
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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109 Chs

Chapter 83

"Why does the SHIELD want to meet me?" I was obviously surprised by this request since I had never imagined that SHIELD would ask for me.

"Apparently, he wants us to go on a special mission for which he is creating a team. And he has specifically asked for Red Lightning to join the team." Ms. Ororo explained the whole matter as we moved to the ground floor from the basement.

"How much does the SHIELD know about me?" I asked since it was important for me to know as a sorcerer. I could not afford to leak the existence of magic.

"Fortunately, they only know about your dragon powers and regard them as your mutant ability. They don't know about magic and that you are a sorcerer.

We came close to revealing the existence of magic during the Magneto incident when you teleported Magneto. Fortunately, we were able to pass it off as Kurt's doing by explaining that Kurt had a secondary mutation and could now create portals.

Thankfully, SHIELD had not been able to learn about magic.

"But they should know that you are Peter Parker since we have to file information about any mutant we take in." I was about to release a sigh of relief when Ms. Ororo revealed that they knew about my identity.

"Will this have any adverse effect on my family?" I asked, worried about Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

"Likely not. When we first started taking in the mutant children, we made a deal with the government that in exchange of allowing the children to join their missions, the data of their parents will be anonymous and only their own data will be in the system.

We made this deal because we didn't want the government to force the young mutants to work for them by taking their parents hostage.

Moreover, even the only picture they have of you is of your current appearance. So, they can't find your relatives using this face of yours. Even the momentary surveillance which was put on your family will be off the record. So, you don't need to worry. Your family is completely safe."

I released a sigh of relief finally once I learnt from Ms. Ororo that my family will not be in danger because of me.

Soon, we reached the lobby where we found Professor Xavier talking with a man in a business suit.

"Oh! All of you are finally here." Professor Xavier said, greeting all of us.

"You must be Peter, the famed Red Lightning. I am honoured to meet such a great young man." The agent said as he enthusiastically greeted me.

"Umm… You are—" I asked, taken a little aback by his forwardness.

"Oh! Where are my manners? I am Phil Coulson, a SHIELD Agent." The man or rather Phil said, introducing himself.

"Nice to meet you, Agent Phil. However, I would prefer if you do not call me Red Lightning as I don't like that name too much." It was not that the name was bad but it just felt that I could not use this name to define my identity.

"To be honest I have become a big fan of yours ever since you defeated Sabertooth at the Long Island while defending the very protesters who hated mutantkind. Moreover, you did a great job taking down Magneto along with the Storm." Agent Phil started singing my phrases which honestly caused me to blush a little.

"But I was not alone during both times. It would have taken much longer for me to defeat Sabertooth if not for the help from my teammates. And you can't deny Storm's role in capturing Magneto." Despite my embarrassment from Agent Phil's praise, I countered those praises since they magnified my role while also diminishing the role others had played. As their friend, I definitely didn't want to undermine their efforts.

"Speaking of Magneto, how is that bastard doing?" Mr. Logan asked.

"You don't need to worry. We have sealed Magneto in a prison made specifically for him. He can forget about escaping from that prison forever." Agent Phil said proudly.

"Enough of this buttering up, Agent Phil. Say your business now." Professor Xavier said in a serious tone.

So, that was what Agent Phil was trying to do. By singing my praises, he was trying to make me more approachable to SHIELD and thus more prone to recruitment in future.

"Alright! Since you are saying so, Professor, I will come directly to the main point." Agent Phil said, his face taking a serious expression.

"I want Wolverine, Storm and Peter here to join a special team SHIELD is creating, the Avengers. The mission for which we are making this team is extremely important so we can't just give it to the X-Men." Agent Phil revealed his intention for coming here.

"Is this mission so tough that we mutants can't solve it alone?" Mr. Logan asked.

"We can't take a single risk on this mission. That is why we are creating the Avengers which will include not only mutants but also combat personal from various fields. And it is very likely that the opponent will be your equal in combat strength." Agent Phil explained the nature of the mission.

"May I ask about the specifics of the mission?" Professor Xavier asked.

"Unfortunately, the mission details are top secret and I can't reveal them here. However, I believe that what SHIELD is offering should be more than enough of an incentive." Agent Phil said.

"Hmm… What you are offering this time is indeed near 10 times of what generally receive per mission. What are your thoughts, everyone?" Professor Xavier asked for our opinion.

"Well, with Peter and myself there along with Storm's firepower, I believe that this mission will be a piece of cake." Mr. Logan said, expressing his belief in our combat prowess.

After all, he knew how much my powers had improved from the upgrade Spider Supreme had given me. Besides, my magic provided enough versatility that we could escape if things got too rough.

"Indeed, with all three of us together, I believe this mission will be doable." Ms. Ororo said in favour of accepting the mission.

"What about you, Peter?" Professor Xavier asked for my opinion.

"I am also in favour of accepting the mission, Professor." I said, giving my affirmation.

"Very well, then. We will accept this mission." Professor Xavier said, accepting the mission.

"Alright! Since you have agreed, I want you three to be ready to depart in a few hours. I will also join you in the X-jet on the journey to our destination." Agent Phil said, giving instructions for us to depart in a few hours.

"This fast!" I was surprised that we had to depart in just a few hours.

"Yes. Director Nick Fury has asked for you to meet him as soon as possible. So, we have to hurry." Agent Phil explained the reason.

"Also, Peter." Agent Phil suddenly addressed me.

"I would like you to give me a codename now which you would use during the mission since you would not be using the name 'Red Lightning'." Agent Phil asked for my codename.

Fortunately, I had decided on what my codename will be. I had decided upon this codename upon hearing about the origin of my powers from Spider Supreme.

"You may call me 'Albion'."


And so, Peter's codename has finally been decided. To be honest, I had decided on this codename when I had just started writing this story but I couldn't introduce it until now. Now, it's time for the Avengers Arc to finally start.

From now on, there will be a total of 10 advance chapters available on patreon. So, if you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye