
Not Like The Movies

Actor Xiao Zhan cannot believe that he will be a lead actor in a danmei live-action adaptation of a well-known novel. But what's more unbelievable is that his growing attachment and affection to his co-lead star, Wang Yibo. After the show is over, he needs to face the reality between them. How will he be able to face his true feelings over his co-actor? Will he be able to live knowing that it was not like the movies at all? (The scenes stated in this story are not related to any events of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan, and these are all based on my imagination. No copyright infringement on this work.)

Dianxiaxx · Celebrities
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The Audition

Xiao Zhan

"Oh, this is a good book."

I put down the book and stared at the ceiling. I couldn't believe I had just finished a 100+ chapter book in a week!

"Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, you really got me there, huh."

I scanned the book again. It was a limited edition copy of "Mo Dao Zu Shi," a danmei xianxia web novel.

Don't get me wrong, I'm straight as a POLE. Extra duper straight. I even had plenty of girls confess to me in college, but I was just too shy to ask them out.

And I love girls. I freaking love girls. There's no way I'd like a guy. But this book really hooked me, and I started imagining myself as Xue Yang. He's such a great character!

My phone rang, interrupting my daydreaming.

"Yo Xiao Zhan, what's up?"

"Doing fine, Zhoucheng!" I responded.

"There's an upcoming audition for the live-action adaptation of 'Mo Dao Zu Shi.' I think it'll be called 'The Untamed.' I saw you ordered a book with the same name, so I thought you might be interested."

Oh, he saw me ordered that book! That prick.

"Did you read the book?!"

"No, no. I didn't. But I also want to try to audition, and I'll bring you with me."

I heaved a heavy sigh. Thank goodness he didn't read the novel.

"Okay, that's interesting. I'll meet you at the audition hall."

"Yep! See ya!"

He hung up. I wondered if Zhoucheng knew the story was a danmei xianxia, would he still be interested? He's a freaking homophobe!

I think he suits Jiang Cheng's character.

I navigated my phone and found a donghua adaptation for MDZS. I looked at their characters and paused at Wei Wuxian.

"The Yiling Patriarch. Oh, he looks just like me. The way he smiles. So perfect. So Xiao Zhan!"

I smiled and looked in the mirror.

"Great! That's it! I'll audition for this!"

At first, I really liked Xue Yang's character, the villain type. But then I thought, why not aim for the lead role? So I decided on Wei Wuxian instead.

I got up and grabbed my towel. Before heading to the bathroom, I messaged my manager about my plan.

"Good morning, Mr. Fang. I am planning to audition as Wei Wuxian in the upcoming drama 'The Untamed.' I know you've heard of it. Tell me what you think."

I clicked send and jumped into the shower. I had a good feeling about this! My hands itched with excitement, and I got out of the shower quickly.

I needed to update my Twitter. My Twitter account was private, and only my closest friends and family knew it existed.

I typed, "I'm coming for you, Lan Zhan."

I liked the way "Lan Zhan" rolled off my tongue, so I posted it. I wasn't worried this drama would stain my reputation because I was sure it would be censored, and the BL wouldn't be obvious.

I clicked "Post" and started to look for my outfit.

Audition Hall

I walked into the audition room with fidgeting hands. Not because I was nervous about the audition, but because of my manager's reply.

"You will never fit in that role, Xiao. I read the manuscript, and it doesn't suit you. We have other offers that are better for you."

I clicked my tongue and patted myself.

"I can do this. I need to get that role! And I will get the role!"

I walked with my head held high. It was okay if my manager didn't support me; I'd support myself.

"Good morning, sir, this way please."

The crew showed me the way. I put on my brightest smile as I approached the panel of casting directors.

"Hello, Xiao Zhan! I'm a big fan of yours!"

The girl in red bowed, and I bowed in return.

"I'm Lu. Xuan Lu."

She smiled brightly.

"Nice to meet you."

"Are you going to audition for Wei Wuxian's character?"

My face lit up.

"How did you know?"

"Well, a woman's instinct."

I laughed a little and nodded.

"I knew it! Your smile! You'll be perfect for the role!"

She winked at me, and my heart fluttered.

"No. 6, Mr. Xiao Zhan."

"You're next! Good luck!"

I took a deep breath and stepped up on stage.

The audition went smoothly. I performed an excerpt from the script and nailed it. I didn't know if it was my charm or if I was just breathtakingly handsome, but the judges seemed to look at me like I was the perfect Wei Wuxian. Shocks.

I looked around and couldn't see Xuan Lu anymore. I stopped walking and eavesdropped on the staff holding the auditioners' list. I was curious about who would play Lan Wangji.

"Have you heard about this Wang Yibo?"

"Yeah. In his biography here, he's a dancer and a TV host. He auditioned as Lan Wangji."

"Oh, he's a K-pop artist too. Do you think he'll fit the role?"

"I'm not sure. But there are lots of people who auditioned for this role, so let's see who gets it."

I peeked at the paper to see the picture of this Wang Yibo. Actually, I'd never heard of him. In my three years in this industry, this was the first time I'd heard his name.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, can I help you?"

The staff asked me. Oh, she caught me!

"Uh, hehe. Nothing."

I smiled and walked away. I should see this Wang Yibo! His name sounded handsome. I couldn't wait to meet him!

"Mr. Wang Yibo is here!"

I quickly turned around to look at the person coming in. This guy was stunning!

He was tall with a masculine build. His hair was disheveled, with a tint of ash green under his nape. His fair white skin glowed in the room. His chiseled jaw moved as he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. His eyes were ice-cold, just like Lan Wangji's. His lips were reddish, perfectly shaped for Wei Wuxian's.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt like I was in a cheesy romance movie. 

Shit! Stop it, Sean! I should stop reading danmei books!

"Wow! I like that look! I want to see you doing some scenes!"

The casting director exclaimed.

He smiled, and I almost fainted. Shit! He's so handsome! And he seemed familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I'd seen him before. 

The smile didn't leave his lips, so I was awestruck.


I exclaimed, but I didn't realize it was too loud, making Wang Yibo turn around.

His eyes met mine, and I couldn't help but gulp a ton of liquid down my throat.

He looked like he was examining my face, and I quickly looked away and walked off.

"What was that? What just happened?"

I took a deep breath and felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Bro! You're here! Congratulations to us!"

Zhoucheng approached me with a paper on his hand. It only showed that we got the role. I nodded and replied,

"Let's have a drink!"

We walked happily together, making sure no fans saw us as we sneaked to my car.

I drifted my thoughts to my friend, brushing off Wang Yibo's face from my mind.