
Not Like The Movies

Actor Xiao Zhan cannot believe that he will be a lead actor in a danmei live-action adaptation of a well-known novel. But what's more unbelievable is that his growing attachment and affection to his co-lead star, Wang Yibo. After the show is over, he needs to face the reality between them. How will he be able to face his true feelings over his co-actor? Will he be able to live knowing that it was not like the movies at all? (The scenes stated in this story are not related to any events of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan, and these are all based on my imagination. No copyright infringement on this work.)

Dianxiaxx · Celebrities
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I'm your average dreamer

I'm a true escapist

Always expecting a happy ending

Should I keep my heart shut?

Should I've been more patient?

Should I keep an eye on my addiction?

What was I expecting? Did I have a vision of a scene, that only lives in fiction

Now I know that you are not Gonna be my co-star And I start to wonder why...

If this was a movie, you'd be here right now...

Xiao Zhan's POV

The last day of shooting for the "Untamed" live-action adaptation had arrived. The final scene was completed, and I beamed at my co-lead actor, Wang Yibo, my heart swelling with a mix of pride and melancholy.

"It's a wrap, guys! Congratulations!" Our director announced, leading to a round of applause from the crew. I glanced at Yibo, hoping to share a moment of triumph with him.

"We did it, Zhan-Ge," Yibo said, patting my back.

"Yeah, we did!" I responded, feeling a rush of joy.

Ji Li rushed over, hugging me tightly. "Wei Wu Xian, you're so great! I'm so proud of you!"

"You did well too, Huisang!" I laughed, the weight of our accomplishments lifting me.

However, my joy was tinged with a strange sadness as I noticed Yibo already walking away.

"Today, we will have our finale celebration at Shanghai Hotel. No one should miss this!" the director announced.

"Yes, sir!" we chorused, our spirits high.

"Let's go!" Ji Li said, pulling me towards the dressing room. "Let's get this all done and let's have our victory party!"

As the make-up artist began removing my hair extensions, I couldn't help but wonder where Yibo was.

"Ms. Kim, have you seen Yibo?" I asked my stylist.

"He's probably changing clothes now. Why? Do you miss your hubby already?" she teased.

I nearly choked on my own saliva. "Haha, you're kidding, right? I'm just worried he'll be late, that's all."

"Oh, here I was thinking you missed me, Zhan-Ge."

Yibo's voice came from beside me, and I turned to see him sitting down.

"Didi, you're here. Hi," I managed to say, my heart racing.

"Did you grab your lunch? If not, I brought you some snacks," he said, tossing a nutritious chocolate bar my way.

"Thank you. You should eat some too," I replied, breaking the bar in half and offering him the other piece.

The two stylists giggled, and Ms. Kim snorted.

"You two are so obvious. I get it now. You don't have to make me look like a single lone girl."

Yibo and I laughed. We were used to people calling us a "couple" because of our on-screen chemistry.

"You're funny, Ms. Kim. I'm just like you, totally single. Don't ask Yibo; he'll deny that there's someone special in his heart right now," I joked, smirking at Yibo.

He smirked back but didn't reply.

"So, is there someone who caught your attention, Mr. Wang? Oh, I'm so curious," Ms. Xien giggled. Ms. Kim tapped her and gestured to keep it low.

I focused on my reflection as the hair extensions were removed, revealing Xiao Zhan—the real me, not Wei Wuxian. I glanced at Yibo's reflection. He looked dazzling with his extensions removed, his long eyelashes fluttering as he busied himself on his phone.

I gulped. Was I hurt? Did Yibo really have someone special in his heart? Why didn't he deny it? I pushed the thought away. Today was not the time to dwell on these feelings. I had a job to do. 

Besides, Yibo told me that he has something to say to me, so I just need to keep my heart in high spirits.

At Shanghai Hotel

"I would like to thank the "The Untamed" team for the undying support, efforts, and creativity that you poured into this project. Even the staff from This drama wouldn't be this successful without your hard work. Congratulations to all of us! Cheers!" The director raised his glass and cheered. 

We all raised our champagne glasses, clinking them together. The night was filled with laughter and reminiscing. Wang Zhoucheng, Fanxing, Xuan Lu, Ji Li, and Yu Bin sat at our table. The other groups occupied the other tables.

"Do you remember when Ji Li got stuck in the bathroom and missed the next taping?"

I started, teasing Ji Li.

"You're such a bully, Wei Wuxian," Ji Li pouted, making everyone laugh.

"What are your plans after this?" Zhoucheng, who played the role "Jiang Cheng", asked.

I thought for a while and said "I think I need to continue my work at CG entertainment and wait for other projects.""Oh, is that so?"Yu Bin asked"Yeah. That's right.""That's good to hear, A-xian." Xuan Lu patter my head. She's such a sweet sister even during off-cam.

"I will miss you all! This drama has been so special to me," Fanxing said, reaching for a glass of liquor. I grabbed it away and clicked my tongue.

"Lan Shizui, you should not drink. I didn't permit you yet."

"But Senior Wei—"

"No buts, A-Yuan."

Fanxing pouted and drank his lemon juice, making everyone laugh.

"Brother Zhan is always strict on A-Yuan, on or off cam," Yu Bin commented.

"Yeah, and he always bullies others!" Ji Li added.

"Hey, what I said is true. I did not bully you. I'm a good boy, right, Shijiè?" I said, but Xuan Lu just nodded sideways.

The night wore on, but I still hadn't seen Yibo. I asked Ji Yang, Zanjin, Bowen, Haikuan, and Haoxuan if they'd seen him.

"Oh, he's not with you? I saw him earlier talking with the staff. His manager was here too; maybe he has an upcoming event or project," Haikuan answered.

"Thank you," I said, waving at them and starting my search for Yibo.

Why am I looking for him? My mind questioned. Maybe because I hadn't seen his handsome face all night?

"You're crazy," I muttered to myself. I needed answers, clarifications, absolution. Maybe later.

I was about to return to my table when someone grabbed my hand.

"Zhan-Ge, I've been looking for you. everywhere"

I stopped in my tracks, recognizing the familiar voice.

"Lan Zhan! You're here! I was just having fun with them," I pointed at the table.

"Can you drink with me?" he asked, smiling.

"Sure, where's your place?"

"Come. Let me lead the way."

Yibo led the way to a VIP room, pulling out a wine bottle and pouring drinks. Silence filled the room.

"I was so busy earlier, so I arrived late," Yibo finally said after we settle down in our seats.

"Oh, I heard you have an upcoming project?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'm not sure if I'll take it."

"Why not?" I asked, curious.

"It's a romance drama, and I'll be teamed up with a girl."

I chuckled. He furrowed his brow and looked straight at me.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Didi, you'll have another big break. That's great. What's the problem with a female lead? That's how it should be, right?"

He swallowed his drink and took a deep breath.

"How about you? What's your next plan after this?"

That was more like a question and not an answer. I shrugged my shoulder and looked away.

"I need to take care of some matters at my agency and focus on that. Whatever project comes, I'll leave it to my manager. The series has ended."

I turned around to face him and saw that he is already looking at me.

His eyes are so beautiful that I got drunk without even drinking a sip yet.

When our eyes met, he looked away, trying to divert his eyes.

Did he just sigh? Silence filled the room, no one dares to talk.I looked at my glass and played with it with my fingers. "So---"

"So, I think this is goodbye?" I was cut off mid-sentence when he suddenly spoke. 

Goodbye? After all that we've been through?After all the things that we've shared?After all the kisses-the gentleness, the night we've shared-

"Yeah, I think it is," I said, faking a smile and biting my lower lip. I fought back the tears that are trying to escape from my eyes.

"Cheers," he said, smiling, raising his champagne. 

"Cheers," I replied, clinking our glasses together.

So that's our first part. This is just the beginning, don't hate me yet.

Long more way to go. I hope you'll continue supporting me.

I'm open to any comments, suggestions, violent reactions, and sort like that haha.

Thank you so much.

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