
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

Martial Arts
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What is Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

Read ‘Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)’ Online for Free, written by the author Kartikeya_Verma, This book is a Martial Arts Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to chooseHe Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of ...


MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

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please reset the booktitle Phantom_Vanquisher 20231218092329 4

Amidst the grand stage, where good and evil engage in a captivating dance, their performance commands the attention of both the enraptured audience and the unsuspecting players, entwining all in a tapestry of chaos and despair. From our earliest days, we have revered the heroes, admiring their virtuous deeds and unwavering moral compass, embracing the light they embody. Yet, as we journey through the labyrinth of adulthood, we come to understand the villains, their motivations, and the profound truth that heroes and villains are two facets of the same intricate coin. Each is bound by their own set of morals, forged by the crucible of their experiences and beliefs. In this interplay of light and shadow, our collective morality, once seen as an immutable beacon, reveals its fragile nature. It exposes the latent capacity for darkness that lurks within us all, a reminder of the depths to which humanity can descend. Within the realm of Eternum, a world steeped in magic and technology, the disparate races converge, united by a common adversary—the enigmatic force known as "The -----------------." As survival becomes the sole moral imperative, the bonds of trust and unity strain against the relentless tides of uncertainty. Yet, amidst this unyielding backdrop, a singular existence defies convention. Untethered by goals, ambitions, or attachments, it stands apart, embodying a mysterious and apathetic neutrality that challenges the very foundations of this turbulent world. In the tapestry of Eternum's narrative, the fragility of life unfolds, illuminating the darkness that can encroach even upon the brightest stars. It beckons us to contemplate the intricacies of our existence and confront the profound questions that lie dormant within us. Laughter, cold and sinister, echoes through the void. "Hahahaha...ha...ha...haa." "Is this the game you wish to play? So be it," whispers the author, undeterred by the threats of a defiant character. "Foolish author, I shall dismantle the very fabric of your precious creation," the character seethes, vowing to shatter the narrative and leave the author drowning in a sea of shame and regret. "I shall make you writhe in despair, yearning to choke on the remnants of your shattered dreams, and then..." A malevolent pause lingers in the air. "...then, I will deliver the final blow, eradicating not only your existence but the world you so fondly crafted. Prepare yourself." "JUST YOU WAIT!" A heartfelt message to all those who may question their resolve in the initial chapters: I implore you, bear with me through the first twenty chapters, for it is within that transformative span that the story unfurls its true essence. Discover whether to continue or to relinquish the narrative's grasp, for it is an odyssey that promises to challenge and captivate your very soul.

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Re:DEUS: reencarne, pero luego me convirtieron en dios por capricho

Kisuke reencarno en un mundo que identifico como una unión de muchos animes y otras historias que había visto en su vida anterior, aunque intento vivir lejos de lo que serian las tramas principales de cada historia, por accidente despertó un poder que uno de los protagonistas también tenia, intento huir para evitar que tener que pasar por la trama, pero debido a ese poder, un dios de otro mundo apareció y le ofreció volverse uno de sus dioses subordinados. - *Suspiro* parece que la única forma de vivir tranquilo es siendo más fuerte que los que me molestan, pero aunque sea un dios de alguna forma aun estoy unido a la tramas, ni modo, a trabajar. Acompaña a Kisuke a esta aventura llena de momentos... - !CALLATE NARRADOR¡, no ves que tengo que terminar este mundo lo más pronto posible o si no mi jefa me mata Uyyyyyy, que delicado, solo intento dar una sinopsis a los lectores. - ¿Pero tenias que reproducir esa frase que dije hace 20 años?, en ese momento no pensé que sonaría de esa forma, me avergüenza escuchar eso ahora Que nena, solo eres un niño con falta de amor en esta vida y exceso de amor en la anterior, sigue haciendo en lo tuyo como el trabajador explotado mexicano reencarnado en trabajador japones mal pagado que eres - ¡¡¡QUE TE CALLES DIJE!!! ¡¡¡LO HARE CUANDO ME DEJES TERMINAR LA SINOPSIS ESTUPIDO CABRON!!! - ... Maldito narrador y escritor que solo dicen estupideces para joder ... ¿Ya? - ... En fin, acompaña a este pobre estúpido trabajador explotado en su intento de tener una vida pacifica mientras que las tramas y mil mierdas más aparecen para joderlo y evitar que logre su objetivo, ¿que tan lejos llegara?, ¿podrá alcanzar su vida perfecta?, ¿que tanta vaselina necesitara para que no le duela tanto?, vengan y averígüenlo. - ¡¡¡HIJO DE P... FIN DE LA SINOPSIS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Este Fanfic puede poseer lenguaje grosero y obsceno, momentos sexuales y momentos sangrientos y/o violentos. Este fanfic no busca ofender de alguna forma a alguna persona o grupo en especifico, lo narrado solo busca entretener a los lectores. No reclamo los derechos de autor sobre las historias y personajes de animes, videojuegos, libros, películas, etc, que se parodian en este fanfic.

LionKing_00 · Book&Literature
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :Start and way to become op
Volume 2 :Becoming Genin and Chunin exam
Volume 3 :Fifth Hokage and Sasuke retrieval mission
Volume 4 :Gaara retrieval arc


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Even tho there are a lot of mistakes and a lot of things could be improved upon.. I still like the story and some parts are entertaining enough.. @author I suggest you read a lot of other novel to improve your writing and also use something like chatgpt to check your spelling and grammer if a tool like MS word is not helping out


Sorry but i just cant ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ……….. ………..


feels like a 5 year old child wrote it....


It's Extremely fast-paced but it's a fun read I hope you don't drop this and please finish this . Oh, and it's because the number of letters is not enough so now I can post I hope you finish this it's fun so...


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