
Not Like The Movies

Actor Xiao Zhan cannot believe that he will be a lead actor in a danmei live-action adaptation of a well-known novel. But what's more unbelievable is that his growing attachment and affection to his co-lead star, Wang Yibo. After the show is over, he needs to face the reality between them. How will he be able to face his true feelings over his co-actor? Will he be able to live knowing that it was not like the movies at all? (The scenes stated in this story are not related to any events of Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan, and these are all based on my imagination. No copyright infringement on this work.)

Dianxiaxx · Celebrities
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Meeting The Cast

I entered the room where the official casting of "The Untamed" would be held.

The anticipation had been building for two weeks. The auditions were grueling, with multiple rounds to test our skills, especially the sword fights integral to the drama.

Luckily, I've always had a knack for these kinds of scenes, having acted in similar genres before.

My eyes scanned the room for familiar faces. Relief washed over me as I spotted Zhoucheng, who also got the role of "Jiang Wanyin." Having him around would definitely make things more enjoyable and less awkward.

"Over here, Mr. Xiao!"

Mister Feng, one of the scriptwriters, waved me over. I smiled and walked as he directed.

"Good morning, everyone!" I greeted, bowing respectfully. They bowed back warmly, making me feel instantly welcomed.

"Okay, since we're now complete, let's introduce ourselves to create a friendly atmosphere, yeah?"

Mr. Feng suggested. We all nodded in agreement.I sat down next to Zhou Cheng, who seemed very attentive to Mr. Feng.

"Let's start with our main actors. You can introduce yourselves now."

Mr. Feng looked at me first. I stood up, smoothing my hair and shirt. I swallowed hard before speaking.

"Good day everyone! I am Xiao Zhan, and I'll be portraying Wei Wuxian. I hope we all get along."

I flashed my signature charming smile. The applause that followed helped ease my nerves.

Next, another guy stood up as the manager cued him. "Hello! I am Wang Yibo, portraying Lan Wangji. Nice to meet you all."

I offered him a professional smile, but he just stared back at me, expressionless. Maybe he's shy, or perhaps just really good at being stoic?

As the introductions continued, I felt reassured seeing Miss Xuan Lu, who would be playing Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian's Shijie. We had chatted before, so I felt at ease knowing she was part of the cast.

What really piqued my curiosity was Wang Yibo. Was he in character already, or was he naturally this cold? Why didn't he smile back at me?

Once introductions were done, the assistant director asked us to get ready for the initial photo shoot. The staff led us to our dressing room, where our costumes were waiting.

I spotted Wei Wuxian's outfit: narrow sleeves, studded arm guards, and a matching belt and sash that completed the ensemble.

"Mr. Xiao, are you ready?"

The stylist approached me.


I replied, sitting down in front of the mirror. I noticed Yibo to my left, absorbed in his phone.

"What's up, yow? Are you excited about this series? Have you read the script already?"

I blurted out, realizing he probably wouldn't start the conversation.


His monosyllabic response annoyed me. Three questions and he answered with a grunt. The nerve.

I glanced at him, busy with his phone. Was he texting his girlfriend?

Determined to get his attention, I sneakily took a photo of him.

He didn't notice.

One more time, I thought.


He quickly turned, squinting at me.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" he snorted.

I feigned innocence, fiddling with my phone.

Now you've noticed me. I grinned to myself.


I heard another click and realized he had also taken a photo of me.

I turned to him, repeating his question, "Did you just take a picture of me?"

He didn't respond, acting like nothing happened.

I picked up my phone to take another picture, but before I could, he pointed his phone at me. "Gotcha!" he exclaimed, and we both burst out laughing.

"May I see your shot?" 

I leaned closer, peeking at his phone. He let me see my zoomed-in face.

"Why is my face like that? You zoomed it too much."

Yibo laughed, clearly enjoying my reaction.

"That's cute though. Pikachu face."

"Pika-what?" I frowned, puzzled, and he chuckled at my confusion.

"Where's mine?" he asked, moving closer to see my phone.

"Nothing. I deleted it."

"Aww." He pouted, clearly disappointed.

I grinned, enjoying his reaction.

"Mr. Xiao, let's work on your hairdo, okay?" The stylist asked quietly.

I nodded and moved away from Yibo, allowing the stylist to start on my hair.

"Is this your first time leading a historical series?" Yibo asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Not really, I've had lead roles before. How about you? What made you audition for this drama?"

I inquired, genuinely curious. He seemed to ponder for a moment, playing with his lips.

"Honestly, I have a pretty good reason why I auditioned."

"Oh, why?" I asked curiously.

"I want to impress someone," he smiled and looked away.

Impress someone? Was he flirty? Did he know his role required him to be loyal and upright, only setting his eyes on Wei Ying?

I didn't respond and faced the mirror, wondering who he wanted to impress.

Xuan Lu? Mian Mian? Or someone else? Why do I feel betrayed?

My stylist finished my hair and makeup, and I stood up to change clothes.

I smiled at myself in the mirror.


After changing, we went to the photo shoot area to wait for our turns.

"Zhan! Let's take a picture!"

Cheng grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him.

"Yeah, come on."

I took out my phone and snapped a picture with him.

"One more time!" he exclaimed.

"Count me in."

Miss Xuan Lu joined us.

I looked at the picture, feeling satisfied.

This would be the start of something new. I hoped good luck would be endowed upon us.

The photo shoot went smoothly, with everyone striking their best poses.

Yibo and I had a few shots together, where I playfully tried to make him smile.

To my surprise, he cracked a small grin in one of the photos.

"Hey, look! He can smile!"

I teased, showing him the picture.

"Only because you were making funny faces behind the camera," he retorted, still grinning.

As the day went on, we moved on to rehearsals.

I found myself constantly drawn to Yibo, trying to decipher his aloof demeanor.

During a break, I decided to probe a little.

"So, who's this person you want to impress?"

I asked, casually leaning against the wall.

Yibo smirked, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Come on, give me a hint!" I insisted, nudging him playfully.

He leaned in closer, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

"It's someone in this room."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"In this room? Now you've got me really curious."

"Good," he said, standing up straight.

"Mystery keeps things interesting."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're something else, Yibo." I commented.

Just so you wait, I'll find out that lucky girl you wanted to impress.