
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

Chapter 74

Phew! Magneto had almost escaped my trap.

Thankfully, I had learnt how to remote cast a portal a few days ago which allowed me to catch Magneto off-guard otherwise the situation could have gotten messy.

Still, he had been too vary of us even when trying to get us to join him. This had caused him to almost escape my trap. Thankfully, I had already signalled Emma whose push at the main time had led to the trap being successful.

"Thank god, that bastard is gone. I was sick of that guy's stupid propaganda already. Whoa!" Harry was speaking when the two clones started moving. They had been still for a moment when Magneto fell into the portal.

"You are not going anywhere." Emma said, immobilizing one clone and simultaneously Jean immobilized the other one with her telekinetic powers. The synchronisation of their abilities had increased greatly ever since they had started receiving teachings from Ancient One after the examination of their powers.

"Whew! I had almost forgotten about these clones because of how silent they were. What should we do with thes clones, Peter?" Kitty asked.

This was indeed a dilemma. They were Wolverine's clones after all and all of us knew just how strong Wolverine was.

"We have to kill them." Scott suddenly said in a grim tone, shocking us all.

"How can you say that, Scott? They are living people even if they are clones." Kitty said furiously, rejecting Scott's proposition instantly.

"I agree with Scott. It is simply too dangerous to keep them alive." Rogue said, surprisingly agreeing with Scott.

"But, why?" Jean asked, concerned about the reason for Rogue and Scott's stance.

"Who will we hand them over to? The government? So that they can create even more of these clones and use them as weapons.

Besides, Magneto has already told us that their minds are broken. Just look at them. How their movements are too mechanical and that they have not said a single word till now? They have been turned into puppets. They have no future. It would be a blessing for them to die."

Scott explained why he thought that it was better for these clones to die. He thought them to be a threat to mutantkind since their existence proved that mutants could be used as weapons.

I honestly admired Scott for taking this hard decision which none of us could ever take. Rogue was supporting his decision because she had seen the dark reality of the world and could see what would be the better decision.

However, it was too early for us to stain our hands with blood. If anyone had the right to make this decision, it was Professor Xavier and the other teachers. Especially Mr. Logan, since they were his clones.

Before we could make any decision, I needed to learn something first.

"How long can you hold these two?" I asked Jean and Emma.

"Not for too long unfortunately. If they were normal humans, we could hold their bodies almost indefinitely. But they have enhanced strength and are constantly trying to fight against the force restraining them." Emma explained that they could not restrain the clones for too long.

So, we had to take a decision on what to do with this clones immediately. Magneto had already destroyed the nearby security cameras before he even approached us. And any remaining pedestrian had run away immediately upon hearing about mutants.

But it was likely that anyone could appear and inform the police upon seeing the scene here.

"We can't decide what to do with this clones. Let's make them unconscious. Professor and the others would decide what to do with them." I suggested.

"But, Peter!" Scott objected.

"I am not saying that your words are not true, Scott. These clones can indeed be used against us. But we should not be the ones to make this decision." I started explaining why we should not kill them immediately.

"We should not get blood on our hands. We are too young for it. Besides, there is still a lot we can learn from this clones.

These clones have been formed from Wolverine's DNA which could only have been obtained when he was captured. And who had captured Wolverine?"

"It was Hydra, not the Brotherhood!" Emma said with an expression of realisation on her face.

"Exactly! And these clones were with Magneto. There is no guarantee that there are not other clones out there. As such, gaining knowledge about these clones through research would actually be a better choice." I argued.

"Fine! You win." Scott said, realising the truth of my words.

"Alright! Let's make this guys get some sleep so that they do not cause any problems for us." Saying these words, I moved over to the clones and channelled lightning through their bodies in order to make them unconscious.

This was the most efficient way they could be made unconscious since they were immune to telepathy and their body was too resilient. As lightning coursed through their body, the clones started quivering due to the shock yet they didn't let out a single scream.

Due to their enhanced bodies, I had to release a strong current through their body yet not a single sound came out of their mouth. No wonder Magneto said that they were mere puppets.

"Let's call Professor now." I said to everyone after rendering them unconscious and they agreed.

Ring! Ring!

"Hello! Peter, what happened? Why did you call?" Professor's worried voice sounded from the phone.

"Professor, we defeated Magneto." I said. It was better to go directly to the point especially since we didn't have much time.



"Are all of you alright?" Professor Xavier asked after I told him the entire matter.

"Yeah, we are fine! Not a single scratch. You don't need to worry." I replied.

"What about those clones of Logan Magneto had with him?" Professor questioned.

"We have made them unconscious. Although it seems that their mind has been fucked up too much." I explained the clones' condition.

"Return immediately with the clones. We will continue our talk upon your return." Professor ordered, concerned about us.

"As you say, Professor." I said and cut the call.

"Alright, everyone. We must return now." I said to everyone.

"Harry! You take your car and go home. We will talk tomorrow. Do not tell anyone what happened today." I said to Harry.

"By the way, Peter. Where did you send Magneto? The Mirror Dimension?" Emma asked as I was about to create a portal.

"I wish I could. But unfortunately, remote casting to Mirror Dimension is a much harder job. If I could, it would be like he was in my own pocket."

"Then where did you send him?" Emma asked. I could see that everyone was curious to learn about this matter.

"It's a deserted island. That bastard would not find a single piece of metal there."


This chapter shows a bit of Scott's mentality that he is willing to do anything for what he thinks is right. Anyways, the rematch with Magneto is next although it would obviously be easier what with him being on a deserted island.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye