

A guy saves a young girl from truck-kun. then he meets an old God who decides to transmigrate him as Harry frickin Potter. Watch as "Harry" messes up canon and takes matters into his own hands. Strong and smart MC. Please do enjoy my book. I'm new here and I'm inexperienced at this. Criticism is allowed but pls don't make me cry. I don't own Harry Potter and I don't own the picture. Bye.

some_writer · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Knockturn( Part 9)

i then followed him to the back and stepped in. Inside the room there are a lot of sticks, heartstrings and cores.

Me: Why don't people just buy custom wands. Isn't that just easier than just standing there for a few hours just seeing the wands are compatible or not.

O: That is a good question Mr....?

I kept quiet, scared to tell him my name because I'm afraid he'll tell everyone my identity.

O: I will not tell anyone your identity Mr Potter. I swear on that.

Me: *i stared at him* Did you just used Legillimens or did you just guess.

O: A little bit of both Mr Potter. And do not worry you can take off your disguise now. No one will see us here. You are perfectly safe in here.

Me:*takes off disguise*

O: Interesting, you look very different. The scar is gone. But you still have your mother's eyes. Hmmmmmm, very interesting. * doing a thinking pose*

Me: Thank you for the compliment Mr Ollivander.

:O And to answer your question. I takes even longer to make a custom made wand. It may take days or even weeks. And it costs more galleons as well.

I nodded at question.

:o So Mr Potter, what kind of custom wand do you need?

I then proceeded to choose my wand carefully.

Me thinking: I need a wand that can improve my casting. It must also be very powerful.

Me talking: Can we do a elder tree wood. A nine inch will do.

O: *Takes out parchment from nowhere and writes on it* And the string and core Mr Potter?

Me: Do you have phoenix hair and a Hungarian horntail core?

O: Yes of course we do. But it will cost you a lot. Do you think that you can afford it.

Me: *Shakes money pouch* Yes Mr Ollivander , I think I do. Can you also get some wand handling manuals, a holster and a cleaning kit please?

O: Of course i can, they say a clean wand defines the wizard. - Garrick Ollivander

Me: If it is not too much, i was hoping that i can borrow me some wand making books. I can give you back within two days.

:o No worries Mr Potter, i can borrow you those books. Are you perhaps interested in wand making. If so I'm looking for an apprentice to continue my work.

Me: I'm sort of a jack of all trades guy. If you have the time, you can learn everything. I'm sorry but i can't become an apprentice, but i can help you find one by using the Daily Prophet. But thank you for the offer though.

O: it's okay Mr Potter. But thank you for your help. Why didn't I think of that. I would've have a bunch of apprentices here already.

Me: I'm glad that i can help you. So how long will the wand be done.

O: If i work on it full power, it'll probably take a few days. But i have a shop to run so probably a week maximun. Is that okay with you?

Me: It's okay, I have a lot of time before Hogwarts start anyways. Well I'll see you when the wand is done Mr Ollivanders.

O: Of course Mr Potter. Have a nice day.

Me: You too Mr Ollivanders.

After paying him the money, which is 200 galleons btw. I left the store to get some lunch. I went to the Ice cream shop and had lunch there. After four bowls of ice cream, I went to Madam Malkin's Clothing Store.

Madam Malkins walked up to me and said

Malkins: Hogwarts dear?

Me: *nods head* Yes Madam Malkins. First year. Can i get the dragon hide ones. I don't want to take any chances. You don't know what's out there.

Mal: Of course dear, you have the money to pay for It?

Me: Yes i do.

Mal: Well stand on that stool there and let me get the measuring equipment.

For the next hour, Madam Malkins beginned to measured my size with here magical measuring tape. After she was done measuring, she then handed me the clothes to me I paid her and went back to the apartment and washed my clothes.

I was eating dinner then I remembered.

Me thinking: Wait a minute, i have that singing quest right. And it's rewards it some kind of talent booster right. I don't know what that is but it seems very useful. Well better Max out singing then.

The night in Diagon Alley was full of an eleven year old boy's beautiful voice filling the night skies.


(The next day)

Well after the eventful night, i have fully maxed out the singing skill. Now i have to deal with a hoarse throat and a lot more fangirls. But in the end i completed the quest.

[ Quest completed


Sparkling Mic ( in inventory)

Talent booster ( in inventory)

I then took out the sparkling mic and surely enough, it is very sparkly. Better put it in a case. Then i took out the talent booster. It was a brown pill like those Chinese medicine pills.

Me thinking: System, when I eat this what will it do.

[ Host can't eat the pill, the pill functions as a talent booster for who the user gives the pill to. Meaning when other people eat it, their talent will boost by 5x permenantly.]

Me thinking: Oh my gawd this is even more OP than I thought. Imagine what'll happen to Ron when I give this to him. But I'm not gonna. He probably will be arrogant with his power. But i will give it to Neville.

Still me thinking: Speaking of Neville. What will happen when I get to Hogwarts. What should I do? Who should I befriend. Should I show off?

I then took out a parchment with a pen and wrote out my plan. It will look something like this

— Show off. Make sure the people know who I am so that i have the power to back up my words. Don't show off to much. Show off that i can perform fourth year spells with some difficulty is enough.

— Befriend Neville. On the train ride, i have to at least get rid some of his nervousness. Then get him a new wand since the wand he has is his father's. Which is not compatible. Does his grandma have dementia or something?

— Try to avoid Dumbledore, Ron and Hermione at all cost. Those guys are very busybody. Ron wants to befriend me because I'm the boy who got a scar on his forehead. Hermione's a know it all, she thinks she's the best and no one can challenge her. Well me and Neville are going to ruin that. And Dumbledore is a manipulative man. He controls what I do in Hogwarts and doesn't want me to be powerful. How did original Harry defeat Voldemort when he doesn't even get close to his power. Well I'm going to show that I'm not that kind of naive personto be that easily manipulated.

—Get Snape on my good side. Dad wrote a apology letter and put it in the vault. He said hand it to him. At least that'll get him not to torture me during my stay in Hogwarts.

— Get some sort of neutral friendship with the Slytherin house. The house is just misunderstood. I don't why Harry beloved Ron when he said the house is evil.

—Get a girlfriend there??????

— Mess up the canon.

After writing the plan and putting it in my trunk then putting the trunk in my inventory.

I proceeded to wear a hood and went to the place where bad people go to , Knockturn Alley.

When I went there, the sky was very gloomy instead of the sunny sky of Diagon Alley. There are a lot of different people there.There are witches with green skin, people with sharp teeth and long sharp nails, probably vampires. To Summarize it, it is very different from Diagon.

I stayed in the sidelines, not wanting to get into a fight. I saw Borgins and Burke's but I did not enter. That was for another time. Instead i went to a place that was name 'Dark Tomes'.

Guess what it is, you got it, a library.

I opened the door silently, not wanting to cause attention to me. I then went to a section called 'wands'. I picked out a lot of books about wands and siat down at a table and read the books. My wand making skill continued to level up and when it was about 5 p.m., it was in intermediate level. I then went and put back to the books. I took books about rituals and went to the reception and said in a menacing voice.

Me: two days.

Reception guy: Of course sir. Enjoy the books.

I then left the Library, went to an alley and put the books in my inventory. Then i went back to my apartment and cooked some dinner. When I was eating and owl appeared on the windowsill holding a letter in its mouth.

I looked at the letter and it had the Gringotts symbol on it.

Me thinking: Wonder what they want now?

I thought as I opened my letter.

Dear Master Potter

I hope you are doing well. I want to congratulate you on the removal of the horcrux. But i didn't write to you because of this. I wrote to you because I want to talk about your inheritance with the king. Ragnok. How does tomorrow sound?. If you agree reply back. If you disagree to the date. You should still reply back to let us know so we can set another date.



Me thinking: Well it's about time we talk about this. Time to see what Dumbledore does to my account for 'the greater good'.

I then took out a parchment and wrote

Dear Gorgun

Thank you for the congratulations. I am doing well. Tomorrow sounds a like a good time. How about at 1p.m. afternoon? I'll see you in Gringotts. May your gold double everyday.


Harry Potter

I then put the parchment in a envelope and gave it to the owl

Me: Safe trip buddy.

Random owl: Hoot hoot.

When it flew of. I went to my bed and lied down on it.

Me thinking: Tomorrow's gonna be a long day. I feel it will be more than I think.

I then begin to close my eyes and begin to sleep soundly.

(A/N: Chapter whatever. Next chapter will have a lot of numbers it. So be prepared. Hope you Hermione's enjoy this chapter. Signing off for now. Bye👋)