
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

009: First C rank mission and the demon of the mist.


It's been three day since the secret base incident happened, both Oldman and Kakashi sensei are not letting us do any more missions and give us a week of from doing mission.

Well in these days i start learning " Inferno style : great fire annihilation" and start teaching him "Thunder style:Kirin" and yes i am teaching Sasuke his own jutsu which he created in Naruto shippuden and we both are fifty percent done , we will complete this before going for our mission.

Kakashi sensei try to teach us chakra control exercise which we already know, then he give us join level chakra control exercise, in which he give us two balls of metal and say us to move these metal balls on our body and the distance between the ball and the body is not more then 1 inch which is tough because we are not able to use shadow clones.


Hokage tower ( Mission room):

Team 7 enters the room

Kakashi: team 7 here for the mission lord hokage .

Naruto: Yes give us our first C rank mission just like you promise Oldman, i don't want to do that chores anymore.

Hiruzen: Kakashi are they ready for C rank mission.

Kakashi: Yes Hokage sama.

Hiruzen : Very well, Anbu bring Tazuna here.

Then after some time one Oldman come from the gate , he look like a heavy drinker, have a saka bottel in his hand.

Hiruzen: Mr. Tazuna , Meet the people who will accompany you and help you in completing your bridge ans save you from bandits.

Tazuna: These little kids, Hokage with all due respect, i want ninja and they are just kid and that orange one is not even look like he knows what ninja is.

Kakashi try his best to stop Naruto killing him.

Tazuna : and that pink one looks like she is going to faint when she see some bandits.

Boom! , Sakura punch Tazuna and he faint with a foaming mouth.

Sakura : Nobody talk to me like that.

Naruto: Yes, you are the best Sakura.

Kakashi: Sign, pls tell me sakura you did not hit hito hard.

Sakura: No , i just hit him with my five percent.

Kakashi: Meet me at the west gate of the village in one hour , geather supplies for one month mission and your ninja tools.

Team 7 : Hai , sensei.


One hour later:

Naruto, sasuke, sakura reach the west gate and start waiting for their sensei.

After 15 minutes,

they saw Kakashi coming with tazuna grabbing an ice pack near to his jaw .

Kakashi: So, you guys are ready, and where is your supplies.

Naruto: In the storage scrolls , same for these two.

Kakashi: wher did you get Storage scroll, they are very costly.

Sakura: Naruto made these, and give 8 of us as a graduation gift, we are also able to make some, but not as big as him.

Kakashi: hey Naruto why did not sell them , it can be a good side income.

Naruto: We can do that?

Kakashi: Yes, just ask permission from lord Hokage.

Naruto : i will after coming back from the mission.

With this they start there mission and move out of the village.


In the cleaning of the forest there are five people moving with the normal speed four team 7 members and one bridge builder.

Sakura: So, mr.Tazuna tell me something about you and your family.

Tazuna: well i have one daughter and one grandson and i am a master bridge builder and i am making a bridge between main land and land of waves.

From behind all of them listening what tazuna is saying , suddenly Naruto sense two new signature and signal his team.

They a got cautious but still don't show any sign of movement, to warn them.

After moving and left the puddle left behind., they got attacked two of them ,

there first Target was Kakashi,who was attacked and bind by there chain blade which cut him into half , but for their surprise nobody look panic except tazuna.

Naruto: Demon brother of the mist.

Gozu: One down four to go.

Meizu : Give us the bridge builder and give you a pain less death .

Sakura:" Earth style: earth swamp"

Both brothers feet start dipping in the earth and before they know what happend they both hit by jutsu of Sasuke and Naruto.

Sasuke : " Lightning style : electric overdose"

Naruto: " Wind style: serving pressure".

By that both brothers are dead.

Naruto: Ok Kakashi sensei come out, we done here.

Kakashi: Well done three of you , now Mr tazuna we have something to talk about.

Tazuna start singing like canary and tell them about Gato and his doing and he was making the bridge.

Kakashi: Well what are you doing is a good thing but still with the involvement of ninja this mission turn into B rank and in future it may turn into A rank, so guys it's all depends on you if you want go or not .

Kakashi ask his students.

Naruto: I am saying we go there and kick Gato's ass.

Sasuke: i agree with Naruto on this , and i am able to test my self.

Sakura: Fine by me.

Kakashi : So it's done , we are completing this mission.

Tazuna: thank you so much.

Kakashi: but you have to pay us later.


3 hours later :

They are walking carefreely from outside, but fully cautious from the inside , and then Naruto throw a normal kunai in the bush and go there to find that he kill a rabbit.

Sakura : Naruto you kill a poor rabbit.

Naruto: But i feel someone here, and the fur of the rabbit should be brown not white ,which means....

Before Naruto could even complete his sentence Kakashi yell

Kakashi : DUCK....

Naruto was on the ground, where sakura and Sasuke take tazuna with them to lay on the ground, what they saw a 6 feet cleaver blade revolving over them and then entomb in the tree then a man appear on the hilt of the blade .

Kakashi: Zabuza Momochi , A-Rank nukenin from Kirigakure known as Demon of Mist .

Zabuza: It's an honor to be known by Kakashi of the sharingan.

Now give me the bridge builder and you can leave with your students.

Kakashi: Sorry but it's our mission to protect him


Then he flair his sharingan .

Naruto:( Whispering) Sasuke , listen there is someone over there go with Sakura and deal with him and capture him, and try not to kill him.

Sasuke nodded and give signal to sakura to follow him.

Naruto: Zabuza Momochi, i challenge you in a kenjutsu spar and putting Uzumaki name on the line.

Zabuza: kid if you are really a Uzumaki clan member then i hereby accept your challenge and put my name on the line.

Naruto take out his mother's sword , much of Zabuza's surprise

So he is the son of red death - Zabuza thought

they start clashing there sword and Zabuza didn't comprehend how a fourteen year is able to go toe to toe with him , there battle go for few more minutes, but Naruto use wind chakra for his final attack and made a deep cut in the chest of Zabuza .

Zabuza: Pant....pant, kid you win fair and square, tell me what do you want me to do.

Naruto: I want you and your subordinate to be part of the leaf village and become leaf's ninja.

Kakashi: Naruto there is no way Lord Hokage agree with that.

Naruto: oh i will make him agree with my decision.

_______________________________________After few minutes Sakura and Sasuke come with Zabuza's subordinate tie with ninja wire and rope .

Zabuza: Oyy, untie him.

Sasuke: why are you still alive.

Naruto: well i defeat him and convince him to join the leaf.

Three of them looking at Naruto like they are seeing some sort of miracle.

Naruto: So sakura are you going to kill Gato, because me and Sasuke have there fun fighting Zabuza and what his name again.

Zabuza : Haku.

Naruto: Haku, well Haku welcome to the leaf.

Sakura: Finally some action for me .

Naruto: But first we have to find the treasury of Gato , so we give that to the wave village.

They all are agree with what Naruto say.

Kakashi: So , tazuna how much time it take to reach your home.

Tazuna: it's not far now , it takes only thirty minutes to reach my house.


30 minutes later:

They all reach Tazuna's house, Tazuna knock on the door and a lady come out who was in her mid- thirties, she was Tazuna daughter.

Tazuna: Tsunami i am back.

Tsunami: Father you are thank God and you bring some guests.

Tazuna: Meet my Daughter Tsunami, Tsunami these are the ninja who protect me and help me complete the bridge.

Tsunami: pls come in , we have room to spare , you can sleep in there and ladies can sleep with me.

Kakashi: Thank you for the room and sorry for inconvenience.


After they settle down , Naruto send two clones to infiltrate Gato's hideout.

they are having dinner and sakura helping Tsunami in the kitchen . they start eating the. suddenly door open and kid appear .

Inari: why .... why are you trying to fight Gato,in the end we all are going to die.

Tazuna: Don't worry inari , i heir these ninja they protect us and help us to complete the bridge then we are free from Gato's grasp.

Inari : They are going to die ,like everyone else die.

Naruto: Listen kid i don't know what your problem is but it takes more the likes of Gato to put me down for good.

Inari : what do you know about us , how are we living, you ninja live in your village with all the money and fame.

Naruto: You don't even know what is like to live in a hell, where your existence denied by all the people around, where you are treated like a disease ,where your whole clan was killed in a single night by your brother and you don't know the true reason behind it , so listen kid i don't know what happened to you but stop crying and bitching about how difficult your life is and start doing something about it.

Kakashi sensei , i am going out for a walk .

Kakashi try to stop Naruto, but he was gone.

Kakashi : Sorry for what Naruto said, he doesn't have a very good childhood, and whatever he said is kinda true.

Tazuna: inari is not like this before, it all started when inari's stepfather Kaiza died by the hand of Gato, he saw Kaiza as a hero when he die , inari start thinking that heroes did not exist.

Sasuke: Kakashi sensei , never try to stop Naruto when he was mad , i once try to stop him and that incident still haunt me in my dreams.

Zabuza and haku was thinking what kind of life Naruto live so he was act like this.

they finished there food and want to sleep.

____________________________Next day:

Naruto come back to Tazuna's house after creating havoc in the forest, and Naruto's clones rob Gato clean and find about the number of goons he have.

Naruto: Guys come out we are going to raid Gato's place today.

Remaining members of Team 7 come out . they see to big bags loaded with cash


Kakashi: where did you get this much money from .

Naruto: My clone take it from Gato , that the money he take from the people of this village .

Sakura : it's my time to shine.

Naruto: yeha , well Gato have 200 goons , all are bandits no more ninjas to fight with.

Sakura: i will clear it in half an hour, so let's roll.

Team7 having that conversation than Tazuna come out from his house and look Naruto and the nages of cash surrounding him.

Naruto: Tazuna here all the money Gato take from your village and you don't have to give us our fee i already take it A rank mission money from all the money my clones stolen.

Tazuna: Sure , i will use that money to make my village stand on their feet.


Team 7 come near the Gato's place and Naruto whisper something into the ear of sakura.

Naruto: Sakura go crazy.

By clutching her fists sakura run towards bandit camp.

Naruto: So Sasuke when are you going for a date with Sakura .

Sasuke: why would I tell you, and if you want to know tell me when you are going for a date with Hinata and Ino.

Naruto: Well i am going to ask there fathers for permission and then official my relationship them we start dating.

Tell me did you complete the jutsu i taught you .

Sasuke : yeah i am able to do that, but i have to put more chakra to make it strong and deadly.

Naruto: Kakashi sensei, what is your chakra nature.

Kakashi: My primary is lightening and secondary is earth , but i am able to use all elements.

Naruto: Did you have any jutsu that you can teach us , we both have lightening affinity.

Kakashi: Sure why not.

They are having conversation then suddenly a loud noise come , they see Sakura coming from the place of Gato' s and she is dragging Gato by his leg.

Sasuke; Why didn't you kill him.

Sakura: Naruto told me he want to make example of him, so i keep him alive.

Kakashi and Sasuke look at Naruto with questioned look.

Naruto : you will see, now come with me.

Naruto take his team and a badly beaten Gato with him to the centre of the village.

And bind him with The poll.

Naruto: Listen people of the village, we capture your culprit now listen to me , now you have to make dicision whether you want to live the life of a coward/slave or want to live the life of a hero like Kaiza did .

With the words of Encouragement that Naruto use they all start throwing rocks and empty bottles of sake at the Gato , and after sometime he died.

_______________________________________Team 7 come back to Tazuna's house , and bring Gato's cane and give it to Tsunami.

Naruto: Here we completed ore mission and take your revange .

Inare see that and start crying, naruto reach him and put hand on his head and say.

Naruto: it's ok to be weak , it's ok to cry only if you are ready to become strong , so promise me that when i meet you you are strong enough to defend your mother and grandfather.

Inari: I promise you taht i become strong to protect everyone.

Naruto: If you are promising that then take this .

And naruto give two scroll to inari

Naruto: learn these and practice this , it help you to complete your dream and help your grandfather.

Inari: Thanknyou.

_______________________________________It take only 7 days to complete the bridge with help of Naruto's the army of shadow clones.

it's time for team 7 to leave with zabuza and haku

Tazuna: Thank you for your help, because of the bridge now wave village start growing.

Kakashi: No it's are job , so need to thank us.

Naruto: Ok guys ,bye live well and be strong.

Inari : Big brother Naruto, will you come back to meet us.

Naruto: It's a promise that i wil come back to meet you.

Bye guys.

After that they leave for the leaf village.

Back at gate of wave village.

one random villager : He is a good kid someday he will made great name for himself.

Tazuna : From the word name i remember what we name are bridge.

what about great Tazuna bridge.

Tsunami bonk his head

Inari : What about Great Naruto bridge.

Tazuna: that's a good name from today name of our bridge will be Great Naruto bridge.


Leaf village __ Hokage tower

Mission room:

Kakashi start briefing about the mission and tell about what happened between Naruto and Zabura, how they kill Gato and his bandits.

Hiruzen: Naruto you known that i cannot make any missing nin part of village.

Naruto: How about this , i tell you secret to defeat the paperwork and you let them become the part of our village.

Hiruzen: Deal.

Naruto: Two words , Shadow clone.

Hiruzen start hit his head in the table start calling himself stupid.

Naruto: So we have are deal

Hiruzen put a hand under his desk and throw two head protectors toward Zabuza and haku.

Hiruzen: Zabura because you are a missing nin you have to go through six month detention and as for you my boy you can start fresh , we will determine your rank with a small test.

Haku: lord Hokage, i wanted to be a combat madic ninja .

Hiruzen: Sakura please take Haku with you to see the hospital and find a place where he can learn.

Sakura : As you wish Lord Hokage, Haku come with me.

Hiruzen: Naruto my boy come i give you the treat of ramen.

Naruto start jumping like a little boy.

Zabuza: This place is fill with wierd peoples .

Zabuza said that and Haku Node in agreement.


Author's note: Read and review and pls comment and if you like pls drop power stones.