
New Marvel: Aquaman

Follow the story of Jackson Hyde, a unique young man balancing the responsibilities of two worlds and races. Born between the union of the Atlantean King, Namor, and a surface dwelling spy, Jackson is powerful hybrid with a duty to his underwater kingdom and the surface world he grew up on. He has a goal to unify both his worlds and people, come read about his journey of loss, love, discovery, and awakening.

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Character Bio


Real Name: Jackson Kaldur Hyde

Main Aliases: Aquaman

Species: half-Atlantean/half-Mutant Hybrid

Other Aliases: Aqualad, Kaldur'ahm, King Kaldur

Relatives: King Namor (Father), Azuri (Mother), Attuma (uncle), T'Chaka (cousin)

Titles: Protector of the seas, King of Atlantis, Blessed by the Gods

Abodes: Atlantis, New York, X Mansion, Wakanda, Kamar-Taj, Planet Vodan

Affiliation: Atlantis, Olympians, Wakanda, X-Men, Avengers, Mystic Order

Weapons: The Trident of Neptune

Age: 22

Height: 6'4

Weight: 300 lbs

Hair: Black (dyed Blonde)

Eyes: Blue


Atlantean/Mutant Hybrid Physiology:

Jackson's powers come from his unique hybridization of Atlantean and mutant physiologies. Because of his unusual genetic heritage, Jackson is unique among ordinary humans, mutants and Atlanteans. In fact because of his hybrid nature he possesses a number of traits other Atlanteans do not, such as vast superhuman strength, stamina, invulnerability, and the ability to survive on land and underwater indefinitely. These powers make Jackson among other things a super-Atlantean as well as superhuman. Also due to inheriting the X-gene from his mother, he has an increase to his strength, speed, and durability, boosting them to incalculable levels; along with omega-level energy generation/manipulation.

Amphibious Physiological Adaptation: Aquaman's body is specially developed for underwater conditions, granting him specialized blood circulation to withstand freezing temperatures and highly developed vision to see clearly even in murky ocean depths. His hybrid physiology means he can survive indefinitely underwater or on land

Extended Longevity: Atlanteans live much longer than human beings with the average Atlantean lifespan being about 500-600 years.

Superhuman Strength: Jackson possesses vast superhuman strength, and is capable of lifting and striking at a force beyond 100+ tons. His upper strength limit is incalculable due to his hybrid nature, mutant ability, and the godly blessings he has received. He is one of the strongest and most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe, able to evenly battle the likes of the Hulk, Thor, and Gladiator.

Superhuman Speed: Jackson is capable of running and moving at speeds of up to Mach 25 on land, while underwater he can reach speeds well beyond the hypersonic level while swimming.

Superhuman Senses: Aquaman's senses are several times more acute than human capacity; he once even heard a police siren from several miles away. His senses are similarly enhanced beyond the regular human norm, he can see perfectly fine in the pitch black abyss of an oceanic trench as well as hear things from a good distance away even while deep beneath the ocean line

Superhuman Hearing

Superhuman Vision

Superhuman Reflexes: Aquaman's reflexes are heightened to levels far beyond that of any human, Atlantean, or mutant.

Superhuman Stamina: Jackson's body produces almost no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him almost limitless physical stamina.

Superhumanly Dense Tissue: The skin, muscle, and bone tissues of Jackson's body, like that of all Atlanteans, is about 3 times as dense as that of a human. This contributes, somewhat, to Jackson's superhuman strength and weight.

Invulnerability: Jackson's body is resistant to physical injury. He is capable of withstanding great impact forces, temperature and pressure extremes, and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury.

Regenerative Healing Factor: If Jackson sustains injury, his life-force will enable him to recover with superhuman levels of speed and efficiency. However, he is incapable of regenerating missing limbs or organs without the aid of magic.

Latent Magic: Aquaman has the underlying potentiality to tap into universal energies and use sorcery. And like most atlanteans he has the potential to use his personal energies to achieve an innate control of water, though Jackson's magical talents are prodigious.

Magic Resistance: Jackson is more resilient against arcane forces thanks to his innate magical capacity.

Divine Empowerment: After receiving the blessings of the Olympian Gods, Poseidon and Zeus, Jackson gained various mystical powers and a godly increase to his overall strength, speed, and durability.

Weather Manipulation: Aquaman states control over the storm, rain, wind, thunder, and lightning was bestowed upon him.

Hydrokinesis: Due to high magical talent and the blessing of Neptune, Jackson has Nigh-Omnipotent control over all forms of water. He can control, create and manipulate water such as making an entire ocean into a puddle or creating tsunamis. He can use his control over water to create powerful water blasts at his opponents. Though he is mostly self-trained at shaping water and usually focuses it through his water bearers to form weapons. He is also capable of diverting incoming water, like protecting someone from rain or sealing an underwater hull-breach, walking on a flat water surface or influencing the water/blood inside a living creature.

Cryokinesis: Aquaman is able to turn water he controls to ice and melt it quickly.

Haemokinesis: A facet of his water warping skills also enables him to control the hydration content that exists within blood flow in the same manner. Jackson himself inferring he could twist a living person inside out by taking direct command over their sanguine fluids with enough concentration

Electrokinesis: Jackson can emit bioelectric shocks from his body. He can also transmit them through his hydrokinetic constructs.

Electro-Blast: Releasing his energy all at once creates a huge electric blast

Flight: Due to mastery in aerokinesis magic and the blessing of Zeus, Jackson is capable of unabated high-speed flight. Able to reach up to supersonic and hypersonic speeds on his own power. With the aid of his energy manipulation, he is able to use different forms of energy to increase his travel speed, capable of light-speed travel in space.

Energy Manipulation: Born with the X-gene and later trained by the ancient one Jackson has very powerful Energy manipulation abilities. He can psionically manipulate, control, absorb, store, and generate vast amounts of energy. In addition to traditional energies of the electromagnetic spectrum, he has displayed control over cosmic, magical, and divine energy.

He can fire powerful force bolts from his hands powerful enough to vaporize someone, create powerful electrical fields, erect powerful and nearly impenetrable force fields, powerful enough to protect him from the Ancient Ones attacks. With his ability he also has the power of light absorption, electric disruption, astral projection, a temporarily increase his physical attributes, changing his (and that of others') size, shape and form into other people, animals and objects, and creating inter-dimensional apertures to enable him to transport himself from one dimension to another. He can also mystically conceal himself from mortals (but not from gods) and heal the injuries of other living beings.

Jackson has used his powers to produce light, heat, force, and electricity, as well as warp or disable large amounts and different types of existing energy sources, tap into and suppress mutant energies, survive in the vacuum of space, and fly. He can track energy signatures over vast interstellar distances. He can manipulate electricity within a person's brain and use the powers of others by manipulating their own energy sources, although he needs to be in their presence to achieve this. The exact limits of his power replication abilities are unknown. Jackson also possesses the capability of solidifying energy into solid shapes, in effect simulating telekinesis.


Genius level-intellect

Skilled inventor

Skilled Combatant (trained by Attuma, Mordo and Ancient one)

Trained Strategist

Master Swimmer




Weaponry (Trident)




(Atlantean Nanotech Swim/Battlesuit w/ Water pouch and water-bearers)

(Vibranium Nanotech Swim/Battlesuit w/ upgraded Water pouch)

(Trident of Neptune)