying your first peerage member." He stated.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"Yeah~ She is pretty cool." I said with a blush.

Devils truly do get attracted to someone way to easily. I just want to see Okita-chan in something revealing and calling out my name.

Why I was in my fantasy Sirzeches just shook his head.

"Anyway. Do you have any idea where Anton would be hiding?" Sirzeches tried grabbing my attention.

I thought about it for a second. Like most spoiled devils he either lives with his parents or used their money to buy a mansion somewhere.

"He has registered a number of houses under his name. We should start there." I gave Sirzeches a list of all the properties he owned.

"This could take a while." He said as he started to massage his forehead.

"Yep~" I said in a sing song voice.

"Well let's get started" And with a flash of crimson and a dark blue we both vanished.