
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

008: Survival test and joy of D rank


Next Day (8 am):

Naruto come into ground and meet his team.

Naruto: Yo

Sakura: Naruto you come just in time , Sensei will be come any minute.

Sasuke: So you eat breakfast , because i did.

Naruto: Yep ,i eat my breakfast, Sakura.

Sakura: Yes i did.


After 5 minutes:

Kakashi appear with smoke

Kakashi: Yo

Sakura: You are late

Kakashi:Sorry guys i lost in the path of life, so you are ready for your survival test .

Naruto: you bet .

Sasuke: yes i am ready

saying by activate his sharingan.

Kakashi was impressed with there determination,and he put his hand in his back pouch and pull two bells out from it.

Kakashi: Ok guys you have two hour to take these bells from me .

Sakura: but it's only two bells .

Kakashi: yes who ever not able to get the bell was going back to academy.

Sakura : That's not fair , we work for six years to become genin.

Kakashi: i hate to break to you sakura, but you not genin , you only become after passing this test, so you guys are ready.

Three of them nodded in agreement.


9 am:

Kakashi: ok guys 3..2..1 , come at me with the intention to kill .

Kakashi was surprised none of them move to attack him and start playing rock paper scissors , after two minutes sakura win and run toward him with full speed and most surprising part of it is she is as fast as any special jonin and try to hit him, he was barely able to dodge that but her punch create a small creater.

Kakashi: What the hell , i don't know she had monstrous strength, she is tsunada in the making.

Sakura : genjutsu: "Temple of Nirvana"

Kakashi become sleepy for second but dispelled the genjutsu.

Before he could think anything he was hit by an earth Jitsu

Sakura : do you like that jutsu , earth style: swamp of underworld.

Kakashi lift his hita- tai and show his sharingan and dodge the jutsu .

Kakashi: well you prove yourself worthy, so i fight you with my full strength.

Naruto: Sakura come back it's Sasuke's turn, let there be fight between sharingan vs sharingan.

Sakura jump back and Sasuke leap forward.

Sasuke: So let see how much proficient you are with the sharingan of yours.

Sasuke flare his sharingan and start with tijutsu and match the speed of Kakashi, and then leap back and use fire jutsu

Sasuke : "Inferno style : Great flame annihilation

and boom kakashi's jonin jacket half burn and Kakashi have grade 2 burn marks .

Naruto: is it necessary to show off, that single jutsu drain his half of the chakra pool.

He asked Sakura , who just giggle to Naruto's statement. is

Sakura: Sasuke come back it's Naruto's turn.

Sasuke look at Naruto and turn off his sharingan and jump back to reunite with the group and give one bell to sakura.

Naruto: My turn , let's the game begin.

And ,Naruto run in the direction of Kakashi and start charging Rasengan

Naruto: Take that Kakashi sensei, Ultra big ball rasengan.

And boom kakashi hit by a corner of that attack and become unconscious,

they tied him with the poll and sakura start healing him .


One hour later:

Kakashi start coming to his senses, when he fully awake he was in pain and was captured by his upcoming students

Kakashi: Umm.. Guys can you untie me.

Naruto: we will, only if you pass us.

Kakashi: Fine, you pass now untie me.

Naruto take out his father's three prong kunai and cut the rope , and give back Kakashi's pouch but sakura take his book and tear it apart and warn him if he read book like this, during training or in mission, she rip him apart .

Kakashi was crying anime tears, he agreed with all the demands of his students and body flickered away.


Hokage office:

Kakashi enter the office and everyone was surprised not only because he was on time but the way he look it's like he was beaten by tsunada and jiraya at the same time.

But for his surprise same thing happened to kurenai and Asuma they are also beaten badly.

Hiruzen: You to Kakashi, don't tell me your student did this to you .

Kakashi: Sorry to say, can you make my students into special jonin because i don't like that my students are strong than me and one of them is more powerful then seasonal jonin,and sakura rip my book apart.

Hiruzen was in panic because he also have that kind of book , Kakashi start crying anime tears and kurenai was happy that someone able to do what she wanted to do for years.

Kakashi: Well i have to face, Mini version of lady tsunada, teen Madara, and combination of 4th hokage and lord Jiraya.

Everyone one was speechless.

Kurenai: There is no way they are that strong. who are in your team.

Asuma: Yeah even we are beaten by are students but this is too much.

Gai : Tell us the name of the genin, my eternal rival.

Kakashi: Well I have , Sakura Haruno, Sasuke uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki.

Gai : Naruto that youthful kid, you know Kakashi, he can cope up with my whole training and create his own tijutsu style and one more and very important thing he is able to open 5 gates.

Everyone become pale nobody ever listen that some body is able to cope up with guy's training and able to open gates.

Kakashi:(anger in his tone) Don't tell me guy you taught him how to open gates they are forbidden tijutsu technique.

Guy: No, I didn't he already know how to open gate when I meet him, and due to his technique Gates did not toll on his body. He ready to give me that technique in exchange of healthy diet plan for him and his friends.

Kakashi sign in relief and made a mental note to ask Naruto how he learn to open gates.

Kurenai: My students also says that what they are able to do is nothing compared to what naruto is capable off.

Asuma nodded in agreement

Asuma: Shikamaru said that he can easily go toe to toe with whole shinobi force of the leaf without breaking a sweat, and he never spar with them seriously.

Kakashi: You can see what he was capable of without getting serious and from what i see , I don't want to be at receiving end of his attack when he was serious.

Everyone is nodded in agreement .

Hiruzen: Give me report of your test

Team 1...Fail

Team 2....Fail



Team 7.....Pass

Kakashi: I don't have any other option they tie me with rope and take my book away.

Team 8...Pass

Team 10.....Pass.


Next day on ground 7:

Sakura: He is late again, not three hours but five hours, i am going to kill him .

Naruto: Calm down sakura, he is always like this, sit down and eat your shushi .

Sasuke : Naruto are you going to teach me that thunder jutsu of your or not .

Naruto : I will if you teach me great fire annihilation.

Sasuke: Deal.

they are having some usual talk then suddenly Kakashi appear .

Kakashi: Yo , Sorry guys you see, that a black cat cross my way so i have to take the long way here.

Sakura: Stop making excuses.

Kakashi: Ma...ma, let's go to mission room and take your first mission.

Naruto: yosh, let's go.

_______________________________________Mission room:

Team 7 enter the room

Naruto: Oldman give me my first mission.

Iruka: Talk respectfully with Lord Hokage.

Naruto: Iruka sensei, he may be lord Hokage for you but for me he is an Oldman with wierd hat .

So old man what is our first mission.

Hiruzen: Painting the fence of Yamanaka compound.

Naruto: These are not mission, these are chores.

Hiruzen : Well Naruto you have to clear at least 20 D- rank mission before you you get your first C rank mission.

Naruto: Kakashi sensei, how many shadow clones are you able to make, without feeling exhausted.

Kakashi: 25 are my limit but i can make 20 without getting exhausted.

Naruto: okay guys made 20 shadow clones, we are completing are D rank mission today.

Sasuke and sakura : haiii.

they created 20 shadow clones and so did Kakashi.

And every naruto take one scroll.

Naruto: Ok guys let's catch tora first.

_______________________________________Tora Retrieval mission :

Sakura: Damn cat, are you sure Naruto she is not tail beast.

Naruto: Nope, she may cause trouble but she is no where near two tails, now let's catch him.

20 minutes later:

Sasuke: Finally catch that demon.

Naruto: Sasuke , show tora's to me.

Naruto start coming toward tora with an evil smile and after seeing this tora start sweating bullets, Naruto start drawing some symbols on the body of tora and then take him to the hokage office.

_______________________________________Hokage office:

they enter the mission room, and see a fat lady standing there, She is fire damiyo's wife Lady shima.

Shima : ohh my baby, Thank you for bringing my baby back.

She squeeze the hell out of tora, after that she give money to hokage sang left.

Naruto: Oldman catch.

Hiruzen: what type of scroll is this Naruto.

Naruto: it's tora summoning scroll.

Hiruzen: where did you get this.

Naruto: I create it and you can use this scroll if nobody able to catch that cat, now i know why that cat ran away, that lady almost take his life everytime she hugged him, poor tora.

And everyone start laughing.

_______________________________________Mission Helping Farmer

Kakashi and his team ( of clones) made his way for his next mission. He read the scroll and the mission was to cultivate a piece of land since the farmer didn't have enough time to do it himself. Team arrived at the site. The farmer's house was actually almost outside of the village and the land itself was fairly big.

Judging from the size of the land it most likely was for planting the vegetables and later selling them. Team approached the client and started doing his job. The client didn't seem happy they sent the demon brat but shut his mouth after seeing Kakashi .

Almost a hour was due and Team continued their work using a hoe to groom the land peacefully and undisturbed until


A noise echoed through the clearing as the sound of metal clashing. Naruto removed a couple inches of dirt until he saw a metal door in the ground.

What the hell is this - Naruto thought as he moved to open the hatch. Once opened they saw a bunch of stairs that seemingly lead underground, as a curious kids they are carefully made their way down.

As he was going down he couldn't help but notice the smell. One of the things of having the kyuubi inside of him was that it gave enhanced senses primarily smell and hearing. The smell itself was of death and putrefaction.

Something isn't right here - Naruto thought as they began to explore what appeared a vast underground base with a long corridor with multiple rooms connected. Checking a few rooms even Kakashi couldn't help himself but to throw up, in one of the rooms of skeletons of people and a few others still decomposing.

Going in further and checking another room they could see vials spread along the table with strange colored liquids and they wisely decided it would be best not to touch them. As they continued exploring the base they kept wondering how could this exist here and be kept a secret. Judging by the looks of it, it seemed that who ever lived here left in a hurry.

"This smell... snakes" - Naruto was thinking when suddenly he pieced together the facts. He read in the library about a shinobi that used snakes as summons and defected Konoha after was found doing twisted experiments with children that he kidnapped.

"Orochimaru, the snake sannin" - Naruto concluded and made a shadow clone and said "Go tell the old man".

The clone left and Team 7 continued exploring, gazing into the rooms so They could have a brief idea of what it contained. One of the rooms appeared to be a small study room. Entering the room and making his way to the table he saw a few seals and a multitude of vials of blood with various names in them 'Senju Hashirama ', 'Senju 'Tobirama ', ' Namikaze Minato' and few others Naruto didn't recognize.

What could possibly Orochimaru want the blood of my father, not to mention the senju brothers - Naruto kept wondering until he saw a few notes written in what it seemed to be a diary, he continued reading until



Hokage Office

Hiruzen was having a normal day in his office and by normal I say he was cursing Minato for leaving him with the paperwork when suddenly he saw Naruto bursting through the door.

Naruto: Old man, I think team 7 found one of Orochimaru's old bases

Hiruzen: What??

Naruto: We are doing one of the missions and I was cultivating a field until I hit a metal hatch, after opening it and checking inside it reeked of snakes and there where dead bodies all over.

Hiruzen: ANBU

the hokage said and in front of him appeared an anbu with a weasel mask, kneeling before the hokage and waiting for orders.

Hiruzen: Bring me Ibiki and Anko

Anbu : Hai, Hokage-sama

the anbu said and vanished in a puff of smoke.

The hokage turned to Naruto.

Hiruzen: Naruto, are the original?

he asked to which Naruto shook his head negatively.

Naruto(clone): Boss is on another mission the one who find the base is also a clone like me, checking the rest of the base and making sure no one enters it.

Hiruzen: Then tell him to continue guarding the entrance until Anko and Ibiki arrive then tell him to come here immediately after.

the hokage said getting a nod before the clone dispelled.


Orochimaru Base :

Team 7 was still going through the base until the memories of the clone hit him and he stopped and gathered what he was doing and made his way to the entrance. Team 7 waited a couple of minutes before a man and woman dropped in front of him.

The man was about 193 cm (6'4'') had wore traditional black anbu pants and a black jacket. He also wore a long sleeved black jacket and a scarf that covered the top of his head. The man had a few scars in his face. Naruto recognized him from a couple of pranks he pulled, he was Morino Ibiki, a tokubetsu (special) jonin and the commander of Leaf's Torture and Interrogation Force.

Besides Ibiki was a woman who had approximately 167 cm (5'55''), she wore a full body mesh armor with a short brown skirt and a long trench coat the barely covered her D-cup breasts. She had purple pineapple style hair and brown eyes. Naruto assumed that this woman was Anko.

Team 7 facing both of them turned towards the woman and said "we assume you are Anko"

Anko: I'm the sexy and single Mitarashi Anko.

she exclaimed pumping her fist in the air to which naruto sweat dropped.

Naruto: if you want boyfriend, i may have someone who is suitable for you, think about it then tell me , I will arrange a date for you, well any way.

Me and my team was doing a d-rank and came across this base and after exploring it we concluded it belonged to Orochimaru, so I informed the hokage. our work is done, knock yourself out.

Naruto said and left towards the hokage's office.


Hokage's Office:

Team 7 arrived at the hokages office and saw him with a saddened and thoughtful look. Naruto assumed it had to do with Orochimaru, after all he was one of Hiruzen's most prized students, a genius that comes once in a lifetime, however he got caught in his own ambitions.

Naruto: We are here old man.

Naruto said getting the hokages attention.

Hiruzen: I don't even know if this should be called luck or not.

the hokage said sighing

Team 7: Uhm

was there genius of an answer

Hiruzen : You become genin just yesterday so you all are low in cash and you end up finding one of my old students laboratory.

Team 7 (not Kakashi) nodded and the hokage continued .

Hiruzen: Since you found it i'm upgrading the mission to S-Rank, you are never to speak of it and everything you found and saw inside you are never to reveal. Are we clear?

the hokage said in serious and demanding tone.

Team7 : Hai, Hokage-sama.

Naruto: I would call it luck.

Naruto said grinning to his team members and they nodded in agreement

Naruto: Well then we are get going. See you later Oldman .

he said and the hokage nodded.

Once Naruto left the room the hokage leaned back in his chair lost in his thoughts.

"The wonders of d-ranks" - the hokage thought chuckling to himself. He got out of his thought and got back to work. The hokage looked at the amount of paperwork and yelled


Naruto in corridor thinking-" someday i will tell him the secret of defeating the paperwork, well got my share of loot from the Orochimaru's base .


Author's note: volume 2 chapter first complete, read and review if you like tell in the comments and drop power stones.