
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

Chapter 72

"It's clear. We can enter." I said as I made sure the alley and its surroundings were empty by creating a portal above the ground.

Soon after hearing my words, everyone entered the alley after I recreated the portal on the ground.

But seriously, I had not expected everyone to be so fed up by their daily schedule that they literally jumped at my offer when I asked if anyone wanted to join me on my outing today.

It was mostly because of Mystique's hardcore training in the recent days which was running them ragged. Adding that to the mystic art studies some of them had to go through as well as the mutant power training designed by Ancient One, they were all too fed up and wanted a release. So, they immediately got ready to accompany me once I asked them if they wanted to come.

Speaking of which, everyone was quite jealous of me because of my schedule these days. Even Emma who liked me said how lucky I was that my daily schedule was much less tight compared to theirs.

After all, I didn't have to go to school like them. And I didn't have to go through combat training as I already knew martial arts.

Then came the main reason for their envy towards me. The training in the danger room was nothing for me because of my Dragon Sense as well as my enhanced body. This, of course caused jealousy as others didn't have an enhanced body causing them to suffer in the training.

The mystic arts studies also called the schedule of Emma, Jean, Kurt and Kitty to be even more tight although I tried to help them whenever I could. Especially Kurt, who couldn't even read the books if I didn't translate them for him. The girls had by now pretty much learnt Sanskrit.

"Peter! You are finally here!" Harry said greeting me once we reached the club where the event was held.

"You guys must be the friends Peter had made in his new school. I am Harry, Peter's best friend." Harry introduced himself, putting his right arm around my shoulder to show the closeness between us.

"I think Gwen would like to argue about the best friend part." I said after hearing his introduction.

"That's true. Ha ha ha ha!" Harry said while laughing.

"Nice to meet ya, Harry!" Everyone greeted Harry and started introducing themselves.

"By the way, is that a Porsche?" Scott asked upon seeing Harry's car. Didn't know that he was a car enthusiast?

"Yes, it is." Harry replied proudly.

"How could you afford it?" Scott asked, surprised to see such an expensive car in the hands of someone his age.

"Ah! I forgot to say my full name. Let me reintroduce myself. I am Harry Osborn." Harry said, revealing his full name.

"Oh my god! Peter, you are friends with the heir of Oscorp." Kitty said, surprised by Harry's true identity.

"How did you befriend someone like him?" Emma asked from beside me, curious how friendship started.

"You don't need to ask. After all, it was actually me who had started our friendship. He was such a shy guy back when I had first met him." Harry replied before I could answer.

"Alright! That's enough talk. We need to enter the club now otherwise you will get late. You don't want to miss MJ's performance now, right Harry?" I said, interrupting the conversation. After all, if I let Harry continue the conversation, he will likely open our entire history.

"Yeah! That's right. We will get late. Come!" Harry said, asking us to follow.

"Kurt, Bobby! Check if your holo watches are working well. I don't want an accident." I asked them as we started entering the club.

Bobby had also required a holo watch since his face was quite famous after the whole Sabertooth incident. As such, he needed to use a hollow watch which changed his appearance whenever he had to attend school or go outside.

"You should check your illusion spell too, Peter. Professor had said that it had been broken the first time he had made you when he had tried to enter your mind." Jean said, reminding me.

"You don't need to worry. At that time, I was inexperienced in that spell. After that incident, I have practiced this spell a lot. There will no such accident." I reassured her as we finally entered the club.

"We are just in time. Their programme is just about to start." Harry said once we neared the stage.

"By the way, MJ and Gwen have a special surprise for you, Peter."

"Huh! A surprise?" I wonder what it would be.

"Hello, everyone!" MJ said as she came up on the stage with the rest of the band. She also waved her hand in our direction upon seeing that we were here.

"Today is a very special day for the Mary Janes. Because we are going to release our first original song today." MJ said, causing an uproar amidst the audience.

An original song! It had only been about half an year since the band had been established. And every member of the band was still in school. To think that they would release an original song this early.

"Without any further ado, let's begin." Saying these words, MJ started the performance along with the rest of the band.

"Huh! Peter, you are not going to dance." Emma said as she noticed that I was not headed to the dance floor like everyone else.

"Actually, I have only been to clubs a couple of times before and that was only because MJ and Gwen had dragged me there. I was a shy and nerdy boy back then and as such, didn't like the clubs much. So, you can say that I am not accustomed to the clubs." I explained the reason.

"But you have changed from back then. Besides,MJ and Gwen would not like it if you didn't dance on this occasion. Come on, I want to dance with you." Emma said, inviting me to dance with her.

"Fine!" I agreed and headed to the dance floor with her.

As I started dancing, I realised that I was wearing too much. Perhaps I should not worry and just have fun like everyone else.

Moreover, as I looked at Emma's enchanting smile while dancing, I thought that maybe it was about time for me to accept her offer.


"Phew! That song was great. Right, Peter?" Harry asked as we moved outside the club.

"Yeah! It was quite good." I said, agreeing with him.

"By the way, do you all have to return so quickly? It has only been an hour and half." Harry asked.

"Professor Xavier had given strict orders that all of us had written quickly. Besides, everyone has school tomorrow." I said, explaining the reason we had to return quickly.

"Don't go around saying that we have school when you yourself don't need to go to—" Scott was complaining about how unfair it was that I didn't need to go to school when he suddenly stopped speaking upon seeing someone approaching us.

It was a man with quite a ridiculous getup. He was wearing a leather suit along with a metal helmet as well as freaking cape. It honestly look like he was some sort of cosplayer.

"Greetings, young mutants! I am Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants." All of us were shocked by the identity of the man.

Now I realised why this man's outfit was like this. Professor Xavier had mentioned that Magneto wore a helmet which blocked telepathy. But he hadn't told us that he wore a freaking cape.

But how the hell did this guy find us so fast? It had only been an hour and half since we were in the city.

"As an adult mutant, I advise you that as superior species, you should not mingle with the inferior ones and treat them as equal." Magneto said while looking at Harry when he said inferior species.

Who the hell believed in such propaganda in these times anyways?


Magneto is here! To be honest, I had to do this sudden encounter because I wanted to finish the X-Men arc as soon as possible but couldn't think of a proper way for the Magneto fight. Of course, I will explain the reason for the sudden encounter in the next chapter.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye