

A guy saves a young girl from truck-kun. then he meets an old God who decides to transmigrate him as Harry frickin Potter. Watch as "Harry" messes up canon and takes matters into his own hands. Strong and smart MC. Please do enjoy my book. I'm new here and I'm inexperienced at this. Criticism is allowed but pls don't make me cry. I don't own Harry Potter and I don't own the picture. Bye.

some_writer · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Inheritance (Final Part of Arc)

(The next day)

I woke up ,showered, ate breakfast and now i was reading the books I got from Knockturn Alley. To be honest some of the rituals are not that bad. One of them removes fat from your body. And another one improves your had eye coordination. Why did the ministry ban this again? Oh yeah, because it's 'dark'.

I also realized that i hadn't claimed the rewards for the Elyria Academy quest. Well let's do it right now, since I had the time.

Me thinking:System can i claim the rewards from the quest.

[Reward claimed

Talent draw

+20 to skill user chooses.]

[Would you like to use talent draw?


I pressed yes and a lottery type screen appear and begin spinning very fast that i can't even see the choices. Then it begin to slow down, until it finally stopped on a skill.

[Congratulations, you have gained Fire Manipulation.]

Me thinking: Damn Fire manipulation, it's not much but when you really train it. You can destroy army's like Madara did to the Shinobi in the war with his fire jutsu.

[Do you wish to use +20 to a random skill you choose?

Me thinking: I think I add use this to fire manipulation. So I can really get to experimenting on spells.

[Fire manipulation lvl 1> lvl 21]

[Fire manipulation lvl 21 100/500

You can manipulate fire. Fire spells do more damage and cost less magic.

cost 21% less magic

21% more fire damage.]

Me thinking: I won't have to waste time training this skill. Although the skill is not much. I think incendie could be an even more powerful spell now.

(12:50 p.m.)

Me thinking: Well, i guess it's time we go to Gringotts and find out what secrets Dumbledore kept from the original Harry.

(Gringotts 1 p.m.)

G: Where is master Potter? He's late already.

Ragnok: Calm down Gorgun, the clock just hit 1. Look i see him coming here already. Over here * Waves his hand*.

Me: Good afternoon Gorgun, King Ragnok. May your enemies gold be yours. * Says it in Perfect Gobbledygook*

The goblins are surprised that i can say their language easily.

R: Rahahahahaha you sure are interesting Mr Potter. Now follow me to my office.We have a lot to discuss with you.

We followed Ragnok into his office. His office is very grand. There are portraits of old goblin kings and a chandelier hanging on top of the ceiling. The floor tiles are made with marble. Overall, it is the perfect office for a king.

We sat down on the two seats there for us. Ragnok sat down and pulled a file from his drawer. He then handed it too me and said.

R: This file contains your inheritance. We may have to do and inheritance test later to see whether you have house that are extinct have any relation to you.

I opened the file and read it. The file contained a lot of info like this.

Potter inheritance

Vault #601

9272718270142 galleons 53 sickles 2 Knuts

Trust vault (Closed down, all money returned to vault)

Aftifacts, books, jewellery etc

Invisibility cloak

25% ownership of Daily Prophet, Madam Malkins and Quality Quidditch Supplies

100% ownership of Chudley Cannons.

30% ownership of Ollivanders and Florian Florestcue Ice cream.

Next page contains the properties that you own.

Me: We own a lot stuff. But we don't own enough. Gorgun can you up the ownership of Daily Prophet, Quality Quidditch Supplies, Ollivanders and The ice cream shop to 50%?

G: Will do Mr Potter.

Me: Can you also invest in muggle companies named, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Apple? I have a feeling these companies will shine brightly in the muggle world.

G: Are you sure Mr Potter?

Me: Yes Gorgun. Just trust my judgement this once alright?

G: I'm sorry for doubting you Mr Potter.

Me: No worries Gorgun. Let's see the properties now.

I said as i turned to the next page.



Potter Manor, Potter Cottage , Potter Studio,

Jerusalem, Grunnings


Peverell Citadel, Powlys Village( lost in time)


Parselmouth Temple( in a random jungle)


Penthouse in LA, Casino


Acropolis of Athens

Me: King Ragnok, when were the Pott— i mean the Peverells founded again?

King Ragnok: They were founded before Jesus was even born which before year 0.

Me: But those fairy tales say that they were founded in the 1200s.

Rag: Some times history can be deceiving. This is all done by the ministry.

Me: Well says here that we own the Peverell Citadel and Powlys Village. Wherever that is.

Rag: Hmmmmmmmm this is an interesting discovery. Rangon, can you please fetch me the inheritance bowl for me.

Ran: Immediately sir.

Rag: While he goes fetching for the bowl. How about we hear the will your parents?

Me: I would love to King Ragnok.

He then took out a paper an activated it. Then a voice of my Mom and Dad.

M & D: I,James Charlus Potter and I, Lily Potter (nee) Evans with our sound and mind, leave this will to our loved ones when we pass away.

To Sirius Black, we leave you 1 million Galleons and the custody of my son. All i ask of you is to let him have a good childhood.

To Peter Pettigrew, we leave you nothing because of your betrayal and wish you a good life in Askaban.

To Remus Lupin, We leave you 1 million Galleons and a full wardrobe for you. You don't have to be poor anymore because of your furry little problem.

To Severus Snape, I, James Potter leave you 1 miilon galleons and a full apology letter. It was all my fault. I have written a letter of apology to you. Harry will give it to you. Don't hate Harry because of his resemblance of me.

To Dumbledore, We donate 1 Knut to the Order of the Phoenix. Our son will not be manipulated by your lies for 'the greater good'.

To our son Harry James Potter, we leave you the heir ring and everything else. We are sorry we couldn't be there for you in your life.

Here is the list of order that Harry Should live with if we die.

1: Sirius Black

2: Remus Lupin

3: Amelia Bones

4: Severus Snape

5: The Weasleys

Do not under any circumstances leave Harry with the Dursleys. they are people that hate magic. And don't leave him to Dumbledore either.

Witness of the will: Sirius Black

When the will was done reading, i was very happy that my parents still love me.

Me: So King Ragnok. Did you tell Dumbledore that i was not supposed to go to the Dursleys or did you not.

King: I did tell him that but he said that you have to stay far away from the magical world. For the greater good.

Me: Look how that turned out. 10 years of constant hell.

G: So that means he violated the will. We can press charges you know.

Me: Not yet Gorgun, we don't have evidence yet. He's the Supreme Mugwump after all.

G: Of course Mr Potter.

King: He knowingly violated the laws set by the goblins. His actions will have serious reproccusions. His reputation will take a serious hit.

Me: As i said , not yet. He has connections, we need to prepare a lot for him to be sent to Askaban.

Just then, Rangon came back with a knife, a bowl and a parchment

Me: So how many drops of blood do i need for this?

King: Twenty drops.

Me: *Cuts finger open with knife*

(Twenty drops later)

Inheritance test


6362721177 Galleons 20 sickles 0 Knuts

Aftifacts and among other things

Real elder wand

Ressurection stone

25% ownership to London's black cab

25% ownership to Daily Prophet


Citadel, Powlys Village, Panthéon, Penthouse in NYC, Macchu Picchu, Statue of Zeus(), Ephesus

Slytherin (by conquest)

53622777189 galleons 0 sickles 0 knuts

Artifacts and among other things

Basilisk in Hogwarts

Salazar's locket

25% ownership to Hogwarts


Temple of Knossos, Ancient snake temples Persepolis, Tomb of Cyrus the great, Slytherin Manor.

Gaunt( by conquest)

36727281 galleons

Library of Gaunt


Little Hangleton

Ebis (Mother side)(in Egypt)

63725587 gold (shat) (true fact btw)

Egyptian artifacts ( hidden in tombs)


Pyramid of Giza, Palace of Cleopatra, Tomb of Tutankhamun, Luxor Temple


526271899 galleons

Sword of Godric Grrifyndor

Artifacts and among other things

25% ownership of Hogwarts


Grrifyndor Manor, Stonehenge,

Me: *Stares with wide eyes* Holy shit that's one big family. And also i have Egyptian ancestors!!!! That's new.

King: Wow Mr Potter you own a lot of things. What are you going to do about it?

Me:Well first thing I'm going to do is to put all of the money in one vault. That way i don't have to travel all over the place.* Hands him gold*

King: Consider it done.

Me: Can i also get a debit card. Key it to my account please.

King: *Hands him the card* Its also platinum btw. Expect people to be shocked.

Me: The properties are not known to the public right. Is Rita Skeeter here?

King: No.

King: The heir rings will be worn when you turn twelve. But some of them you can wear it now.

Me: Which is it?

King: The Gaunt and Peverell ones. In fact I have it right here. *Gives me ring boxes.*

The Slytherin ring is colored green.On the ring it says' Death to all'. The Peverell one is colored red and white while on it said 'Tonjours Pur'.

I put it on and I felt my body change a lot. My magic increased a lot and my eye color changed to a dark red and my hair has a streak of brown on the front.

King: You look even more different. Now what should I call you.

Me: When i go to Hogwarts, make sure I am known by Harry James Potter and that's it. I don't want Dumbledore watching my ass all the time.

King: Okay Lord Potter.

Me: What about Dumbledore, will he be informed of my discoveries?

King: He will not. He has been stripped of his guardian title. Not that it's his title anyway.

Me: Well I think I have enough surprises for today. I'll be going back to my apartment now. Goodbye for now King Ragnok,Gorgun * Speaks in Gobbledygook*

Them: See you soon Lord Potter * in Gobbledygook*


After leaving Gringotts, I went to a cafe an ate dinner over there. I also returned the books i borrowed from Ollivanders. I left then on the counter. I then went back home, showered, lied down on the bed. I still haven't gotten over my shock.

Me thinking: Now that i know my inheritance. I need to prepare what's coming for me in Hogwarts. Because things might go differently. I need to complete my tasks faster now.

I then drifted of to sleep peacefully. Waiting for a new adventure tomorrow.


(A/N: New chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Signing off for now. Bye.👋)