
Rewards And Gratitude

In the heavenly sacred border

There Xiao Ning Er,Ye Ziyun,Lu Piao,Du Ze where waiting for Shen Ryū to arrive and start their training

Xiao Ning Er:why is Master taking so long to arrive

Ye Ziyun:don't worry Ning Er Ryū ...i mean master

can take care of himself(I hope)

Lu Paio:hahaha don't worry goddess Ning Er if any

one would even try they'll just wishing for

their end hehehe

Du Ze:Oi stop hogging around and start your

your training foundation or when we start

training with master you'll be left behind in

the dust(said seriously)

But even after that Lu Paio still was goofing off

Du Ze:I now begin to wonder why did master

have chosen you as anyone can see

(Said while eyeing Lu Paio)

Lu Paio:hey hey aren't we friends come Du Ze can't

lighten up

Ziyun&Nin Er: tehehe

Just then Shen Ryū arrived looking at his disciples having fun

Ryū:*cough *cough *cough Hello my cute little

disciples 😁

Xiao Ning Er:hmph(she pouted)

Ye Ziyun:greetings to master(she greeted him then


Du Ze:greeting to master(said and bowed formally)

Lu Piao:yo master

Du Ze:😠# Lu Piao you I don't known what kind of

luck you have but at least grateful!!!

Lu Piao was left speechless and then

Ryū:hmm it's okay little disciple Du Ze Lu Piao is

better off that way otherwise a *360 rotation

of his personality or his entire being will

change for the worst

Du Ze:thank you master for enlightening me

Ryū:it's okay and now *ahem we now will begin all

your training and expect to see hell as a

paradise than the training I will give you

(Said with a very serious tone)


All of them felt cold&shivers just from thinking about on what is coming and then Ryū handed each one of them scrolls

Ryū:Ning Er you'll cultivate [Celestial Overlord Goddess Of Light] technique as you are still beginning and when you advance to legend rank tomorrow start cultivating the [Thunder OverLord Of The Realm] technique and that should make you tomorrow around Mythical rank and for you Ziyun you'll Cultivate [Celestial Ice Phoenix Endless Cycle] and for tomorrow the [Sovereign Of Fire and Ice] and for Du Ze you'll cultivate [Celestial Lightning War God] and for you Lu Piao you[Celestial Sleeping Dragon]

After that they immediately started cultivating and was shocked on how powerful Thierry cultivation technique has become they easily broke through black gold in a matter of minutes that even they felt fear for themselves if Ryū was really serious there training course would end like how Ryū said to them as soon they realize that they begun to sweat intensively and was shivering

After a while

Ryū:now good then even if you don't cultivate your technique allowed your body to cultivate itself even if your not so speaking bluntly you'll get stronger without even lifting a finger

As soon as they heard that they almost fainted for they known that the effects of those techniques would have side effects and just then

Ryū:here is some inscription or seal that you can train with as such your practicing a walking time bomb you better train your body fast to or you'll die a agonizing horrible death(said with a devil smile)

When everyone of them heard it they begun to rush and get the seals and started training immediately there bodies

Ryū:well I wouldn't worry about my body because it's already way way above my soul force hahaha not to mention my bloodline hahahaha

Just then he heard a voice

To Be Continued