

A guy saves a young girl from truck-kun. then he meets an old God who decides to transmigrate him as Harry frickin Potter. Watch as "Harry" messes up canon and takes matters into his own hands. Strong and smart MC. Please do enjoy my book. I'm new here and I'm inexperienced at this. Criticism is allowed but pls don't make me cry. I don't own Harry Potter and I don't own the picture. Bye.

some_writer · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Elyria Academy (Part 8)

[Congratulations host, the horcrux debuff has been removed. All lost stats have been returned.

Wis and Int 50>80

Magic control lvl 4>lvl 15]

[Host has gained new skills from horcrux memories.]

[Dark arts lvl 50 578/1000

This skill allows you to do dark arts. The higher the skill the less mp when using dark arts.

60% less mp wasted when casting DA]

[Intimidation Lvl 49 672/1000

This skill is used to intimidate people. The higher it is you can make people choke themselves to death.

people are 49% more scared.

If infused with Magic will make it deal 500 DMG to enemies.]

[Avarda Kedavra Lvl Max 1000/1000

The undeflectable killing curse. One of the three unforgivable curses.

Deals infinite damage

Uses 75 MP]

[Imperio LVL Max 1000/1000

This curse can mind control people. One of the three unforgivable curses.

85% chance of mind control success

uses 60 mp]

[Crucio Lvl Max 1000/1000

The torture curse. One of the three unforgivable curses. It can leave even the best crippled for life.

Deals 100-1000 mental damage.]

[Inter charms> Advanced Charms 5/10 > Master charms 1/10 0/5000

Same for other Hogwarts skills.

[Torture Lvl Max 1000/1000

Due to you using crucio to gain information from enemies. You have this skill.

Enemies will submit to you 90% easier ]

[Parselmouth Lvl Max 1000/1000

You can talk to snakes.]

[Parselmagic Lvl 20 200/500

You can use parselmouth to use magic now.

20% more effective and powerful when using parselmagic ]

[ When host and Voldemort's soul merged. you have also gained some of his talent as well.

Son of Geniuses evolved to Super Genius.

Exp boost by every skill increased by 50%]

[Pain resistance Lvl 30 100/500

You can resist pain. You are embracing the true masochist way.

30% less damage dealt.]

[Mind Palace lvl 10 200/500

This place is in your mind, you need to set some defenses to protect your library.

Store memories. ]

These are the skills that i got. Honestly, i love these skills. Especially the dark ones, they don't teach these in Hogwarts. They only have these in the forbidden section of the library. Which is pretty hard to get in.

Then i heard the vault creak open and Ms Ginga and Croaker came in.

Gin: Lord Potter you're awake!!!!!! How are you? does anywhere hurt? Do you need painkillers? Are you hungry? Do you need food?

Me: Woah woah calm down Miss Ginga. One question at a time. And to answer your question. Yes I'm fine. And can you give some food please?

Gin: Okay Lord Potter. I'll cook up something.

After she left, Croaker asked me

C:Are you feeling well? Do you feel different?

Me: Well I just got a lot of his memories and his soul merged with mine. So yes, i feel a lot different. I feel great actually. Like some weight has left me.

C: Well that great news Mr Potter. That means the ritual was a success.

Me: You won't tell this to the ministry right. Cause they will accuse me being Voldemort or something.

C: This matter stays with you and me alone. Until you are ready, you will reveal this fact to everyone. See how they will react to that.

Me: Okay Mr Croaker. How long have I been out after the ritual.

Croaker : Exactly twelve hours Mr Potter. It's not that long.

Me: I could've read so much books in that time.

C: Now that I'm seeing this Mr Potter. You look very different from before.

Me: How so?

He conjured up a mirror and I looked into it. I was very shocked about my new appearance. i was taller. Now standing on 5 feet tall. My hair looks lighter. My baby fat has disappeared a lot. My body doesn't look skinny anymore. And I look lean for my age. I can see clearly without my glasses anymore. My scar is gone too!!!

Me: You're right Mr Croaker, i look light a new person now!!!

C: Very much Mr Potter. But I think I have overstayed my welcome. Goodbye for now.

Me: Goodbye Mr Croaker. See you soon.

He nodded and went out the vault. When he left, Miss Ginga came back with cheesecake and orange juice.

Gin: Teatime Lord Potter. Do you need any books for you to read. I can get you some.

Me: Yes i do. Can you get some etiquette , ministry lawas and some French language books for me.

Gin: Will do Lord Potter.

After getting the books that i wanted and organizing them in the mind Palace. I pretty much memorized every law set by the ministry and even found some loopholes. I can now speak french without problems. I think I will master Bulgarian in Elyria Academy. Cuz i want to be able to speak to Viktor Krum.

Over the next few days is going normal, with me finding a new hobby to draw. Drinking potions and exercising with the sadistic goblin which i dont know the name of. You know, the normal stuff.

And just like that a week inside the chamber has passed by. And it was time to go to Elyria Academy. I packed up all my stuff and we outside Gringotts. There i saw Agent Bond and his crew outside waiting.

Me:Hey guys, are you here to bring me to Elyria Academy.

B: Hey Harry, yes we are here to apoarated you there. How're you doing. You look very handsome.

Me: Thank you James. But please can we not go there by car?

B: You'll get used to it. When you're and agent you don't complain, you just do.

Me: We'll let's get this over with.

We apoarated in front of the academy. The academy was very beautiful. Like renaissance France beautiful. There are so many students there it is even more beautiful.

Me: Do i just go inside?

B: No, you are in class omega. There is a different building for that. Don't want the students gossip about several agents escorting an eleven year old child.

He then apoarated me to a secluded building, there's no one here.It super quiet.

Me: Agent Bond, are you sure this *points at the building* is the right place. You sure you haven't messed up the location or something?

B: No Mr Potter, this is the correct location. The reason there is no one here is that your the only student that has reached omega level. It also has a fidelius charm hiding it.

Me: That's convenient. So where's the teacher.?

B: He is inside the building waiting for you.

Me: He's the only teacher that i have right?

B: The only one.

Me: *Sigh* It's gonna get boring quick.

We went in the two story building. And went inside the only classroom there. Inside the classroom, there's only one seat there.

Me thinking: i know that there's only a few students study here but this is ridiculous.

Then I saw a man sitting there.

How:Ahh you must be the new student. My name is Howard. *extends hand* nice too meet you Mr Potter.

Me: Nice too meet you too.* Shakes his hands*.

Howard looks like a very smart man.He wears a black suit with a black tie. He also has a grey beard as well.

How:Now we only have you here. So here's how this is gonna go, you will have breakfast, lunch and dinner with me in this classroom. The food will be delivered by agent Bond. Now let me show you your room. You can leave now agents. Harry is in my care.

B: See you Harry, take care of him Howard.

We exchanged goodbyes and Mr Howard showed me my room. The rooms very bland. It only has a bed, a nightstand, a dresser and a table there.

Me thinking: Like i said. This is ridiculous.

We then toured the whole building. The only place that I'm excited about is the library. After we're done, we went back to the classroom then Mr Howard said

How: Now that the tour is done. We can get to the point. Her Majesty wants the best, and i mean the best. So in these few weeks you will moulded into an artificial genius. So we're going to begin studying now. Go to your seat.

I went to my seat and Mr Howard proceeded to ask me questions about my intelligence. When he found out that i have a university level intelligence and can speak French easily he was surprised. Then he laughed out loud and said

How: Oh Mr Potter, these few weeks are going to be interesting for me.

He then gave me a maths textbook which i didn't even know it existed and began teaching me everything. After a few hours of teaching, we then ate lunch and talked about our lives. He was sad that i had to live such a sad childhood but didn't pity me since I had pretty much gotten over it. Then he asked what language do i want to learn, i told him I wanted to learn how to speak Bulgarian. He didn't ask more questions and threw me a Bulgarian language book.


(A few weeks later)

And that's how my three weeks in this lonely building went by. Mr Howard continued teaching things that i didn't even know existed. At nights, i will go to the library and read nonstop and my intelligence kept increasing. And this is my intelligence and wisdom now

Int: 110


And I got new things when this happened

[Sonic brain:You can think off strategies in seconds.

[Wandless:Lvl 1/30 0/200

You can now do magic wandlessly. But you need to have a fully developed core to use it fully. Hence the level cap on it.

Can do wandless magic for 10 seconds

Cost 100 MP per use.]

Oh and this happened

[ Malnourished debuff has been removed.

All stats lost from debuff has been returned.]

So that debuff is finally gone. Good riddance.

Currently, i am in the classroom doing my graduation test. I must get first place and full marks here because I get the talent draw and the +20 to the skill i choose.

After we're done, i asked Mr Howard

Me: This test is unofficial right. You will not reveal this to the academy right?

How: All of this will remain secret.

Me: Okay

After grading the papers, Howard gave it back to me and said:

How: to be honest I'm not surprised you got full marks on everything. Your practically already a genius.

Me: Thank you for your teachings sir. How can I pay you back.

How: Pay me back by shocking the magical world for her Majesty and for me will you?

Me: Of course sir.

How: Now tomorrow Agent Bond will escort you back to your apartment in Diagon Alley. There you will wait for your letter to come. We will redirect the letter to your apartment. You will write back saying that you're aunt already brought you there. And wait until September first. Okay?

Me:Yes sir.


(The next day)

After packing up my stuff, Agent Bond brought me to my apartment.

B: Alright kid were here, do you remember what to do.

Me: Of course Agent.

B: See ya.* apparates away.*

I went inside and awed at the apartment

Me : Gorgun, you outdone yourself. I knew I could count on you

(Meanwhile with Gorgun)

Go: *Sneezes* Who talked about me. Is he talking about how awesome i am. * continues to work*

(Harry POV)

I unpacked my stuff and went to shower. After wearing my disguise i prepared and went out to Ollivanders to get myself a custom made wand.

I stood outside of the wand shop. I then opened the door and went inside.

Olliva: Hello there. My name's Garrick Ollivander and welcome to Ollivanders. How can I help you.

Me: I am here to get a custom made wand. Can you do that?

O: Sure, follow me.

I then followed him to the back of the shop and stepped in with him.


(A/N: New chapter. Hope you Hermione's enjoy this chapter. Signing off for now. Bye)