
Okita Souji in DxD

Alright random guy begins at the fight were the og DxD Souji lost his life. He will be in a peerage. No it is not slavery. Yes it is yuri. Also this is fan art I found, if you want me to take it down just ask. All rights belong to their original owners.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

Okita PoV

It was as if the very world wanted this meeting to happen. While I was standing there Rei had already rushed inside, and I couldn't find it within myself to leave without saying anything.

I do not regret my actions. I chose the better of two evils. Yet no parent would want to hear that their child had to die so others could live.

So here I am sitting in a traditional Japanese home with both the mother and the sister of the man that I had killed.

"Well, Rei how was your day?" The mother asked her daughter. I couldn't place her species at a glance, as she had no external appendages.

Well other than the ones you are supposed to have. She was a beautiful woman with long black hair and beautiful blue eyes.

"It was great mama! I found Onee-San and we went all around town!" Rei happily called out.

"Fufu~ Really? Well then thank you for your patience." She turned to me with a smile.

"I know my daughter can be a handful. My name is Kanemoto Shinju." As she started to introduce herself there was the sound if the door opening and a man that looked extremely familiar steeped in.

"Hmm." He grunted. "If I knew we had a guest I would have washed up." He was covered in smoke and ash.

Abruptly he turned and walked down the hall. I followed his silhouette til he was out of sight.

"Ah. Well, don't mind him. Something....happened recently and he hasn't been in the right of mind." She trailed off near the end with a slightly lost look in her eyes.

Suddenly that gut wrenching feeling came back and I knew that I would have to tell them.

"Haaaah.Mmmmm. Mommy I am tired." Rei suddenly said as she rubbed her eyes.

"Okay sweetie just go to bed and I will join you in a little while. I am going to talk a little more to our guest."

"Okay~" She hopped up and skirted off.

And before I knew it, it was just me and Shinju. Neither of us said a word as she stared at me...and I gave her a guilty smile.

"I believe we should start with your name and the reason you are here no?" She asked as she gracefully poured me some tea.

Picking it up I silently drank it as I formulated the words I was about to say. Silently Rei's father came back and sat next to his wife.

I noticed that he was clean now but, his glare was stronger than ever.

"My name....My name...." Looking at both of them I swallowed the lump in my throat and came clean.

"My name is Okita Souji." The air stilled at my name. The once peaceful and loving wife was now glaring a hole right through me.

And the father was releasing a pressure like no other. Surpassing his own son. I wanted nothing more than to have a sword right now. If only to help calm my nerves.

"Why...Why are you here." The father demanded. If it wasn't for his wife I believe he would have already started to throw hands.

"Your daughter showed me around Urakyoto today, and when I told her I needed a new sword, she lead me here." I came clean, showing I had no ulterior motives.

"That dosent explain why you still came in. Why not leave. I am sure you figured our Rei's identity before coming in, so why are you here." The father said through gritted teeth.

"Don't tell me you want me to make you a sword after the last one broke against my sons neck!" The amount of anger and rage was almost palpable.

However I refused to look away. To back down.

"I don't regret what I did." I stated with a sad look.

"I had my duties to protect Kyoto, and I was not strong enough to save your son. I am truly sorry I can give you anything but my life." I had done sworn to be Serafall's queen, and I don't break promises.

Looking up I saw the father give Shinju a look, before she sighed and shook her head. Turning he glared at me and flash out his fist.

And before I knew it I was flying through the air once more. It would seem he punched me right out the door.

Sensing something flying at me I reached my hand up to catch it. Looking down at it I was surprised. A bokken. Or a wooden katana.

"My son is not weak" He stated as his Touki flared around him. "Untalented.Brash. A fool. But not weak."

I grasped the bokken with both hands and spread my feet for a better stance.

"I trained him every day of his life and made sure he became a man that could stand on his own. I do not know why that dammed devil wanted him, but I know some weak ass human wouldn't be able to kill him." He once again glared at me.

"It is a difficult situation. I am grateful that you put him to rest, but pissed that you did it at the same time." I just gave a wry smile. For the most part, his hate seemed to have dived down.

Shinju also came out to watch. Along with a few of the neighboring youkai who came to see the commotion.

"So I have decided. You wanted a new sword yes? Survive ten minutes against me and the best swordsmith in all of Urakyoto will make you the sword of your dreams. I am Kanemoto Shiro, brace yourself." I took in a deep breath and released it.

This would be my first time fighting in this new body. A horrible situation to be in, yet the smile wouldn't leave my face.

My opponent is most definitely in the Ultimate-Class. However I am not too worried. My human physique held me back a lot and my strength and speed blossomed along with my new looks.

Before I probably wasn't even Middle-Class, however, I am now a firm High-Class. And with my sword skill this is bound to be a fun fight.

He gave his own smile in return, and we both pushed off the ground at each other.