
Naruto: Gaming Clan System

Ding! [ Gaming Center System Activated! ] [ The host can only gain power by playing games in the same way as other invited players. ] [ Please invite more players to activate the cheat codes that are not excessively overpowered and are exclusively meant for the host's use only. ] [ Battle tower cheat codes for hosts used only were activated! Please invite players to the game center ] [ Do you want to improve your Jutsu? Let's go to the Battle tower - Ninjutsu Techniques. ] [ You want to improve your Martial Arts and Survival ability? Let's go to the Battle tower - Mixed Martial Arts. ] [ You lack food in your cursed energy? Let's go to the Battle tower - Cursed Spirit World. ] [ You want to have a companion space beast? to the pokemon world. ] [ … ] patreon.com/Missing_Grass_Works

Cool_Giga · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


Might Guy, his teeth shining and his eyes tightly closed with an eager expression that looked like a smile, spoke up with a determined and competitive spirit.

"I need to train harder. Can I fight you again tomorrow?"

His words hung in the air, urgent and filled with a burning desire to regain his honor.

The defeat he experienced in their earlier fight had hurt Guy's pride and confidence, even though he didn't fully understand what had happened.

Observing Guy closely, Seku anticipated the emotional turmoil that would follow the strong-willed ninja's awakening.

Frustration, disbelief, and confusion were normal reactions to such a defeat.

However, knowing Guy well, Seku understood that this resilient warrior wouldn't just accept defeat and move on.

No, Guy would be even more motivated by an unwavering determination to have a rematch and prove himself once more.

Unknown to Guy, Seku had recently faced two monstrous enemies in a fierce battle, pushing himself to his mental and physical limits.

Inside the tower, although he had maximum defense cheat, the pain of not being able to do anything dug his soul.

He wanted nothing more but to rest for a moment.

He had managed to win, but only by scratching the surface of their formidable powers.

Reflecting on this, Seku felt compelled to tell Guy the truth.

"I can't do it tomorrow," he admitted, his voice showing both exhaustion and concern. Not to others but to himself.

"I fought two monsters earlier, and the strain on my mind almost broke me. I only defeated you because I barely tapped into their power. Besides, you didn't even use your feet, so it wasn't a fair victory."

As Seku's words echoed in his mind, he turned to face Kakashi, his trusted ally.

An urgent feeling rose within him, urging him to ask Kakashi to explain the situation to Guy.

"Kakashi," he started, his voice low and filled with both fatigue and determination.

"I hope you can handle Guy and help him explain what happened earlier. I'm in desperate need of rest because my body is exhausted."

Walking past Kakashi, Seku placed a reassuring hand on Kakashi's shoulder, silently expressing trust and camaraderie.

Leaning closer, Seku whispered softly to Kakashi, his words carrying concern and a desire to prevent history from repeating itself.

"Not only Guy, but also your three students. You're the best person to guide them, but I urge you not to show favoritism towards Sasuke Uchiha just because of his Uchiha heritage, which reminds you of your late friend Obito or because you're Uchiha Fugaku's teammate.

"Bring them here to train, so they can be prepared for the challenges ahead, unlike our past teams who tragically met their end due to their lack of readiness."

He remembered his perception of Kakashi showing favoritism towards Sasuke.

Well, even though opinions can vary among fans, and not all fans may feel this way like Seku.

Still, there are a few reasons why some fans like him might have interpreted Kakashi's behavior as favoritism.

Kakashi's training focus.

Kakashi dedicated a significant amount of time and attention to Sasuke's training. This included teaching him powerful techniques like the Chidori and sharing valuable knowledge about the Sharingan.

He felt that this preferential treatment gave Sasuke an unfair advantage over other characters, leading to the perception of favoritism.

Second was personal Connection.

Seku knew Kakashi had a personal connection to Sasuke's family. He was a former teammate of Sasuke's father, Fugaku Uchiha, and held a sense of responsibility towards Sasuke due to his promise to protect him.

This connection might have influenced Kakashi's actions and led Seku to perceive it as favoritism.

Third was the Emotional Support.

After Sasuke's clan was massacred, Kakashi recognized Sasuke's emotional turmoil and tried to provide guidance and support.

This emotional investment in Sasuke's well-being might have been perceived by Seku as favoritism, especially when compared to other characters who didn't receive the same level of attention.

The last was the Storytelling Focus.

The Naruto series often placed significant narrative emphasis on Sasuke's character development, especially during the early arcs.

As one of the main characters, Sasuke's growth and struggles were central to the overarching plot.

Consequently, Kakashi's involvement in Sasuke's story might have appeared as favoritism since it received more attention than other characters' arcs.

It's because of that, that for Seku, Sakura being neglected and left behind was because of Kakashi's neglect.

While it also frustrates him a little that in that time, Naruto's hard work was overshadowed by Sasuke's drama.

It's essential to remember that his interpretations are subjective and not everyone sees Kakashi's actions as favoritism.

Different fans have different perspectives on the characters and their relationships.

Seku is just one of them.

As Seku silently passed by Kakashi, the experienced ninja's eyes widened in surprise.

"How did he-"

He hadn't expected Seku to know so much about these things.

The confused expressions on Might Guy and Pakkun's faces reflected Kakashi's own puzzlement.

They turned to Kakashi, seeking answers.

But before Kakashi could ask Seku how he had come to know about Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, Seku had already moved away, disappearing into the distance until only his shadow remained, and then fading away completely.

Kakashi realized he had been too stunned to react quickly enough to question Seku.

In that exact moment, a memory resurfaced in Kakashi's mind—the words of his late father, Hatake Sakumo.

His father had once mentioned Senju Seku, a person with great wisdom and insight into the events unfolding around them.

Kakashi couldn't help but consider the possibility that Seku had foreseen or calculated his role as the one destined to guide Team Seven, consisting of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

Whispers escaped Kakashi's lips, carried away by the wind, "You were right, father."

His attention shifted away from Guy's muttered words, as he focused on the realization that his father's wisdom had been accurate all along.

Turning away from the tower, Kakashi silently made a promise to himself that he would take note of Seku's words.

Also, he won't forget the existence of this tower.

He could somehow feel that it held importance in the days to come.

The details of how Seku had outsmarted Guy, or why he hadn't invited Guy in the first place, escaped Kakashi's understanding.

However, a feeling of anticipation grew within him—a premonition that something significant was about to happen.

While he couldn't grasp the specifics, he could sense the winds of change stirring in the air.

"Gaming Paradise."

Kakashi mumbled as he cast one final glance at the tower before departing, knowing that the memory of this day would stay with him.

On the other side of the tower, Seku let out a sigh as they left.

He looked ahead, ignoring the high-pitched sound coming from the Gaming Clan System.

Suddenly, he spoke up.

"Gaming Clan System, I have a question for you."

But there was no response from the system.

Undeterred, Seku continued.

"Gaming Clan System, are you a parasitic entity?"

As Seku asked his question, he started feeling uneasy.

The system's insistence on matching him against Might Guy earlier had raised his suspicions.

It didn't make sense for Guy to forget Seku's name on purpose; there had to be something more to it.

The rewards he received from the system were unusually generous, which added to his doubts.

Yet, the system remained silent, offering no answers.

Frustration began to build up inside Seku, and he started getting angry.

"Are you refusing to answer?"

He exclaimed, sounding indignant.

"I will leave this place immediately and inform Kakashi about you. It seems your true intention is to control and manipulate those who accept your invitations. If they accept this place, they become nothing more than mindless puppets under your control."

Still, the Gaming Clan System stayed silent, not responding to Seku's accusations.

Anger flushed Seku's face as he made up his mind to leave.

He was determined not to be controlled by the system, even if it meant risking his life.

With determined steps, Seku walked toward the exit, ready to break free from the system's influence.

Just as Seku was about to step out of the tower, a loud voice echoed in his head.

[ Wait… ]

The unexpected interruption made Seku freeze, surprised.

The system had finally broken its silence, urging him to stop and listen.