
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

014: Chunin exam and identity revealed



Username: Uzumaki Naruto(Age : 14 years old

Title: Kurama's jinchuriki (+20,000 chakra,

-90 reputation among civilian,+20 reputation among shinobi,-50% chakra control); Ashura incarnation ( mokuton kekkei genkai,+50% nature chakra,+50% nature chakra control); Child of prophecy (???),User of Sharingan ( Learn any jutsu +50% efficiency), Toad summoner ( -40% chakra usage when Summoning toads), Toad sage appreciate (learning senjutsu +50% faster), toad sage ( decrease the timing by 40% of geather nature energy, increase the timing by 40% to be in sage mode)


Chakra:35,000/35,000(+20,000)( equal to son Goku [ four tails])

Nature chakra: 0/ 10,000 ( not in sage mode)

Chakra control:100/100

STR: 2350 ( God level)

DEX:2425 ( God level)

INT:2200 (God level)

VIT:2500 (God level)

STAT POINTS: 40( host use these points to update str,dex,int,vit)

Chakra nature:

Primary: Wind,lighting,water,earth,yin

Secondary: Fire,yang


1. Uzumaki bloodline: (passive)

( superior stamina,high healing factor,adamentine chakra chain, fuinjutsu mastery speed increases by 200%).

[A/N:basically Uzumaki are known for fuinjutsu and here Naruto is full blood uzumaki.]

2. Ashura incarnation:(passive)

(friendly with all tail beasts, reputation among tail beasts +30%)

3. Gamers mind:(passive)

(The Host mind is always calm in every tough and unsuitable condition)

4. Son of Yellow Flesh:(passive)

(photo graphic memory, easily able to learn any ninjutsu and flying thunder god)

5.Bloodlust: able to put fear in any person who's will is less than you.

6. Sharingan: (passive)

(Elemental chakra control+50%)

Skill (active):Shadow clone jutsu,Body replacement jutsu,True transformation jutsu,Body Flicker Technique, element skin,clone technique

Wind style: Wind Clone,great breakthrough,Armor of Wind,Gale Wolf,Faithful Wind Blade,Grand Slashing Wind Skill,Wind Dragon,Assassin's Rush,Severing Pressure,Geyser Creation etc

Water style: water clone,Water Shuriken Technique,mud ball,hidden mist jutsu,Water Chains Technique,Water Cannon Technique,Water Torrent Technique,Water Prison Technique,Great Waterfall Technique,Water Dragon Blast,body control(forbidden technique), etc.

Earth style:earth clone,Stone Shuriken Skill,Inner Decapitation Skill,Volcanic Earth Clone Skill,Earth Dragon Blast,stone spear,Alive Burial Technique,Volcanic Dragon Blast,Swamp of the Underworld,Body of the Stone Warrior,Lava Dragon Explosion Technique,Mountain Creation, etc

Lightening style:Lightning clone,Cloud Wisp Technique,Electric Overdose Technique,Electric Needle Spread Technique,Piercing Arrows,Electric Snake Technique,Chain Lightning Technique,Hands of Torture,Heaven's Judgement,Lightning Dragon Attack, etc

Fire style:Mythical Fire Flower,Flash Fan,Flame Spread,Jutsu, Dragon Fire, Bed of Fire, Powerful Fireball,Hydra Technique,Blazing Column,Fire Dragon Blast,Hellfire Clap,Fierce Flame Fist,Raging Storm of the Dragon, Pandemonium, etc

Mokuton kekkei genkai: Wood clone technique; Tree Limb Technique ; Dense Woodland Wall ; Great Forest Technique;

Four Pillar Home Technique; Birth of a Sea of Trees; Smothering Binding Technique; Four Pillar Prison Technique;

Wood Locking Wall ; Nativity of a World of Tree ; Advent of a World of Flowering Trees ; Entering Society with Bliss Bringing Hands ; Unbreakable dome ; Laughing Buddha ; Tenth Edict On Enlightenment ; Deep Forest Bloom ; Quintuple Rashomon ; Wood Golem Jutsu ; 1,000 Armed Kannon

Fuinjutsu: Complete level 10 of 10

able to make basic ,mid and advance scroll; basic ,mid and advance paper bombs;Flying thunder god level 1, 2, 3(instant transmission); impure world reincarnation; etc...

Tijutsu : Gentle fist, strong fist,ninken, interceptor style ,Uzumaki style, hummingbird style, boxing, kickboxing, kung fu, aikido, judo, muay thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu,Frog kumite

Dragon fist style (100% complete) combination of all tijutsu.

Gates: 8 gates out of 8 gates

kenjutsu: Sarutobi style bojutsu; Uzumaki style kenjutsu


Hokage office:

Naruto teleports himself and jiraya inside of the hokage office.

Naruto: Hey Oldman, how are you.

Hiruzen: Naruto my boy it's good to see you, please Naruto don't do that again it's bad enough jiraya use windows for coming and going , i don't want you to teleport here and there .

Naruto: Don't worry old man I don't use that jutsu like that , i am out of the village for the whole month i don't want to raise alarm .

Well old man I take my leave i have put a protection seal on the important places in leaf .

As Naruto left by the gate to complete his work, back in the hokage office.

Hiruzen: So did you get any idea how strong Naruto is ?

Jiraya: I...i don't know.

Hiruzen: what do you mean you don't know.

Jiraya: How i rate him when he easily win against me even after i completed my sage training, if i compared him to a kage , he is equal to first hokage and can beat all five kage without breaking a sweat.

Hiruzen: Jiraya don't play jokes on me, how can a fourteen years ago kid be so strong.

Jiraya: well he got pointers from previous hokage and great toad sage train him personally.

Hiruzen: that's never happened before.

Jiraya : yep he is truly an enigma, well i am off.

Hiruzen : yeah take some rest tomorrow is going to be a long day.


Day of the chunin exam :

Everyone starts gathering inside the colosseum to see the fights , feudal lords and kages are already at their seats.

Hiruzen steps forward to addressing the finalists of the chunin exam.

Hiruzen : it's time for the final round to begin.

we are coming for the final competition between the eight candidates, Welcome all and our deepest thanks to the village hidden in the for the chunin selection who made it though the preliminary , now every one enjoys.

Loud cheers are coming from all over the stadium .

In the arena:

Hayate: All right listen up the arena is different but the rules are the same that there are no rules.

(A/N : Yes Hayate is alive because Kabuto was captured by Anbu and there is no talk between Kabuto and baki)

Hayate : Match continues until one candidate acknowledges defeat or dies.

That being said if i determine that a match is over i step in and stop it any time, no arguments are permitted.

Now for the first match.

Sasuke Uchiha vs shino Aburame :

Except those two everyone leave the arena and go to waiting area.

Hayate: both of you are ready .

they nodded

Hayate: Hajima

They take there stance and start attending each other .

Sasuke: "Fire style: Great fireball jutsu"

Shino: "Earth style : Mud wall"

As fire ball hit the wall sasuke jump forward and throw some kunai and shuriken to off balance shino but shino counter it with shuriken .

As they both start fighting in tijutsu, Sasuke start to get upper hand .

As sasuke give the final blow shino turn into bugs and start covering sasuke.

Sasuke: "Lightening style : Electric Needle Spread Technique.

as he say that his whole body cover with lightening chakra and needle are start coming from all over the body and attacking the bugs .

As sasuke was distracted Shino use another jutsu to take sasuke down.

Shino: "Earth style : Double suicide decapitation" .

Shino use that move and attack the Sasuke he grab Sasuke and pull him inside the earth .

But Sasuke was able to set free himself but his chakra was half drain due to shino's bugs.

Sasuke: Let's finish this, Lightening style: electric snake .

As Lightening come from Sasuke's hand take form of snake and attack shino , He defend himself with bugs but they are all wiped out and the jutsu hits shino .

But shino got up panting

Shino: I give up , i don't have enough chakra to fight.

Hayate: winner by forfeit Sasuke Uchiha.

In the waiting area:

Kakashi: Shino did good but sasuke is better.

Kurenai: You say those words because your student win.

Naruto: Sasuke only win because shino's chakra is consumed by his bugs but he still was able to make sasuke sweat and he almost win the round.

Kage lookout:

Kazekage: They both show remarkable skills, they both have capability to become chunin.

Hokage : Indeed, they both show chunin level skills, they are chunin material.

As they both come in the waiting area.

Kiba: that was some awesome moves there .

Hinata: Are you all right Shino .

Shino : yeah , thanks for asking hinata.

Sakura: That's some good fight dear.

Sasuke: Yeah he is a good opponent.

Naruto: Sakura heal both of them and give soilder pill to them i want them to have their chakra reserve full.

Sakura nodded and heal their injuries which are basic and give both of them soilder pill.

_______________________________________Shikamaru Nara vs Temari of the sand

Same as canon but this time he just give up with out any valid reason.

Naruto: Oyy why did you give up.

Shikamaru: Because of you , you are acting wierd there is something that you are hiding.

Naruto: Not hiding, i will tell you before my match and you tell everyone.

Shikamaru: Fine.

_______________________________________Sakura haruno vs Hinata Hyuga :

Hayate: Both of you are ready , Hajima.

Both Kunoichi start using there tijutsu to fight , Sakura is fight with her brute strength and Hinata counter her with her Swift movement.

Hinata: Gentle fist : wind palm.

Hinata moves connect and sakura's chakra point of right hand is close.

Sakura: "Earth style: swamp of underworld "

Hinata: Water piller

As hinata use water piller under her feet to come out of swamp .

Sakura use her brute strength to punch Hinata but she escape .

Sakura : earth style : stone spear

Hinata : water style: water cannon technique

Hinata shoot three balls of water on sakura one is cancelled by earth spear one is dodge by Sakura and one hit her, as sakura got distracted by the attack hinata cover the distance and use her technique.

Hinata: 8 Tigram: 256 palms.

As she attack and shut sakura's chakra points sakura drop on the ground with a thud.

Hayate: Winner by knock out, Hinata Hyuga.

In waiting area:

Naruto: That's my girl .

Neji: what did you say about lady Hinata.

Naruto: No... nothing.

(nothing is more dangerous than protective brother or girlfriend) - Naruto thought.

Kiba: One win for our team .

Kakashi: Well both of them fight well but Hinata is better fighter .

Kurenai: you bet she is.

Asuma: well it's time for the last fight.

In kages lookout:

Kazekage: I recommend both of them for promotion.

Hokage: yes they truly deserve to be chunin such high level tijutsu and ninjutsu.

Kazakage: This time leaf truly got potential shinobis from the academy.


Naruto Uzumaki vs Gaara of the sand

Hayate: Final match of the first round ...

Hayate was going to speak but interrupted by hokage.

Hiruzen: Last match of the first round between Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze vs Gaara of the sand .

Son of the fourth hokage vs Son of the fourth kazekage.

Everyone was surprised to listen that the person they hate most was the son of their hero who they worship like God.

As murmur start between the crowd, hiruzen start explaining.

Hiruzen: Naruto is the son of the yellow flesh Minato Namikaze and the red death Kushina uzumaki. As you all know he is the jinchuriki of nine tails , if any enemy of his parents find out then they try to kill him, that's why I chose to use her mother family instead of his father.


In the arena:

Naruto was standing centre of the arena wearing coat like his father on the back of coat has kanji for nine and wear a head band with kanji for oil and wear Leaf's head band on his right arm.

Gaara was infront of him with a pissed off reaction.

Hayate: Hajima

Naruto: Shell we dance.

Gaara: Mother wants your blood and by killing you i will prove my existence.

Naruto: I know how you feel Gaara , feel like you don't exist in eyes of others , feel like abandoned, being alone .

But you have to find people who help you , make you feel that you are not alone and i know you already have two person who never abandoned you.

After saying that Naruto look at kankuro and temari.

Gaara: we are weapons of the village, we are made to cause destruction.

Naruto: Yes we all are weapons of are village but that doesn't mean you don't have your own opinion and thoughts.

Gaara: Enough with the talk die.

Naruto : Fine have it your way, how about a bet if i win you come with me to have ramen with me and if you win well do what you like.

Gaara: What is ramen?

Naruto: Don't tell me you don't know how ramen taste.

Gaara : No.

Naruto: Hell i will win this fight even if i have to beat whole sand village.

"Water style : water dragon jutsu"

As Naruto you the Jitsu whole arena filled with fifteen metre tall water dragon and start attacking Gaara.

Gaara : Sand shield.

As gaara use his sand to protect himself it become wet and heavy .

Naruto: Lightening style: Chain lightening.

As Naruto use lightening jutsu it broke Gaara defence and hit him.

Gaara : Sand shuriken.

Naruto dodge the attack and move at full speed and punch Gaara on the face.

In the crowd:

Kankuro: Gaara got hit .

Temari: I know it's bad .

in the arena:

Naruto: I have remove his sand , oy Gaara what happened if Sand is heated on high temperature.

Gaara: Sand shuriken

Naruto: It turn into glass

"Fire style : Great fireball" ; "Wind style : Great breakthrough "

As both jutsu combine yellow flames turn blue then white and turn gaara's sand into glass.

And Naruto hit him with punches and kicks and Gaara start bleeding.

Gaara : My blood it's my blood.

As he say that he start using one tail's power and going wild .

Naruto : "Wood release: Tenth Edict On Enlightenment".

Ten pillar of wood appear around the Gaara which start binding him and Naruto put a hand on Gaara's forhead which has kanji for 'sit', as he hit Gaara forhead both gaara and shukaku start to relax , shukaku goes to sleep and Gaara fainted.

Hayate: Winner of the match by knock out, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.

As crowd start cheers , a loud sound of blast was heard from the direction of Kage lookout and everyone starts to sleep.

Naruto: So it starts.

_______________________________________Author's note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.