
Naruto- Amaterasu

" Who is that man" A meek voice enquired. " Not much is known about him, they say he is invincible. Nobody knows where he came from, the only information about him are his black flames and his name " "his name ?" " ACE" The logia Fruit Of the Heavenly flames of Amaterasu fell in the Hands of the Young Kuroko. Watch his journey as he reaches the full potential of his Powers in the world of the ninjas and lead it through his ideals and strength alone. discord- https://discord.com/invite/kMcexXTzhE

IMMORT_AL · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Hokage Election and......friendship

Itachi never thought, that somebody his age could defeat him, let alone make him unconscious. His father, Fugaku while didn't show anything on his face, he was shocked himself because he knew the talent of Itachi, he hadn't seen such talent except maybe Kakashi Hatake.

To think, that someone his age could defeat him, made him really feel that the new generation will have monsters. Fugaku did not harbour any hate for the Hyuga, he simply didn't care about them, because he knows, the third tomoe of the Sharingan who the Hyuga's could barely even match isn't its last state.

The Mangekyou Sharingan.....Izanami...Izanagi.....Sussano....and

the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan that only Madara was able to acquire is its last state.

The Hyuga's simply couldn't hope to match it.

Nonetheless, he was impressed by the young Hyuga, not that he would ever tell that to anyone.


"ahh, life so awesome like this, isn't it"

yup, it's me, your everyday neighbourhood spiderman....sike.

the view from the top of the Hokage mountain is amazing, the yellow-reddish sunset, the sound of mountain insects, the slow breeze of the wind, it's just beautiful, especially when you watch it with your friends.

"Oye Kuroko, let's play something, this is getting boring now, please!!"Shizumaka's voice made its way to my ears.

"oh, c'mon, this is so beautiful, can't you get it"

"Yeah, yeah, beautiful this, beautiful that, let's play something na"

"sigh, fine, what do you want to play"

"ninja game, of course, I found some children below," he said as he took my hand and we went down the mountain making our way to the children's playground.

You know this isn't all that bad.


6 months have gone by, the academy progressed as it did, me and Itachi had many duels, be it Taijutsu, the three academy jutsu( substitution, transformation, clone), or shuriken jutsu.

I won mostly in taijutsu, while we were in a stalemate in the academy jutsu, and he outclasses me in the shuriken jutsu, after all, that is one of the specialties of the Uchiha clan.

we aren't exactly friends but, know each other very well, rather than sitting alone, he sits with us(me and Shizumaka), and we usually discuss topics about who is the better Hokage, what is to be a Hokage and other things. yup, totally not friends...

Nonetheless, our ideas have vast differences.


"Hokage is the one who sacrifices the most" the black-eyed Uchiha proclaimed.

" What is the need to sacrifice when you're the strongest"

"Every Hokage is strong but one needs to sacrifice something always, that's how the third did it and similarly the second"

"doesn't matter when your the strongest, really, I understand what you mean, but third isn't the strongest and neither is the second, just look at Hashirama and Madara, that's what strong means"

" Nonetheless, not everyone can be that strong, that can only happen if you are gifted"

"hahaha, then I am gifted, sike" I laughed as I ran out of the class while the dark-haired Uchiha thought ' what does sike even mean...'

..........<flashback end>

I have improved my gentle fist in these six months, I can now easily do the 16 trigrams 8 palms continuously, which took a lot of effort in the past, my byakugan range has also increased to about 15-20 metres, which I believe is enough as of yet.

I can now hold my logia form for about 40-50 seconds which is a tremendous boost, to be honest, it may not seem like much, but even a single second can make big changes.

the nine tails massacre should happen around a year's time, so I still have time to prepare.

I thought a lot about how to save the Uchiha's and Konoha itself, and after a shit ton of time pondering, an imaginary bulb went out in my head.

Minato Namikaze.

The one who will be given the title of the fourth Hokage in some months after the Hokage election.

as long as he is alive, Nobody can point at the Uchiha about the nine tails as he himself fought the reason for the massacre, Danzo's action would be limited, the Third Hokage will just be retired after 2 or 3 months of Minato becoming Hokage.

One target and all problems solved.

Killing Danzo later is just icing on the cake.


the crowd was bustling today, the Hokage election was appointed today to happen. and all the people were present today, I was with my father as we went to the election booth and gave our vote to Minato Namikaze, the other option was Orochimaru, but recently his reputation seemed to be going down and Minato was a war hero, people's favourite and a civilian born ninja with a unique kind charm to himself, most people voted his name.

Of course, only some knew Orochimaru was the reason behind the increasing number of missing children in Konoha...

Minato Namikaze, sigh, he dies in not more than a year after becoming Hokage, he couldn't even bring any reforms to this village...


next chap- the defection of Orochimaru and prelude to the nine tails massacre.

bye bye

IMMORT_ALcreators' thoughts