
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 32

Seeing Professor Xavier suddenly in pain, Logan unleashed metal claws which released weirdly from his knuckles while Ms. Ororo also got ready for a fight.

I also got ready in case a fight actually happens, with my dragon sense working at full power so that I could act at the first moment. I also signalled everyone with my eyes to ready themselves to activate the bracelets at any time.

"Stop!" Professor Xavier said loudly in an attempt to prevent any hostilities.

"I said to stop. It was my fault." He surprisingly admitted his fault and asked Logan and Ororo to calm down.

Hearing his order, Logan and Ororo backed down, however they still have their guard up. Professor Xavier took a few deep breaths before starting to continue talking.

"I apologise to you, Peter for trying to read your mind without your permission. However, I had no other choice." Surprisingly, Professor Xavier bowed his head down to me in order to apologize.

"Why did you do it?" I asked still keeping my guard up.

"We have many enemies who would love to kill us. So, when you told us that you are a part of another secret organisation, I panicked and tried to read your thoughts.

I was afraid that you were a part of an organisation which was hostile to us. Of course, I didn't manage to read your mind in the end, though!" Professor Xavier explained why he unexpectedly tried to enter my mind.

"Did you read anyone else's mind?" My response would depend entirely upon his answer.

"No, I didn't. I had thought that they wouldn't know about that secret organisation enough to draw conclusions. That is why I targeted you." Professor Xavier replied honestly.

Upon hearing Professor Xavier answer everything politely and still sensing with my dragon sense that he had no ill intentions, I decided to forgive him just this once.

"I am letting you off just this once. However, just one more mistake and all the negotiations are off." I warned Professor Xavier.

"Anyways, the leader of my organisation is already on her way. You will know what organisation it is when you meet her." They would realise what kind of organisation Kamar Taj was when they would meet Ancient One. There was no need to tell them in advance as I wouldn't be able to explain it properly.

"But, I don't understand how you have these powers. Your X-gene was supposed to be still developing when I detected it." Professor Xavier looked puzzled as he asked me.

"How do you know I am a powerful mutant when my X-gene is supposed to still be developing?" It was simply incomprehensible.

"Because it released a greater amount of energy waves as compared to other mutants despite not showing any characteristics of an active X-gene." Professor Xavier explained.

"But Peter told us that his powers were due to his X-gene." Uncle Ben said puzzled by this sudden dilemma and looked at me for answers.

I wanted to tell them the truth but how was I supposed to tell them that I was given this powers by another me from a different dimension while I was dying.

I was just thinking how to answer when a portal suddenly appeared in the living room.

Good, Ancient One was here, so she would handle everything.

"Greetings, everyone. I am Ancient One, Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar Taj." Ancient One introduced herself while greeting Professor Xavier and his friends.

"Sorcerer Supreme, are you telling us that magic is real?" Ms. Ororo said surprised by Ancient One's introduction.

"How do we believe that magic is real and you are the leader of those magicians? You could be a portal creating mutant." Logan questioned, obviously sceptical about Ancient One.

Upon hearing their questions, Ancient One simply smiled. She created a magic circle using her right hand and casted a telekinetic spell to float several objects around the room.

Then, she created a flame in one hand and then ice in her other one. Afterwards, she created an energy blade.

"Can a mutant wield such diverse powers? Do you believe now in the existence of magic?" Ancient One said smiling.

"Alright, we believe in your words." Professor Xavier said after seeing the proof.

All of them well silent for a few moments, contemplating the sudden reveal of magic before them. Then, Professor Xavier opened his mouth to speak.

"May I ask how you sorcerers perceive us mutants?" He asked politely.

"Many mutants believe themselves to be the next step of human evolution. Some people treat them as demons while a few even believe them to be blessed by God.

However, their existence is perceived much more differently by us sorcerers. We refer to them as cheats." Ancient One referred to the mutants quite absurdly. This was the first time I was hearing this because I never had a chance to talk with Ancient One regarding this topic.

"Cheats?" Professor Xavier asked puzzled by Ancient One's words.

"Yes, we believe that their powers are simply cheat codes to what we can achieve through magic." Ancient One explained.

"For example, for a sorcerer to be able to float large boulders would require months or even years of training and practice. However, a mutant with telekinetic powers can easily float such large boulders with his mind." Ancient One gave an example.

"Of course, it often comes at a cost. From the few mutants who joined Kamar Taj, we learned that they often have difficulty learning other branches of magic which are not related to their powers." She mentioned the trade off for the mutants.

Professor Xavier silently reflected upon her words for a few moments then slowly an expression of anger suddenly appeared on his face.

"Then, why did you not help us mutants when we suffered? According to what I understand, you could easily take them in and it would even be beneficial to your organisation." Professor Xavier questioned angrily.

"You misunderstand what Kamar Taj is. It is not an organisation working for profit or a special agenda. Our only motive is to protect Earth from the interdimensional threats.

Moreover, becoming a sorcerer of Kamar Taj is a lifetime commitment. Once you become a sorcerer, you have to spend your entire life at Kamar Taj. Peter is just an exception because of certain circumstances." Ancient One explained calmly.

"I apologise. I spoke too hastily." Professor Xavier apologized for his harsh words.

"But I do not understand the nature of Peter's powers. It is not his X-gene and from how I have seen you use your magic, it doesn't seem to be magic either." Professor Xavier asked puzzled about the nature of my powers.

Ancient One shared a look with me asking if I could tell them. I nodded to give my agreement.

"We didn't tell Peter's family about this because it is a rather complex matter. Peter was actually given these powers by someone. You can understand these powers to be a result of external mutation." Ancient One started explaining.

Upon hearing Ancient One's words, Professor Xavier suddenly spoke.

"Would this someone happened to be a man wearing a spider themed suit? Like that of the Spider Woman we often see in the news. He was also wearing a red cloak fastened by an eye shaped brooch."

"How did you know?"

Surprise! Professor Xavier knows about Spider Supreme. But how? What did Spider Supreme do? Find out in the next chapter.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye